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Possible farang male/thai female home burgular duo in Nam Phrae


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Having just moved into our newly built house in Nam Phrae (Hang Dong district over near the Canal Rd, we came home after a day trip to be told by our neighbour that a farang male and Thai female arrived at our locked front gate on a motor bike. After suspiciously  asking our neighbour of our where abouts they then said they left their tools on our property (bullshit) and wanted to know if our neighbour had a key to our house that they could use to enter. The man then attempted to jump the fence but was swiftly told by our neighbour about our security measures before fleeing.


Unfortunatly I dont have all of the details ie description, age ect as I was just told this now.


I'd be interested to know if anything like this has happened in and around the area.



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20 minutes ago, Puwa said:

Do you think your house was chosen by opportunity, or were they aiming for it? 


Did the neighbor mention if they knew your name? 


Neighbour is an old uneducated duck farmer although very on the ball and nosey. Im not sure at this stage but i dont think my name was mentioned but i shall find out more tomorrow.

Do you think your house was chosen by opportunity, or were they aiming for it? 

with all the dodgy Thai and Burmese builders having been on the job you just never know if they might have given a tip off, but a random opportuntiy? I dont think so at this stage.


Did the neighbor mention if they knew your name?

 That ill find out tomorrow but the fact shes an old rural farmer who doesnt even remember my name im not sure ill get an answer. It was her that told my mother inlaw tonight although she is very much on the ball and detailed apparently.



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There were a number of these incidents in the last weeks, I know of Koolpunt 8 and Home in Park. They went for empty houses in the night time. Perhaps not the same, but better be careful. The dogs like some entertainment too....

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8 hours ago, MadMac said:

There were a number of these incidents in the last weeks, I know of Koolpunt 8 and Home in Park. They went for empty houses in the night time. Perhaps not the same, but better be careful. The dogs like some entertainment too....

Interesting MadMac.


As it turned out it actually wasn't a female thai but in fact a male thai and a male farang on the back of a motor bike!


Are you able to elbrate more on those incidents?

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I just know there were burglars around in the mentioned places, people now have lights on that were off before. Can't blame any particular challengers, but I doubt it was a farang on a bike with his Thai chick :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

We're in Lanna Pinery.....


A lady stopped by today to advise us to talk to our neighbors as there have been over 40 day/night burglaries in the area (not sure the size, number of Moo Baans).....Effectively a disorganized neighborhood watch....


I cabled up the expensive bikes & will flip on the outside lights & lock the cars.....


They're out there & busy.....Be aware & proactive....


This thread probably is a good (only) place for updates....

Edited by pgrahmm
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