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FBI chief: No charges against Clinton after new email review


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FBI chief: No charges against Clinton after new email review



PHILADELPHIA (AP) — FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges related to newly discovered emails from her tenure at the State Department, lifting a cloud of uncertainty that has shadowed the final days of her presidential campaign.


In a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day, Comey said the FBI has worked "around the clock to process and review a large number of emails" obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.


Comey said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.


Clinton's campaign welcomed the FBI announcement.


"We're glad this matter is resolved," Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, told reporters traveling with the campaign to Ohio.


Clinton was infuriated by Comey's decision to alert Congress late last month that the FBI was reviewing new materials, calling it "unprecedented" and "deeply troubling." The decision shattered what had appeared to be Clinton's solid grip on the race and emboldened Republican Donald Trump.


Trump landed in Minnesota for a rally moments after Comey's announcement. He made no direct mention of the FBI decision and continued to insist —without evidence — that Clinton would be under investigation during her potential presidency.


"She's protected by a rigged system," he said. "She shouldn't even be allowed to run for president."


The FBI began investigating the handling of classified material on Clinton's private server in New York shortly after she announced her bid in April 2015. Last July, in an extraordinary public statement on an ongoing case, Comey announced he was not recommending criminal charges against Clinton and called the decision "not even a close call."


But he also delivered blistering criticism of Clinton, calling her and her team "extremely careless" with her handling of national secrets.


Clinton had appeared to be heading for a sweeping victory before the FBI review, but Comey's announcement blunted her momentum. Since then, national polls and battleground states have tightened, though Clinton still appears to hold an edge over Trump in the campaign's last moments.


During remarks at a black church Sunday morning, Clinton urged voters to choose "unity over division" as she sought to close a caustic presidential campaign on an uplifting note. She warned that President Barack Obama's legacy is on the line, part of her strategy to shore up black voters who may be less enthusiastic about her than the president.


"If we come together with the common vision, common faith, we will find common ground," Clinton declared.


Clinton also planned to campaign alongside basketball superstar LeBron James in his home state of Ohio and appear in New Hampshire with Khizr Khan, the Gold Star father who delivered a stinging indictment of Trump at the Democratic convention.


Her high-wattage allies also fanned out across the country, including President Barack Obama, who was joined by musician Stevie Wonder at a rally in Florida.


As the campaign's final weekend drew to a close, more than 41 million Americans had already cast their ballots in early voting.


Trump opened a furious day of campaigning in Iowa, the battleground states where he appears in the strongest position. He also planned to make stops in Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania, three states that have reliably voted for Democrats in presidential elections, as well as Virginia, a state Clinton's campaign believes it has a solid hold on.


Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told reporters Sunday that Trump planned to keep up the breakneck campaign pace through Election Day. After voting in New York Tuesday morning, Trump was expected to return to Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and New Hampshire later in the day, Conway said.


The businessman was also facing criticism for a new ad that asserts the "establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election" and features photos of billionaire George Soros, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein, all of whom are Jewish.


The National Jewish Democratic Council said the ad's use of anti-Semitic stereotypes is "shocking and dangerous."

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-07
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Clinton Cash - ah yes, the book that started the innuendos and lead to the Bureau's investigation into the Foundation.


The problem is that the book was written by Peter Schweizer, a partisan "journalist" whose accuracy has been called into question many times in the past. Oh, and the book was also bankrolled by one Steve Bannon, then publisher of Breitbart News, now chair of the Trump campaign. Ultimately, the FBI's investigation uncovered very little that would be of interest to prosecutors, leaving the anti-Clinton faction within the Bureau very frustrated. (source)


Sure, that's credible.  If you say so.  Meanwhile, Trump and his cronies aren't under investigation for anything, are they?  Yeah, that's what I thought.

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While I despise Mrs. Clinton on a personal level, and believe that her time as Senator was unproductive, and her time as Sec. of State was disastrous in that she allowed the status quo of our meddling in the world and causing great harm, these inane investigations are just a foolish waste of taxpayer money and detract from the real issues of governing America. 


What was it, almost 8 years of Whitewater (yeah she will be indicted any day now), now we have the email nonsense (another false claim of pending indictment), now the Clinton Foundation is up next. What a monumental waste of time.


If the right would just challenge her on the issues, ie her disastrous performance as Sec of State for one, and her ineffectual time in the US Senate, they might have made more headway in stopping her Presidential run. Oh yeah, maybe they could have offered a candidate who wasn't also a scum sucking piece of flotsam, that would have helped too.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Comey said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.


Another witch hunt by the FBI turns up nothing.


Comey again covers his own behind. He sees which way the wind is blowing (Hillary win) and backed off. In any case, he should be looking for a new position. I heard he made millions at Lockheed Martin as a "fixer" maybe he can find another corporation to "fix" as he failed to do so with this election.


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29 minutes ago, tonray said:

...these inane investigations are just a foolish waste of taxpayer money and detract from the real issues of governing America. 


What was it, almost 8 years of Whitewater (yeah she will be indicted any day now), now we have the email nonsense (another false claim of pending indictment), now the Clinton Foundation is up next. What a monumental waste of time.


And Congressional Republicans have already started promising four (or eight) more years of this.

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Here is my prediction: The Republicans will indeed get their impeachment. Once Trump takes the oath of office, there then will be the 'new' video and lawsuits, and the whole thing will blow up in their face as the "Groper 1" will not be able to finish his term under the barrage of accusations (and there has to be some evidence 'aka' the blue dress somewhere just waiting for the right moment)

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2 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Someone got to Comey again. No way 600,000+ emails can be reviewed in a few days.

Really?  I'm not surprised that you failed to note one important factor: these emails were on Anthony Weiner's computer. The overwhelming majority had to do with him. So they were easy to eliminate.  Your absurd hatred of Clinton is once again paralyzing your thought processes.

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23 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really?  I'm not surprised that you failed to note one important factor: these emails were on Anthony Weiner's computer. The overwhelming majority had to do with him. So they were easy to eliminate.  Your absurd hatred of Clinton is once again paralyzing your thought processes.


Guilty by association.  That alone disqualifies her. Or maybe she likes the "weiner".

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51 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really?  I'm not surprised that you failed to note one important factor: these emails were on Anthony Weiner's computer. The overwhelming majority had to do with him. So they were easy to eliminate.  Your absurd hatred of Clinton is once again paralyzing your thought processes.

It has nothing to do with my thoughts either way about Clinton. You have no idea what the overwhelming majority of the emails have to do with. Pure speculation on your part. As I said, impossible to review 600,000+ emails in a few days.

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46 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

Someone got to Comey again. No way 600,000+ emails can be reviewed in a few days.


Did you really think they'd be doing this manually?  If they didn't have the assistance of scanning technology, 600,000 emails would take about two years to process manually assuming three minutes to read each email, five agents working seven days a week, 8 hours per day.  Your mileage may vary.



Top officials at the Justice Department and FBI have issued orders to review the emails as quickly as possible, a source said. If they are duplicates, that work could go rapidly; if not, it could take more time.


Now you know why the work went rapidly.

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1 hour ago, Pimay1 said:

Someone got to Comey again. No way 600,000+ emails can be reviewed in a few days.


It was easy to screen out the non-relevant ones. They used a dick-pic filter and found that 597,000 were pics of Weiner's dick.



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FBI would well be interested in the role of Assange / Wikileaks in this case, holding  public opinion since months  in suspense by fueling rumors until the eve of elections to ultimately produce as worthless paper. It could be destructive.

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57 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

It has nothing to do with my thoughts either way about Clinton. You have no idea what the overwhelming majority of the emails have to do with. Pure speculation on your part. As I said, impossible to review 600,000+ emails in a few days.


I've read that most of the emails were duplicates. They probably realized in a couple of hours they'd already seen these emails. They didn't have to read 650k emails to determine that. 


The fix was in, eh? How can you review 650k emails, right? TSK Conspiracy bullshit is a way of life for wingnuts. 


My heart goes out to the wingnuts who had placed all their hopes and prayers on a Hillary indictment. Once again all their delusional dreams, snatched from them. :violin:

And this time they were so sure. They had her in their sights and once again...HRC skates. Why Baby Jesus, why?   :sorry:

Haha! I just hope the stock market reacts in a positive way on Monday. Even the thought of cheeto jesus being President cost me big time. 


We're back to Trump not having a prayer on Tuesday and all the hopes and dreams for the GOP down the drain. Boo hoo. 


Comey should be fired. He's an idiot. He politicized the FBI which is unforgivable. I expect to see him exit...stage left.   






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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Not credible.

She's still under investigation for Clinton Cash - that racketeering scam sometimes referred to as the Clinton Foundation...:sleep:


When you have nothing left, when all your dreams of election victory are shattered, return to the comfort of the Clinton Foundation racketeering nonsense.


Let's face it Boon, you got nothing. CharityWatch, a project of the American Institute of Philanthropy, gave the Clinton Foundation an “A” rating. 




You're grasping at straws as the Trump train goes barreling off the mountain along with the GOP. It's over. 


Find a new script. 



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Quite a candidate you Dems have there...having to be "cleared" by the FBI of having committed felonious crimes the weekend before the election  :w00t:


No worries, however, Hillary will be frog-marched out of the White House in a striped pantsuit within a year of inauguration if elected.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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24 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Quite a candidate you Dems have there...having to be "cleared" by the FBI of having committed felonious crimes the weekend before the election  :w00t:


No worries, however, Hillary will be frog-marched out of the White House in a striped pantsuit within a year of inauguration if elected.


I doubt it. Looking like Clinton will win. She and hubby have been untouchable for a long time. Bill got away with publicly lying on oath - any other President managed that?


Someone or something protects them. And while they continue to deliver for those interests they will continue to be protected. Now they're even throwing in sports stars, actors and entertainers as well as playing the race, gender and anti semitic cards to win votes and stop people voting for the alleged sex attacker. The Establishment won't give up and never looks like loosing. And will always reward loyal servants.



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2 hours ago, Pimay1 said:

It has nothing to do with my thoughts either way about Clinton. You have no idea what the overwhelming majority of the emails have to do with. Pure speculation on your part. As I said, impossible to review 600,000+ emails in a few days.


It may be impossible for one person but try dividing the 600,000 emails among 100 people and that comes to 6,000 emails each.


Then type in key words into the search box, such as Clinton. If in that bunch of 6,000 perhaps 20 have the word Clinton in there, then look at those emails only. If you find nothing there then there is probably nothing to find.


100 people searching shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 days especially given the sophisticated equipment available to the FBI. There are plenty of search terms that they can use.

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31 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I doubt it. Looking like Clinton will win. She and hubby have been untouchable for a long time. Bill got away with publicly lying on oath - any other President managed that?


Someone or something protects them. And while they continue to deliver for those interests they will continue to be protected. Now they're even throwing in sports stars, actors and entertainers as well as playing the race, gender and anti semitic cards to win votes and stop people voting for the alleged sex attacker. The Establishment won't give up and never looks like loosing. And will always reward loyal servants.



The constitution says impeachment and removal from office should be for "high crimes and misdemeanours." Most constitutional scholars say that lying under oath in a civil case, especially a civil case that had nothing to do with the duties of a president, didn't rise to that standard.

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Quite a candidate you Dems have there...having to be "cleared" by the FBI of having committed felonious crimes the weekend before the election  :w00t:


No worries, however, Hillary will be frog-marched out of the White House in a striped pantsuit within a year of inauguration if elected.

HOw have your predictions panned out so far?

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