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Confidence Gives Way To Dread At Bangkok Election Party


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Confidence Gives Way To Dread At Bangkok Election Party

By Todd Ruiz, Editor -


American expats anxiously watch election results on television Wednesday morning at Roadhouse BBQ restaurant in Bangkok.


BANGKOK — They came expecting to put the whole mess behind them. But a world away, it was the Sunshine State that first planted doubts in the early morning optimism at a Bangkok barbecue joint where progressives gathered to watch U.S. election results Wednesday morning.


The consensus of most at Roadhouse Barbecue was that the curtain would swiftly fall on the Donald Trump show which dominated an unusually divisive and ugly campaign season. But after voting ended in Florida and the minutes dragged on with the needle tilting away from Hillary Clinton, the convivial chatter over eggs and toast grew tense.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2016/11/09/confidence-gives-way-dread-bangkok-election-party/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2016-11-09
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2 hours ago, plachon said:

At midnight EST the result is standing 238 to 209 in Trump's favour. Pollsters proven utterly clueless once more, while the Canadian Embassy immigration site has reportedly crashed with the number of people looking at escape options. Looking like dark days ahead for the US of A under President Herr Drumpf. :sick:


The American voters clearly don't agree with you. And rejected a very dubious alternative.

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I think this victory explains why California just legalised weed. Just something , anything to get the liberal west coasters through the next nightmarish 4 years!!


Well done Donald - You're gonna make an awful president, just as bad as Hilary would have. 

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1 hour ago, Ratcher said:

Trump wiil win. He will definitely shake things up. China getting too big for their boots. Things will be very interesting going forward. 

Unfortunately China and a few others will have something to say about that

Thats what will make it interesting

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5 hours ago, plachon said:

At midnight EST the result is standing 238 to 209 in Trump's favour. Pollsters proven utterly clueless once more, while the Canadian Embassy immigration site has reportedly crashed with the number of people looking at escape options. Looking like dark days ahead for the US of A under President Herr Drumpf. :sick:



hillary might be one of those looking for escape options. does canada have an extradition treaty with usa??

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2 hours ago, bannork said:

A deplorable result. A loonie in The White House. Still the Dems should have gone for Bernie rather than the staid Hillary. a lesson for The Democrats here. Time to dump the insipid  and out of date Abhisit.



an excellent and enlightened comment.   if only there were a way to relay all the tv forum members anti trump brainstorming to the white house, Im sure trump would feel crushed

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3 hours ago, Ratcher said:

Trump wiil win. He will definitely shake things up. China getting too big for their boots. Things will be very interesting going forward. 

I agree China has gotten to big for its boots. The problem is the same applies to Trump after the "election." He has been gaining weight and I think it will be nigh impossible for him to give them a good "boot" in the backside. 

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It's a glorious day.  The American people have come to their senses and decided to save their country. Had Hitlery been elected it surely would have meant WWIII and the further decline of the American empire. The Liberals will cry and stamp their feet like petulant children for a while but they will eventually come to their senses and realize how they've been saved from the brink of ruin.

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As a businessman, Trump is sure to assemble a team of professional advisers and officials to help him do a good job and, unlike Hilary, he owes nothing to big businesses who supported her in return for future favours.   OK, he is no angel, but having defied all the odds firstly in becoming the Republican candidate and then in winning the Presidential election , he now deserves to be given a chance to show what he can do for America. 


He has four years either to prove that he has the ability to do some really positive things for the country and to possibly win a second term, or to be an absolute disaster before disappearing without trace, as Hilary will now be doing.  Whatever happens, he has given some hope to the millions who had begun to believe that their "protest" vote against the establishment was meaningless.  


This happened with Brexit and might now be followed by similar voting patterns in some upcoming European elections. Upsets in, for example, France, could lead to their eventual withdrawal from the EU resulting in a possible domino effect subsequently and the end to Merkel's dream of a United States of Europe. 

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Even if Trump is a disaster, the world will be a better place for having had him in the WH.  

IF he lives up to his various threats, he will force the whole world to re-think its way of "doing business".  Will the US stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia?  (Probably not.)  Will he bring back to the US the 32,000 troops in S Korea? (Probably not).

Will he build a wall against Mexico?  (probably not)

Will he support Russia's claim to Eastern Ukraine?  (Maybe...and that will be good).

Will he make NATO countries pay for American protection?  (Possibly...and hopefully so)


Maybe the one big change will be to have the world start thinking, at last, of warmongering as a matter of dollars and cents, rather than of "winning" and waging a war against whatever the neo-cons declare is the war-flavour of the year.


(I recall that the first year of the invasion of Iraq cost $400 million....I lost count after that.)


Edited by blazes
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12 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Just lets see how many of his promises he can fulfill, 

one good thing he said the UK will be first in line for 

trade deals,after we left the EU.

regards worgeordie


Yes, after you leave which presents a bit of a problem here since the UK cannot negotiate any trade agreements while it remains a member of the EU.


Since May lost the recent court case (she's appealing I know) and now has to accept that Parliament has to vote on the issue before Article 50 can be triggered the House might put forward several amendments to whatever she has in mind in her negotiating stance. That in turn might mean she won't by able to press the button come March 2017. Anything which delays the final date when the UK completes its divorce from the EU may possibly mean that by the time the country actually does leave Trump's tenure in office might be all but over since each term in office is only four years.


If Trump screws the economy up and doesn't make it into a second term the next incumbent may not look so favourably at the UK since it will no longer be a member of the EU and may not have reached a good deal to access the single market.


So don't count your chickens just yet. ;)

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