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Trump bucks protocol on press access


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5 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Let's throw in the numbers of those who did not vote for either of these non viable Presidential Candidates. Trump is President Elect but he comes in under a huge cloud of his own making. He most certainly cannot claim a mandate from the majority of American citizens. As the Chinese curse says, "may you live in interesting times". These next few months, most especially, will be very interesting to watch.


He don't need a mandate of the citizens, the president is chosen by the mandate of 50 individual states, and he won handily.

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1 hour ago, LennyW said:

A lot of things will be different now, no more same o same o, better get used to it!

Get use to Trump doing more of the same - not holding to his campaign promises.

His transition team includes Wall Street lobbyists, pro-TPP advocates, pharmaceutical and healthcare giants; cabinet/subcabinet posts may include former George H.W. Bush White House advisors and retired Repiblican US Congressmen.  The swamp won't be drained but filled beyond capacity.

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11 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Get use to Trump doing more of the same - not holding to his campaign promises.



While we are more than use to 8 years of broken campaign promises........we have as yet nothing to get use to....except winning


It would be nearly impossible to do worse than the last 8 years.....bs numbers aside

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2 hours ago, NovaBlue05 said:

After taking the last 8 years off, the media wants to resume providing their solemn duty to keep the citizens White House transparent.

Or his arrogance and reluctance to follow established protocols to come across as the epitome of the all American macho man,next to the terminator complete with tiny hands, clean finger nails and oval mouth gestures was never hidden, so what else is new now that he pulled it off.

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2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Get use to Trump doing more of the same - not holding to his campaign promises.

His transition team includes Wall Street lobbyists, pro-TPP advocates, pharmaceutical and healthcare giants; cabinet/subcabinet posts may include former George H.W. Bush White House advisors and retired Repiblican US Congressmen.  The swamp won't be drained but filled beyond capacity.


Let's see, your side has already promised us that Trump would never get the nomination. That he would never be elected president. That the markets would crash after he was elected. And the dollar would plummet. That Mexico would never renegotiate over nafta and immigration (google what is happening today).  And now you just move on to a different set of your batty predictions and expect us to take them seriously???

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5 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:


".co.uk"  <--------- Nobody cares. 


"Popular Vote"  <------------ Nobody Cares. 


Time to deal with it.



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The US is a Union of states is it not?  These states vote to decide whoever becomes the next president.

Quite aside from the formula used to decide how many electoral college votes each state is worth, did Trump win the largest number of states?  A lot of states had incredibly close results.  Hell, he even won comfortably in Bill Clinton's home state of Arkansas.

I believe he won about 60% of the states so what's the issue?  The majority of states wanted him as the new President.  Stop whining and deal with it.


What next, secession talks? :passifier:

Edited by saminoz
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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He's a con man.

What did people expect?

The people didn't elect a president. 
They elected an authoritarian dictator.

Of course he's not going to have normal press access.

Authoritarian dictators never do unless it's their own completely controlled press. 


To be fair, he really doesn't have an organization around him to handle these things yet. Party hacks have these people coming out of the woodwork but he's had to run a little leaner.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won. 

Read it Jingthing - it's all about the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism y'all are by definition members of...:sleep:

"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"... you do have a sense of humor. Quoting crooked Spiro Agnew (recall he had to resign as Nixon's VP due to corruption). I'd suggest sticking with Goebbels and the big lie quotes from 30's and 40's if you want to make a point. Up to you.

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3 minutes ago, saminoz said:

The US is a Union of states is it not?  These states vote to decide whoever becomes the next president.

Quite aside from the formula used to decide how many electoral college votes each state is worth, did Trump win the largest number of states?  A lot of states had incredibly close results.

I believe he won about 60% of the states so what's the issue?  The majority of states wanted him as the new President.  Stop whining and deal with it.


What next, secession talks? :passifier:


Yep. A lot of Trump haters in California want to secede. Unlike Texas, for example, which has sufficient food and water to take care of itself, abundant energy resources and refineries, not to mention an electrical grid separate from the rest of the US, California gets more than half of its southern water supply (and almost all its agricultural water) from other states, has closed almost all its refineries, doesn't allow offshore drilling, is tied to the other states through their electrical grid. So, yea, let 'em go.  http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-presidential-election-gives-momentum-to-california-secession-idea/

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7 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

"Nattering Nabobs of Negativism"... you do have a sense of humor. Quoting crooked Spiro Agnew (recall he had to resign as Nixon's VP due to corruption). I'd suggest sticking with Goebbels and the big lie quotes from 30's and 40's if you want to make a point. Up to you.


yea, it's 1930s Germany all over again. Trump haters seeing nazis and fascists everywhere but in their own backyard.

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Some off-topic posts have been removed.   Continued baiting of members and off-topic, negative posts will result in suspensions.   The topic is about Trump and his protocol on the press.  


You have been warned.  

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Good on you President Trump. I would spank these lying reporters hard before allowing them access. They lied to the American throughout this campaign and he has no reason to trust them now. 

I'm sure he will have a serious talk to them before allowing them protocol access to him. He is very smart to cut them off right now.

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Mr. Trump is not obligated to entertain the U.S. Press / Press Corps.

After the way he has been treated by the U.S. Govt's propaganda machine, and the way the press continues to instigate unrest and protests against his election, it is a good choice.

Anything he says or does will be thrown back in his face by the U.S. and World Media if they are given the chance.

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5 hours ago, LennyW said:

Suck it up JT! You are in the MINORITY now.


Not true.


Although Mr Trump won the race (according to it's "rules") the absolute numbers (if these proportions have remained constant) tell a different story:


10.47 EST Nov 10

Hilary Clinton    60,071,781

Donald Trump   59,791,135

Voter Eligible but not voting  99,815,122



JT may have to "suck it up", but not as a member of a voter minority.





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Trump leaves a lot to be desired but I'm relieved Hillary didn't win, even while facing the unknown(s) of a Trump presidency. 


Up until last week,  even he didn't think he was going to win.  IMO, being standoffish with the press now is to conceal the fact he is woefully behind the power curve with coherent plans and policies, and to avoid further gaffs and blurts.  This just got real, and now he's expected to clean up his act, and deliver.  A rude awakening fer sure.


I'm not wearing a Make America Great Again hat but oddly enough, after watching his acceptance speech, I feel (cautiously) optimistic.  Time to quit trash talking and let him get on with it.   If he trips over his diky doo, then so be it, run him out of town at the point of a musket mounted bayonet.  In the meantime, I'm getting behind him, warts and all, and wish him the best going forward. 

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Mr Trump is not "entertaining" the press at the moment because he doesn't have any idea what to say about what he is going to do.


Because he has no real "vision", no plan, and doesn't know what to do.


His only motivation was "winning" the big "prize".


Isn't that obvious?


Of course that isn't a problem for the supporters of Fascism because what they like to see is "Strong Men" in "Action".   Plans are boring.

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3 hours ago, mania said:


While we are more than use to 8 years of broken campaign promises........we have as yet nothing to get use to....except winning


It would be nearly impossible to do worse than the last 8 years.....bs numbers aside


The time to ditch useless government protocols is overdue.


Maybe the 'Orange One' will surprise us.


It's great to be a blonde. With low expectations it's very easy to surprise people. - Pamela Anderson

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33 minutes ago, Enoon said:


Not true.


Although Mr Trump won the race (according to it's "rules") the absolute numbers (if these proportions have remained constant) tell a different story:


10.47 EST Nov 10

Hilary Clinton    60,071,781

Donald Trump   59,791,135

Voter Eligible but not voting  99,815,122



JT may have to "suck it up", but not as a member of a voter minority.





That's like a 0.23% difference.  The non-voters could swing it massively either way.  It makes no difference whatsoever.

The US is a Union of States and the people in those states.

I wonder how many of those  99,815,122  are the ones bitching and whining now?  It's a shameful figure.  You have to laugh at it though.  The world"s greatest democracy"'and about 45% could even be bothered to exercise their right to vote?  LOL.

They managed to disenfranchise themselves and now moan about it.

Most states wanted Trump, case closed


Edited by saminoz
bad math
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