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Trump bucks protocol on press access


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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 The sneering response to Trump’s victory reveals exactly why he won. 

Read it Jingthing - it's all about the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism y'all are by definition members of...:sleep:


That is a great article!


It does define both...I hate China & now USA too Pulicus

and I'm ashamed of America...welcome to my ignore list Jing :shock1:

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Jingthing I could never ignore you. Just too much entertainment. Your food and bahtbus topics were good. But you are posting on a whole new level of crazy now. Seriously though I am worried for your mental health. Take a chill pill dude.

Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

What an odious spin on the actual reality. The trumpist movement is the movement of racism and hatred. I can't be bothered with such rabid idiocy. Welcome to my ignore list. 

Hey I voted for Trump so stop calling me a racist and full of hate 


the attacks are out of control 


just accept facts it is what it is


and please please please add me to your ignore list - I won't add you cuz frankly it's entertaining watching you melt down

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

what a drama queen.

Can say that!. In fact the person is probably performing the star role in his own imaginairy world.

It is a bit hard to understand that other people then himself might even have an opinion of themselves. Like a stand-up commedian in language he wipes the floor with all those bigoted people that do not think like him. How would he do in personal conversation? Take on a physical fight or put the whole crowd on ignore.

Preacher in an empty church comes to mind.

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Hey I voted for Trump so stop calling me a racist and full of hate 
the attacks are out of control 
just accept facts it is what it is
and please please please add me to your ignore list - I won't add you cuz frankly it's entertaining watching you melt down

No. I did not call you personally anything.
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Jingthing I could never ignore you. Just too much entertainment. Your food and bahtbus topics were good. But you are posting on a whole new level of crazy now. Seriously though I am worried for your mental health. Take a chill pill dude.

Sent from my SM-A510F using Tapatalk

You should worry instead about the man about to get the US nuclear codes.
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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You should worry instead about the man about to get the US nuclear codes.

Clintons took $25million from Saudis

who throw homosexuals off buildings,

decapitate more than ISIS

(who they fund).

etc etc

Hillary: accessory after the fact to Bill's many rapes/assaults.

Treasonous Email server, Bengazi.....


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Maybe at this point, JT will not have to see any logical posts. He may already have all the members who irritate him on ignore. The only ones left are members of his pity party. LOL! I would have put him on ignore but I enjoyed his goofy unreasonable hateful illogical posts.Radical indeed.

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One issue that hasn't been directly addressed in all these threads about Trump:


In America: elder generations let down younger generations.


It's only natural for elders to seek tp watch out for and protect younger generations .  Not just their own kids and grandkids, but ALL youngsters.  Trump fans will only consider American kids worthwhile, but still, all elders who voted for Trump voted for a worse America, in my view.  


America, for at least the next several years, will become more...


>>>   racist (anyone non-white and/or non-American is suspect)

>>>   excluding (rather than inclusive)

>>>   non-tolerant of those with differing opinions

>>>   restricting of press freedoms

>>>   redneck:  name-calling, picking fights

>>>   draconian law enforcement

>>>   dangerous:  more semi- and automatic weapons circulating.

>>>   economically stratified:  Rich will continue getting richer, while poor continue getting poorer

>>>    electorally compromised:  Super rich and corporations will continue to pour billions into getting their lap dogs elected.

>>>   polluted:  Trump never saw a fossil fuel smoke emitter he didn't like.

>>>   environmentally hamstrung:   Trump's people are committed to disdaining scientific findings.

>>>   educationally stratified:  Under Trump, there will be 3 types of schools:  elite for the rich, church schools for non-science creationists, and impoverished schools for everyone else.

>>>   dangerous for women who want to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.





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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

What an odious spin on the actual reality. The trumpist movement is the movement of racism and hatred. I can't be bothered with such rabid idiocy. Welcome to my ignore list. 


I am proud to be a member of JT's ignore list. How could he EVER call someone else a hater?

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Look in the mirror?

Yes, Trump was savaged badly throughout the last 18 months by the Lamestream Media and now they want him to play nice?  555  LOL

"Yes, Trump was savaged badly throughout the last 18 months "... the media were not necessary. He savaged himself every time he opened his mouth. 

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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Savaging him?

They gifted him BILLIONS of free advertising in the primaries. It's hard to imagine he would have ever been nominated without that.

Yes, they thought it was all a joke and entertainment and they made money off that because he's a BIG SHOW.

But still, show some balance and honesty, dude.


To be fair, they mostly used Trump's own words. He had the best words.



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continued from my missive, above. . . . . 


         I voted for Stein, but my 2nd choice was HRC.  I voted against Trump because I care about youngsters and am trying to leave them a better world.   A large focus of Trump's campaign was sowing seeds of fear.  Look/listen to any of his stump speeches, and they're packed with admonitions and forebodings.  It worked to get fear-based people to vote for him (same people who own multiple guns to protect themselves from boogie men).    


        The average American is many times more likely to get killed by a white all-American terrorist than one with a name like Khalid or Muhammad. .....and many more times more likely to get struck by lightning than to get killed by any terrorist at all.  Yet, Trump has all rednecks scared out of their boots, clutching their guns.   It worked.  'Make America scared again,' like it was in the 1950's with the hocus pocus 'Red Scare' which propelled McCarthy to national status - not much different (including his one-man birther crusade) to how Trump became a national figure.   





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12 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He's a con man.

What did people expect?

The people didn't elect a president. 
They elected an authoritarian dictator.

Of course he's not going to have normal press access.

Authoritarian dictators never do unless it's their own completely controlled press. 


Don't worry, four years flies by even if Trump lasts that long.


No idea where the Dems will be at that point, but a Pence/Gowdy team might be a good one.

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


America, for at least the next several years, will become more..



Did you buy your crystal ball in Thailand?


If so it is likely a copy & would explain why your getting

such erroneous fear mongering from it

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12 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Illustrates the Lamestream Media's smug failures.

The polls didn't work.  The celebs e.g. Beyonce etc didn't work.

Crooked Hillary ran a defective campaign based on...really nothing.

I'm not a fan of Clinton but what was Trump's based on?  The same as Brexit appealing to the basest fears of the ignorant.  He doesn't have anything that could actually be deemed a tangible, realistic policy, unless of course you think banning all Muslims from traveling to the US is realistic.  I assume even Trump now doubts the wisdom of this given that it was deleted from the campaign website as soon as he won. How is someone like that gonna form foreign policy?  Buy and atlas?  Try and fire fellow heads of state?  Build a wall around the Middle East and North Africa and make them pay for it? 

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