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Arriving next week


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Hello. We are arriving late next Wednesday and depart Sunday nite on the overnite train for Chiang Mai. I'm hoping the Grand Palace will be open after the first 30 days of the mourning period. Also, any thoughts of getting to Ayutthaya for a day? We were hoping to do it Sunday and continue on the train north, but they won't save our 1st class sleeper if we do that. Thank you. 

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Ayutthaya is definitely worth a trip but I would say start early morning to avoid the traffic then look to get back early....or very late.


Avoid the rush in the evening too if possible.


A beautiful and unique place but for me if you start early you can leave by 3pm.


Of course its worth staying there and spending a few days but I understand time constraints.


Grand Palace is always busy....good luck with that lol.

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If "we" means you will be traveling with Thai Wife / Family, (unless you speak good Thai), I would strongly suggest you leave it up to your Thai's to take care of the logistics. They having the advantage to speak Thai.

It is customary, that related Thai's will take care of matters that (due to language problems) must appear very cumbersome for a Farang and therefore (if willing and capable) will take care of such matters. Of course, if "not willing and not capable", would be cause for some concern.

BUT: If "we" is a Farang couple, with no other local connections, any local Travel Agency will be glad to help.

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In my opinion a taxi would be much more convenient than a commercial tour as you can do as you please.  On the other hand, a commercial tour probably can tell you more about what you are visiting.  Up to you.  Your best route out of Bangkok is probably the Don Muang Tollway on to Route 1, on to Route 32.  These are pretty large streets with lots of lanes.  Saturday should not have much traffic.  Friday could have traffic, but in the morning you'll be heading in the opposite direction of most others.  Likewise, returning in the afternoon.

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Ayutthaya... Skip it. There's absolutely nothing there. Just a few broken ruins which they have even failed to maintain. Save your money and go to Siem Reap instead. The Cambodians know how to take care of their heritage. The Thais don't care a fig. Siem Reap is 100 times more impressive.

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