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Clinton blames FBI director for presidential election loss


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1 hour ago, cooked said:

I have been reading the NY post, which, incidentally, is not universally respected for its journalistic standards, on and off for years. Its a rag.

I notice you aren't defending Hillary, but criticising the source of her troubles, which are her lies, corruption and the rest of it. And the leaks of course, no matter where they came from.  I bet you haven't read Wikileaks either, have you? They don't report much on that in the NYT except to say the Russians dunnit.

Agree about the Post.  Not worth reading.


I'm no fan of Hillary nor Trump.  I've read Wikileaks.  It's not just the NYT that says Russia did it.  It's also many IT security experts.  I'm guessing they know more about this than most.  Thus, the NYT saying "the Russians dunnit". LOL

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7 hours ago, irwinfc said:

Clinton lost because of her own wrongdoing, which the FBI found out. she lost because she presented herself as a rightful heiress to the White House. she lost because she did not campaign as hard as Trump. heck, she can even blame Obama for her loss. and if she can't come to terms with the multitude of reasons why she lost, then she absolutely deserved it.

Wait till someone investigates the Clinton foundation. What a farce. paying for her daughters wedding out of it and giving them money for a decade. crooked as the day is long. thankfully she lost.

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Yes, Comey did a very despicable thing and is sure to be rewarded.


I am sure that without his intervention Hillary would have won Florida, Mitchigan, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin, that's 75 electoral collage votes.


That would have given her 300+.

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3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

They didn't learn then and with the rally around Donna Brazil and the elite of the DNC I wonder if they ever will. Past time for a 3rd party and/or a through scrubbing of the elites of the Democrat Party who in reality are and have been Republican Lite for years.


The Dems and the Repubs are like the owners of the Steelers and the Jets.  They're the same people.  They'd like to win, but the important thing is to keep the money in the family, and stop an upstart league from nosing into the trough.  Okay, not exactly the same.  About 2 inches apart on a 10 foot political spectrum.


Even if Independents get into Congress, the committee assignments are doled out by the 2 parties.  That should be by drawing lots, not by how much money you raised for the team last session.  


Independent running for president?  Trump is right.  It's rigged.  Even Sanders found that out the hard way, and after the fact.  By leaked emails, strangely enough.  Maybe there is some justice in the wind.

Edited by impulse
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3 hours ago, Thorgal said:


There's also the Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin case...


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect



So far, it appears to be an offshoot of HRC's private server case. The latest FBI announcement was that there were nothing there to change the conclusions of previous investigations.

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13 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


"Only sore winners fail to acknowledge or recognise and respect the Popular Vote factor. It cannot be ignored, dismissed or deflected."?????


There are no "sore winners," only sore losers.  Hillary lost the election due to her disastrous decisions, constant lies, and "pay for play" Clinton Foundation scam, not to mention getting people killed in Benghazi, with the help of Obama and then trying to cover it up.  


Anyway, it will be good to see Hillary and Obama fade into history as the two liberal, socialist, anti-gun, and anti-police haters they are.  Once the anti-Trump rioters get tired of acting like fools, they will return to their parents basements, and Trump will get to work making America great again.  God Bless America. :-) 


There are no "sore winners," only sore losers.


Where have you been?   :welcomeani:


The only soreheads are among the winners. Angry winners. Read and see.


Your post is ok because it has a prospective aspect to it, although it does try to rehash the campaign that's done and overwith. It is not an analysis of facts, however, but rather the same old Right Sector Pulp Fiction.


Data, data, data plse thx.

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18 minutes ago, Publicus said:


There are no "sore winners," only sore losers.


Where have you been?   :welcomeani:


The only soreheads are among the winners. Angry winners. Read and see.


Your post is ok because it has a prospective aspect to it, although it does try to rehash the campaign that's done and overwith. It is not an analysis of facts, however, but rather the same old Right Sector Pulp Fiction.


Data, data, data plse thx.

You have been whining about the popular vote count like it makes a difference.  She lost.  You are a sore loser.  Admit it and move on. 

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

      I've had the same conclusion for the past 2 weeks.  The clincher was Guiliani grinning ear to ear while being interviewed on CNN, two days before Comey's letter was circulated.  The CNN interviewer asked several times why he was so happy.   All Guiliani could say (several times, while trying not to burst into giggles) was, "in two days, there will be a big surprise, but I can't tell you what it is."    Guiliani is in direct touch with fellow Republican Comey.  Connect the dots.  There may have been a giant payment involved.  


       Comey and Guiliani knew they were throwing the election in Trump's favor.   Of course there are many other factors re; the election results, but Comey's release of the letter was what put doubts about emails back in a portion of weak-minded Trump fans' minds .....is top of the list.


      9 days later, two days before the election, when Comey announced nothing was found, it was too late to matter.   Already, 24 million votes had been cast, nearly all in that week which began when Comey made the false-flag announcement.   


       Was HRC a flawed candidate?  Yes.  But comparing HRC's drawbacks with Trump's is like comparing a monkey with a sprained wrist with King Kong after falling from the Empire State Building.   It's not even apples and oranges.   One had a lapse of judgement which she apologized for repeatedly.   The other has such deep flaws, that there are sustained mass rallies against him in several major cities, .....and he has barely begun his four years of destruction.

People seem hung up on Trump's verbal presentation but give Hillary a pass for all her Clinton Foundation violations, the private server that IS against the law, and her obsession with power and money. Comey didn't set up the private server and violate laws regarding handling of government/classified documents. That was all Hillary.


She is obsessed with provoking a military confrontation with Russia (who poses zero threat to the USA) and invading Iran. Americans are sick of the imperial politicians bombing and invading other countries that pose no threat to them.


So was destroying evidence, perjury, and other criminal acts. Just because her and Bill were able to squash it all does not mean Americans didn't know about it all. They did. So she needs to quit blaming others for her criminal behavior. Americans are sick of corrupt politicians and their queen Hillary.


She thought it is her destiny to be president and the vote was just an annoying formality. Guess what, Americans didn't think so.


Only the entitled and corrupt are crying. She lost. Get over it.

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22 minutes ago, Global Guy said:

People seem hung up on Trump's verbal presentation but give Hillary a pass for all her Clinton Foundation violations, the private server that IS against the law, and her obsession with power and money. Comey didn't set up the private server and violate laws regarding handling of government/classified documents. That was all Hillary.


She is obsessed with provoking a military confrontation with Russia (who poses zero threat to the USA) and invading Iran. Americans are sick of the imperial politicians bombing and invading other countries that pose no threat to them.


So was destroying evidence, perjury, and other criminal acts. Just because her and Bill were able to squash it all does not mean Americans didn't know about it all. They did. So she needs to quit blaming others for her criminal behavior. Americans are sick of corrupt politicians and their queen Hillary.


She thought it is her destiny to be president and the vote was just an annoying formality. Guess what, Americans didn't think so.


Only the entitled and corrupt are crying. She lost. Get over it.


If the FBI back in July cleared her and once again they cleared her this month, how come that YOU seem to know more than they do and YOU seem to find her guilty whereas the FBI and the courts dont agree with you?


If you have the knowledge and the evidence why dont YOU publish it and see what happens.


Have you read this all the way through?





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Anyway, it will be good to see Hillary and Obama fade into history as the two liberal, socialist, anti-gun, and anti-police haters they are.  Once the anti-Trump rioters get tired of acting like fools, they will return to their parents basements, and Trump will get to work making America great again.  God Bless America. :-) 


Neither Obama or Clinton  are liberal socialist, anti-gun or anti-police haters, Just more right wing LIES. Both are neoliberal Republican Lite. Nobody is rioting, except the police as usual. And, as usual you are wrong, wrong , wrong. These legitimate protests against a fascist government will not stop until the orange monster and his VP are forced out of the office they never even should have been nominated for. Perhaps and hopefully tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.


Ah, make America white again is what I believe you meant.

Edited by sgtsabai
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12 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

      I've had the same conclusion for the past 2 weeks.  The clincher was Guiliani grinning ear to ear while being interviewed on CNN, two days before Comey's letter was circulated.  The CNN interviewer asked several times why he was so happy.   All Guiliani could say (several times, while trying not to burst into giggles) was, "in two days, there will be a big surprise, but I can't tell you what it is."    Guiliani is in direct touch with fellow Republican Comey.  Connect the dots.  There may have been a giant payment involved.  


       Comey and Guiliani knew they were throwing the election in Trump's favor.   Of course there are many other factors re; the election results, but Comey's release of the letter was what put doubts about emails back in a portion of weak-minded Trump fans' minds .....is top of the list.


      9 days later, two days before the election, when Comey announced nothing was found, it was too late to matter.   Already, 24 million votes had been cast, nearly all in that week which began when Comey made the false-flag announcement.   


       Was HRC a flawed candidate?  Yes.  But comparing HRC's drawbacks with Trump's is like comparing a monkey with a sprained wrist with King Kong after falling from the Empire State Building.   It's not even apples and oranges.   One had a lapse of judgement which she apologized for repeatedly.   The other has such deep flaws, that there are sustained mass rallies against him in several major cities, .....and he has barely begun his four years of destruction.

Could you remind us all, with a link to that source, when James Comey or anyone else instructed Hillary to set up a private email server.


Here I was thinking she did that, all on her own accord.

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10 hours ago, zydeco said:


I remember when the Pentagon Papers came to public attention.  Back then, the press wasn't very interested in the source or the legality of the matter.  They focused on the content.  But this time, they all but ignored the content to make McCarthyite charges against people and organizations that tried to get the email info to the public. 


The 'press' learned from being rote stenographers during the McCarthy period of his abusing the Constitution and destroying innocent lives.


MSM went after Trump because he was the unfit wildman radical ignoramus. Trump did not get a free ride from MSM. Trump's free ride came from the mass of highly financed Right Sector media. It was just enough for them all this time.


MSM presently is discussing broadly and deeply how to report and cover the coming Trump presidency. MSM will give Trump some space for a while but don't ever again expect MSM to be stenographers only.

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


The 'press' learned from being rote stenographers during the McCarthy period of his abusing the Constitution and destroying innocent lives.


MSM went after Trump because he was the unfit wildman radical ignoramus. Trump did not get a free ride from MSM. Trump's free ride came from the mass of highly financed Right Sector media. It was just enough for them all this time.


MSM presently is discussing broadly and deeply how to report and cover the coming Trump presidency. MSM will give Trump some space for a while but don't ever again expect MSM to be stenographers only.

Most peoples complaints aren't that the MSM attacked Trump, it was the lack of equal attack in approaching Clinton's deep flaws. Hillary only has her self to blame, that often happens to the arrogant.

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1 minute ago, beechguy said:

Most peoples complaints aren't that the MSM attacked Trump, it was the lack of equal attack in approaching Clinton's deep flaws. Hillary only has her self to blame, that often happens to the arrogant.


Everyone knows of the emails and has known about 'em from the outset.


It's the Right Whinge mass of highly financed and funded media that falsely reported swarms of FBI agents investigating, impending criminal charges that never materalised, a grand jury in existence somewhere in the right's twilight zone, special prosecutors and indictments and the like, all of which were false.


We now know there are a pack of right wingnuts in FBI to include Comey who were providing those maliciously false nuggets and feeding the animals with 'em.

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Everyone knows of the emails and has known about 'em from the outset.


It's the Right Whinge mass of highly financed and funded media that falsely reported swarms of FBI agents investigating, impending criminal charges that never materalised, a grand jury in existence somewhere in the right's twilight zone, special prosecutors and indictments and the like, all of which were false.


We now know there are a pack of right wingnuts in FBI to include Comey who were providing those maliciously false nuggets and feeding the animals with 'em.

And once again Hillary put her self in that position. People who say she didn't break any laws, have obviously never read, or can comprehend the instructions for maintaining a clearance. I do agree with those who call for Comey to be fired, he was incompetent, along AG Lynch.

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1 hour ago, beechguy said:

And once again Hillary put her self in that position. People who say she didn't break any laws, have obviously never read, or can comprehend the instructions for maintaining a clearance. I do agree with those who call for Comey to be fired, he was incompetent, along AG Lynch.


No charges no nuthin.




Only the vast rightwing conspicuously.

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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Only thousands of deleted and bleachbited emails that were under subpoena. 


No charges, no nuthin.


Which is because the cabal at FBI and the Right Sector mass of your super financed media made it up as they went along. Kept feeding malicious tidbits to the animals they did.


Tired really of rehashing the campaign -- it's over so get over it. It always sounds like youse guyz lost. Nobody over there knows how to be pleased and grateful winners who are open. Instead it's sorehead complaining and score settling all the time of a long list of grievances compiled over decades.


Still firing up Old Sparky down there in the dungeon we see. Forget that too.

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30 minutes ago, Publicus said:


No charges no nuthin.




Only the vast rightwing conspicuously.

As expected from a corrupt FBI and Department of Justice, but anyone that reads the regulations, regarding the handling of classified material, knows what happened.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


No charges, no nuthin.


Which is because the cabal at FBI and the Right Sector mass of your super financed media made it up as they went along. Kept feeding malicious tidbits to the animals they did.


Tired really of rehashing the campaign -- it's over so get over it. It always sounds like youse guyz lost. Nobody over there knows how to be pleased and grateful winners who are open. Instead it's sorehead complaining and score settling all the time of a long list of grievances compiled over decades.


Still firing up Old Sparky down there in the dungeon we see. Forget that too.

It's not the campaign being rehashed, it's the breaking of laws and regulations.

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Just now, beechguy said:

It's not the campaign being rehashed, it's the breaking of laws and regulations.


No proof.


No charges, no nuthin.


Only malicious leaks by FBI out of DoJ in Washington and from the NY office of FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office in NY where Comey had been the U.S. Attorney, as Rudy Guiliani had been U.S. Attorney of the NY District before Comey.


It is indeed the campaign being rehashed and it's because the Right Sector are angry winners and sorehead winners. Locked in whingers. It's a new medical condition called RightWhingeLock. I'm certain that's the new name for it because it's the flapping opposite of LockJaw.  :laugh:

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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:


No proof.


No charges, no nuthin.


Only malicious leaks by FBI out of DoJ in Washington and from the NY office of FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office in NY where Comey had been the U.S. Attorney, as Rudy Guiliani had been U.S. Attorney of the NY District before Comey.


It is indeed the campaign being rehashed and it's because the Right Sector are angry winners and sorehead winners. Locked in whingers. It's a new medical condition called RightWhingeLock. I'm certain that's the new name for it because it's the flapping opposite of LockJaw.  :laugh:

Listen to Comey's comments before Congress, and listen to Hillary's comments. No innuendo to it. But, after your 18 years in Washington, I'm not surprised you have trouble recognizing the truth.

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3 minutes ago, beechguy said:

Listen to Comey's comments before Congress, and listen to Hillary's comments. No innuendo to it. But, after your 18 years in Washington, I'm not surprised you have trouble recognizing the truth.


No trouble with recognising truth at all as I became expert at identifying the truth from the falsehoods, because amid all of the falsehoods by the minute the truth stood out boldly.


Then again, you wouldn't know anything about the day in and day out people or their work in Washington. You only know what you're allowed or led to know. Don't feel pregnant however cause you're not the only one outside of Washington who gets the business from 'em.


I worked for a Democrat in the U.S. House then I worked for a Republican in the House. They're all out for themselves but the Republicans are out for themselves only. The truth is sometimes this ugly, but true nonetheless. I went into each with an open mind and I came out with a clear mind.


USA hasn't had real government that is responsible or reasonable since Regan and Tip O'Neil worked together in a bonding of genuine Americans. Nobody here talks or thinks about that, nor does anyone appreciate it, much less know or appreciate anything about it. (Chris Matthews on MSNBC is a guy for all of you to pick up a lot of this stuff from by catching much of his approach based on his daily experience in it.)


Get some sleep now ok? That's if you're not too angry or too sore to be able to relax and sleep. I'll sleep well thx so good night.

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12 minutes ago, Publicus said:


No trouble with recognising truth at all as I became expert at identifying the truth from the falsehoods, because amid all of the falsehoods by the minute the truth stood out boldly.


Then again, you wouldn't know anything about the day in and day out people or their work in Washington. You only know what you're allowed or led to know. Don't feel pregnant however cause you're not the only one outside of Washington who gets the business from 'em.


I worked for a Democrat in the U.S. House then I worked for a Republican in the House. They're all out for themselves but the Republicans are out for themselves only. The truth is sometimes this ugly, but true nonetheless. I went into each with an open mind and I came out with a clear mind.


USA hasn't had real government that is responsible or reasonable since Regan and Tip O'Neil worked together in a bonding of genuine Americans. Nobody here talks or thinks about that, nor does anyone appreciate it, much less know or appreciate anything about it. (Chris Matthews on MSNBC is a guy for all of you to pick up a lot of this stuff from by catching much of his approach based on his daily experience in it.)


Get some sleep now ok? That's if you're not too angry or too sore to be able to relax and sleep. I'll sleep well thx so good night.

That's why your side lost the election. I'm not angry, and certainly have been sleeping very well since Mr. Trump won the election.

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Just now, beechguy said:

That's why your side lost the election. I'm not angry, and certainly have been sleeping very well since Mr. Trump won the election.




Now go to work to make Mr. Trump popular.


It btw is not a job for a low energy person, so only if you're up to the mammoth task to make Donald Trump popular.


Trump is the most unpopular Potus ever elected. Likely the most unpopular elected president or prime minister in the history of democracy.


Go to it and be happy in your work. Sleep tight too.

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