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Clinton blames FBI director for presidential election loss


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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


No charges no nuthin.




Only the vast rightwing conspicuously.


It could have all been so very different. Nobody wants change, really. They "just want to be on the side that's winning".



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Australians (that know) wonder why they donated AU$75 million to the Clinton Foundation, and how Julia Gillard ended up working for them. While the election was a choice between criminals, the one that "touched" us lost - now we wait for the heart attack or assassination to get rid of the other.

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Trump is the most unpopular Potus ever elected.


 Better than being the most unpopular candidate ever NOT elected. I am hoping that she does not end up being prosecuted. Losing her big dream forever and stopping the Clinton Foundation from further illicit activities is punishment enough.

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8 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Anyway, it will be good to see Hillary and Obama fade into history as the two liberal, socialist, anti-gun, and anti-police haters they are.  Once the anti-Trump rioters get tired of acting like fools, they will return to their parents basements, and Trump will get to work making America great again.  God Bless America. :-) 


Neither Obama or Clinton  are liberal socialist, anti-gun or anti-police haters, Just more right wing LIES. Both are neoliberal Republican Lite. Nobody is rioting, except the police as usual. And, as usual you are wrong, wrong , wrong. These legitimate protests against a fascist government will not stop until the orange monster and his VP are forced out of the office they never even should have been nominated for. Perhaps and hopefully tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.


Ah, make America white again is what I believe you meant.


Lol, you must have stopped taking your meds again :-(

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18 hours ago, Morch said:

I think it was always way closer than HRC's campaign and some of her supporters here presented. That said, she probably did have the lead prior to the latest Comey statements. Would it have been enough of a margin to win the elections? Perhaps. But the point is that if her candidacy was the mercy of Comey's statements, she was already in electoral trouble. So, yes...Comey's statements were definitely a factor in HRC dropping the ball, but by no means the sole cause. And either way, it blaming him now sounds kinda whiny.


No one has said 'it's the sole cause'.  See below. . . . . .


18 hours ago, Chicog said:

It was pointless saying this. If Coomey hadn't written his letter, the information would have been leaked anyway (that was his reason for doing it), and contrary to the misperception here, the media would have had a feeding frenzy. To moan about it now just comes across as sour grapes. 


       Maybe 'sour grapes' but true.  When Comey made the announcement, 11 days prior to the election, HRC's numbers fell by 5 to 6%.  He admitted that neither he nor his staff had looked at any of Weiner's emails at that time.   9 days later, 2 days prior to election, Comey announced there was nothing bad there.  Over 20 million votes had been cast in the interim 9 days.  


17 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

I agree with the gist of what you said…although i wasn't suggesting he start playing high stakes poker with america's future. He used the mind games to crush his opponents…he did it to win. Now he will have to adapt to new realities.


"He did it to win"

        In other words, he lied to win.  That's what snake oil salesmen do.  They'll say anything to get you to buy their product.  Then they're down the road, ..... "ha ha suckers, you believed me!".   Already, Trump is breaking promises, and he's got a lot left to break.  Already, he's saying HRC is a good person, after trashing her non-stop for 17 months.  He's saying Obama was probably born in the USA, after publicly attacking him on it for 5 years.   You'll note: all the things (and there are hundreds more) I mentioned in this paragraph, were designed to make him more popular in order to win the election.  Like a snake shedding its skin, as soon as the purpose is fulfilled, he drops his lies, without even looking back.

Edited by boomerangutang
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        If Trump decides to re-ignite his campaign against Obama, and resumes shouting to everyone that Obama was not born in the US (and possibly a secret Muslim), are all his fans going to go back to believing that's true?  


        They believed Trump for 5 years when he fed him those lies.  Then, they believed Trump again when he said Obama was born in the US.  ......Will his intelligence-challenged sheeple believe Trump again if he flip flops back to the birther lie?   


        Trump fans will say, "it doesn't matter.  Obama is leaving the presidency."  That's part of my point:  Trump goes around like a cyclone trashing good peoples' reputations, and does it purely to prop himself up.  Then, when it doesn't serve to prop up his ego/stature/money-making-prowess, he drops the issue.   You can call it sour grapes (about the election), but Trump, in my view, is one of the most despicable people of our times.  I know a guy who has STD's but still boom booms many women without using a condom, and he's always borrowing money, and never paying back.  He may be worse than Trump, but it's a toss up, in my view.

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25 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

In other words, he lied to win.  That's what snake oil salesmen do.  They'll say anything to get you to buy their product.  Then they're down the road, ..... "ha ha suckers, you believed me!".   Already, Trump is breaking promises, and he's got a lot left to break.  Already, he's saying HRC is a good person, after trashing her non-stop for 17 months.  He's saying Obama was probably born in the USA, after publicly attacking him on it for 5 years.   You'll note: all the things (and there are hundreds more) I mentioned in this paragraph, were designed to make him more popular in order to win the election.  Like a snake shedding its skin, as soon as the purpose is fulfilled, he drops his lies, without even looking back.


what are you moaning about? and how long are you planning to?


he didn't win….she lost. because she's seen as the same old….and people don't want same old….because those guys have been lying to them more consistently, and for much longer.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


what are you moaning about? and how long are you planning to?


he didn't win….she lost. because she's seen as the same old….and people don't want same old….because those guys have been lying to them more consistently, and for much longer.


Obama lied to win. Hillary lied to win. That does not seem to bother him one little bit. :passifier:

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


 Better than being the most unpopular candidate ever NOT elected. I am hoping that she does not end up being prosecuted. Losing her big dream forever and stopping the Clinton Foundation from further illicit activities is punishment enough.


It's fascinating to see how the hard core right defines and expresses its peculiar generosity and magnanimity. It definitely seems distorted to norms outside of ideology and partisan politics.


Revenge of the Noids.


Barack and Michelle Obama are young too in relative terms as they leave their own eight  years in the White House. Maybe the hard driven Right Sector might want to give the world some hints of what lunacy it also has in the cards for them too.


Imagine the fun and games over there on the madhouse right for the next 30 years over a Barack and Michelle Obama Foundation. You'll be locking 'em up too on anything they might do.


Nice guyz youse are over there on the wild side.

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49 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Ive got a sneaky suspicion age's behind all these …..uhhh, protests…..to try and deter the donald from setting the special prosecutor thing into motion.


Got any more special prosecutors in mind yet for any other former Potus and First Lady.


Double the fun eh.

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Just sometimes, once in a while, obnoxious manipulators get their come uppance.

The FBI were doing their job to the letter, it's a shame, when she had the chance, she didn't build a career with the same conscientiousness.

Game over, Bye bye Hilly and Billy!

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2 hours ago, Publicus said:


Got any more special prosecutors in mind yet for any other former Potus and First Lady.


Double the fun eh.

Might not need a special prosecutor at all. The Clinton crime Family's worst nightmare could possibly be heading up the DOJ.



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Bad loser.She was always going to have a problem with the emails and private server situation.She has lied and tried to make light of an action that no secretary of state should be allowed to get away with.It was always on the cards that the voting public would not treat it lightly.I will be interested to see, that if she continues with this accusation of the FBI,so vehemently,that an impeachment action isnt requested.

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Gladly I can rise above the media telling me every day Trump was evil, no good, a racist, a bigot and every other negative they could think of.


The reason people say Trump is hated is because the media has brainwashed them into thinking he's going to blow up the world or throw children out of the country which is complete nonsense.


Trumps show the Apprentice caught 6.8 million viewers in the fist night which wasn't bad for a hated man.


So while Hillary herself amy not have been the best choice she had ABC CNN The Boston Globe NBC The New Your Times and every other damn outlet with her, The President <deleted> and Michelle and all their followers Even the traitor Sanders jumped on board,


Trump had himself his family his team and Hannity rooting for him and came up Trumps excuse the pun.


As for Hillary blaming Comey? Give me a break he never asked her to set up a private server. 


She better pray Jim Comey does not drag his feet on the Clinton Foundation investigation and it goes on into Trumps Presidency or she will be in big trouble.


To be honest Trump would be better off if Comey does finish it and if she has broken the law her pal Obama can pardon her.


Trump has better things to do with his time like MAGA to be bothering about her



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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Obama lied to win. Hillary lied to win. That does not seem to bother him (Boomerangutang) one little bit. :passifier:


       What lies did Obama tell to win?   What lies did HRC tell to win?

The bigger question is; What lies did Trump tell to win?

The answer to the first two questions: maybe a few small lies, if that.

The answer to the Trump question:  a cavalcade of big lies.


       But that's not the gist of my problem with Trump: He trashes hundreds of other people weekly. A major newspaper listed Trump's put-downs of others, in the context of Tweets from the past 15 months. In small font, The one-liner disparagements filled two full pages, and that was just from Trump's own twitter account. It didn't include the thousands of ugly things which passed out of his mouth.


       Some Bernie supporters said that Bernie could have beat Trump because the last time there was a poll comparing the two men (in June), Bernie beat Trump by 10%.   However, I don't think so.  Trump's ultra-negative campaign style would have made mince meat out of any opponent.  He would have taken the worst two things about Bernie (maybe he once missed a payment on a 2nd hand car, and the other: he's a socialist) ....and blown it up by shouting repeatedly that Bernie personally took babies out of nursery school and skewered them in his back yard.   No matter that Trump's dramatics are untrue.  His sheeple don't care.  

        Trump sheeple will applaud everything he says, no matter how ludicrous.  They applauded when Trump said Obama and HRC started ISIS.   They applauded when Trump said he would trash the deal with Iran (which slows down their manufacture of nukes).  They applauded when Trump said there was no way Putin would ever enter Ukraine (weeks after the Russkies took Crimea by force).  There is no limit to the crazy ideas that Trump's sheeple embrace.   


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


       What lies did Obama tell to win?   What lies did HRC tell to win?

The bigger question is; What lies did Trump tell to win? 



sounds like you should happy he's dragging his feet on those promises…because you probably feel most of his plans were appalling.

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Yes the fascist orange monster lied, paraphrasing what my son said about his mother if his lips are moving he is lying. Clinton lied also, her phony move back from the right to the center right was a lie. Yes Obama lied. He never even tried to do the things he said he would do and instead reversed and codified and increased Cheney/Bush et al's destruction of the Constitution.


The corporate blue dawg Democrat elite have learned nothing: https://jonathanturley.org/2016/11/14/clinton-i-wasnt-me-it-was-comey/

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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

sounds like you should happy he's dragging his feet on those promises…because you probably feel most of his plans were appalling.


         You're actually right. Although Trump rarely detailed his plans (he prefers to make vague crowd-rousing sound bites, probably because he doesn't know much about the issues), his general direction on most things turned me off.


       I'm not happy he's dragging his feet.  If he changes a bad plan of his, he could (with his awful set of advisers) change it to a worse plan.  For example: Trump has already said he wants to weaken NATO.  Perhaps he'll next want to pull out of NATO altogether.  That would fit with his isolationalist rhetoric. Then Russia would have a clear path to gaining back more of its former Soviet satellite states.  Maybe Trump fans don't care.  They probably don't even give it any thought, ....not much more thought than Trump has given it.  (Trump thought Belgium was a town, not a country). 


         Similarly, Trump says he wants to trash the deal that Europe and the US made with Iran.  Will Trump replace it with something?  Or will he again slide inside his shell of dough-headed isolationism, and thereby allow Iran to join the Nuclear Bomb Club.   We don't know.   Someone who knows Trump says "he will sometimes discuss issues with advisers, but he usually goes with the position of the person who is last to leave the room."  In other words, Trump may have some experts around, but he may just go with Christy's or Guiliani's or Carson's or Palin's opinion, if any one of those folks are last to leave the room where the meeting is held.

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         It wasn't just Trump shouting and tweeting malicious lies every day for the past 17 months, it was his fans spreading fake news (most of it disparaging HRC).  A study found that Republican-leaning posters outdid their Democratic-leaning brethren 38% to 19% in the fake news dept.   



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After reading many of the comments from the loony left on this site, reminded me of why I stopped commenting on this site over a year ago.  One of posters even suggested white racist are the people who voted Trump into office.  Really???


Republican voters along with working class Democrats and Independent's voted Trump into office.  "Hillary the Liar" had way to much baggage along with Obama leaving the Democratic party in shambles.


Obama left a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, zero interest rates, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and redlines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with his apology tour, encouragement of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement, and a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders. 


Obama's hard-left positions on redistribution, social issues, sanctuary cities, amnesty, foreign policy, and spending just added to "Hillary the Liar's" baggage.  FBI Director Comey had absolutely nothing to do with Hillary losing this election.  


Hillary, her disgusting Husband, and Obama along with Michelle, will not be missed as they fade away into political history as the most incompetent and corrupt people to ever occupy the White House.  


Trump will do what he promised to do, and that is to make America great again.

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As an outsider looking in, I would have thought the US are now going to be better off overall, Trump is a businessman he brokers deals, he will do what is good for business and that will be good for the USA. As someone has already said you'd rather have the Trumpster sat across from Putin or any other govt head doing a deal than the standard run of the mill cronies


(I may be slightly biased as I did vote for Brexit, seems the US feels the need for change also)

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Sanders says it’s not Comey’s fault that Clinton lost


Bernie Sanders on Monday refused to blame James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s stunning defeat – just moments after a top New York Democrat said the FBI director should be fired...


“It’s not a question of what happens in the last week. The question is that she should have won this election by 10 percentage points.”




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No trouble with recognising truth at all as I became expert at identifying the truth from the falsehoods, because amid all of the falsehoods by the minute the truth stood out boldly.
Then again, you wouldn't know anything about the day in and day out people or their work in Washington. You only know what you're allowed or led to know. Don't feel pregnant however cause you're not the only one outside of Washington who gets the business from 'em.
I worked for a Democrat in the U.S. House then I worked for a Republican in the House. They're all out for themselves but the Republicans are out for themselves only. The truth is sometimes this ugly, but true nonetheless. I went into each with an open mind and I came out with a clear mind.

Have you ever met any corrupted FBI agent during your service or after, in DC? Just curious.
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On 11/13/2016 at 10:43 PM, dunroaming said:

Clinton lost and she needs to take it on the chin and move.  So far Trump is backpedalling at quite a rate and hopefully he will keep ditching the stupid policies he was pitching in the campaign.  I am relieved that he seems to be calm and controlled at the moment.  Let's see how that goes when he moves into his new house.


Comey had very little to do with it as the electorate had already baked in their choice.  Hillary has to take it on the chin? Also you say Trump backpedalling at quite a rate?


But what about you?


"Time will tell but it will be interesting to see whether the Trumpsters will hold their hands up or rummage around for excuses as to why their boy lost.  It is known as taking it on the chin and admitting that you got it wrong. On the day after the results of the election for the President of the USA in November I will on site to eat my hat if Trump has won.There will certainly be stills if not a video."


The day after you were nowhere to be seen.... Are you going to take it on the chin? Still waiting for the video/stills show.  


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8 hours ago, Gene1960 said:

Have you ever met any corrupted FBI agent during your service or after, in DC? Just curious.


Met only four FBI agents separately and individually in 18 years off and on in DC (off and on because I kept escaping DC but getting hauled back in). In each instance except one, it was because I'd been given as a reference for a security clearance by someone I knew. Each subject person did get the clearance for a position somewhat up in the executive branch but not way up. The nature of my employment positions in DC involved no contact with FBI or DoJ. Met only one of the four FBI guyz when he was formerly FBI and after he'd got shitcanned for alcoholism, a common affliction over at the J. Edgar Building (FBI forever tries hard to outdrink the Secret Service). Because I earned a master degree in Public Affairs Journalism at The American University in upper NW in DC, and also did freelance writing and polling work, I knew a number of MSM; a lot of my professional work on the Hill was with DoD personnel and issues, to include Dept of Veteran's Affairs. It was right after the Vietnam War which as an Army (non-combatant) officer veteran I'd demonstrated against, so the issues I was involved in were fairly intense on each side. (I'd spent my time in the Army during a slice of the conduct of the VN war in Washington only.) Of note I think is that two years before one of my returns to DC (this time for grad school as a civilian free spirit) J. Edgar Hoover had died. So on that particular return I was cheerfully advised by my side to attend the annual anniversary Big Party (held at a sprawling country estate in the more distant Virginia burbs).  (Where did all those J. Edgar files go that had the goods on everyone...maybe they're still there eh. Always updated perhaps.)

Edited by Publicus
Insert zingers of FBI and Secret Service.
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On ‎11‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 10:26 PM, CMNightRider said:

After reading many of the comments from the loony left on this site, reminded me of why I stopped commenting on this site over a year ago.  One of posters even suggested white racist are the people who voted Trump into office.  Really???


Republican voters along with working class Democrats and Independent's voted Trump into office.  "Hillary the Liar" had way to much baggage along with Obama leaving the Democratic party in shambles.


Obama left a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, zero interest rates, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and redlines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with his apology tour, encouragement of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement, and a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders. 


Obama's hard-left positions on redistribution, social issues, sanctuary cities, amnesty, foreign policy, and spending just added to "Hillary the Liar's" baggage.  FBI Director Comey had absolutely nothing to do with Hillary losing this election.  


Hillary, her disgusting Husband, and Obama along with Michelle, will not be missed as they fade away into political history as the most incompetent and corrupt people to ever occupy the White House.  


Trump will do what he promised to do, and that is to make America great again.

He certainly will. President Trump...you are a hero.

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