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Girls fight on Bangla Road in Patong - Phuket, Thailand


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A group of 2 Thai women fighting 2 foreign women on Patong's famed Bangla Road in Phuket, Thailand.


According to Patong Police Deputy superintendent Techin Deethongorn the women were fighting over a man, though no charges were filed and all involved were let go.

-- © Copyright Phuket News 2016-11-17
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Reminds me of my years teaching high school. Girl fights worse than boys: boys usually a few punches and both would realize who was the alpha, but girls knew no bounds. Tearing chunks of hair out, clothes, coming back for more. Of course Thai men here have a whole different set of ground rules for fights...

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4 minutes ago, Tiffer said:

TAT could use this to promote "unseen" Thailand or "real" Thailand


Not really.  It's more to do with baht, i.e. how much they're losing for long stay.  Still a poor country and hardly unexpected.  I feel sorry for all of them. 

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