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When is rape not a crime? Turkey considers proposal for controversial sexual abuse law


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When is rape not a crime? Turkey considers proposal for controversial sexual abuse law




Turkey’s ruling AK Party has been widely condemned for a proposal that would, critics say, legalise rape in some cases.


The suggested law would see people who have been convicted on charges of sexual abuse against girls have their sentences indefinitely postponed if they agree to marry the victim.


This would only apply in cases occurring before November 16, in instances where no “force, threat or trick” was committed.


The AKP says the law aims to pardon men who did not realise they were engaging in sex with a minor. Civil marriage under the age of 18 is illegal in Turkey, but marriage between men and underage girls through a religious ceremony is common in some parts of the country.


Prime Minister Binali Yildirim defended the draft, saying:
“There are those who got married under-age. They don’t know the law, then they have kids, the father goes to jail and the children are alone with their mother. We located 3,000 families like this. This is a law to eliminate this victimisation for just one time.”


The proposal will be reconsidered on November 22 after failing to garner enough support from legislators.


Critics claim it legitimises both sexual abuse and child marriage and say it raises the question of how young is too young?


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-11-19



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Outrageous. Just like the story the other day about the women from the UK in Dubai, who was raped by two men. She has been charged with having sex, out of marriage. If anyone even tries to defend it, they are as bad as the perpetrators. Legalising rape, it is disgraceful. The west needs to put this country up there with North Korea and stop giving it handouts. 

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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I hate stories like this.  Here's what it does:  a man sees a beautiful girl.  He rapes her.  If caught, the authorities tell him he must marry her or go to prison.  He marries her.  Yippeee for him.  He gets to have sex as often as he wants with the girl who has become his property.  He can boom boom her morning noon and night.   She suffers massively, from the time she's first raped, but women in that part of the world are meant to suffer, according to their male overlords.  Some girls commit suicide in those scenarios.  Disgusting.

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Beat me to it; I was just going to mention the Dubai case. Utterly depraved and twisted... people who visit and enrich that society with their hard-earned cash need their head read. I'm no feminist, but these people with their skewed laws and maltreatment of women are simply following in the footsteps of their great prophet... what was it, betrothed at 6, consummated at 9!

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Outrageous. Just like the story the other day about the women from the UK in Dubai, who was raped by two men. She has been charged with having sex, out of marriage. If anyone even tries to defend it, they are as bad as the perpetrators. Legalising rape, it is disgraceful. The west needs to put this country up there with North Korea and stop giving it handouts. 


On the point! Just won't happen anytime soon.

Problem is both USofA as well as EU are up the goat-lovers rear up to marking, the first because they need Incirlik air base to continue their ever failing 'interventions' in the middle east serving no one but their own huge & powerful armaments industry.

The latter thinks they need him/them to 'stop' immigrants (yes, plenty of them out of where above mentioned interventions keep on going bad) while huge parts of the related 'handouts' are nothing but wasted tax-monies ...


Sultan Erdogan.JPG


Erdogans 6 billion ref-tent.JPG

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59 minutes ago, KKr said:

I would have to look up the Sura, but seem to remember that rape is punishable by death.

(but marriage at young age is allowed)


I bring this up because in my understanding Turkey is a primarily Muslim country.

However, I did not find such Surah, but some Muslim countries nevertheless enforce such Law.
When googling the subject, found many interesting items on the subject in the Old Testament (common between Christianity and Islam) and also some in the New Testament.
Some of these texts are very clear, the rapist is to be killed.
Could it be that Turkey is in a transition period of choosing between the lighter or more more severe interpretation of the Koran.

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If they go ahead and introduce a law like that it'll kill off any hope Turkey has of joining the EU: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accession_of_Turkey_to_the_European_Union#Women.27s_rights

Oh I don't know, rape seems to be ignored or swept under the carpet in Europe if third world culture enrichers are responsible.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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Erdogan is the driver of this along with his party. Turkey was progressive and a great place with good people. Perhaps those who used to be in power got complacent? Now the AKP party, which seems to be comprised of religious yokels, has the reins. Reminds me of something else recent.

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I believe an important line here, that many people seem to be missing here is " in instances where no “force, threat or trick” is involved. So raping a 14 year old girl and then saying you will marry her doesn't seem to qualify here as she was forced. 


It also goes on to say  “There are those who got married under-age. They don’t know the law, then they have kids, the father goes to jail and the children are alone with their mother." What is missing here and important I think is the ages of this married couple, which they don't say. 


Lets face it. Teenager have sex together. Some girls even sell sex to buy cell phones. I don't approve of this but it does happen a lot. I was sexually active when I was 14 years old. I got my 15 year old girlfriend pregnant when I was 16 years old. I did the honorable thing and we got married.


From this article it says in Turkey they cannot get married until they are 18 years old. So under Turkey Laws it seems that I could be charged for sexual assault with e minor (Rape) for having sexual relations with a 14 year old girl when I was only 15 years old myself. Even if I was married to her later.


So if that is the case in Turkey then they should amend these laws. But they should not let a +20 year old having sex with a 14 year old even if he wants to marry her. But then if he is 15 years old and she is 14 years old and pregnant, is that really a big difference? My Conscience says yes, but the reality for the girl says no, as she ends up married at age 14 no matter what. In Turkey anyway.   

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2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I believe an important line here, that many people seem to be missing here is " in instances where no “force, threat or trick” is involved. So raping a 14 year old girl and then saying you will marry her doesn't seem to qualify here as she was forced. 


It also goes on to say  “There are those who got married under-age. They don’t know the law, then they have kids, the father goes to jail and the children are alone with their mother." What is missing here and important I think is the ages of this married couple, which they don't say. 


Lets face it. Teenager have sex together. Some girls even sell sex to buy cell phones. I don't approve of this but it does happen a lot. I was sexually active when I was 14 years old. I got my 15 year old girlfriend pregnant when I was 16 years old. I did the honorable thing and we got married.


From this article it says in Turkey they cannot get married until they are 18 years old. So under Turkey Laws it seems that I could be charged for sexual assault with e minor (Rape) for having sexual relations with a 14 year old girl when I was only 15 years old myself. Even if I was married to her later.


So if that is the case in Turkey then they should amend these laws. But they should not let a +20 year old having sex with a 14 year old even if he wants to marry her. But then if he is 15 years old and she is 14 years old and pregnant, is that really a big difference? My Conscience says yes, but the reality for the girl says no, as she ends up married at age 14 no matter what. In Turkey anyway.   

If you had half a brain you would keep your dick in your trousers or use a condom. If you did the same with a girl who protected his kid, you would have had a serious problem.

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7 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

If you had half a brain you would keep your dick in your trousers or use a condom. If you did the same with a girl who protected his kid, you would have had a serious problem.

What if the girl was 1 year older than I was instead of me being 1 year older than her? 


But then anyone who resorts to calling someone names, doesn't have anything to offer upstairs anyway. 

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7 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

If you had half a brain you would keep your dick in your trousers or use a condom. If you did the same with a girl who protected his kid, you would have had a serious problem.

Oh Yeah!


Back then you could only get a Condom in a Drug Store and they didn't sell to Minors. If you Girlfriend went to a Doctor for Birth Control Pills by law they reported her to her parents. 


So who was the really stupids ones back then? 

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12 hours ago, Cats4ever said:

Erdogan is the driver of this along with his party. Turkey was progressive and a great place with good people. Perhaps those who used to be in power got complacent? Now the AKP party, which seems to be comprised of religious yokels, has the reins. Reminds me of something else recent.


Complacent, corrupt and and engaged in constant backstabbing. To a degree, these things did not change much.

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