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Yingluck says govt must assist rice farmers without worrying about profit or loss


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Some people think she is still popular, some don't. However, from the Junta's behaviour, it seems the Junta believe she and her party are still popular: they cancelled and postponed election, prevented campaigning against draft constitution, granted appointed senate the right to elect PM, etc.... You can add to this their ridiculous reactions to jam jars, calendars, water bowls and the current rice sales.

That's not the behaviour of people who think they are facing a weak opposition.

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1 minute ago, candide said:

Some people think she is still popular, some don't. However, from the Junta's behaviour, it seems the Junta believe she and her party are still popular: they cancelled and postponed election, prevented campaigning against draft constitution, granted appointed senate the right to elect PM, etc.... You can add to this their ridiculous reactions to jam jars, calendars, water bowls and the current rice sales.

That's not the behaviour of people who think they are facing a weak opposition.

Very insightful comments. Difficult to argue with you. What you say obviously makes total sense (except to the wilfully blind or biased).

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Good to see an expert such as Yingluck Shinawatra, giving her expert advice/remedies to the rice growers current plight, having allowed her own Gov't to  create massive problems with the mismanagement & negligence of her Rice Pledging Scheme!

Why do the media pay her any attention......maybe, it's her good looks???

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10 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Very insightful comments. Difficult to argue with you. What you say obviously makes total sense (except to the wilfully blind or biased).


The willfully blind or biased see the 5 years retro active ban by the handpicked NLA as legitimate redemption and refused to see the real motive that is to stop her from being re-elected in the next election. They are fearful of her popularity and backlash by the electorate like in previous election. 



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5 minutes ago, eggers said:

Good to see an expert such as Yingluck Shinawatra, giving her expert advice/remedies to the rice growers current plight, having allowed her own Gov't to  create massive problems with the mismanagement & negligence of her Rice Pledging Scheme!

Why do the media pay her any attention......maybe, it's her good looks???

Give the man a ciiigar. 

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10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The problem is it's always a loss ,that the taxpayer has to pay for.

regards worgeordie


So would be a social security system, pensions, government funded medical, the police, the military, every public transport system, roads department, politcans, the electrical distribution grid, local councils, government owned airlines, customs department, every government department, their benefits and perks and i could go on indefinately.


Should they all be shut down due to being unprofitable?


A government is not a business, it is more like a charity. It receives a certain amount of funds and decides how to be use the funds in the interests of the country. Of course the poor will be a higher burden on society but i can tell you the rich are raping the resources of the country far more that the unfortunates.

Edited by Reigntax
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1 hour ago, kevc said:

Isn't it strange she just starts coming out with all this after she gets fined.


But isnt it more strange that she has been fined before being convicted and done so by a person with no respect for any law against a person elected by the people.


I always thought the punishment for bad political policy was not being re elected. Like or hate her, this is only about tge junta being scared to face her in an election, nothing more.


They may even have to face Thaksin in future and that will be even more interesting. Prayuth will be sh%$ting himself more than he is now when ever he hears the name shin.



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Corruption charges against Yingluck aren't going to help Thailand's rice farmers. Yes, it might make some happy but it won't solve their problems.

It's time to set aside differences and work as one nation in trying to build a secure future for the agricultural sector. Stop the red and yellow games and start reforming the rice business.

But like we see in previous posts this will never happen as people are more entertained by pointing fingers and calling out names.

Like children arguing over who spilt the milk. Whilst the suffering continues for the farmers and their families.

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3 hours ago, Grubster said:

The fact that corruption ruined a government subsidy in no way means that subsidies don't help farmers.  They are committing suicide because they are not getting a subsidy not because they are.


Pay attention, they DID NOT get paid. They were promised money for their crops, they delivered their crops, the government didn't pay them for their crops. That isn't a subsidy it is a bare face lie and the poor farmers believed her. Subsidy indeed!

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2 hours ago, Grubster said:

George W Bush said he had concrete evidence that Iraq had and was acquiring more arms of mass destruction but could not divulge this to congress and told them if they didn't vote for the invasion of Iraq any blood from WMD would be on their hands. This killed 5000 US troops, many UK troops and other western troops. Not to mention the innocent peoples of Iraq.  He later said I only trusted my intelligence which also turned out to be a lie as intelligence sources told him they couldn't rule out WMDs, a big difference no. How could they ever rule that out anywhere. The PM in the UK went along with this crap too. This also led to ISSIS forming. Theres one example do you need more?   

Now.. do you think he should have gotten of without punishment.. I don't.. and neither do I think YL should get off without punishment for being willful negligent. This was a vote buying scam nothing more nothing less. Had she not done it off books and called it seflfinancing I would not have gone after her. But a amount the size of the anual healthy budget for a year was spend off books (200 billion per year). Now that is a huge amount to do off books and she should get punished for that.


Only reason it was not put in the real budget was because all the other vote buying schemes already overextended that one. But they wanted more and did it off books.. this is the result.. hopefully this fine and some jailtime. It would teach politicians to play fair. 

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Corruption charges against Yingluck aren't going to help Thailand's rice farmers. Yes, it might make some happy but it won't solve their problems.

It's time to set aside differences and work as one nation in trying to build a secure future for the agricultural sector. Stop the red and yellow games and start reforming the rice business.

But like we see in previous posts this will never happen as people are more entertained by pointing fingers and calling out names.

Like children arguing over who spilt the milk. Whilst the suffering continues for the farmers and their families.



What rubbish.

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Here there is two big problem. First it´s Yingluck. It´s time for the clan to move aside and take a permanent holiday.

The other problem is the biggest. There always problem with the income for rice farmers. Also for other farmers in all other areas.
Hera the government have to go in all the time and pay overprice much higher than market price. That is bacause everytime it comes something new to
grow, then all should do the same and rice everybody is growing. Over production leads to lower prices. Just to accept or change carrier in life.
Then all this money can be used to other thing where they are more needed. Can´t continue this stupidity.

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13 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Well put.  Education is the key.  Move on to more productive and better paying jobs.  Can't live off the other taxpayers forever.

Didn't the government just lower the number of hours of instruction for each student/week recently? I was told by a hi-so Thai 10 years ago that poor education is the root cause of the problems with the poor in Thailand. It will take at least one generation for a quality education to bring up the standard of living for the poor. As someone else has said, I don't think that BKK wants the poor to be lifted from poverty. Keeps them easily controllable and provides a constant stream of young girls to the nightlife which benefits many wealthy Thai families who own the land and/or the businesses. 

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15 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The problem is it's always a loss ,that the taxpayer has to pay for.

regards worgeordie


In return, the taxpayer gets fed.


Lets not forget, farming isn't something that can just be left to "market forces". That would lead to unexpected periods of time of insufficient food production and widespread hunger.


My rice is supplied by family. Sufficient rice for the whole family is produced and those of us not involved in the production pay 25B/kg for brown rice or sticky rice. Those involved in the production get it free. Any excess is sold, though little excess rice is sold as there is no trust in the market price. Resources for profit making are put into lamyai fruit and sweetcorn, all of which is sold to China. This the directive of my wife's father, following the "Sufficiency Economy" ideals, protect your basic needs from outside influences, look after yourself and then see how best you can farm for profit after that. It makes a lot of sense out in Baan Nok. Those in Bangkok don't have the land available to sustain themselves though. They need the market price to be sustainable and predictable.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Now.. do you think he should have gotten of without punishment.. I don't.. and neither do I think YL should get off without punishment for being willful negligent. This was a vote buying scam nothing more nothing less. Had she not done it off books and called it seflfinancing I would not have gone after her. But a amount the size of the anual healthy budget for a year was spend off books (200 billion per year). Now that is a huge amount to do off books and she should get punished for that.


Only reason it was not put in the real budget was because all the other vote buying schemes already overextended that one. But they wanted more and did it off books.. this is the result.. hopefully this fine and some jailtime. It would teach politicians to play fair. 

Just out of curiosity how do you feel about the huge tariffs Thailand charges for imports on manufactured goods, so that the Hi-So Yellow shirts can charge a few hundred thousand baht more for their cars than they could if they had to compete with foreign companies? Their employees surely aren't seeing any of that extra profit but they have to pay the price and so do you.

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6 hours ago, ramrod711 said:


Pay attention, they DID NOT get paid. They were promised money for their crops, they delivered their crops, the government didn't pay them for their crops. That isn't a subsidy it is a bare face lie and the poor farmers believed her. Subsidy indeed!

They all got paid up here until after the coup. Maybe you should pay attention.

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I guess all you poor people and farmer haters here must love all the other hand outs for the rich like tariffs that let them charge way over world prices for their goods. Everybody including farmers and you have to pay big time for that but thats OK because they are good people those rich folks aren't they? They get hundreds of billions of above world price money from you the intelligent ones.

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8 hours ago, thaigirlwatcher said:

Didn't the government just lower the number of hours of instruction for each student/week recently? I was told by a hi-so Thai 10 years ago that poor education is the root cause of the problems with the poor in Thailand. It will take at least one generation for a quality education to bring up the standard of living for the poor. As someone else has said, I don't think that BKK wants the poor to be lifted from poverty. Keeps them easily controllable and provides a constant stream of young girls to the nightlife which benefits many wealthy Thai families who own the land and/or the businesses. 

Good article in the Post about Uni teachers getting in trouble for whistle blowing about corruption.  Can't post a link here, but shows why the system can't be improved.  Those in power don't want it to be changed.  Make too much money.

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On 20/11/2559 at 8:39 AM, craigt3365 said:

Few rice farmers pay taxes.  One reason Bangkok protests this.  Most taxes are raised there.


I'm amazed they are letting her make comments like this.

The Rice Farmers I know all pay a yearly property tax, grant it this isn't very much.


To pay Income Taxes you first need to deduct your expenses from income and then you need to have a high enough income to pay taxes on. Again most of the farmers I know don't get near that threshold to be paying any income taxes. So I think think is why they don't pay. 

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Just out of curiosity how do you feel about the huge tariffs Thailand charges for imports on manufactured goods, so that the Hi-So Yellow shirts can charge a few hundred thousand baht more for their cars than they could if they had to compete with foreign companies? Their employees surely aren't seeing any of that extra profit but they have to pay the price and so do you.

Nice avoidance of my post good deflection.
Im not pro import tarifs at all. But at least it brought work to Thailand. Again those car producers are 100% foriegn owned BOI companies. I wonder why you link them to yellows.
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