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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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3 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


I don't recall one time Obama ever left his comfort zone. 


Here we have Pence going to a production which is certsinly not pandering to his Base and not only does he receive zero credit. But the membership of that community single him out and lecture him...and all the anti-Trumps give kudos.


Pence reached across the aisle and got slapped. Does anyone honestly think thats the way to win his future support? 





Which got nothing to do with my post, of course.


Obama deflections aside, there was not support offered for the action taken by the cast. The post I was replying to alleged Trump's tweeted description of the incident was accurate. It was pointed out that wasn't so and that even Pence contradicted Trump. Somehow even these pretty much out there facts are debated.

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19 hours ago, ClutchClark said:




Is it true your fellow Countrymen have made you National spokesperson? 


My congratulations. 


According to him, I am.


If all else fails, make this about the nationality of the member. I'm pretty sure I'd be just as harsh on an Australian who started bawling over the results of an election.

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44 minutes ago, Morch said:


It is true that election results are often close. It is also true that not all election campaigns and post elections atmosphere are charged with the levels of animosity and antagonism prevalent this year.


Yes, this is riveting stuff. Has there ever been such an exciting time in American politics?

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26 minutes ago, Morch said:


Which got nothing to do with my post, of course


Oh...was your post just another bash Trump post?


I have read so many of the same that I drifted off.


How much longer before you come to terns with the Trump victory?


It seems we must be able to find some common ground somewhere? What are your hobbies? Do you like baseball?

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Oh...was your post just another bash Trump post?


I have read so many of the same that I drifted off.


How much longer before you come to terns with the Trump victory?


It seems we must be able to find some common ground somewhere? What are your hobbies? Do you like baseball?


Oh...so I guess you don't really pay attention before responding?


My post was not bashing Trump, but rather pointing out that taking his tweet statements as fact is not always wise.

If even this is considered bashing, guess Pence's correction of his bosses take on the  incident could be termed bashing as well.


But hey, I get it...anyone criticizing Trump is lumped in, any criticism is labeled and tagged as irrelevant. This apparently includes repeating what the VP-elect said.


As for your fantasy that winning an elections is supposed to hush all criticism, let me assure you it does not work this way. It has nothing to do with accepting the elections results, which are not disputed (at least no by me, at any of my posts).

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1 hour ago, Morch said:


Yep, because apparently the concept is too complicated for you.

Lets try again:


You alleged Trump "said it best" (well, he got  the best words, duh). Trump wasn't there.

Pence described it differently. Pence was actually there.


Deflect away.


What's your point...the priviledged artist's harassment of a theatre patron is on YT and elsewhere for all to see...no need for anyone to have been there to see the bully in action and form an opinion on what occured.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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1 hour ago, Morch said:


But hey, I get it...anyone criticizing Trump is lumped in, any criticism is labeled and tagged as irrelevant. This apparently includes repeating what the VP-elect said.


As for your fantasy that winning an elections is supposed to hush all criticism, let me assure you it does not work this way. It has nothing to do with accepting the elections results, which are not disputed (at least no by me, at any of my posts).


Morch, if all that was occurring nationwide in the aftermath of this Trump victory was some criticism then I could care a less. There is always some grumbling after an election. 


However, I have not seen just a bit of "criticism" anywhere and even from you its incessant complaining and you are the best of the group. From the worst its protest, riot, threats of resistance and spreading fear. Please do not suggest that what we are seeing right now is commonplace after any election because it is not. I have not seen it before in my entire life. It far surpasses grumbling.


I did not support Trump. I don't much care for the man. I cared for hillary far less. But, yes, I do lump all these criticisms into irrelevant at this point because it is like a broken record. How many posts have even you had complaining about Trump since the election night? And, I agree, you are not one of the foamers.

Edited by ClutchClark
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8 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

What's your point...the priviledged artist's harassment of a theatre patron is on YT and elsewhere for all to see...no need for anyone to have been there to see the bully in action and form an opinion on what happened.


My point is clear and you are simply deflecting, not even very elegantly.


Trump described an incident he did not actually witness as one thing. Pence who was actually involved was pretty relaxed about it. Pence doesn't make a big deal of it, Trump does. The accounts of how things happened are clear. Enter your assertion that Trump's description is correct. Reality is being pointed out and you feel the need to hold on to your incorrect version regardless.


Trump's tweets are not reality. Even if you wish them to be.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


My point is clear and you are simply deflecting, not even very elegantly.


Trump described an incident he did not actually witness as one thing. Pence who was actually involved was pretty relaxed about it. Pence doesn't make a big deal of it, Trump does. The accounts of how things happened are clear. Enter your assertion that Trump's description is correct. Reality is being pointed out and you feel the need to hold on to your incorrect version regardless.


Trump's tweets are not reality. Even if you wish them to be.

You need to put aside your leftist group think and accept the fact that people can actually have different opinions of the same event...it's called "diversity" of opinion and isn't diversity what you SJWs are all about; or are you saying there's only one correct interpretation (your's) of an event.

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On 11/20/2016 at 8:14 AM, JDGRUEN said:

I want the Liberal / Left / Progressives to keep up turning every activity into a political show.  I can't wait for the huge crowds to thrash outer Washington, D.C. I love to watch the sports figures and celebrities go through their anti-Trump antics...  The Lefties think this is wining friends and influencing people... Yeah it is influencing people ... but not as their wrongly wired brains think... This style of constantly taunting - even going to the edge of harassing Trump, Pence and the Trump Administration slowly does the drip drip drip of causing the middle of the road people to fall more into the Trump camp...  As the Lefties push this screeching, moaning and groaning and carping to the extreme - the more tired of it all the general public feels... By 2018 Trump support will show a marked increase as people look around and see all the clinched fists and the over the top bitterness.   By next Presidential Election this whining and wailing will cause Trump not to win just 33 states but 43 or even 48 states... People don't like sore losers and when the veil is lifted from all this clatter - it will be revealed to be nothing more than just sour grapes on steroids.  Exaggerations, embellishments and manufacturing allegations against Trump did not work in the Republican Primary elections and was a dismal failure in the General Election... Talk about not learning anything from experience -- a very recent hard core lesson ... But Lefty Loonies never do ... Every excessive outburst against the Trump Administration will chalk up more support and more voters for Trump  -- IT DID IN THE PAST 18 MONTHS... and it will in the next 18 months.   Dissent and disagreement is fine - make it ... But harassment and slander, screeching, wailing, crying and gnashing of teeth will be counter productive ... 


The constant vilification of UKIP and Nigel Farage in the UK/EU referendum had the same effect. 


We also have our 'entertainers' going to Calais and wanting more of these 'children' into Britain. Lily Allen was literally crying her eyes out over it.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Morch, if all that was occurring nationwide in the aftermath of this Trump victory was some criticism then I could care a less. There is always some grumbling after an election. 


However, I have not seen just a bit of "criticism" anywhere and even from you its incessant complaining and you are the best of the group. From the worst its protest, riot, threats of resistance and spreading fear. Please do not suggest that what we are seeing right now is commonplace after any election because it is not. I have not seen it before in my entire life. It far surpasses grumbling.


I did not support Trump. I don't much care for the man. I cared for hillary far less. But, yes, I do lump all these criticisms into irrelevant at this point because it is like a broken record. How many posts have even you had complaining about Trump since the election night? And, I agree, you are not one of the foamers.


This. The failure to differentiate between what things posted on this forum, and between things actually taking place in the streets of the US. The lack of distinction between various opinions and criticism offered, but rather treating them as a whole. Lumping it all up is a cop out from actually addressing anything. Dismissing it all as irrelevant is even worse, especially from those claiming to prefer Trump as the lesser of two evils.


The protests on the streets are not usual. The talk of resistance is not usual. The tone taken by many is not usual. Fair enough. But then, neither was Trump a usual candidate, and doesn't seem like he's about to be a usual president.


Do excuse me for pointing this out, over and over again, most of the criticism directed at Trump related directly to things he says, said and does. These aren't being dreamed up by those opposing Trump. It's all out there - the way he conducts himself, his statements, the appointments made. Trump generates a lot of "noise". He's a media personality, that's what he does. Expecting it to pass without comment is unrealistic.


Past eight years, there were a whole lot of topics on TVF which saw incessant criticism passed on Obama. Rightly or not - the point is that it was there. Day in day out (with the caveat that Obama creates way less "noise" than Trump). Apparently comes with the territory.

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You need to put aside your leftist group think and accept the fact that people can actually have different opinions of the same event...it's called "diversity" of opinion and isn't diversity what you SJWs are all about; or are you saying there's only one correct interpretation (your's) of an event.


And you need to improve your trolling abilities.

The one disagreeing with Trump about the interpretation of the incident was Pence. I'm simply re-hashing his view.

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

According to him, I am.


If all else fails, make this about the nationality of the member. I'm pretty sure I'd be just as harsh on an Australian who started bawling over the results of an election.


When do you plan to get over the election? Most of the rest of us have. We continue to exercise First Amendment rights for political speech in opposition to Trump. His victory in no way requires opponents to support him at any time. You do understand what opposition means? I understand they even have it in the Australian Parliament.

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My point is clear and you are simply deflecting, not even very elegantly.
Trump described an incident he did not actually witness as one thing. Pence who was actually involved was pretty relaxed about it. Pence doesn't make a big deal of it, Trump does. The accounts of how things happened are clear. Enter your assertion that Trump's description is correct. Reality is being pointed out and you feel the need to hold on to your incorrect version regardless.
Trump's tweets are not reality. Even if you wish them to be.

trump's reality is in his baby man brain which is all well and good but now he's going to impose trump bubble world fake reality t.v. big show on the world. One thing is for sure is he'll get a huge number of viewers. Cannot really look away like a trump train wreck.
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3 hours ago, Morch said:


You require standards and integrity from certain media sources, mainly those seen as opposed to Trump. The same demand is not raised with regard to media sources supporting Trump. Not even when key persons from these media sources fill key positions in his campaign and his staff. But do go on about "critically thinking people"....


"key persons from these media sources fill key positions in his campaign and his staff."


links please

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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


When do you plan to get over the election? Most of the rest of us have. We continue to exercise First Amendment rights for political speech in opposition to Trump. His victory in no way requires opponents to support him at any time. You do understand what opposition means? I understand they even have it in the Australian Parliament.


We're over the election. Now we're trying to get over you and your incessant whining.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:

Past eight years, there were a whole lot of topics on TVF which saw incessant criticism passed on Obama. Rightly or not - the point is that it was there. Day in day out (with the caveat that Obama creates way less "noise" than Trump). Apparently comes with the territory.


The difference being that obama was actually in office and his positions were actually being legislated.


Trump has not even taken office. He has not even taken office.

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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The difference being that obama was actually in office and his positions were actually being legislated.


Trump has not even taken office. He has not even taken office.


As said in my full post, Trump generates a whole lot more controversy and therefore more instances of criticism. I don't recall Obama managing that much nonsense between wining the elections and his inauguration. And there are things Trump actually does - like appointment of key personnel, meetings with foreign representatives and interest groups, not addressing conflict of interests issues. That's without even considering constantly flip flopping statements. That's not how most candidates went about it in the past - so if the argument is that Trump represents a different kind of leadership, obviously the reactions will be different than usual as well.

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7 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Then why the need to keep on about your 'win'. We are not whining. We are resisting.




I would expect the GOP supporters to go on about their winning the Presidency and both Houses of Congress, oh, at least for the next two months through to the inauguration. Like it or not, it is a big Superbowl win. The supposed 'resistance' is about on par with the performance of the 49ers. Didn't take care of business. Focus elsewhere.

Edited by SheungWan
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9 hours ago, Morch said:


"He took a leave of absence from Breitbart in order to work for the campaign.[4][14] In preparation for serving as chief strategist, he plans to resign from Breitbart "


the guy took the role of campaign manager for trump and his views were openly pro right already breitbart news would have been pro trump already. this is open knowledge and not something that was learned via wikileaks leaked confidential email.   he reportedly is pro kannedy; not a bad thing.


aside from political views the guy has a a georgetown masters and a harvard mba which would suggest he is no slouch 


it would be nice for some trump related wikileaks emails to be released that would show the level and magnitude of collusion akin to dr ron pauls msm list. 

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9 minutes ago, atyclb said:


"He took a leave of absence from Breitbart in order to work for the campaign.[4][14] In preparation for serving as chief strategist, he plans to resign from Breitbart "


the guy took the role of campaign manager for trump and his views were openly pro right already breitbart news would have been pro trump already. this is open knowledge and not something that was learned via wikileaks leaked confidential email.   he reportedly is pro kannedy; not a bad thing.


aside from political views the guy has a a georgetown masters and a harvard mba which would suggest he is no slouch 


it would be nice for some trump related wikileaks emails to be released that would show the level and magnitude of collusion akin to dr ron pauls msm list. 


Bannon was supportive of Trump's campaign before he assumed his role, as is evident from interviews and articles preceding him joining Trump's campaign staff. Did he actually resign from Breitbart? Was he not in contact with Breitbart during the campaign (just check the latest interview, even the reporter notes who occupies the next door office).


Here's another - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner#Newspaper_publishing


As for Wikileaks, doesn't seem they care to spill the beans on certain parties of people.

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Just now, Morch said:


Bannon was supportive of Trump's campaign before he assumed his role, as is evident from interviews and articles preceding him joining Trump's campaign staff. Did he actually resign from Breitbart? Was he not in contact with Breitbart during the campaign (just check the latest interview, even the reporter notes who occupies the next door office).


Here's another - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner#Newspaper_publishing


As for Wikileaks, doesn't seem they care to spill the beans on certain parties of people.


Veering pretty far off-topic.


This thread is supposed to be confined to bashing Trump and Pence.


Brietbart bashing is a different thread.

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Veering pretty far off-topic.


This thread is supposed to be confined to bashing Trump and Pence.


Brietbart bashing is a different thread.


But perfectly alright to bring up MSM and Ron Paul allegations, eh?

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7 hours ago, Morch said:


Bannon was supportive of Trump's campaign before he assumed his role, as is evident from interviews and articles preceding him joining Trump's campaign staff. Did he actually resign from Breitbart? Was he not in contact with Breitbart during the campaign (just check the latest interview, even the reporter notes who occupies the next door office).


Here's another - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner#Newspaper_publishing


As for Wikileaks, doesn't seem they care to spill the beans on certain parties of people.


interesting about kushner. made 20 millio while an undergrad student. i am not keen about the pre-aceptance donations his family made to nyu and harvard.  his newspapers impact is miniscule compared to the msm big players and since hes married to trumps daughter you cant reasonable expect him to be anti trump.

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