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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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Pence is same Idiot as Trump,so whats the Matter.

Pence isn't insane like trump obviously is and Pence is a set in stone far right wing extremist ideologue. trump is mostly about trump and his bizarre dictatorial ego so not really an ideologue. So they're both very very bad but in different ways. However Pence will have massive power as trump isn't really competent for most of the actual work of president.
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The actual cast statement, which was made after the curtain call as the vice president elect was exiting the theater, reads as follows:


“Vice-president elect Mike Pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us at Hamilton: An American Musical. We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our alienable rights, sir. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us—all of us. We truly thank you for sharing this show—this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women, of different colors, creeds, and orientations."


It doesn't remotely resemble anything of a harassing nature.

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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

The actual cast statement, which was made after the curtain call as the vice president elect was exiting the theater, reads as follows:


“Vice-president elect Mike Pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us at Hamilton: An American Musical. We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our alienable rights, sir. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us—all of us. We truly thank you for sharing this show—this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women, of different colors, creeds, and orientations."


It doesn't remotely resemble anything of a harassing nature.


Maybe not, but it would've been more appropriate to send Mike Pence an email or a Tweet.  There's a time and place for everything.

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3 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

The actual cast statement, which was made after the curtain call as the vice president elect was exiting the theater, reads as follows:


“Vice-president elect Mike Pence, we welcome you and we truly thank you for joining us at Hamilton: An American Musical. We sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our alienable rights, sir. We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us—all of us. We truly thank you for sharing this show—this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women, of different colors, creeds, and orientations."


It doesn't remotely resemble anything of a harassing nature.


Ofcourse it does. He was singled out. He was chastised. Unless you can show that the cast often treats single audoence members in a similar fashion. 


Secondly, you are completely skipping over the fact that the audience was never urged to quiet down while they were booing him. The management utterly failed to protect a patron and guest of their event.


This was outrageous and should be recognized as offensive by any reasonable minded American. Here is a good litmus test. How would you feel if the events of that evening had been directed at your wife, son or daughter? 


Self-honesty required for a response.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Nope. It was done at the exactly right time and place.

Precisely. A major theme of the play is the contributions made by immigrants to the founding of the United States.


What better place and time to address the vice-president elect as he prepares to take office in an administration which has made it clear that contentious immigration issues will be front and center in their plans?

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1 hour ago, atyclb said:
2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I agree. Booing is rude. What you're supposed to do is chant "lock him up!" and scream "Trump that bitch!"  It's also fine to call him "nasty" to his face and threaten on live TV, "if I had my way, you'd be in jail"


This booing, however, is disrespectful.


I'm looking straight into the camera and telling you to "stop it"





do you perceive any different between a political rally and a broadway play?



Trump supporters clutching their collective pearl neckless over this incident is a clear demonstration of their disingenuousness and hypocrisy. If this weren't already clear, here's another example.


Hillary Clinton was relentlessly hammered by Trumpsters for mixing politics and personal gain at the State Department and Clinton Foundation (except that she didn't). Then voted for a man who has:

* Borrowed money from The Bank Of China
* Borrowed money from Oligarchs connected to Putin
* Whose transition team of 16 includes four of his relatives who will run his businesses
* Whose family members running his business (instead of career diplomats) sat in on a meeting with the Japanese PM
 * Whose daughter's company sent out marketing blurbs for a company product she was wearing during a president-elect interview on national tv
* Whose companies lease properties from the federal government
* Whose company has multi-million $ projects in the Middle East where the US government also has strategic interests and conflicts 
* Who has appointed a Security Chief who, even while advising the Trump Campaign, was in the employ of a Russian State TV network and the Turkish government 
* Who, under the influence of his son-in-law, fired Christie (a key member of the transition team) and the people he had hired because Christie had prosecuted that son-in-law's father
* Who paused transition work to meet with Indian business partners


Conflict of interest is conflict of interest whether it is practiced by beltway insiders or an outsider from New York. Trump supporters seem unclear on the concept.


Either that or it's further proof that Trump voters voted for bigotry in all its ugliness, more than they voted for anything else. 

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3 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Precisely. A major theme of the play is the contributions made by immigrants to the founding of the United States.


What better place and time to address the vice-president elect as he prepares to take office in an administration which has made it clear that contentious immigration issues will be front and center in their plans?


The simple ommission of the word "illegal" or "undocumented" if you prefer really makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? No wonder you chose to leave that qualifier out of your post.


Republicans fully support immigrants to the US as long as they follow a legsl process which allows vetting.


The same requirement found in every country in the world.

Edited by ClutchClark
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1 hour ago, n210mp said:

Democracy is the ability of a voter to voice his opinion in this case the appointment of a government, next president or brexit.


If the majority  of voters get it wrong there is always, in the future the ability to change the Government or leadership.


Those who cannot accept that the American and the British  people have recently exercised their right of vote in a  democracy should  be charged with treason.


Yes treason because they are not recognising the democratic process and thereby encouraging chaos and revolution .

If they felt so strongly about these issues why didnt they get on the soapbox and try to change the outcomes in a democratic manner in the first place?

actually the plurality of voters got it right. They voted for Clinton.

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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Ofcourse it does. He was singled out. He was chastised. Unless you can show that the cast often treats single audoence members in a similar fashion. 


Secondly, you are completely skipping over the fact that the audience was never urged to quiet down while they were booing him. The management utterly failed to protect a patron and guest of their event.


This was outrageous and should be recognized as offensive by any reasonable minded American. Here is a good litmus test. How would you feel if the events of that evening had been directed at your wife, son or daughter? 


Self-honesty required for a response.

Where in that statement do you find that he was "chastised?"


The audience response  - cheering and booing - occurred when Pence was arriving.  The performance had not yet even started, and the cast was not yet on stage. What exactly would you expect any of them or any member of management to do?



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7 minutes ago, MoonUnit said:


Only because it's convenient to your misguided agenda.  If it wasn't you'd be having a hissy fit and flounce about like a degenerative child.


But it's the Manly Men who are having the hissy fit. I presume you consider yourself one. Feeling the inner homophobe emerge are we?


The stern Sugar Daddies are laying down the law on manners and politeness.


Pence is vile. His record is vile. He got booed because he is vile. Trump got booed because he, too is vile. The boos will continue.  Doesn't matter how many names you call liberals here or anywhere else.

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The liberal media were not a messenger during the campaign. They were Clinton allies and part of her campaign.

I'm so glad they got their collective butts kicked well and truly.

What nonsense. For every 32 minutes of discussing where the candidates stood on the issues, CNN for example devoted 100 minutes to the questions of Hillary's email.

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8 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


The simple ommission of the word "illegal" or "undocumented" if you prefer really makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it? No wonder you chose to leave that qualifier out of your post.


Republicans fully support immigrants to the US as long as they follow a legsl process which allows vetting.


The same requirement found in every country in the world.

Nice attempt to divert the thread. Failed.


This thread concerns the statement made by the cast at curtain call and Trump's reaction to it.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

But it's the Manly Men who are having the hissy fit. I presume you consider yourself one. Feeling the inner homophobe emerge are we?


Where did 'inner homophobe' come from.  You're making it up now.  Jeez.

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Just now, Grubster said:

Free speech on both sides, no problem here.


Would it be acceptable for Pence to interrupt the performance by booing loudly for 3 minutes and then breaking into a personal political monologue to the stunned cast and patrons?


You don't think such an outburst would have resulted in security removing such a person from the premises?




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7 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Ofcourse it does. He was singled out. He was chastised. Unless you can show that the cast often treats single audoence members in a similar fashion. 


Secondly, you are completely skipping over the fact that the audience was never urged to quiet down while they were booing him. The management utterly failed to protect a patron and guest of their event.


This was outrageous and should be recognized as offensive by any reasonable minded American. Here is a good litmus test. How would you feel if the events of that evening had been directed at your wife, son or daughter?

Do not see much difference in the booing when OJ Simpson came into restaurants in California after committing a double murder....that is why he moved to Florida.

Pence's agenda of hatred and ignorance based on his religion ranks right up there. People should not sit by silently when hatred is espoused, especially by people in public office. Pence and Trump need to know that the silent majority is no longer silent, especially when their targets are pussy grabbing (his words, not mine) bullies and gay haters. Only when we stand up to these kinds of haters will things change. 

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13 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Ofcourse it does. He was singled out. He was chastised. Unless you can show that the cast often treats single audoence members in a similar fashion. 


Secondly, you are completely skipping over the fact that the audience was never urged to quiet down while they were booing him. The management utterly failed to protect a patron and guest of their event.


This was outrageous and should be recognized as offensive by any reasonable minded American. Here is a good litmus test. How would you feel if the events of that evening had been directed at your wife, son or daughter? 


Self-honesty required for a response.


Those who have a record of exercising hatred and bigotry over others should expect protest in response. What is outrageous is the Right Wing hypocrisy of denying free expression at the same time as they hold their guns in their fearful little hands.


You may consider a spontaneous outburst of passionate rejection of a vile, bigoted bible thumper as outrageous. Good for you. But you have no place instructing others on manners.


Keep singling this vile creature out. Keep protesting his agenda of discrimination and hate. Maybe he will feel the heat and resign or at least stay out of theaters in New York and give patrons the benefit of not enduring his woeful presence among them.


The Trump supporters have really followed their idol and become such Drama Queens



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2 hours ago, atyclb said:
2 hours ago, Thakkar said:


I agree. Booing is rude. What you're supposed to do is chant "lock him up!" and scream "Trump that bitch!"  It's also fine to call him "nasty" to his face and threaten on live TV, "if I had my way, you'd be in jail"


This booing, however, is disrespectful.


I'm looking straight into the camera and telling you to "stop it"





do you perceive any different between a political rally and a broadway play?



When crowds at an Obama rally booed an attendee (not Trump, just an attendee), Obama, unlike Trump, rightly admonished the audience. Charged political rallies are, if anything, an even less suitable venue for encouraging hateful chants.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump thinks he's a dictator. 

Freedom loving Americans of all kinds should be very concerned and ready to take him on constantly. 




Regardless of what Trump is or isn't, he was duly elected by the American people through the system they use and have used to elect previous presidents.


Why is it people who call themselves "democrats" can't accept that?


It's always countries that call themselves "democratic people's republics" where dictatorship flourishes. Seems they only accept democracy when it gives them the result they like. They can't stand the idea that people may think differently to how they think and want to impose their views by any means possible. 


Free speech - as long as we approve of the content.


Wonder what the comments would be had Clinton been elected, Trump had received more votes, and Trump supporters were now acting like this?



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3 minutes ago, MoonUnit said:


Where did 'inner homophobe' come from.  You're making it up now.  Jeez.


From your disgraceful, low class, crass baiting of another poster. With the words flouncing. With the words hissy fit. With the words degenerative - which actually doesn't mean what you think it means.


Jeez back at you.

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6 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Where in that statement do you find that he was "chastised?"


The audience response  - cheering and booing - occurred when Pence was arriving.  The performance had not yet even started, and the cast was not yet on stage. What exactly would you expect any of them or any member of management to do?




To come on stage and direct the negative behavior to the performance ahead and away from a guest of importance.


You don't have to respect the man but we have a cultural tradition of showing respect to the position...or atleast courtesy.


but then I am a Repiblican with a Conservative & Respectful Value System.  I belive I am still allowed that right in America. 

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Just now, MoonUnit said:


Says the man who just called all Trump supporters, Drama Queens and whinylittlebitches.


Go away.


Tell me, what magical powers do you have to tell others to go away? It is your manliness?


Calling a group something and calling an individual something is very different.


Like I said. Low Class. Crass. Boorish.


Go away right back at you.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


From your disgraceful, low class, crass baiting of another poster. With the words flouncing. With the words hissy fit. With the words degenerative - which actually doesn't mean what you think it means.


Jeez back at you.


Do you realize how hypocritical and ironic your comments are?


Why is it the liberal left wing of politics insist on advocating free speech - providing it only uses PC words and expresses views they approve of?


They always think they know what's best for people and will try to take control to ensure that's what the people get, regardless of what they want.


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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


To come on stage and direct the negative behavior to the performance ahead and away from a guest of importance.


You don't have to respect the man but we have a cultural tradition of showing respect to the position...or atleast courtesy.


but then I am a Repiblican with a Conservative & Respectful Value System.  I belive I am still allowed that right in America. 


You Trump nihilists voted to break the system.


No more respect for the office while nasties like Trump, Pence, Sessions, Bannon et al occupy it.


You wanted it. You got it. No courtesy. Just pure, aggressive, ceaseless opposition.



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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Tell me, what magical powers do you have to tell others to go away? It is your manliness?


Calling a group something and calling an individual something is very different.


Like I said. Low Class. Crass. Boorish.


Go away right back at you.


Trump's still president-elect and Pence is VP-elect.


Get used to it and stop whining.

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