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Trump attacks 'harassment' of Mike Pence at Hamilton musical


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Trump Supporter Shouts Profanities And Interrupts HAMILTON In Chicago

Now, BroadwayWorld has learned that a Trump supporter interrupted the Saturday evening performance of Hamilton in Chicago. An audience member seated in the balcony allegedly shouted "We won! You Lost! Get over it! <deleted> you!" during the number "Dear Theodosia."

One Twitter user who attended the show alleges that the audience member also shouted profanities and had an altercation with security before being removed from the auditorium.

One Facebook user wrote "At the end, the performers were crying... so was I. They didn't break characters once. They still sang their hearts out."





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2 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

Here's another link to Pence defending what the actors did (on Fox News, no less!).  It's so clear that Pence was unwittingly set up for this whole smokescreen thing by Trump...I'll bet Trump even gave him the tickets!




Here we go with the conspiracy theories. Trump bought the tickets to facilitate the problem. LOL

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2 hours ago, Prbkk said:

One suspects the Trump people are more likely to be fans of Showboat, Paint Your Wagon and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. 



On the other side it might be a combo of Les Miserables, Friends and One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

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19 hours ago, Thakkar said:



Trump supporters clutching their collective pearl neckless over this incident is a clear demonstration of their disingenuousness and hypocrisy. If this weren't already clear, here's another example.


Hillary Clinton was relentlessly hammered by Trumpsters for mixing politics and personal gain at the State Department and Clinton Foundation (except that she didn't). Then voted for a man who has:

* Borrowed money from The Bank Of China
* Borrowed money from Oligarchs connected to Putin
* Whose transition team of 16 includes four of his relatives who will run his businesses
* Whose family members running his business (instead of career diplomats) sat in on a meeting with the Japanese PM
 * Whose daughter's company sent out marketing blurbs for a company product she was wearing during a president-elect interview on national tv
* Whose companies lease properties from the federal government
* Whose company has multi-million $ projects in the Middle East where the US government also has strategic interests and conflicts 
* Who has appointed a Security Chief who, even while advising the Trump Campaign, was in the employ of a Russian State TV network and the Turkish government 
* Who, under the influence of his son-in-law, fired Christie (a key member of the transition team) and the people he had hired because Christie had prosecuted that son-in-law's father
* Who paused transition work to meet with Indian business partners


Conflict of interest is conflict of interest whether it is practiced by beltway insiders or an outsider from New York. Trump supporters seem unclear on the concept.


Either that or it's further proof that Trump voters voted for bigotry in all its ugliness, more than they voted for anything else. 


although the things you quoted may have merit my question was about perceived difference between political rally and broadway show venue.


its as if you responded to a different post


since you did reply to a different post just to be courteous let me say trump sure does have dirty laundry 


you should watch the well researched documentary "clinton cash" then rethink your statement "mixing politics and personal gain at the State Department and Clinton Foundation (except that she didn't)"


i have little remorse for obese moron chris christie

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12 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump has just issued his 4th tweet re Hamilton:


"The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior "


I'm sure glad that America isn't going to have a crazy person as President.


one thing many dont know or understand is related to trump being a new yorker. new yorkers are known for being blunt, saying what they mean and meaning what they say. although pc through social engineering may have toned it down still not infrequently new yorkers may be perceived as brash and harsh. many/most politicians (trump is not) have mastered the art of pc

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On 11/20/2016 at 11:55 AM, boomerangutang said:


He's already reaping what he's sowed - by being anti-womens'-choice, anti-science.  But you're right, Trump and Pence know all about retribution.  Their 'Enemies List' is probably growing by scores of names every week.  If Pence needs any advice on how to screw people who don't agree with him, he need look no farther than Trump, who is the poster boy of malicious retribution.



He's off to an ugly start.  He's already appointed an avowed racist as AG. He's about to appoint an anti-science/enemy-of-environment (Abell) as head of EPA.  And we're in just the first few days.



"....instilled manners or respect....."   That's the most ironic post of the week.   Mr. Pussy-grabbing, fat-shaming, shafting-his-investors, name-calling Trump is therefore some sort of example for American youngsters to aspire to?


Just another HRC Poor Sport!!

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2 hours ago, atyclb said:


one thing many dont know or understand is related to trump being a new yorker. new yorkers are known for being blunt, saying what they mean and meaning what they say. although pc through social engineering may have toned it down still not infrequently new yorkers may be perceived as brash and harsh. many/most politicians (trump is not) have mastered the art of pc

Yes, New Yorkers have an edge, and any New Yorker worth his salt bagel will tell you it's trump that's overrated, he's a total CON MAN and they know that better than anybody, not Hamilton. What a MORONIC thing to say about Hamilton. The man baby president hasn't even seen it, and he reverts to his "people say" B.S. insinuation. He's so transparent. It's all about his mental illness of not being able to handle criticism. The man is dangerous. He threatens our free press. Got to watch this one like a hawk!

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

HRC is out. 

Now trump owns it.

Let's focus on current reality.

Can he keep any of the promises that he hasn't already broken  (MOST of them)?


I certainly hope so starting with the Supreme Court and erasing all that Bama did.

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Just now, Luckysilk said:

I certainly hope so starting with the Supreme Court and erasing all that Bama did.

He will be able to get right wing picks for the court confirmed in the senate. Of course if he picks the most extreme ones, he will have a hard fight, so it'll be interesting how far he tries with that.


Well, at least the one. There is the opening now that very good man Garland won't be considered anymore. After that, you've got some very old justices. Can they make it the four years? Do they want to? 


On the executive orders, yes that is easy to do for any new president, to wipe them out.


But the HARD stuff ... that's a different story.

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Some better Broadway show choices for Pence and/or trump.

In fairness, it sounds like Pence enjoyed the show, and why wouldn't he, but it's trump that's being a crybaby moron about it.


...  “When I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun!”—really speaks to the Trump/Pence aesthetic. 


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On 20/11/2016 at 8:03 AM, Jingthing said:

Sorry to break this news to you but the trump regime has already shown signs of being so abhorrent that there is going to be "non-traditional" opposition to it the entire time. This is not a normal president. These aren't normal times. 

I don't agree, isn't it time everyone dried their eyes, stopped sniffling and got on with their lives? The man isn't POTUS yet and the wailing continues! What do you want him to do, step down, apologise to HRC,  humiliate himself for all to see and quietly disappear?


Don't you realise that the more you demonise him the harder he will hold to his present course? Are you going to "dog" his every step so that he can't do any sort of job of running the country and when the country goes down the drain you'll say it was his fault for being elected in the first place?


If you really can't stand the process that legally created him President elect then move to China and/or change to your country to another political system that will ensure that you never ever get a President that you don't agree with!! :sorry::passifier::wai:

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What you suggest is exactly what the Republicans decided to do before Obama took office. They only thing they knew was there was going to be a Black man in a White House so he had to be stopped. In doing so they brought the country down and allowed a scum bag fascist to be elected. It worked in its on evil way. Oppose the fascist at every turn make his and Pence's lives miserable.


We have the legal, so far, a right wing Republican has proposed a bill to make legal, Constitutional political protests a terrorist activity, right to oppose every thing the fascist does and says, if you don't like the Constitution move to China or someplace more to your liking.


I swore an Oath to protect the Constitution and unlike the right wing obstructionist, racist traitors, I've done my best and served my time for doing it.

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5 hours ago, atyclb said:


one thing many dont know or understand is related to trump being a new yorker. new yorkers are known for being blunt, saying what they mean and meaning what they say. although pc through social engineering may have toned it down still not infrequently new yorkers may be perceived as brash and harsh. many/most politicians (trump is not) have mastered the art of pc


It's a valid point but remember that only about 15% of New Yorkers voted for him.

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6 hours ago, atyclb said:


one thing many dont know or understand is related to trump being a new yorker. new yorkers are known for being blunt, saying what they mean and meaning what they say. although pc through social engineering may have toned it down still not infrequently new yorkers may be perceived as brash and harsh. many/most politicians (trump is not) have mastered the art of pc

But actually he wasn't blunt at all. He didn't take responsibility for saying that the show was overrated, he said he heard it from someone else.  That's actually a cowardly way to attack something. Be a mensch and take responsibility for what you say. This is a tactic that he consistently uses: hiding behind the alleged judgements of others. 

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, New Yorkers have an edge, and any New Yorker worth his salt bagel will tell you it's trump that's overrated, he's a total CON MAN and they know that better than anybody, not Hamilton. What a MORONIC thing to say about Hamilton. The man baby president hasn't even seen it, and he reverts to his "people say" B.S. insinuation. He's so transparent. It's all about his mental illness of not being able to handle criticism. The man is dangerous. He threatens our free press. Got to watch this one like a hawk!


" The man is dangerous. He threatens our free press."



trump may indeed be overrated. regarding free press i believe dr.ron paul, a retired physician and former respected congressman complied a list regarding so called free press and alleged fake news websites





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32 minutes ago, JDGRUEN said:

Written by Jeannie Chancellor.

“To whom it may concern:
“My name is redacted Hamilton classified, a descendant of Alexander Hamilton and William Wallace Hamilton. My family line has a long history of Hamilton’s that hail from the lowlands of Scotland. We take great pride in our reputation, namesake, and accomplishments. I recently visited New York City for the first time with my father and opted out of seeing your play due to your bigoted casting practices, and intentional false representation of Alexander. Your extremist multicultural agenda has been divisive, disingenuous, and destructive.
“The recent outburst at Vice President Pence by one of your cast members was the final straw in prompting this message and further solidifies my stance on your production. This is unacceptable regardless of your political views, and I feel your pocketbooks will suffer as a direct result. I would predict your honor would suffer, though I do not believe you posses such a trait.
I am writing you to make it known; the Hamilton family does not approve of your methods, or your representation of our ancestor.
“‘A Nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one.’ — Alexander Hamilton
“You are willfully dishonoring, deceiving and disgracing our nation and its history because you are unable to face the true dangers of the world, or possibly do not see the writing on the wall. Let us hope his prediction will not come to fruition, but with the culture you are promoting, it most certainly will.
“We are not racist. We are not homophobic. We are not anti-Semites. We are sick of you labeling us. You are the problem.
“I demand you to issue an apology to my family. I demand you issue an apology to the people of the United States.
“Deplorably yours,
“A true Hamilton and American”

Well, if she's descended from Alexander Hamilton, then of course her words carry special weight because.....??????

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36 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Hamilton show won't suffer financially from this. That's absurd. It's nearly impossible to score a ticket unless you're a vice president or something.


Ah sounds sooo familiar....similar to all that HRC rhetoric from way too early before election....

You remember .....Hillary is your next president..get use to it

Or....Trump will beaver ever Yada Yada Yada 


Now playing....

"Hamilton show won't suffer financially from this. That's absurd. It's nearly impossible to score a ticket "


Lets keep our fingers crossed :passifier:


Edited by mania
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4 minutes ago, mania said:


Ah sounds sooo familiar....similar to all that HRC rhetoric from way too early before election....

You remember .....Hillary is your next president..get use to it

Or....Trump will beaver ever Yada Yada Yada 


Now playing....

"Hamilton show won't suffer financially from this. That's absurd. It's nearly impossible to score a ticket "


Lets keep our fingers crossed :passifier:



They won't suffer financially because it's virtually impossible to get tickets. On the other hand I have given up any desire to see it because it looks a bit silly based on those clips. Certainly not ar $300 plus.

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