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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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8 minutes ago, balo said:

I am just waiting for the sex video of Trump in Russia to be released so we can have a full public scandal . 

It may exist indeed but if it does exist it's more valuable to Putin not to release the stream so I doubt we'll ever see it. I don't want to literally see it of course, not my style of porn, but the Putin trump connection is obviously real on at least some levels. 

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26 minutes ago, balo said:

I am just waiting for the sex video of Trump in Russia to be released so we can have a full public scandal . 

Trump and Bannon will provide evidence from an anonymous contact proving it is CGI and in fact it is Obama and the girls on the bed are Pelosi and HRC.



16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It may exist indeed but if it does exist it's more valuable to Putin not to release the stream 

It wasn't Putin that released the 'stream', he just has a video of it.


edited to add my answer above concerning the CGI has caused such disturbing images I may not sleep for 48 hrs .

Edited by Andaman Al
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What a 2 faced person.  Wikileaks was great when it was making public private emails, but not OK now?  You can't have it both ways. 






Spicer: Trump 'very concerned' about WikiLeaks dump


Spicer also appeared to tie WikiLeaks' dump of CIA documents to Trump's unsubstantiated claim that President Barack Obama tapped the candidate's phones at Trump Tower, suggesting the CIA cyberhacking methods purportedly disclosed by WikiLeaks were tied to the Obama administration.



What a stretch. LOL

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On 3/8/2017 at 6:10 AM, simple1 said:


Pence would be a tail-dragging conservative with gills instead of lungs, but better than Trump, and here's why:


At least Pence isn't mentally deranged.  Pence gets his news (and direction) from Conservative media.  Trump gets his direction from certified whackos.  


Plus, it's traditional for kids, especially little American boys, to look up to whomever is president.  Trump, the pussy grabber and endemic liar is a horrible character example to follow.  He has the moral fiber of a large pimple needing to be lanced.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Pence would be a tail-dragging conservative with gills instead of lungs, but better than Trump, and here's why:


At least Pence isn't mentally deranged.  Pence gets his news (and direction) from Conservative media.  Trump gets his direction from certified whackos.  


Plus, it's traditional for kids, especially little American boys, to look up to whomever is president.  Trump, the pussy grabber and endemic liar is a horrible character example to follow.  He has the moral fiber of a large pimple needing to be lanced.

Take your points, but Pence appears to be smarter than Trump. I  assume Pence would be more capable of getting his extremely conservative agenda transitioned into enacted legislation - agree or not?

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4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Take your points, but Pence appears to be smarter than Trump. I  assume Pence would be more capable of getting his extremely conservative agenda transitioned into enacted legislation - agree or not?


       On the topic of getting conservative agendas enacted:   Note the recent town hall meetings where Republican politicians got skewered by their constituents - at every venue.  The loudest topic was repealing Obamacare.  Politicians are loyal to party, but they sure don't like hostile yelling at town hall meetings in their home districts.    That's a big reason why there's so much resistance to Trumpcare from right-wingers.    


        In a general sense, Trump's policy proposals from now on are leaky boats stuck in squalls with broken rudders.   Republicans care more about getting re-elected and keeping their noses in the trough, than blind loyalty to the Dufus in Chief.


        And yes, I'm sure all politicians, particularly Republicans, are prostrating in front of their home altars to the God of Money, praying that Pence replaces Trump - the sooner the better.


        However, with the piles of dirt being dug up on all Trump's inner circle, Pence will likely be axed, along with Bannon, Sessions, and the others.   Get ready for President Ryan.

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Sources: FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization

Sources: FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization


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And when the above post has you feeling concerned, then let this one give you shock and without awe! Here we now have today, General Flynn who was the National Security Advisor !!!! Who it now transpires was "registered" as a "Foreign Agent" for Turkey and was paid 500K USD for 'lobbying' he did for them between August and November 2016 at the height of the election campaign!!! This man was being paid as a Foreign Agent of Turkey when he was on the Republican stages shouting 'lock her up'. This is MIND BLOWING!! Either the Trump Administration knew in which case they should take up the entire wing of a super max prison. OR possibly even worse they appointed someone to the highest Security Position in the USA with NO vetting!!! In which case the super max wing should still await. This is beyond imagination, so much so, like the pundit on here I cannot begin to rationalise this. MUST WATCH!



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Great American novelist Roth on trump --



Novelist Philip Roth has lashed out at President Trump as an ignorant “con man” who could do untold damage to the country.

The retired “Portnoy’s Complaint” author told the New Yorker that Trump makes other polarizing Republicans like Richard Nixon and George W. Bush look angelic by comparison.

“Trump is ignorant of government, of history, of science, of philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency,” Roth told the magazine in a string of emails. He “wield(s) a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.”


Read more: http://forward.com/fast-forward/360851/philip-roth-calls-trump-an-ignorant-con-man-with-vocabulary-of-77-words/



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28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Great American novelist Roth on trump --

Read more: http://forward.com/fast-forward/360851/philip-roth-calls-trump-an-ignorant-con-man-with-vocabulary-of-77-words/




Good characterization, which I happen to agree with.

Ironically, it was the demonization of presidents like Bush and Nixon (America's last progressive president) that led to the rise of a Trump like figure.

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I fully realize many people will consider this alarmist, but personally the moment trump was elected I considered it a real possibility. Actually, before he was elected assuming he would lose ugly.


So here are some American CIVIL WAR scenarios --




Will we have a civil war? A SF officer turned diplomat estimates chances at 60 percent




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Here are More than 400 Officials Trump has Quietly Deployed Across the Government


ProPublica has obtained a list of many of them. They include dozens of former lobbyists, Trump campaign staffers and some affiliated with the online far-right.



I thought he was going to drain the swamp?  He's filling it with his people now.  Look at the list of lobbyists in that article.  Unreal.





The list we obtained includes obscure campaign staffers, contributors to Breitbart and others who have embraced conspiracy theories, as well as dozens of Washington insiders who could be reasonably characterized as part of the “swamp” Trump pledged to drain.


The list is striking for how many former lobbyists it contains: We found at least 36, spanning industries from health insurance and pharmaceuticals to construction, energy and finance. Many of them lobbied in the same areas that are regulated by the agencies they have now joined.



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If he can pull this off, without killing the economy, I'll support him!  BS and all! LOL  We'll see....






Washington prepares for budget cuts, culture changes

Unanswered: Will Trump's cuts actually put a dent in the deficit?

The $54 billion in proposed cuts to non-defense programs will be supplemented by the same budget increase to defense and security spending, meaning the first round of planned cuts will have no impact on the deficit.


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What the alt-right really wants.




Bannon is trump's top adviser.

Bannon is the major leader of the alt-right movement.

This isn't OK and further explains why there is such a strong and persistent RESISTANCE to both trumpism and the alt-right (as they are joined at the hip).

Edited by Jingthing
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Trump’s Mar-a-Lago is heaven — for spies

The president’s semi-public Florida retreat doesn’t follow the same strict background check protocol as the White House, creating an espionage risk. (sub-title)


"PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Donald Trump relishes the comforts of his Mar-a-Lago estate for repeated weekends away from Washington, but former Secret Service and intelligence officials say the resort is a security nightmare vulnerable to both casual and professional spies."


"While Trump’s private club in South Florida has been transformed into a fortress of armed guards, military-grade radar, bomb sniffing dogs and metal-detection checkpoints, there are still notable vulnerabilities, namely the stream of guests who can enter the property without a background check."


"The Service’s main job is to protect the president from physical threats and monitoring for wiretaps and other listening devices — but not from the kinds of counterespionage challenges presented by the president’s choice to eat, sleep and work at a club accessible to anyone who can get a member to invite them in."



The incredible blundering buffoons continue on...

Edited by iReason
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I was checking when some new TV series were going to start this year and was struck by how much Trump is akin to Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones. It will be as equally fascinating to watch Trump fall from power as it was to watch the demise of Ramsey Bolton. Bannon could almost be the Dark King (King of the undead from the North). and maybe Kelly Ann Conway is Cersei Lannister and Sean Spicer is Dobby from Harry Potter. 


Anyway it seems that there is more news out on the street as expected this weekend.


It seems that there are at least 5 million tax returns that have not been sent in , in the US this year with only 5 weeks left. Tax inspectors have said this is unusual and assess there could be a number of reasons. Illegal Immigrants, many of whom pay taxes are now scared of declaring themselves to Trump and being deported so they are choosing not to pay tax. Also if it is good enough for the President not to pay taxes then it is good enough for everyone else. It is all an interesting and expensive consequence of the Trump campaign rhetoric.



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The trump presidency.


But legal.

This article won't cheer up progressives but best to face soberly what happened --




How Trump Has Spawned A Spiraling Constitutional Crisis We Haven’t Seen Since Civil War


It’s not too late to change course, but it’s close.





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15 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Whether you like Trump or not he certainly seems to have it right on Muslims. Just look at the Dutch at the moment.

He's 100% wrong about Muslims.  The problems in Holland are due to lax immigration laws/procedures.  Or liberal laws.  That's not the problem in the US.  It's not easy to get to the US for these people.  They have to apply.  Not just cross land borders like they are doing in Europe.  Totally different.

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I've been on holiday, but keeping an eye on this thread for the entertainment value.

Seems like it's just the same few anti Trumpers telling each other how bad Trump is, and maybe one pro Trumper posting occasionally.

Basically, the anti Trumpers talking to themselves because no one else is bothering.

I certainly won't be actively posting on this thread.

So, enjoy your thread, but only the anti Trumpers are listening.

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've been on holiday, but keeping an eye on this thread for the entertainment value.

Seems like it's just the same few anti Trumpers telling each other how bad Trump is, and maybe one pro Trumper posting occasionally.

Basically, the anti Trumpers talking to themselves because no one else is bothering.

I certainly won't be actively posting on this thread.

So, enjoy your thread, but only the anti Trumpers are listening.

"I've been on holiday, but keeping an eye on this thread for the entertainment value."

"So, enjoy your thread, but only the anti Trumpers are listening."


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18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've been on holiday, but keeping an eye on this thread for the entertainment value.

Seems like it's just the same few anti Trumpers telling each other how bad Trump is, and maybe one pro Trumper posting occasionally.

Basically, the anti Trumpers talking to themselves because no one else is bothering.

I certainly won't be actively posting on this thread.

So, enjoy your thread, but only the anti Trumpers are listening.

Hard to be pro Trump.  What's he accomplished so far? LOL  Other than causing problems.  Seriously.  He's accomplished almost nothing.

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2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Whether you like Trump or not he certainly seems to have it right on Muslims. Just look at the Dutch at the moment.

There is no comparison to the US domestic situation.


The current situation in the Netherlands is ludicrous, perhaps fairly called out as caused by megaphone diplomacy by both sides of the argument, exacerbated by pandering to the extreme right by their current PM - there lies a lesson for Trump

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This guy has a good point. An important tool for the resistance now is to find support among the trump voters that are starting to realize they've been totally CONNED.

Yes, progressives and many traditional conservative types as well knew he was a sleazy con man all along, but those that were conned are potential ALLIES in the resistance.




Next steps for the Trump resistance

Switchers can switch again. This means focusing in the short term on how Trump’s policies will do severe harm to many who thought he would help them. An analysis by Nate Cohn of the New York Times found that those who stand to lose the most under the Republican health-care plan’s tax credits tended to support Trump over Clinton. Citizens who are hit in their pocketbooks usually notice.





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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This guy has a good point. An important tool for the resistance now is to find support among the trump voters that are starting to realize they've been totally CONNED.

Yes, progressives and many traditional conservative types as well knew he was a sleazy con man all along, but those that were conned are potential ALLIES in the resistance.






Thought the going creed was anyone-who-voted-Trump-is-tainted....At least some anti-Trump posters were pretty feisty on this front.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


Thought the going creed was anyone-who-voted-Trump-is-tainted....At least some anti-Trump posters were pretty feisty on this front.

Tainted or not, the more people on the resistance bandwagon the better. 

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