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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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21 hours ago, mania said:

But you folks carry on with your Faux "resistance" to fair US elections from afar & I will check back in 6 months or so see how your holding up.

                       It's not faux resistance.  It's quite real.  The biggest demonstration in the history of the world took place the day after Trump was inaugurated.  Not only every city in the US, but small towns, and hundreds of locations ww - there were millions of people demonstrating against Trump.   And the resistance is gaining numbers and momentum.


                          Things can only end badly for Trump, his buddies and his family.  Even Comey is going to get the shaft.  However, we may have to wait longer than 6 months.   We'll likely have to wait 2 years, for the mid-term elections to put a Democratic majority in the House - and start doing the clean-up that should be happening now.  But clean-up and fixing can't be done now, because there are majorities of Republicans in both houses of Congress.  


                             Republicans are putting party allegiance over what's good for America, so we're going to have to hope Trump can't do as much damage as he's trying to implement - in the next 2 years.  In other words, the resistance will have to continue to be vigilant in hamstringing Trump and his idiot advisers (Bannon, Ivanka, Kushner and others) from inflicting harm on Americans and their natural environment.


 P.S. Pence won't be the replacement when Trump goes down in flames.  Pence is in deep doo doo.  If you don't know why, look it up.  One word hint:  Flynn.

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16 hours ago, Morch said:

What does the guy sell?

                           He's a journalist and an author.  He has spent hundreds of hours with Trump and studying Trump.  He has come to the same conclusion as others who know Trump very well:   Trump is a con-man, ....an inept and a shyster.  


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11 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters


"To expand his real estate developments over the years, Donald Trump, his company and partners repeatedly turned to wealthy Russians and oligarchs from former Soviet republics — several allegedly connected to organized crime, according to a USA TODAY review of court cases, government and legal documents and an interview with a former federal prosecutor."


"The president and his companies have been linked to at least 10 wealthy former Soviet businessmen with alleged ties to criminal organizations or money laundering."


Among them:



The key word in your post above:  laundering.   And it's not about washing the red tie that droops down below Trump's genitals.


One of several law-breaking charges Trump will have to face is:  laundering funds.  Kushner may be entwined also.  Stay tuned.  It should be a bumpy ride.


excerpt from Pagepate.com:


"Money laundering is a serious crime under federal law. A violation of 18 U.S.C. §1956 can result in a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. A violation of 18 U.S.C. §1957 can result in a sentence of up to 10 years in prison."

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1 hour ago, kevkev1888 said:

You know you don't have to post EVERY SINGLE Trump hating thing that you read or watch here. .


Very disturbing how Trumpeteers consistently employ the word "hate"...


Regarding the posts, facts and grim reality getting you down?


Or would you prefer:



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8 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump goes soft on Saudi

He used to trash the kingdom, but now the president is making it his first foreign stop. (sub-title)


"President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia “blew up the World Trade Center” and wants “women as slaves and to kill gays.”


"He has also insisted that the oil-rich Arab kingdom provide the United States with free oil for a decade."


"But when Trump takes his first overseas trip later this month, Saudi Arabia will be his first stop."




A shameless panderer.


With the principles of a gnat...


But on this specific score, not that different from other Western politician and previous US presidents.

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2 hours ago, iReason said:

Very disturbing how Trumpeteers consistently employ the word "hate"...


Regarding the posts, facts and grim reality getting you down?

You find it very disturbing that "Trumpeteers" as you call them would call people such as your self Trump haters. How is that very disturbing? 


While dishing out the most hateful speech about Trump. Picking and poking at any negative angle you can find on anything Trump, backed up by the completely bias media, celeb lefties and snowflake gender neutrals in an orgy of hate. Dreaming up you own parallel world fantasy stories of Russia, Corruption, Impeachment, etc etc etc.


Grim reality, Trump used a Flag gif with the wrong number of stars on it, really? 


Hold on tight it is going to be a long 8 years.








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44 minutes ago, Morch said:


But on this specific score, not that different from other Western politician and previous US presidents.

Except I don't recall previous Presidential Republican or Democratic nominees trash talking the Saudis. He's more like George W. Bush and Bill Clinton in breaking his promise to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.

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43 minutes ago, Morch said:


But on this specific score, not that different from other Western politician and previous US presidents.

President Donald Trump has said that Saudi Arabia “blew up the World Trade Center” and wants “women as slaves and to kill gays.”


"He has also insisted that the oil-rich Arab kingdom provide the United States with free oil for a decade."


Not sure I remember any other President or candidate make reckless statements such as these and then visit the country. Even Reagan at his worst never went past "evil empire ".  


It's important to not let attempts at fairness descend into being disingenuous...


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38 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

You find it very disturbing that "Trumpeteers" as you call them would call people such as your self Trump haters. How is that very disturbing? 


While dishing out the most hateful speech about Trump. Picking and poking at any negative angle you can find on anything Trump, backed up by the completely bias media, celeb lefties and snowflake gender neutrals in an orgy of hate. Dreaming up you own parallel world fantasy stories of Russia, Corruption, Impeachment, etc etc etc.


Grim reality, Trump used a Flag gif with the wrong number of stars on it, really? 


Hold on tight it is going to be a long 8 years.








I got to admit you have a point. Remember all that crazy lefty slagging of Michael T. Flynn? Boy, do we feel embarrassed now. And those crazy congressional investigations of Russian influence in the elections? If only the Republicans were in control of the House and Senate,  those investigations would never have happened.

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29 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Massive Bombshell Out Of Netherlands – Trump Guilty Of Money Laundering Crimes



So many bombshells it risks being the size of a Nuke.


It seems very likely that two Grand Jury's are currently sitting concerning Trump and Russia.

Get to Mara Lago for the weekend Donald, not much time left to visit.




Skywalker, interestingly connecting to your link, one of the Grand Jury's is hearing a 'RICO' case which is racketeering, and what is your link all about - Trump and racketeering. Popcorn popcorn popcorn !!!!

Edited by Andaman Al
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All major networks now refuse to air Trump's 'fake news' advertisement


"CNN was the first to reject the 30-second spot, which included the words "fake news" in bold, red font over photos of news anchors, including CNN's Wolf Blitzer, MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow, ABC's George Stephanopoulos and CBS's Scott Pelley.


"CNN requested that the advertiser remove the false graphic that the mainstream media is 'fake news,'" the cable channel said."


"NBC issued its own statement saying that, "Consistent with our policies, we have agreed to accept the ad if the inaccurate graphic — which refers to journalists as 'fake news' — is corrected."





They are not going to run the Mussolini wanna be's FAKE propaganda.  :thumbsup:

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Former Trump adviser Carter Page held 'strong pro-Kremlin views', says ex-boss

Page left the consulting firm Eurasia Group in 1998, suggesting his Russian sympathies were known for nearly two decades before he joined Trump campaign. (sub-title)


"A former adviser to Donald Trump who is at the centre of an FBI investigation was exhibiting “strongly pro-Kremlin” ideology almost two decades ago, his former employer has told the Guardian."


"Carter Page, who was reportedly being monitored by the FBI last summer because of suspicions about his ties to Russia, was hired in 1998 by the Eurasia Group, a major US consulting firm that advises banks and multinational corporations, but left the firm shortly thereafter."


"The account of Page’s abrupt departure from the Eurasia Group suggests that concerns about Page and questions about his links to Russia were known in some professional circles for nearly two decades and long before Page joined Trump’s successful presidential campaign."

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Donald Trump forced to sign budget that doesn't include single cent for his promised wall

Mr Trump signs order behind closed doors at his home in central New Jersey, ahead of a midnight deadline for a government shutdown (sub-title)


"Donald Trump has signed a $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund the Government for the remainder of the fiscal year. It includes no money for a Mexican border wall, despite it being one of the biggest promises of his campaign."


"White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, speaking to reporters at a regular media briefing, confirmed the president had signed the bill."


"Negotiators on the bill dropped Mr Trump's demands for a down payment on his oft-promised wall along the US-Mexico border, but his signature buys five months of funding stability while legislators argue over the wall and over Mr Trump's demands for a huge military buildup matched by cuts to popular domestic programmes and foreign aid accounts."




Well, that's not what he repeatedly lied to his Lemmings about anyway...



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White House: Trump travels to his New Jersey golf club to ‘save the taxpayer money’


"President Trump is working a long weekend from his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., a trip that the White House claims saves taxpayers money, though it is estimated to cost the government and local authorities hundreds of thousands of dollars."


"Trump touted his visit to the golf club on Twitter on Friday, claiming that the visit “also saves country money!” compared with the cost of staying at Trump Tower in New York City."


"The White House is already a secure facility, and Trump would not need to use Air Force One and the federal government would not spend more to house, feed and pay agents for additional security outside of Washington."




The guy is delusional...

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6 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched


From your link:


"CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens."


"The reason for the change is that a decision from the current administration administrative officials has requested that all monitors, under our control, on the White Oak Campus, display FOX news," the email reads."


"Then, White Oak apologizes for the "inconvenience," adding, "I am unable to change any of the monitors to any other news source at this time."




The control of information and indoctrination under the Mussolini wanna-be illustrated.

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30 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump says 'everybody', not just Australia, has better healthcare than US



Trump lauds Australia’s universal health care minutes after Republicans vote to end Obamacare


"U.S. President Donald Trump delivered a real head-scratcher Thursday when he took aim at Obamacare by lavishing praise on Australia‘s health care system — which provides universal coverage and is partially taxpayer-funded."


“Right now, Obamacare is failing. I shouldn’t say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia, because you have better health care than we do,” Trump said as Turnbull smiled.


"Trump’s comments may come as a surprise to many as Australia’s Medicare system is partially funded by a two per cent levy, with low-income Australians paying less or nothing in many cases and high-earners paying extra."




The clueless buffoon strikes again... :coffee1:

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15 minutes ago, iReason said:


Trump lauds Australia’s universal health care minutes after Republicans vote to end Obamacare


"U.S. President Donald Trump delivered a real head-scratcher Thursday when he took aim at Obamacare by lavishing praise on Australia‘s health care system — which provides universal coverage and is partially taxpayer-funded."


“Right now, Obamacare is failing. I shouldn’t say this to our great gentleman and my friend from Australia, because you have better health care than we do,” Trump said as Turnbull smiled.


"Trump’s comments may come as a surprise to many as Australia’s Medicare system is partially funded by a two per cent levy, with low-income Australians paying less or nothing in many cases and high-earners paying extra."




The clueless buffoon strikes again... :coffee1:

The irony is that its traditionally right wing governments, like turnbull, in Australia who are always trying to under-fund or get rid of the medicare system. One of Turnbulls platforms going into the last election was to privatize the running of medicare.

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