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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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21 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I think they need to "earn" sympathy, but in the meantime if they want to understand what sympathy really is they can find it in the Concise Oxfords Dictionary somewhere between S**t and Syphilis.

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50 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Little chance of impeachment unless the dems take the house in 2018.

I think stuff will come out soon of such a criminal or treasonous magnitude that impeachment will be unavoidable, even if Republicans had 400 seats.


Contrary to what Trump thinks or says, he is the antithesis of Midas and everything he touches turns to <deleted>. His day is coming! 

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Atheist organisation files lawsuit against Donald Trump's 'Religious Liberty' executive order


"A organisation of atheists from Wisconsin has filed a lawsuit challenging the president’s so-called “religious liberty” order, claiming his move to allow religious groups to preach politics from the pulpit is in breach of the constitution."


"The Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), established in 1978, said recent comments by Mr Trump were a clear attempt to roll-back the provisions of the Johnson Amendment, a 1954 law that prohibits all tax-exempt institutions from campaigning for political candidates."


"The FFRF lawsuit says: “Among its many faults, [Mr Trump’s] order requires the IRS to selectively and preferentially discontinue enforcement of the electioneering restrictions of the tax code against churches and religious organisations, while applying a more vigorous enforcement standard to secular non-profits.”



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Donald Trump’s Penthouse Is Way Smaller Than He Claims


"During the presidential election, Donald Trump took Forbes on a tour of his three-story Trump Tower penthouse, and boasted that it was 33,000 square feet, worth at least $200 million, and was literally the “best apartment ever built.”


"According to Forbes, Trump actually shares those three floors with a neighbor."


The magazine estimates that the residence is actually worth $64 million, not the $200 million figure Trump claimed.




This goof is relentless with his lying.


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Ex-CIA Officer Says Carter Page Is "Chump Change" And That Bigger Fish Now Being Targeted By Feds


“Look, the reason Carter Page is being featured is because he’s prominent in the press, not because he’s the most prominent target of the FBI,” Mudd said."


“I think there will eventually be an indictment. Somebody going to be indicted, I don’t know if it’s going to be Carter Page — I think he’s chump change, I think it’s someone higher up.”


"Asked to elaborate, Mudd explained that, based on what the FBI has heard from their “intercepts” of Trump transition officials talking with Russian officials, they will use that evidence to get those officials to “flip” and spill what they know in order to avoid being indicted on federal charges."




For the uninformed:





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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Little chance of impeachment unless the dems take the house in 2018.

Indeed. And achieving this majority ought to be the dems goal...


On 5/8/2017 at 1:35 AM, Jingthing said:

..but these sort of attitudes aren't really helpful.



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Donald Trump mocked for changing Twitter banner to hit back at Russia links


"Director Clapper reiterated what everybody, including the fake media already knows- there is "no evidence" of collusion w/ Russia and Trump," the president proclaims in the account's main picture, which shows the president surrounded by dozens of people in the Oval Office giving a thumbs up."



He said no such thing.

What he said was:


"James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, who retired when Mr Trump took office, told the committee that the Russians would be celebrating the discord they had sown."


"He said that the evidence that Russia was behind the hack of the election was "overwhelming".


“Russia’s activities to influence the election counted as a high watermark in their efforts," he said.




This is what he said about not seeing F.B.I. evidence:


"The former national intelligence director says that he was not aware of the FBI's counterintelligence probe into Russia meddling in the election during his time as head of the nation's 17 spy agencies."


"James Clapper retired the day President Donald Trump was inaugurated."


"He says that as a consequence, he was not aware of the counterintelligence investigation that FBI Director James Comey acknowledged during his March 20 testimony before the House intelligence committee."



The lying con-man in the White House is getting more and more desperate.

The walls are closing in...

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Little chance of impeachment unless the dems take the house in 2018.


There is a chance if the Republican party believes the doofus POTUS is toxic and a liability which will cause them to lose too many future elections that they will put him on the chopping block. Even this last health care vote potentially moved 20 congressional seats from Republican to lean Democrat. If more "dirt" comes forward and confirmed about the whole Russian deal, you might see the Republican party cut their losses and move to impeach the toxic POTUS to save the party from total decimation. 


Right now, the Democratic party is thrilled with all the gaffs, missteps and Russia links of the current administration. The longer this plays out in a negative light, the better off the Democratic party will be in 2018 and 2020. You might see a total swap of power in Congress, Senate and the WH.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:

Indeed. And achieving this majority ought to be the dems goal...


..but these sort of attitudes aren't really helpful.



It depends. I was reading the trump regret page and about a significant percentage of the posts were from alt right fascist types who think trump misled them and is not acting alt right fascist enough. As if they would ever vote for a democrat.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It depends. I was reading the trump regret page and about a significant percentage of the posts were from alt right fascist types who think trump misled them and is not acting alt right fascist enough. As if they would ever vote for a democrat.


Yeah, but as views expressed on this topic and elsewhere indicate, the contempt and superiority are not limited to that segment. Or rather, are focused on that segment and take it as representing most f Trump's support. Can't see how that's gonna bridge divides, and make the wished for political majority a reality. 

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24 minutes ago, Morch said:


Yeah, but as views expressed on this topic and elsewhere indicate, the contempt and superiority are not limited to that segment. Or rather, are focused on that segment and take it as representing most f Trump's support. Can't see how that's gonna bridge divides, and make the wished for political majority a reality. 

Hopes for a Liberal majority are not going to become a reality.

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1 minute ago, kevkev1888 said:

Hopes for a Liberal majority are not going to become a reality.


There's no need for "liberal" majority, just for a dem majority. The above is pretty much a mirror image of the attitude referenced.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

At this point, considering trump's atrocious mass murdering "health" bill, a majority mostly based on ANTI-trump may do the trick. Look at France. Most of Macron's vote was anti-Le Pen.

Even if the comparison was accepted, it doesn't bode well. Defeating Trump, installing a mediocre compromise replacement and paving the way for a replay in 2-4 years? IMO, consolidating a vote against something is usually an ad-hoc thing, and not really a coherent alternative. It relates to an immediate issue (ie Trump), but misses the challenges inherent in the reasons for its existence.

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11 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Hopes for a Liberal majority are not going to become a reality.


US Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin


"PRINCETON, N.J. -- Many more Americans have considered themselves politically conservative than liberal since the early 1990s."


"36% of Americans now conservative, 25% liberal"


"Yet that 11-percentage-point margin is half of what it was at its peak in 1996 and is down from 14 points only two years ago."



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25 minutes ago, kevkev1888 said:

Just WOW on that comment. 

It's for real.

The trumpists act like trumpcare won't directly mean massive deaths of Americans.

But it will. 

Like it or not, that's the 2018 campaign.

Most people won't say it that clearly, but I'm not a politician. 

The majority of Americans now believe it IS the role of government to provide basic health care to ALL Americans. trump promised many many times in his campaign he felt the same way. It was total BS.

trumpcare doesn't care. It is indeed MURDER.

Run against that. Good bloody luck. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's for real.

The trumpists act like trumpcare won't directly mean massive deaths of Americans.

But it will. 

Like it or not, that's the 2018 campaign.

Most people won't say it that clearly, but I'm not a politician. 

You need to brush up on what murder, mass murder and perspective are.

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1 hour ago, Morch said:

Even if the comparison was accepted, it doesn't bode well. Defeating Trump, installing a mediocre compromise replacement and paving the way for a replay in 2-4 years? IMO, consolidating a vote against something is usually an ad-hoc thing, and not really a coherent alternative. It relates to an immediate issue (ie Trump), but misses the challenges inherent in the reasons for its existence.

It's not black and white.

Assuming the democrats take back the house in 2018, which they have good odds now to do but no certainty, it will be a combination of anti-trumpism combined with supporting the democratic party agenda, which I believe will now become clearly for universal health care. Which a slim majority of Americans already support. 

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:

You need to brush up on what murder, mass murder and perspective are.

Not interested in morality lectures especially from persons that still think trump is just another president, and not the severe threat to American democracy that he actually is. 

Deny health care to millions of people, many will die, when you consider that the USA is one of the wealthiest nations in the world and many poorer nations don't do that,  that is premeditated murder in my book. 

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Not interested in morality lectures especially from persons that still think trump is just another president, and not the severe threat to American democracy that he actually is. 

Deny health care to millions of people, many will die, when you consider that the USA is one of the wealthiest nations in the world and many poorer nations don't do that,  that is premeditated murder in my book. 

I get it many of the so-called "resistance" isn't interested in anything that questions their views, and that such rejections often go full throttle on nonsense descriptors. Kindly state where I posted that "Trump is just another president", or that his presidency does not constitute a "severe threat to American democracy". That I see the threat differently than you, or that I consider some of the reactions from the wannabee "resistance" to be making things worse, is another matter.


As said, hyperbole opinions about what "premeditated murder" is, does not make them fact. This would relate to that other word, perspective, which doesn't seem to be very popular on this topic.


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16 minutes ago, Morch said:

I get it many of the so-called "resistance" isn't interested in anything that questions their views, and that such rejections often go full throttle on nonsense descriptors. Kindly state where I posted that "Trump is just another president", or that his presidency does not constitute a "severe threat to American democracy". That I see the threat differently than you, or that I consider some of the reactions from the wannabee "resistance" to be making things worse, is another matter.


As said, hyperbole opinions about what "premeditated murder" is, does not make them fact. This would relate to that other word, perspective, which doesn't seem to be very popular on this topic.


Republicans supporting trumpcare, basically attacking the poorest and sickest Americans, particularly with RADICAL cuts to Medicaid, financed by HUGE tax cuts for the richest, know with full certainty that such action will result in countless American deaths. They aren't pulling the trigger, but surely morally, there isn't that much difference.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Republicans supporting trumpcare, basically attacking the poorest and sickest Americans, particularly with RADICAL cuts to Medicaid, financed by HUGE tax cuts for the richest, know with full certainty that such action will result in countless American deaths. They aren't pulling the trigger, but surely morally, there isn't that much difference.


Thought you're not into "moral lectures"? Or was this only when it comes to being on the receiving end?


Again, and not particularly supportive of either Trump or Republican policies, that is not premeditated murder, nor mass murder, not even murder. It may be a whole lot of other bad things, but again, not the hyperbole terms employed. That you (and others) use Trump as an excuse to go this way is, to quote Trump - sad.


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Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Your opinion. I see it as a form of premeditated mass murder. Most politicians won't put it that way, and probably better that they don't (I'm not a politician), but that's the gist of the argument. The trumpcare supporters know full well that will be the result and yet they still support it. 


Most PEOPLE won't put it this way. Quite out there.

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Just now, Morch said:


Most PEOPLE won't put it this way. Quite out there.

Tell that to those close to the people that will definitely die if trumpcare passes. Dude, we're not going to agree on this. These republicans are fully aware of what they're trying to do. 

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