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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Support for Trump among republicans remains high. It's therefore not surprising that republican candidates won in heavily republican districts. 


The Dems took a big risk in portraying these races as some kind of national referenda against Trump. Because of this framing, these republican wins—which otherwise would've been ho-hum—now will instead strengthen Trump's hand—the last thing we need in a narcissistic megalomaniac.


Generally, the Dems have been better at governing than at winning elections. The Republicans, better at winning elections than governing. In this case, they turned what would've been local losses into what looks like national losses. Meanwhile they stupidly continue to sideline good strategists like Dean.



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

They were all heavily red districts where any democrat winning would be a huge upset.

Let's wait till 18 for the final word on 18, shall we? 

You've had your gloating time. This thread is about the anti-trump resistance which yes, did suffer a setback, but it is not going away.

Bit more please





ahhh. Thanks. Felt good!

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You've had your gloating time. This thread is about the anti-trump resistance which yes, did suffer a setback, but it is not going away.


Given the fact that he has been so provably wrong in his assertions so many times in the recent past, I'll give him a pass.

This time.


So, let him Troll on and have a little self-aborbed fun...



And don't be disheartened. There was no setback.


In fact, there was great progress.

Georgia and S. Carolina republicans, who have held a stranglehold for decades, barely sqeaked by with 5% and 4% respectively.

Last time around, they were in the 20's...  :thumbsup:

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11 minutes ago, balo said:

In The Queens speech today Donald Trump was not mentioned with a word.

The state visit has been cancelled 



If it's true, I'm kinda torn on that one.


Yes, they should disinvite the boorish, crass buffoon but, on the other hand,

I would relish seeing the inept one subjected to a barrage of some good ol' scathing British witticism and commentary.


But I'd be satisfied if they just tell him to take a hike... :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, iReason said:


Given the fact that he has been so provably wrong in his assertions so many times in the recent past, I'll give him a pass.

This time.


So, let him Troll on and have a little self-aborbed fun...



And don't be disheartened. There was no setback.


In fact, there was great progress.

Georgia and S. Carolina republicans, who have held a stranglehold for decades, barely sqeaked by with 5% and 4% respectively.

Last time around, they were in the 20's...  :thumbsup:

Yes you are very good losers!


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Jon Ossoff's $23 Million Loss Shows Dems Have No Idea How to Win in the Age of Trump

‘The fight goes on. Hope is still alive,’ Ossoff said in his concession speech, as his party struggles to crack the code for converting resistance into victory.



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Trump administration to turn over federal banking records to Senate investigators


"Senate investigators will receive a trove of banking records from the Treasury Department that lawmakers believe could help shed light on any business dealings involving campaign aides and other advisers to President Trump, Sen. Ron Wyden told ABC News on Tuesday."


“The stack of press reports gets higher every day regarding financial connections between Trump associates and Russia and Trump’s own business dealings with Russian interests,” said Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who sits on the Senate Intelligence committee.


“That means thoroughly review any information that relates to financial connections between Russia and President Trump and his associates, whether direct or laundered through hidden or illicit transactions."



Now we're talkin'.

Now it's getting good.

Follow that money back to the infestation in the White House. :thumbsup:


Truly the beginning of the end. :laugh:

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Trump, Russia and a Shadowy Business Partnership

An insider describes the Bayrock Group, its links to the Trump family and its mysterious access to funds.
It isn't pretty. (sub-title)
"One of Bayrock's principals was a career criminal named Felix Sater who had ties to Russian and American organized crime groups."
"Before linking up with the company and with Trump, he had worked as a mob informant for the U.S. government, fled to Moscow to avoid criminal charges while boasting of his KGB and Kremlin contacts there, and had gone to prison for slashing apart another man’s face with a broken cocktail glass."
"A troubling history of Trump's dealings with Russians exists outside of Russia: in a dormant real-estate development firm, the Bayrock Group, which once operated just two floors beneath the president's own office in Trump Tower."


Read the whole article about Bayrock the company that is now being investigated by Special Counsel Mueller. :thumbsup:



Turkish mobster Tevfik Arif, "invester" in Bayrock and Russian mobster Felix Sater seen here yukking it up with your president, Trumpeteers.

More on Arif here:



The beauty of it all is, the inept one has been so arrogant and sloppy, he will end up being the most disgraced fool to ever inhabit the White House.


Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 10.18.01 PM.png

Edited by iReason
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Maddow Highlights Trump Real Estate Financing From Russian Sources ‘Closer to Putin’


"During tonight’s broadcast of The Rachel Maddow Show, host Rachel Maddow did yet another deep-dive into Russian election interference and whether there’s any connection or collusion with Donald Trump’s campaign."


I"n this instance, she highlighted an upcoming report by Bloomberg News’ Tim O’Brien, who has written extensively on Trump’s finances in the past."


"Lawyers are looking to unseal documents from a federal case involving Sater as they feel it will show the president committed fraud at the time."


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AFTER the obnoxious trumpist gloating.

AFTER the anti-trumpist depression and despair.

A realistic hopeful path forward.




Don’t get demoralized by the big Georgia loss, Democrats


The crux of the matter is that of course an Ossoff win would have signaled that Republicans are in very deep trouble, and that would have been great for Democrats. But the fact that this didn’t happen does not undercut the idea that the general trends still show that the House is likely to be in play next year. As Wasserman concludes: “Republicans shouldn’t be tempted to believe their House majority is safe. In fact, their majority is still very much at risk.”



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11 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:



On a lighter note...



Reminds me of some faces a few months ago...








Remember how they laughed like drains when Ann Coulter predicted Trump would win? They're not laughing now.

I'm predicting they won't be laughing next year either.

Seems like the only resisting in in Dem circles, and the rest prefer the GOP.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Trump administration to turn over federal banking records to Senate investigators

"Senate investigators will receive a trove of banking records from the Treasury Department that lawmakers believe could help shed light on any business dealings involving campaign aides and other advisers to President Trump, Sen. Ron Wyden told ABC News on Tuesday."


“The stack of press reports gets higher every day regarding financial connections between Trump associates and Russia and Trump’s own business dealings with Russian interests,” said Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who sits on the Senate Intelligence committee.


“That means thoroughly review any information that relates to financial connections between Russia and President Trump and his associates, whether direct or laundered through hidden or illicit transactions."



Now we're talkin'.

Now it's getting good.

Follow that money back to the infestation in the White House. :thumbsup:


Truly the beginning of the end. :laugh:

Impeach the buffoon now!!!
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Breaks starting to occur?






Senate to White House on health care: No Trump, please

Donald Trump may be the President of the United States, but when it comes to passing health care reform through the Senate, Trump is the understudy to Mitch McConnell's lead.


Senators and their top aides on Capitol Hill have made it clear to the White House as health care legislation makes its way through the Senate that the less involved Trump is, the better for the bill's prospects.


Great president!  His own senators don't want him involved.  Yet some here, still support him. :blink:


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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Remember how they laughed like drains when Ann Coulter predicted Trump would win? They're not laughing now. I'm predicting they won't be laughing next year either. Seems like the only resisting in in Dem circles, and the rest prefer the GOP.

Another who predicted Trump's win, was TYT's main guy; Cenk.  Just by correctly predicting something, doesn't make that thing good.  I could correctly predict the next big earthquake for L.A., but that doesn't make the quake a good thing. 


I followed the election day coverage on TYT.  It was sad, but also heartening to share the experience with the group of fine folks at TYT.  It's somewhat like watching a sporting event with a group of friends, even though the cheating team wins.   People like me and the folks at TYT knew for many moons that a Trump win would be a disastrous loss for the US, and the world in general.  That's part of the reason for the collective glum on election day, ....and also impetus for the largest protests in world history, on the following day.


1 hour ago, mogandave said:

Impeach the buffoon now!!!


                               I'd rather see him resign and then be indictable as a private citizen - and then watch him and his cadre of criminals go to follow Flynn into federal prison cells.  Some Republicans in Congress are slowly coming around to seeing what's been clear to all of us reasonable people for months.  Yet Republicans still won't impeach the dangerous buffoon in the Oval Office even if he raped and killed virgin girls on the carpet there daily.  For Republicans, party trumps all else.

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‘Something is coming’: Fox News’ Napolitano hints that big Trump-Russia news is on the way


"Former Judge Andrew Napolitano was asked by Shepard Smith whether he found the silence to be deafening."


“To me it is, yes, it means something is coming,” Judge Napolitano suggested."


“A lot of us believe when the FBI interrogated General Flynn, they had in front of him a transcript of his conversation with the ambassador and he didn’t know it and he did not recount the same conversation that they knew took place,” Napolitano suggested."




While all the Trumpeteers have is pointless chatter and one dimensional Trolling, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the investigations, the wheels of justice continue to turn.


Flynn will flip to save his own ass, the game will be on, and the eradication of the White House will begin...


And the small minority, the Trumpeteers, in their little bubble who are only concerned with their own misguided self-interests rather than the integrity of the country and the White House, will turn out to be the dupes of a criminal lying con-man and his crew.

And they will deserve it.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems like the only resisting in in Dem circles, and the rest prefer the GOP.


Not true at all.


Just another example of simplistic, myopic, binary, one dimensional "thinking".


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1 hour ago, iReason said:


Not true at all.


Just another example of simplistic, myopic, binary, one dimensional "thinking".


Excellent response. I was impressed by the well considered, convincing reasons why I was wrong, and why I should join the resistance.

Have a nice day :smile:.

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                              The nooses are tightening.  Trump hasn't been allowed to tweet for hours.   Trump is like a kettle of sewer water being heated with its lid soldered on.  Something's gonna blow.   Actually, lots of ugly shit is gonna blow.  Anyone standing near Trump (all the Oval Office people, including Ivanka) are going to get scalded.    They deserve it all, and worse.



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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Excellent response. I was impressed by the well considered, convincing reasons why I was wrong, and why I should join the resistance.

Have a nice day :smile:.

I saw an excellent interview with a democratic member of the house today.  He said the resistance is wrong.  The dems need to "rebrand" themselves and focus on moving forward rather than just being the "resistance".


The same should be true with the republicans.  Cross the isle, get things done.  This political divide is BS.  The people deserve better from their leaders.  From all parties.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The dems need to "rebrand" themselves and focus on moving forward rather than just being the "resistance".



Exactly. 'Anything but trump' isn't much of a platform. They're going to have to come up with some real change, not just one substituting one corrupt unlikable candidate for another.

Edited by Rob13
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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

I saw an excellent interview with a democratic member of the house today.  He said the resistance is wrong.  The dems need to "rebrand" themselves and focus on moving forward rather than just being the "resistance".


The same should be true with the republicans.  Cross the isle, get things done.  This political divide is BS.  The people deserve better from their leaders.  From all parties.

Agreed. The ratings on politicians of both parties says that the population has had enough as well.

However, IMO, politicians being creatures of self interest will always put self before the people.

Love him or hate him, or neither, IMO the people of the US elected Trump to try and make a change in that culture. So far the establishment is resisting with all its might.

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Just now, Rob13 said:


Exactly. 'Anything but trump' isn't much of a platform. They're going to have to come up with some real change, not just one substituting one corrupt unlikable candidate for another.

Yes, and it would help if the candidate actually lived in the district they want to represent. Apparently Ossoff couldn't even vote for himself.

I don't like using this thread to speak about the recent election, but apparently there is no dedicated thread for it, despite being of obvious importance.

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