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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

But not sure, I wouldn't put starting a violent civil war beyond him (and Bannon) if it gets too hot. 



Before I could see that happening, he's doing a good job of alienating his support base though, so I don't see a full on battle happening. He probably still has enough militant neo-nazis on his side to stir up some regional violence though.

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This is just too, too funny. A "must" read. Entertainment value BIGLY.






But it’s no laughing matter.

It can reasonably be said that our dear leader is now the most ridiculed man on the planet. In fact, he may well be the most ridiculed man in history. For a preening narcissist who takes himself terribly seriously, being the butt of the joke heard round the world has got to hurt. The handpicked assortment of craven nitwits and supplicants that he has surrounded himself with have valiantly tried to insulate him from the derision.





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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is just too, too funny. A "must" read. Entertainment value BIGLY.



It is very sad, but true that Trump is a joke and is not taken seriously.   I recently traveled to several countries and when US politics comes up, it's with a snicker.   Bush was considered as an international pariah, but at least there was a discussion.  Even the Russians I spoke with have not one iota of respect for him.   


Trump is proving to be an embarrassment of epic proportions.   

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On March 24, 2017 at 7:57 AM, Ramen087 said:

Just freaking' hilarious... The posts of the last 20 hours are too much.  Is this all you guys do? 

The chronic posting of left leaning articles to fuel your dislike are embarrassing.


Typical (weak) troll deflection of reality.

Typical marginalising, pointless, hit and run gibberish.




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Devin Nunes Met Source On White House Grounds Day Before Claiming Trump Team Was Surveilled


"Nunes met the source on White House grounds in order to view sensitive information in a “secure location,” Jack Langer, Nunes’ communications director, said Monday in a statement, CNN first reported."


"There are sensitive compartmented information facilities ― known as SCIFs ― on Capitol Hill. But using a congressional facility would have required the source to illegally transport the documents, Langer told The Huffington Post."


"The revelation about Nunes adds to speculation that he coordinated with Trump’s team before making allegations about the previous administration’s information-gathering."





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Mexicans who help build Trump wall 'traitors,' top Archdiocese says


"Mexicans who help build U.S. President Donald Trump's planned border wall would be acting immorally and should be deemed traitors, the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico said on Sunday, turning up the heat on a simmering dispute over the project."


"In a provocative editorial, the country's biggest Archdiocese sought to increase pressure on the government to take a tougher line on companies aiming to profit from the wall, which has strained relations between Trump and the Mexican government."


"Any company intending to invest in the wall of the fanatic Trump would be immoral, but above all, its shareholders and owners should be considered traitors to the homeland," said the editorial in Desde la fe, the Archdiocese's weekly publication."



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On 3/24/2017 at 8:02 PM, MRTELLYOUSTRAIGHT said:

Long live Donald Trump.

Comments like that infer that the author has no idea what effect this man (Trump) is having on global and domestic current affairs, no knowledge of Trump's corrupt practices, or an even worse indictment on the authors character - he knows but does not care. There is also no where near the level of maturity displayed to participate on a news forum designed for responsible adults.

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45 already a lame duck!?!

Some kind of record, eh?






Is Trump already a lame duck president?

Trump then added in typical Trump fashion, "I guess I can't be doing so badly, because I'm President, and you're not."

Trump is correct, he is the President. But here's what Trump left out: He's a rare, orange-feathered lame duck President whose most significant achievement may turn out to be his unintentional rebuilding of the Democratic Party.




trump in the DUMP.

So unpopular. He's not capable of change and doesn't want to anyway.


Trump’s approval hits a new low of 36 percent — but that’s not the bad news



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On one of JIngthings links.


So Far since Trump was elected:



Muslim Ban: Double Quashed. 
Immigrants Deported: 50. 
Walls Built: Zero (0). 
Mexicans Billed: Zero (0). 
Jobs Coming Back: Zero (0). 
Coal Mines Opened: Zero (0). 
Trade Tariffs Issued: Zero (0). 
Infrastructure Projects: Zero (0). 
ObamaCares Repealed: Zero (0). 
Militaries Expanded: Zero (0). 
Tax-Cuts Declared: Zero (0). 
Fighting with our Allies, fighting with the Capitalists. 
Fighting with the Press. 
Scandals: Infinity x 1000 + 1. 

That about sums it up!

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Daddy (republican) ... what did you do in the resistance against trump?


Um. Nothing.





Where Are the Good Republicans?

Many in Washington are shocked and appalled by Donald Trump’s presidency, but none have the courage to say so.

For now, however, the conservative resistance is a tiny club. Republican politicians have an opportunity to do something heroic at a dire moment in American history, but they don’t appear to be remotely tempted to seize it. “I wish more than anyone that there would be more courage demonstrated by Republican members of Congress in speaking out against what I think they know is wrong,” says Bardella. “But they lack the fortitude to do so.”






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Interesting news item.

trump was invited by the D.C. home baseball team, the NATIONALS, to have the honor of throwing out the opening day first ball.

That was normal and a president doing that would be normal.

Not surprisingly, trump declined.

Discounting the probability that he probably can't throw well with his tiny hands (not his fault) and at 70 and obese is understandably not athletic, the main reason he declined is obvious.

He can't attend events like that! Ever, in his presidency, which hopefully will be a SHORT one. 

Imagine if he had. He loves records and to have the BIGGEST stuff.

If he had showed up it would have likely been the most dramatically loud and longest BOOING show in American political history.

A HUMILIATION of historic proportions, in sports or politics.

trump received FOUR percent of the vote in D.C.

Not a typo. FOUR not forty.

Only well vetted (EXTREME vetting) "public" crowds for the trump. 

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It looks like the Democrats are trying to do an American Reset. The crushing defeat handed to them by Donald Trump leaves them no choice. With no frontrunner or clear leadership, they have decided to start over.

Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters



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18 minutes ago, stander said:

It looks like the Democrats are trying to do an American Reset. The crushing defeat handed to them by Donald Trump leaves them no choice. With no frontrunner or clear leadership, they have decided to start over.

Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters



It's sensible to regroup, that is true.

Also thanks to Putin, legitimate ethical problems in the DNC were leaked at very strategic times in the campaign to further Russia's efforts (a fact confirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies) to help trump get elected (whether there was treasonous collusion or not with the trump campaign is not known for sure as yet).

So it's more important than usual for the DNC to start anew.

The response of the democratic party, the only viable opposition party, is of course part of the story of the resistance against trump.

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Maybe this will help. After all, to quote one of the local virtual "resistance" members - "desperate times".


Witches cast 'mass spell' against Donald Trump in bid to remove him from office



Witches are apparently casting a spell on Donald Trump


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1 hour ago, stander said:

All thanks to Obama.  Nothing to do with Trump.  From the article:


Clearly, consumers remain optimistic about the economy, and a major factor in this sentiment is the red-hot labor market, which remains close to capacity.


This bruising defeat has sent the US dollar sharply lower, and sent market jitters higher. Trump’s administration has stumbled out of the starting gate, and after more than two months in office, he has yet to provide any details or even an outline of economic policy.


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2 hours ago, stander said:

It looks like the Democrats are trying to do an American Reset. The crushing defeat handed to them by Donald Trump leaves them no choice. With no frontrunner or clear leadership, they have decided to start over.

Embattled DNC Asks All Staffers For Resignation Letters



Not unusual and has happened before. As stated in the article.

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, of course, and disingenuously presented as pro-trump news when it is actually positive news for the anti-trump resistance. Busted. 

Seems Trump's "alternative reality" is rubbing off on others! LOL

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4 minutes ago, stander said:

Bernie Sanders compared the Democratic Party in 2017 to the ill-fated Titanic in a recent interview, adding that corrupt and self-interested Democrat leaders want to maintain the “status quo” and sink with the ship so long as they can keep their “first-class seats.“


Yeah, perhaps, but I'll take "corrupt and self-interested" democrat leaders over trump any day of the week. 

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24 minutes ago, stander said:

Surprised you did not remove my posts, as you normally do when anything does not suit your leftist agenda.


Too easy for the fringe right to play the victim these days. Such dolts, under the impression that they are 'centrists' complain bitterly when they are told they can't put down minorities and that poor people have the same rights to protection a they do. Wailing about PC when they are quite reasonably called racists for making racist comments, homophobes for oppressing the LGBT community and bigots for their recalcitrance in not accepting non conformists to their white supremacist world.


I guess we just have to tolerate these people, since as good liberals we are meant to do but that doesn't mean we should not take some pleasure in watching the English white supremacists pooping in their nest to make England little again. I really can't see the value that comments from such narrow minded people has on a discussion on anti-Trump resistance. The nasty bigotry created by class based hierarchy and imperial bred racism has not equivalence to the American context.

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Majority of Americans think Trump's doing a poor job and the country is headed in the wrong direction: Poll


"Trump's job approval stands at just 42 percent, according to an NBC News|SurveyMonkey Poll. A majority of individuals polled — 56 percent — said they disapprove of the job he is doing in the White House. Trump's net approval rating is now negative 14, down 3 points from negative 11 last month."


"The poll also found that most of the respondents, or 61 percent, feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. That's up from 57 percent of respondents polled a month ago."


"Presidents dating as far back as Jimmy Carter all had approval ratings of 53 percent or higher at roughly the same point in their first terms, according to Gallup."




No surprise there.

A massive majority of Americans voted against him. :laugh:

In a big way.

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34 minutes ago, iReason said:

Majority of Americans think Trump's doing a poor job and the country is headed in the wrong direction: Poll


"Trump's job approval stands at just 42 percent, according to an NBC News|SurveyMonkey Poll. A majority of individuals polled — 56 percent — said they disapprove of the job he is doing in the White House. Trump's net approval rating is now negative 14, down 3 points from negative 11 last month."


"The poll also found that most of the respondents, or 61 percent, feel the country is headed in the wrong direction. That's up from 57 percent of respondents polled a month ago."


"Presidents dating as far back as Jimmy Carter all had approval ratings of 53 percent or higher at roughly the same point in their first terms, according to Gallup."




No surprise there.

A massive majority of Americans voted against him. :laugh:

In a big way.

Trump's historically poor start

Every American president has had his ups and downs. But we've never seen this kind of down this early: A Gallup poll on Monday had President Trump's job-approval rating at 36% (it was conducted mostly after the failed health-care push).

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