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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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5 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump floats idea of using solar panels to pay for Mexico wall


"President Donald Trump floated putting solar panels on his planned Mexican border wall in a meeting with legislative leaders Tuesday afternoon, according to White House and Capitol Hill officials."


"It was unclear why Trump brought up the topic, but he presented the panels as a way to fund the wall, which is expected to cost billions of dollars, according to three people familiar with the conversation."


"He didn't express certainty that it would happen — but that he'd heard it as a possible idea and wanted to see what others thought, said a senior official familiar with the White House meeting."





Next up: A tourist attraction?


Pissing in the wind...




But if he puts the solar panels on the southern side of the wall then it uses Mexican sun so ergo - Mexico pays for the wall !! Brilliant :wink:

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Top intelligence official told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey on FBI Russia probe


The nation’s top intelligence official told associates in March that President Trump asked him if he could intervene with then-FBI Director James B. Comey to get the bureau to back off its focus on former national security adviser Michael Flynn in its Russia probe, according to officials.



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5 People Were Just Shot To Death In Florida. But Don’t Worry, It Wasn’t Terrorism.


One of the deadliest mass shootings of 2017 happened on Monday, and you might not have even heard about it.


A man walked into his former workplace on Monday and opened fire on employees, killing five people before turning the gun on himself.



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5 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

5 People Were Just Shot To Death In Florida. But Don’t Worry, It Wasn’t Terrorism.


One of the deadliest mass shootings of 2017 happened on Monday, and you might not have even heard about it.


A man walked into his former workplace on Monday and opened fire on employees, killing five people before turning the gun on himself.



What's your point?

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No attention to gun violence when it can't be linked to Islamist terrorism fear mongering for political gain.

No attention?  By whom?  ThaiVisa?

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Trump Administration Warns That U.S. May Pull Out Of U.N. Human Rights Council


The Trump administration is warning that the U.S. might leave the U.N. Human Rights Council, arguing that it displays anti-Israel bias and ignores violations by certain countries.





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Here’s The Threat Note Trump Sent CNN President After ‘Access Hollywood’ Tape Released


Donald Trump seems to be motivated almost completely by revenge. It has been suggested that the only reason he ran for president in the first place was because Barack Obama once roasted him and it was his way of getting even for it. Another prime example is how Trump responded to CNN during the campaign after they played the now famous video of him talking about grabbing women by their genitals.



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Bombshell.  Comey outlines Trump's attempts at obstructing justice in written testimony to be presented under oath to the Senate committee tomorrow, Thursday.  The noose is tightening.  Can't wait till the man-child starts sweating and tweeting over this testimony.





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2 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

Bombshell.  Comey outlines Trump's attempts at obstructing justice in written testimony to be presented under oath to the Senate committee tomorrow, Thursday.  The noose is tightening.  Can't wait till the man-child starts sweating and tweeting over this testimony.





Mike Pence Cancels PBS Interview And Goes Into Hiding After Comey Testimony Release

Vice President Mike Pence was so freaked out by the release of Comey's opening statement that he canceled a scheduled interview with PBS and went into hiding.



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President Trump is not perfect. He is not a polished suckmaster politician. Neither the republicans nor the democrats wanted him. The American voters did.
I would vote for Putin before I would vote for Reid Pelosi Kerry Clinton Obama etc.
As far as presidential lying I recall Clintons comments after spraying sperm all over the Oval Office.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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8 minutes ago, johnnywishbone said:

President Trump is not perfect. He is not a polished suckmaster politician. Neither the republicans nor the democrats wanted him. The American voters did.
I would vote for Putin before I would vote for Reid Pelosi Kerry Clinton Obama etc.
As far as presidential lying I recall Clintons comments after spraying sperm all over the Oval Office.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

People who voted for trump DID vote for Putin.


MOST American voters voted for Hillary Clinton, so don't give me the general "the American voters" line implying some kind of overwhelming mandate. The facts say differently. 


This thread is about the resistance to trump. I don't see your post as on topic. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, johnnywishbone said:

President Trump is not perfect. He is not a polished suckmaster politician. Neither the republicans nor the democrats wanted him. The American voters did.
I would vote for Putin before I would vote for Reid Pelosi Kerry Clinton Obama etc.
As far as presidential lying I recall Clintons comments after spraying sperm all over the Oval Office.

"I would vote for Putin before I would vote for Reid Pelosi Kerry Clinton Obama etc.
As far as presidential lying I recall Clintons comments after spraying sperm all over the Oval Office."


And that is exactly what you did....you voted for Putin.   He is controlling the US agenda and now it appears much of the International agenda, e.g., Qatar.  

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1 hour ago, EvenSteven said:

which would embarrass any reasonable person.

There is your failing EvenSteven !  :wink: - we are not dealing with reasonable persons ! Seems they would rather vote for Putin than "Reid Pelosi Kerry Clinton Obama etc.". I bet he even puts his hand over his heart to pledge fidelity when he sings the national anthem, but really is just a new age commie who would be despised by his forefathers. Well he is living his dream as he did vote for Putin and these alternative American Russian patriots let Putin in.

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15 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

5 People Were Just Shot To Death In Florida. But Don’t Worry, It Wasn’t Terrorism.


One of the deadliest mass shootings of 2017 happened on Monday, and you might not have even heard about it.


A man walked into his former workplace on Monday and opened fire on employees, killing five people before turning the gun on himself.



It was on the TV and I did see it as breaking news on CNN and BBC. Sadly, stuff like this gets pushed back due to all the other BS coming out on Trump.


Friday could be a big day. Lawsuit against Trump by a restaurant association claiming Trump is violating the constitution by promoting his own businesses. We'll see if the judge allows it to proceed.

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One reason I don't follow Fox. Interesting article on fake news.




From there the story was shared widely on social media and alternative media, especially outlets that focus on anti-American and antiglobalist sentiment, and those that specialize in conspiracy theories.

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In Paul Ryan's backyard, good jobs are moving to Canada


Kenneth Olsen lives in House Speaker Paul Ryan's district in Wisconsin. He wishes Ryan had been there to see his wife of 42 years slump in her chair and cry when he told her the news: His GE factory job is being eliminated.


The entire GE factory is moving to Canada.



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Regarding the NYT and Comey... check this out ... posting a couple of exercpts below link




Comey said outright what we asserted at the time: A New York Times story about alleged Trump team contacts with Russian officials was “in the main . . . not true.”

The Feb. 14 report claimed that intercepted phone calls showed “repeated contacts” between people close to not-yet-President Trump and Russian intelligence officials at a rate that “alarmed” US officials. Yet it relied completely on anonymous sources.

As we warned then, “Hostile, hysterical reporting based on anonymous leaks provides no hard facts” — but plenty of outright errors.


The root problem with anonymity is that readers had to trust the Times that its Feb. 14 sources knew what they were talking about. And Comey says they didn’t.

As he put it, reporters writing about classified information “often don’t really know what’s going on and those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it.” In all, he said, “many, many stories” in recent months were “just dead wrong.”

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

Regarding the NYT and Comey... check this out ... posting a couple of exercpts below link




Comey said outright what we asserted at the time: A New York Times story about alleged Trump team contacts with Russian officials was “in the main . . . not true.”

The Feb. 14 report claimed that intercepted phone calls showed “repeated contacts” between people close to not-yet-President Trump and Russian intelligence officials at a rate that “alarmed” US officials. Yet it relied completely on anonymous sources.

As we warned then, “Hostile, hysterical reporting based on anonymous leaks provides no hard facts” — but plenty of outright errors.


The root problem with anonymity is that readers had to trust the Times that its Feb. 14 sources knew what they were talking about. And Comey says they didn’t.

As he put it, reporters writing about classified information “often don’t really know what’s going on and those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it.” In all, he said, “many, many stories” in recent months were “just dead wrong.”

Regarding the NYT, or the NYP?


One of Rupert Murdoch's sensationalist tabloids, "The New York Post", is trying to discredit its much more respected rival, "The New York Times", by making the most out of “In the main, it was not true,”.  The non-specific statement reminds me of McMaster's non-denial denial "did not happen as reported".


BWT:  Tell Trump to stop using anonymous sources:


" Trump accused Democrats of blocking Page's testimony, without citing evidence but referring to an unidentified report."  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-idUSKBN18R1HX 

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The GOP are in perpetual damage control with the man-child.  Their latest release is that Trump is "new" to all of this, as if to say, give him a break.  This is nothing but obstruction of justice masquerading as ignorance, as if ignorance is now a defense.  And if it truly was ignorance, why did Trump remove everyone from the room to pressure Comey into something that was illegal?  Surely he could have talked about it with the AG present.


It's becoming clear that Americans will have to wait until 2018 for impeachment proceedings to start on this compulsively lying, compulsively smearing sociopath and illegitimate "president" of sorts.  In the meantime, things will only get worse with the Trump crime syndicate in the WH and the GOP will use the man-child as the fall guy for their crimes against Americans, namely, the largest transfer of wealth and power to the 1%ers in the history of the US.

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The GOP are in perpetual damage control with the man-child.  Their latest release is that Trump is "new" to all of this, as if to say, give him a break.  This is nothing but obstruction of justice masquerading as ignorance, as if ignorance is now a defense.  And if it truly was ignorance, why did Trump remove everyone from the room to pressure Comey into something that was illegal?  Surely he could have talked about it with the AG present.
It's becoming clear that Americans will have to wait until 2018 for impeachment proceedings to start on this compulsively lying, compulsively smearing sociopath and illegitimate "president" of sorts.  In the meantime, things will only get worse with the Trump crime syndicate in the WH and the GOP will use the man-child as the fall guy for their crimes against Americans, namely, the largest transfer of wealth and power to the 1%ers in the history of the US.

Don't wait!!!

Impeach today!!!!!
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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


Don't wait!!!

Impeach today!!!!!

Most Americans are in agreement that Trump's gig is up, but the GOP held Congress won't do it, at least not right now.  They are waiting for the historically-setting transfer of wealth for themselves and their puppet masters in the budget and tax system overhaul.

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Trumps Error: Request loyalty from the independent

The first mistake Trumps was to try to make someone like Comey quasi to a subject dependent on him. This begins with the fact that the president who has just been appointed demands loyalty from an official whose office is based on independence from politics, and that he gave the impression that Comey's job depended on his well-being. Now it may be that Trump has not encountered many upright officials like Comey in his life, and that incapability is a foreign word in the world of New York real estate companies.

The office of the president is not to be confused with the leadership of an own company, where you can hire and fire employees according to whim. Is a shit feeling that he has still his fingers on the atomic buttons.

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