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18 months overstay

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3 hours ago, Munotlaw said:

living here for so long you should know better i hope they ban you for a very long time, i would if it was up to me. they should make an example of you.


Should he follow my advice, they don't will make an example of him. He can leave, can have a proper tourist visa in Singapore, can come back, visit the same lawyer in Bangkok which will provide him with the O- visa and the needed  visa extension. (And answering a question: I don't provide any of these services)



Might be better sending the OP a PM if you can expand on your advice...........................;)

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Cant but help wonder where the OP was when all the warnings and grace period for overstays were announced previously. 

Why not try to fix the problem BEFORE the bans came into place NOT AFTER.


I , like everyone else here on TVF ,CANNOT state with certainty what will happen when you finally present yourself to the authorities.....but from previous posts it seems that you would be better off presenting to Immigration at the airport ( with an airline ticket out of the country) rather than your local immigration office.


best of luck ......................and in future ( whenever that may be) , play by the rules and have the appropriate permission to stay for your situation.

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pay the 50,000 to 80,000 required to 'resolve' the issue via an agent.  it happens all the time.  sell assets and/or get the funds from a loan shark if needed (via your wife).  i say this under the assumption that you have no other choice (like accepting a ban and living/working elsewhere, sending money to family to survive).  my understanding on this is your overstay is short compared to most using this method.  so you should be in the low range of that figure.  many overstayers have had to overstay another year just to accumulate the funds to pay the 'fee'. 

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12 hours ago, BritTim said:

It goes without saying that you should dress as though for a job interview, be extremely deferential and remorseful, and stick to the truth. Any BS is likely to be smelled out by them and make your chances worse.


Dressing as for a job interview and acting like a wounded puppy sounds like the sort of BS that mark you as someone with something to hide, especially if you're about to plead dire financial straits. I would think they'd be very interested in the source of funds used to support his family for 18 months while in the country without a visa or work permit.


Edited by Suradit69
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2 hours ago, Mansell said:

Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

my friend who got banned for a year on a four day overstay didn't expect to get banned. So he ended up in KL with no clothes or computer. Not a fun situation to be in. Good luck on this one. I would take my wife and look very very contrite and sad and apologetic. 

One year ban for a four day overstay, hopefully Henry wont come face to face with any of those IO

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54 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:


Dressing as for a job interview and acting like a wounded puppy sounds like the sort of BS that mark you as someone with something to hide, especially if you're about to plead dire financial straits. I would think they'd be very interested in the source of funds used to support his family for 18 months while in the country without a visa or work permit.


I can prove that:founds came from mine bank account.

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Catman 20

You are,without doubt,the very heart of human kindness.You want to remember,

There but for the grace of God...etc.

There is a French saying that fits you beautifuly 'Oni sois qui mali pence' Evil be to he who evil thinks'I only hope that one day you find yourself in the same predicament as this poor bugger,and you have to leave your wife(if you could ever find one that would put up with your attitude)and family to fend for themselves.

Have you never made a mistake,in your whole miserable life?

To Henry 1975.

The people here have given you some very good advice.I truly wish you luck,you've buggered it up a bit,but i wish you get out of it without too many problems.

Good luck.

Well said. I can't understand why people are so cruel to those here who are down on their luck. 


Walking out on your family because you can't meet the visa requirements is something that many people wouldn't be able to do.


I hope that the OP gets an officer who is having a good day and lets him off the hook.

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18 minutes ago, CockneyGit said:

I hope that the OP gets an officer who is having a good day and lets him off the hook



6 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

Well said. I can't understand why people are so cruel to those here who are down on their luck. 


Walking out on your family because you can't meet the visa requirements is something that many people wouldn't be able to do.


I hope that the OP gets an officer who is having a good day and lets him off the hook.


21 minutes ago, CockneyGit said:

Have to agree with most people on here. Go to the airport VERY early and straight to Immigration. Plead you case with them and I would suggest taking a lawyer with you.


Good luck!


The lawyer will tell you what day you can leave. The officer who let you off the hook has to be on duty. You will receive his name and you have to ask for him. But the lawyer will give you the instructions. 


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5 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Henry 1975.

What an admission,especially on here to people that he is a stranger to.And he is right about the serial killer comparison.

My heart goes out to you mate,but more than that i have to say that you have put your family at risk through selfishness and your own inefficiency.But,and there is a but,you have the courage to admit it and that goes a long way with me.I can do no more than wish you luck,which i do most most honestly.

Dave, overstayer are not serial killer:and there are different reasons that lead someone into overstay.I am on overstay but i no have sympathy to overstayer as well:but not all.As me, i understand how decided, that day, to put family first and after himself.But i no have sympathy to who overstay because put sex, drugs and alchool before clear the situation.I hope you understand my point of view, cause i am not English and sometimes my English is really poor.


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Henry 1975

when i said that the comparrison between overstayers and serial killers is corrrect.You took it the wrong way.I meant that you were right when you said that some people think that over stayers are as bad as serial killers.I do understand your position.You say your English is not good,but at least you tried,and i understood what you wanted to say.

Once again,good luck,mate.

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I'm not sure if this is frowned upon or a possible avenue.  But maybe it's okey to walk across a land border with Cambodia, then come back after securing a new visa in Cambodia?  Or possibly a new passport from your embassy in Cambodia?


I think the guards at the *small* border crossings (which tend to be crossed by thais only) are less interested in stopping farlangs, and look favourably upon tokens of gratitude for their hard work at the border.

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5 minutes ago, JayBird said:

I'm not sure if this is frowned upon or a possible avenue.  But maybe it's okey to walk across a land border with Cambodia, then come back after securing a new visa in Cambodia?  Or possibly a new passport from your embassy in Cambodia?


I think the guards at the *small* border crossings (which tend to be crossed by thais only) are less interested in stopping farlangs, and look favourably upon tokens of gratitude for their hard work at the border.

If he does that...he may get arrested and thrown into detention. They will not miss it.

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17 minutes ago, muzmurray said:
20 minutes ago, seancbk said:

When I left my first job (FYI a non teaching job with a high salary), the company I worked for had not paid my salary for 6 months, I could no longer afford my 40K THB condo (so I also lost my 80K deposit) and for all intents and purposes I was bankrupt.

No one told me there was unemployment benefit here.   I also found out years later that I could have gone to the labour dept. to try and recover the salary I was owed (almost 900,000 THB) but I had no idea at the time, so I walked away broke.

Fortunately I only had to worry about myself (unlike the OP who has a family to support).

Sometimes people are not fully aware of all the options available to them which is why a forum like this is important.




After the first months non-payment you should have seen what was going to happen. To wait 6 months before leaving, (with no salary) - sorry, but you have no-one to blame but yourself.

You have obviously never worked for a Startup where you raise funds from investors and hope that the next round will be enough to expand the business and attract an even larger  round the next time.

I guess you think the whole company (more than 10 people) were stupid to hang in while we waited for the next few million US$ of funding to close.

Had we closed the next round of funding everyone's back salary would have been paid and mine would have increased.  

Unfortunately for all of us the company ran out of money and folded up before it could launch it's website, but that is what often happens with startups.   Actually relatively few make the big bucks.

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7 minutes ago, seancbk said:

You have obviously never worked for a Startup where you raise funds from investors and hope that the next round will be enough to expand the business and attract an even larger  round the next time.

I guess you think the whole company (more than 10 people) were stupid to hang in while we waited for the next few million US$ of funding to close.

Had we closed the next round of funding everyone's back salary would have been paid and mine would have increased.  

Unfortunately for all of us the company ran out of money and folded up before it could launch it's website, but that is what often happens with startups.   Actually relatively few make the big bucks.

The Next few million US$ of funding, where did the first / other millions go, not on your salary apparently

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25 minutes ago, oldlakey said:
41 minutes ago, seancbk said:

You have obviously never worked for a Startup where you raise funds from investors and hope that the next round will be enough to expand the business and attract an even larger  round the next time.

I guess you think the whole company (more than 10 people) were stupid to hang in while we waited for the next few million US$ of funding to close.

Had we closed the next round of funding everyone's back salary would have been paid and mine would have increased.  

Unfortunately for all of us the company ran out of money and folded up before it could launch it's website, but that is what often happens with startups.   Actually relatively few make the big bucks.



The Next few million US$ of funding, where did the first / other millions go, not on your salary apparently

I was headhunted from HK to take on the role. 

When they started the search for a candidate (which turned out to be me) the company was well funded and had a lot of interest from potential investors.   

By the time they found me and we negotiated my package and I'd wrapped up my previous 35 years of life in HK to actually move here, the company had burn't through it's cash reserves.  


Potential investors don't always come through, you hope they do but reality is they often don't.

I'm not sure how much they burn't through before I arrived but my direct boss was on 300,000 a month.   So salaries were not low ball.  

If I had known before leaving HK that they were close to running out of money I would not have come here.

Then again if I hadn't have come to Thailand then I wouldn't be about to start another new business myself.    

You cannot really predict what you'll be doing in a few months or a few years, no matter how much you plan.   

One thing I do know is that if you never take risks it is almost guaranteed you won't be rich.  

I've just had a major setback with my new business, something that would make most people throw in the towel and give up, basically 12 months of planning has just gone completely sideways and I'm almost back at square one.   But I won't give up because whilst right now it's looking pretty bad, I don't know who I'll meet this week that might be able to open a door and help put things back on track.



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3 hours ago, Henry1975 said:

I am prepared to be banned:i cannot say i am not.I also know that i should clear my position when i was still in time.I know that most of you(not all) have no mercy, and overstayer are likes serial killers for them.What leads me to overstay is something that is very difficult to explain here, to people that i never met.You can think what u want:i am gambler, i am an alchoolist, a one night girl make my money.Is your right to think:but i know why and, if i can be back, and have to take a decision again, i will do the same thing.I put the life of my children before mine, and if i have to save them, i will do even, this can cost me jail or a ban life.

The new job offer just came to me three weeks ago, and this thanks to my feedback.

Thanks to all of you for your answer.Really appreciated



All I can do is wish you good luck.  

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4 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I was headhunted from HK to take on the role. 

When they started the search for a candidate (which turned out to be me) the company was well funded and had a lot of interest from potential investors.   

By the time they found me and we negotiated my package and I'd wrapped up my previous 35 years of life in HK to actually move here, the company had burn't through it's cash reserves.  


Potential investors don't always come through, you hope they do but reality is they often don't.

I'm not sure how much they burn't through before I arrived but my direct boss was on 300,000 a month.   So salaries were not low ball.  

If I had known before leaving HK that they were close to running out of money I would not have come here.

Then again if I hadn't have come to Thailand then I wouldn't be about to start another new business myself.    

You cannot really predict what you'll be doing in a few months or a few years, no matter how much you plan.   

One thing I do know is that if you never take risks it is almost guaranteed you won't be rich.  

I've just had a major setback with my new business, something that would make most people throw in the towel and give up, basically 12 months of planning has just gone completely sideways and I'm almost back at square one.   But I won't give up because whilst right now it's looking pretty bad, I don't know who I'll meet this week that might be able to open a door and help put things back on track.



Well you have been unlucky then

Hopefully things will improve shortly

Mr Micawber never gave up he was always expecting something to turn up

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42 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Well you have been unlucky then

Hopefully things will improve shortly

Mr Micawber never gave up he was always expecting something to turn up


Getting things started here is difficult but not impossible and if going into business was easy everyone would do it. 


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