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Thailand braces for Trump dumping TPP


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Trump said yesterday that he will tear up the TPP deal – initiated by outgoing President Barack Obama – as soon as he arrives at the White House in January. 


Yes, let's blame Obama again. Why not, after all 9/11 was on his watch, right?





US involvement began in March 2008 with its participation in the P-4 negotiations on financial services and investment. Later in September it announced its decision to participate in comprehensive negotiations for an expanded trans-Pacific agreement and thereafter took charge of the whole negotiations. It took the initiative to expand the membership of the proposed treaty by coupling its announcement of accession with an invitation to Australia, Peru and Vietnam to join the pact.




(Added, while on the subject of trade; I hope our American cousins in Thailand have managed to circumvent the turkey embargo! Happy Thanksgiving!).

Edited by Chicog
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On 11/23/2016 at 9:59 AM, NeverSure said:

Why has the US allowed so many countries to export to the US duty free and then not reciprocate? This is the case with the US and Thailand. Thailand charges healthy import duties but the US doesn't. This is bad for US citizens because manufacturing has moved offshore. It would make no sense to manufacture cars in Thailand if they could be imported duty free. In that case the host country would build the cars and keep the jobs.


The US has been stripped of so many good manufacturing jobs as they went to China, Mexico and elsewhere including yes, Thailand.


If the US charged as much import duty as Thailand does for everything that's imported, those jobs would come back. Actually they would never have left in the first place because the duties would offset any savings from cheaper labor overseas. That's not to mention the high cost of long distance shipping.


Americans are beginning to revolt against this as former manufacturing plants and the towns that hosted them have dried up along with the jobs. That's a huge part of the current election results. Trump cleaned up along the "Rust Belt" where so many good manufacturing jobs used to be before they went overseas.


We'll see.




I am guessing because Americans like buying cheap goods at Walmart. It wasn't a problem until it is your job that got moved overseas. I agree with you it should be reciprocal and I think Trump in theory supports that position.

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7 hours ago, anotheruser said:


I am guessing because Americans like buying cheap goods at Walmart. It wasn't a problem until it is your job that got moved overseas. I agree with you it should be reciprocal and I think Trump in theory supports that position.

That is a worldwide problem. I used to work in the New Zealand Manufacturing Industry and have watched all our Heavy Engineering, clothing,and many other Industries close and being moved to SE Asia to be replaced with lower paying Service Industries. Yes Footwear and clothing are cheaper. Electricity has gone from the cheapest in the OECD to the most expensive. It is cheaper to buy NZ meat in Europe than it is for NZ citizens in New Zealand.So called Market reforms took away workers rights and opened up Our Economy. We were driven to work harder and longer for less to save the jobs. And still the Industries left. I posed a Question to a Noted International Economist once. How do we buy these cheap goods from Overseas if non of us have disposable Incomes. His answer was "We all hope that will not happen" The truth is the West is in decline we know this. It peaked in 1900. Asia is in Ascendence but that will only be a 50 year cycle. Rather than protectionsm we need to have fairer trade. 

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I usually ask these questions?

would you prefer to have a good well paid job and go on holiday with your kids 2x a year to go ski or go cruise the Caribbean , and pay your iPhone 2x or 3x more than the actual price.


have no job, no life, plenty of debt and live under a bridge , and pay your iphone 2x cheaper.

what do you prefer?

I tell you what I prefer, I prefer have a good paid job and pay my gadgets with more money because an iPhone, once it s paid I can keep it for years, same for the Samsung or LG TV and other electronic gadgets.

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On 11/24/2016 at 0:25 AM, Krataiboy said:


How can anyone be expected to know whether or not theTPP would be beneficial to Thailand?



At the time he was being consulted for advice by the Prime Minister. I believe one of the reasons for President Obama's trip to Asia at that time was to try to persuade more countries to join in the pact. The governor would, of course, have been permitted to read the secret, top secret, burn before reading  files that American Congressmen were not allowed to read. We do not know, of course, which of the secret provisions he was warning against. My guess is it would have been the ISDS, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions which require the signing states to refer disputes to binding arbitration by a shadowy group that is already in existence for other trade agreements, but would have been granted additional powers by TPP/TTIP/TISA.

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On 11/24/2016 at 7:18 PM, Xircal said:

Bearing in mind the vendetta Trump seems to be pursuing against Mexico, I wonder if the reason he decided to withdraw from the TTP is because Mexico was one of the countries that had signed up to it.


His additional threat to scrap NAFTA wouldn't achieve very much if the TTP was ratified since Canada had also signed up to it as well. Therefore it would be essential to pull the plug on the TTP before scrapping NAFTA.


Who knows? But the TPP was already hugely unpopular among the people who voted for Trump (and the people who voted for Bernie and many of the people who voted for Hillary), so announcing he was going to rescind it was popular in its own right. President Obama hasn't given up yet and the multinational corporations whose power over sovereign nations will be increased by it are not giving up, so we haven't killed it with fire yet and it may come back to walk the halls of Congress next year. I think lots of things are going to go wrong for President Trump, and this may be one of them.

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