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Can you be sued in Thailand even if you not here?


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If you used to live in Thailand and used to have an adress or even a hotel you register with immigration. Can then anybody sue you and notify you by hang the court order at the order? If you then not come you will loose the court case and if you ever come to Thailand they will arrest you? In Thai law you can sue someone in criminal court bypassing the Police.  It is pretty scary if the system have this flaw.

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I recon that's right, anyone can take a civil suit anytime they like. If you aren't there the court will judge in

your absence.( and that may mean against you ) What ever the out come that will stand .Maybe worth checking

that stuff with authorities  before a return

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If you have a registered address in Thailand (business or private), the court papers will go to that address with registered mail. A first hearing will be set, if you do not have a representation at this hearing (lawyer, no need to be present personally), case will be postponed or settled at the spot, depending on the mood of the judge.

It is likely it can be postponed only one time if your lawyer is not present, then a judgement will be done on the second postponed hearing, or a date will be set where the judge will "judge". Most likely it will be postponed one time, then on the next hearing Judge will set a date for Judgement, and then on the judgement date it will be a judgement not very favorable to you....

If you do not have any registered address in Thailand, Judge will throw the case out on the spot, unless your whereabouts in Thailand can be verified whereupon an arrest will be made.

Edited by AlQaholic
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If you are really concerned and can find out the judge/court etc you could write a letter to the court and have it translated into Thai. At least that way your point of view will be registered with the court. But if you are guilty of "who knows what" then probably forget it and maybe Thailand in your future.

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A friend of mine died in Bangkok last year.His brother came over and ran back home without paying the hospital bill.It was something like 3 million B.He had Cancer and was HIV positive.He was cremated.He wasnt hard up,but he had given his Atm card and number to his girlfriend.Yes i know it was stupid but he did it.She Then proceeded to drain the account to the balance.She got something like 1.5 m out of it.His daughter,who is estranged from the family,received an email from a solicitor(wont give the name)here at her home in the UK asking for the money.When she answered saying that she was not aware that her father had died.The message came back that her brother had cited her as the next of kin and had given the hospital her email,name and address,and phone number,her place of work and her bank and branch.He then flew to the PI the next day and then on to the UK.This girl then had nothing but grief,with emails, letters,and threats from this solicitor(so Called ) she refused to pay and in the end had to go to a solicitor to get a letter saying that she had signed nothing and had not had any contact with her uncle for many years and a straight refusal to acknowledge any further contact.Eventually after some time the letters and emails stopped.Her guy had sent a letter to this Thai solicitor saying that she had committed no crime in the Uk and was therefore guiltless of any owing accrued by her uncle on behalf of her father.And assured them that she had never even visited the Kingdom.And if the Thai lawyer was so positive that they had a case,he should arrange for the Thai police to come over and arrest her.The upshot was that he replied to her guy and told him that she would be found guilty,in absentia and her name would be listed so that she could never enter the kingdom.What is annoying is that the poor girl knew nothing of this,and is guilty of nothing,but he is the one that has to suffer for it.At a later date she was emailed by someone she had never heard of telling her he had sold her dad car,(a 3 year old Toyota) and where should he send the money to.Needless to say,she never got it,Insult to injury.



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To my knowledge Thailand has about same rules as many countries, where you have to appear in Court to be judged – i.e. the case with the Red Bull heir, who managed to get his case postponed by a number of legal reasons, until finally leaving the Kingdom and presumably settle temporary in Singapore. If money and family status only cannot clear his case, he may be arrested, the moment he re-enters Thailand.


If you are not available for a Court-meeting, there might be an arrest order for you, and you can be arrested at Immigration the moment you either try to leave or enter Thailand – there have been cases about that also in media.


Finally many countries can in special cases judge you "in absentia", even Western countries where you expect a credible judicial system.

Edited by khunPer
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23 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

A friend of mine died in Bangkok last year.His brother came over and ran back home without paying the hospital bill.It was something like 3 million B.He had Cancer and was HIV positive.He was cremated.He wasnt hard up,but he had given his Atm card and number to his girlfriend.Yes i know it was stupid but he did it.She Then proceeded to drain the account to the balance.She got something like 1.5 m out of it.His daughter,who is estranged from the family,received an email from a solicitor(wont give the name)here at her home in the UK asking for the money.When she answered saying that she was not aware that her father had died.The message came back that her brother had cited her as the next of kin and had given the hospital her email,name and address,and phone number,her place of work and her bank and branch.He then flew to the PI the next day and then on to the UK.This girl then had nothing but grief,with emails, letters,and threats from this solicitor(so Called ) she refused to pay and in the end had to go to a solicitor to get a letter saying that she had signed nothing and had not had any contact with her uncle for many years and a straight refusal to acknowledge any further contact.Eventually after some time the letters and emails stopped.Her guy had sent a letter to this Thai solicitor saying that she had committed no crime in the Uk and was therefore guiltless of any owing accrued by her uncle on behalf of her father.And assured them that she had never even visited the Kingdom.And if the Thai lawyer was so positive that they had a case,he should arrange for the Thai police to come over and arrest her.The upshot was that he replied to her guy and told him that she would be found guilty,in absentia and her name would be listed so that she could never enter the kingdom.What is annoying is that the poor girl knew nothing of this,and is guilty of nothing,but he is the one that has to suffer for it.At a later date she was emailed by someone she had never heard of telling her he had sold her dad car,(a 3 year old Toyota) and where should he send the money to.Needless to say,she never got it,Insult to injury.



Sounds like a boiler room attack

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Well if it was a boiler room attack,the people that did it must have access to official hospital and other legal paperwork.The name on the Thai solicitors paper heading wers him and his company and it cited him as being a consultant to the courts of England.Now, that is so easily checkable that i dont see it being a scam.I even googled the name of his Thai company and it came up as real.Also the girl involved works for the met police,so it was a police solicitor she used.But it went on too long,If it was a scam,it would have stopped directly the scammer realised he had a police solicitor on his hand's.But thanx for the idea.

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If you live in another country now. and used to live in Thailand, and while you were in Thailand, you were accused of ie, defamation of character, and someone wanted to sue you, then found out your address in your own country, then could someone insist you come to Thailand to appear in court?

Is that what you really want to know? How long is your middle finger? Now is your chance to use it.

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I wish i could say that they did,but TIT.The money was taken from an ATM machine in Soi Metro over time.I know the girl,have done for years,but i guess she went back to her village, found that she had many new friends,and they helped her spend it.

Now,this girl wasnt very bright,so i imagine there was a Thai kik involved somewhere in this.His daughter contacted the BKB and they said they would put a flag on the account and make inquiries.But we both know thats like pissing in the wind.

I had known my friend for some 10 years and he kept his HIV very secret.

I am i little disappointed that he didnt trust me enough to handle his affairs for

him.I only knew of the daughter after she got a phone call from her dads landlord giving her a list of numbers and email's from the address book.It was by going through it that she contacted me.It was a long time after all this happened.I wish it had been earlier,i could of acted a bit quicker,but their family business is none of mine.I reckon i could have done right by her with the car though.

C'est la vie.


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A friend of mine died in Bangkok last year.His brother came over and ran back home without paying the hospital bill.It was something like 3 million B.He had Cancer and was HIV positive.He was cremated.He wasnt hard up,but he had given his Atm card and number to his girlfriend.Yes i know it was stupid but he did it.She Then proceeded to drain the account to the balance.She got something like 1.5 m out of it.His daughter,who is estranged from the family,received an email from a solicitor(wont give the name)here at her home in the UK asking for the money.When she answered saying that she was not aware that her father had died.The message came back that her brother had cited her as the next of kin and had given the hospital her email,name and address,and phone number,her place of work and her bank and branch.He then flew to the PI the next day and then on to the UK.This girl then had nothing but grief,with emails, letters,and threats from this solicitor(so Called ) she refused to pay and in the end had to go to a solicitor to get a letter saying that she had signed nothing and had not had any contact with her uncle for many years and a straight refusal to acknowledge any further contact.Eventually after some time the letters and emails stopped.Her guy had sent a letter to this Thai solicitor saying that she had committed no crime in the Uk and was therefore guiltless of any owing accrued by her uncle on behalf of her father.And assured them that she had never even visited the Kingdom.And if the Thai lawyer was so positive that they had a case,he should arrange for the Thai police to come over and arrest her.The upshot was that he replied to her guy and told him that she would be found guilty,in absentia and her name would be listed so that she could never enter the kingdom.What is annoying is that the poor girl knew nothing of this,and is guilty of nothing,but he is the one that has to suffer for it.At a later date she was emailed by someone she had never heard of telling her he had sold her dad car,(a 3 year old Toyota) and where should he send the money to.Needless to say,she never got it,Insult to injury.

Why was it stupid to give the atm card and pin to his girlfriend? It enabled her to withdraw the money, which I presume he wanted her to do.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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You have made an assumption with no prior knowledge of my friends priorities.You also have to remember that at the time of his illness he was probably not in full control of his faculties.You didnt know this man as i did.You have no idea what he was like and what he wanted.I know this girl and she finagled the Atm number out of him with promises of doing the right thing.Please dont involve yourself in something of which you have no idea.Just hope it never happens to you.This man was a great and good friend of mine,even though he is gone,i dont have the heart to remove his phone number from my address book.I hope one day he will text me from where ever he is.You probably dont have a friend like that and you will never understand the meaning of the love for a friend by his friend. I suggest you go away,regroup,and count your friends on your fingers.

let me tell you this.A true friend,is someone that you can call at 3 am in the morning,when you cant sleep,because of a problem you might have,and he wont tell you to 'piss off' How many friends do you have like that?

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I know they put the case on your door so to speak they have then 30 days to comply, Yes if nobody comes they might give it one more chanse.  But how do you END ALL with Thailand how do you delete you adress in the immigration register to let the judges know that you not there anymore.,

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