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Trump slams recount push as 'a scam,' says election is over


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Trump slams recount push as 'a scam,' says election is over

STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press


WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump on Saturday condemned a growing push to force recounts in three states pivotal to his Nov. 8 victory, confronting the Green Party-backed effort for the first time even as he worked to address key Cabinet vacancies.


The New York billionaire, who charged the election was "rigged" on a daily basis before his victory, called the developing recount effort "a scam" in a statement released by his transition team.


Trump had been ignoring Green Party nominee Jill Stein's fight to revisit vote totals in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin officials announced late Friday they are moving forward with the first presidential recount in state history.


"The people have spoken and the election is over," Trump declared Saturday. He added, "We must accept this result and then look to the future."


At the same time, Trump was scrambling to address unfilled administration jobs, having barely scratched the surface of creating the massive team needed to run the government before his Jan. 20 inauguration.


Experts say presidential transitions are periods of great vulnerability for the nation, and among the vacancies on the Trump team are leaders of the departments of State, Defense and Homeland Security.


Trump, who has virtually no experience in foreign affairs, offered a one-line tweet Saturday morning in reaction to the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro — "Fidel Castro is dead!" — before issuing a more detailed statement.


"While Cuba remains a totalitarian island, it is my hope that today marks a move away from the horrors endured for too long, and toward a future in which the wonderful Cuban people finally live in the freedom they so richly deserve," Trump said.


His transition team did not respond to requests to clarify his Cuba policy, which was inconsistent during the campaign.


Trump first suggested he supported President Barack Obama's orders loosening the U.S. trade embargo on the island. He reversed himself less than a month before the election, however, vowing to overturn Obama's order unless Cuba meets demands including "religious and political freedom for the Cuban people and the freeing of political prisoners."


Meanwhile, the incoming president paid little if any attention Stein's recount push, but Democratic rival Hillary Clinton forced his hand on Saturday by formally joining the effort. Stein, who drew 1 percent of the vote nationally, is raising millions of dollars to fund the recounts.


"Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology, we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves," Clinton campaign attorney Marc Elias wrote Saturday in blog post. "But now that a recount has been initiated in Wisconsin, we intend to participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides."


Elias said Clinton would take the same approach in Pennsylvania and Michigan if Stein were to follow through with recount requests those states, even though that was highly unlikely to change the election outcome.


"Regardless of the potential to change the outcome in any of the states, we feel it is important, on principle, to ensure our campaign is legally represented in any court proceedings and represented on the ground in order to monitor the recount process itself," Elias wrote.


Clinton leads the national popular vote by close to 2 million votes, but Trump won 290 electoral votes to Clinton's 232, with Michigan still too close to call. It takes 270 to win the presidency.


Trump, who repeatedly challenged the integrity of the U.S. election system before his win, called the recount push "a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded."


"The results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing," he said in the statement, which didn't mention Clinton's involvement.


Trump was spending the Thanksgiving holiday weekend with family at his Palm Beach estate, Mar-a-Lago. He had planned to focus on filling key administration posts over the working vacation. On Friday, he named Fox News analyst Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland as deputy national security adviser and appointed campaign attorney Donald McGahn as White House counsel.


Trump planned to return to his New York home on Sunday ahead of a series of Monday meetings with prospective administration hires, including Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. He's seen as a possible Homeland Security pick. Clarke's vocal opposition to the "Black Lives Matter" movement has made him popular with many conservatives.


Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence also have Monday meetings scheduled with Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pa., former Security and Exchange Commission commissioner Paul Atkins, World Wide Technology chairman David Steward and General Growth Properties CEO Sandeep Mathrani.


Internal divisions over his choice for secretary of state have delayed that critical decision. The options include former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who lacks foreign policy experience, but was intensely loyal to Trump, and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who aggressively opposed Trump's candidacy but is largely regarded as more qualified. Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker is also a possibility.


-- © Associated Press 2016-11-27
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Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 

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This Jill Stein and her Green party are just stirring the pot, trying to drum up a bit of free advertisement, at the taxpayer's expense. Hoping it will get her a little more than 1% of the vote in four years time.

I liken her effort to the lowly individuals that initiate a fight, get their butts kick, have nothing left in defeat except one last parting spit in the opponents face. Even Hillary and the democrats concede that they "Because we had not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology,"  we had not planned to exercise this option ourselves," said Mr Elias, the Clinton lawyer.


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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Trump planned to return to his New York home on Sunday ahead of a series of Monday meetings with prospective administration hires, including Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. He's seen as a possible Homeland Security pick. Clarke's vocal opposition to the "Black Lives Matter" movement has made him popular with many conservatives.


Please oh please give us Sheriff David Clarke. 





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As he said many times, probably right up to 11:59 pm on Nov 7th, that



And perhaps he was right.  He should be supportive of this effort to seek out the corruption and correct it.  You could say it was his idea in the first place, he's the one that brought it up.



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3 hours ago, scorecard said:

Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 


God was not on the ballot.

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27 minutes ago, Credo said:

The recount was requested by Stein.   The basis is to ascertain the integrity of the electoral process and assure that the results were not tampered with.   


Try to keep the facts straight.   


Of course the facts are only important in the states with the narrowest margins. 

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Wasn't he in Once Upon A Time In The West...oh right, that was Woody Strode...still a pretty bad-arse <deleted>'er ?


Dudes a badass. Id be proud to be a resident of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin with that guy as sheriff. 

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


She's crazy enough to pull a stunt like that….if that happens, it's war.


If you read the post slowly and carefully you may discover that it is NOT Hilary Clinton demanding a recount but Jill Stein.


Trump is on record many times as stating the election is rigged and he would NOT accept the result if he lost.


Having apparently won he is now resisting a recount attempt, possibly because he may lose.


Either the election was rigged but he won or it wasn't and he still won.


No matter what he says or believes he cant have his cake and eat it.


He should welcome the recount as it may give him more votes, or lose him some votes.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

The recount was requested by Stein.   The basis is to ascertain the integrity of the electoral process and assure that the results were not tampered with.   


Try to keep the facts straight.   

Clinton campaign's own lawyer said they saw no evidence of tampering, but have now decided to throw their support behind Stein's recount effort to pander to upset Clinton voters.  Even Barrack Obama agrees the election is over.  


But, with all the Wikileaks revelations about how the (D) party conducts business, anything's possible.  I say let the recount proceed and see what happens.  My hunch is it'll drag the drama out a bit longer, but Trump's win(s) will be upheld.

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4 hours ago, thai3 said:

Stein claimed Clinton could lead the US into a nuclear war, now she wants to see her as president, there's no please some!


Not at all. Dr. Stein and her political party have  a legitimate and legal right to request a verification. They have raised the funds to pay for it. Considering the fact that;

1.  Clinton received  almost 2.5 million votes more than Trump. the largest plurality by a "loser" in the history of the U.S. electoral process and;

2. The established fact that Russian hackers  stole DNC private information and;

3. There is no denying that the Russians have previously meddled in the elections of other countries and;

4. The U.S. electoral vote counting system has long been described as antiquated and  not secure


there are grounds to  verify the election in some states.

This is the legal right of  the election participants and  had  Trump been on the other side of this, he  would be  demanding a recount and would be screaming a fix was in.


As it is, Michigan  was not decided and there are many questionable issues that arose in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  Florida has had a long, long, long history of voting misconduct.


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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trump is right…the election is over.

Isn't the election over when the US jont session of Congress meets on January 6, 2017 to count the state certified electoral votes and the President of the Senate declares the winner?

Should there be legal challenges or other delaying actions the Congress may pass a law to change this date.




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39 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Isn't the election over when the US jont session of Congress meets on January 6, 2017 to count the state certified electoral votes and the President of the Senate declares the winner?

Should there be legal challenges or other delaying actions the Congress may pass a law to change this date.





January 6th isn't as important as Dec 13th and Dec 19th. The recounts would need to be done and certified before Dec 13th in order to affect any changes at the state level. Any changes on Dec 19th would probably be due to any individual Elector changing their vote not to match what was pledged (which is extremely doubtful). After Dec 19th, it is pretty much a done deal.

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