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Trump slams recount push as 'a scam,' says election is over


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Why would Trump call foul (or scam) at this late stage? If he believes he won fair and square then he has nothing to worry about.  


The fact that he is getting hot under the collar raises suspicions that he knows something the rest of us don't and is scared he's about to be found out.



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11 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

As for Hillary's joining the anti-Trump jihad, he did say she was "such a nasty woman" so we were warned about her. It seems to me it's time to put "Hillary For Prison" back on the table.


The new definition of Jihad, according to a dictionary published by Trump University is "saying nasty things about Trump".

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30 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


The fact that she has nothing to gain is exactly what makes it so suspicious…and obvious….



It's not suspicious. It's to clear up matters like the one illustrated in the following article whereby 1,800 votes more were cast in a Republican primary than there were voters: https://empowertexans.com/around-texas/nearly-1800-more-votes-than-voters/



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After the Clintons, the DNC and the corporate blue dawg elite of the Democrat Party screwed Bernie I voted for Jill Stein. I would never in a million years vote for a scum like the fascist that is president (dictator) elect. .


Good for her, she is doing the right thing, not many people do and certainly not right wingnuts, oh wait, that is what they do, the "right thing". She is doing the correct thing for the correct reasons, and nobody is paying her to do so. Maybe some of the fat cats will chip in to help with the recount.


The voting system is broken, it has to be changed and electronic voting machines have to be done away with. There is no way to audit them reliably and that is one of the major problems that calls for a recount. Please, do some real research, not bratbrat or other right wing hate sources.


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2 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

After the Clintons, the DNC and the corporate blue dawg elite of the Democrat Party screwed Bernie I voted for Jill Stein. I would never in a million years vote for a scum like the fascist that is president (dictator) elect. .


Good for her, she is doing the right thing, not many people do and certainly not right wingnuts, oh wait, that is what they do, the "right thing". She is doing the correct thing for the correct reasons, and nobody is paying her to do so. Maybe some of the fat cats will chip in to help with the recount.


The voting system is broken, it has to be changed and electronic voting machines have to be done away with. There is no way to audit them reliably and that is one of the major problems that calls for a recount. Please, do some real research, not bratbrat or other right wing hate sources.


I could not agree more.

Paper ballots for everyone! So what if it takes a little longer to know the results? Are we afraid it will spoil the  televised election show? No calling the results in any state until all States have finished voting. 

And no polls a week before the election , let the people listen to the candidates and make their own decision. 

And time to take another look at the electoral college, it is a knife that cuts both ways and should be a bipartisan supported issue. 


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If the electoral college did the job it was designed to do, the orange fascist would never become dictator, ah president. It is exactly for <deleted> like him that it was designed for.


Oh and again, where's the evidence, where? Some people are just made for fake news, like the lies that come out of bratbrat. Can't stand a black man in a white house?

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


She had the chance to exit gracefully with freedom intact....but shes chosen to brawl. 


Im pretty sure this isnt her decision....its all being orchestrated by the white house now.....


still, she needs to pay. 


So Trump's not too busy with more important issues, then?


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28 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Funny...you didnt bring this up before....when you expected crooked to win by a landslide


And your point is? I didn't support the neoliberal/neocon Clinton, I'm tired of voting for the lessor of 2 very evil people. So why in hell would I bring this up before?. I didn't support Clinton then, don't now and never will, although she would do just a slightly better job than the fascist would. Do the research, the electoral college was established just for this case, to stop a fascist from destroying what is left of America. Typical right wing, change the subject attack the person, not the lost argument. The right wing can never win an argument because they are the wrong wing.


Perhaps someone should handle the fascist's toilet schedule, pretty suitable for folks that can't smell the crap.

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6 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

What a farce.  Stein may have started this recount nonsense but I understand that Clinton has now decided to back her. When Trump claimed that the system was rigged, he was of course referring to the way in which the media portrayed him in a totally biased way, whilst tending to ignore all of Clinton's transgressions and the manner in which she gathered her support from big business. He was not suggesting that the counting of the votes was fixed.


No, he was talking about vote/poll tampering in Pennsylvania in particular, citing the many, many stories of horrible things people have been telling him, or he was hearing from sources unstated.  I agree with him, it should be looked into.  I can't for the life of me understand why he isn't supportive of these recount efforts, or calling for investigations of poll tampering.  :smile:



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18 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

As it is, Michigan  was not decided and there are many questionable issues that arose in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.  Florida has had a long, long, long history of voting misconduct.

As an example, there's a report on discrepancies between exit polls and announced votes in Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/2016-exit-polls-did-hillaty-clinton-win-presidential-election-voter-fraud-donald-trump-lose-rigged/ .  Now, it may just be that the USA has the least accurate exit polls in the freeish world, but it's suspicious.  The extreme conspiracy theory is that the Russians managed to remotely modify the vote recording software to give Trump victory.  They're reported to have tried that trick in the Ukraine.

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On 27/11/2559 at 7:20 AM, scorecard said:

Three weeks ago Trump proclaimed loudly many times that voting was rigged and he would refuse to accept the result is hc won.


Now he claims demands for recount as a scam and voting is over.


This is the clown who is going to run the USA for the next 4 years with enormous impact on the world and his 'policies' are all over the shop and frightening.


God save us. 

God will not Bless America anymore. You messed up and will pay for it. Four years not a long time.

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14 hours ago, sirineou said:

You need read thing more carefully before you pull the trigger.

Nowhere did I say that he did not win, I simply challenged your assertion of a "convincing victory"

I did not have a horse in this race so no candidate for me, I simply wanted a horse to win and not an ass.

As to who cares  , I would say the majority of americans who voted against him do!!


Do you mean "Horses Ass " or Donkey ?

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2 hours ago, bendejo said:

He truly does not know when to keep his mouth shut.


Trump Claims, With No Evidence, That ‘Millions of People’ Voted Illegally





A similar message from the BBC



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23 hours ago, sirineou said:

He did not win such a convincing victory. In fact he lost the popular vote by a significant number.

To simply state it, more Americans voted against him, than voted for him. 


Clinton now leads Trump with 2 million votes in the popular count, but a close look reveals that this is made up of just California where she had 3.7 million more votes than Trump. This is a key factor for California is typically a left-wing state with the highest level of taxation in the country. Many top celebrities have residents outside of California to beat taxes while espousing they would leave the USA if Trump won.



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9 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Clinton now leads Trump with 2 million votes in the popular count, but a close look reveals that this is made up of just California where she had 3.7 million more votes than Trump. This is a key factor for California is typically a left-wing state with the highest level of taxation in the country. Many top celebrities have residents outside of California to beat taxes while espousing they would leave the USA if Trump won.



"many top celebrities". Great statistic you got there. When someone throws around adjectives like "many" you know that he or she has got nothing.

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2 hours ago, Linzz said:

this is made up of just California where she had 3.7 million more votes than Trump

Therein is a flaw with the electoral college votes. All one needed from California* to win all its electoral votes is just one more popular vote than the next highest candidate. So essentially 3,699,999 votes cast for Hillary might as well not be counted. They're meaningless votes.


Perhaps this voting inequity could be balanced by creating additional electoral votes to that predicated by the Constitution. A constitutional amendment might not be required as the principle of the electoral college is unchanged and only legislative action required by Congress to expand the electoral college concept.  For example bonus electoral votes might be assigned to the winning candidate derived from a state's total available constitutional electoral votes (currently applied to 48 states) adjusted by a percentage of total excess popular votes garnered by the candidate winning the majority.  Such an electoral arrangement might encourage greater voter turnout.


*Only two states assign electoral votes in proportion to the popular vote.

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12 hours ago, RawboneFunksta said:

The Clinton crime family is covertly behind all this shenanigans. Nothing will happen. If Trumps candidature was overturned there would be blood on the streets and I don't mean protests by a bunch of spoiled college kids. He won, get over it!

And herein speaks the right wing.  Not necessarily the Trumpers although they are as bad sometimes.  Admittedly there has been some pretty poor behaviour from the other side over the Trump 'victory' but we see here again and again the promise of 'blood on the streets' from the radical right.

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I think there are a few things that will encourage voter turnout. Reverse the gerrymandering by Republicans, reverse the voter suppression by Republicans and have a few candidates actually worth voting for, now that would be unique. There certainly weren't any from the duopoly of parties this year.


i don't think the recount will change anything, but perhaps it will show the fallacy of using electronic voting, i.e. easily hacked and out of date, no paper trail voting machines. The voter suppression will not show up in the recount, but it was a factor in too many states, Republican states.

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6 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:



How quickly you forget...



Clinton is on record as having accepted the results of the election.  This is pure propaganda you are posting (complete with unflattering meme imagery).  What is the point of it?

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12 hours ago, bendejo said:

He truly does not know when to keep his mouth shut.


Trump Claims, With No Evidence, That ‘Millions of People’ Voted Illegally





Yes, he claims to have won the popular vote as well, if not for the millions of illegal votes. A recount then would prove he won the popular vote. Yet, he is against any recount. Huh?

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12 hours ago, RawboneFunksta said:

The Clinton crime family is covertly behind all this shenanigans. Nothing will happen. If Trumps candidature was overturned there would be blood on the streets and I don't mean protests by a bunch of spoiled college kids. He won, get over it!


More tough guys here it seems. Most of them all tip and no iceberg.


Blood on the streets? Half the fat old white men will shoot themselves in the foot trying to clean their Pappy's rifle and most of the other half will drop down dead from heart attacks getting out of their Lazyboy sofa chairs.


Look at any photos of combat soldiers. They are more like 18 than 58 or 68. The snowflakes you lot express contempt for would whip your collective asses.


All the hot air and bluster will not change anything that is done by legal process. There are rules about recounts. Those rules are being followed. Get over it.

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5 minutes ago, Slip said:

Clinton is on record as having accepted the results of the election.  This is pure propaganda you are posting (complete with unflattering meme imagery).  What is the point of it?


The election has not yet been called. Just because CNN called it for Trump on the 9th or 10th doesn't mean the process is complete. Stein and Clinton are working within the rules. Trump, by his own words refused to confirm that he would accept a rules based decision.


Maybe Trump fanboys can stop spreading misleading and false information.

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