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Trump slams recount push as 'a scam,' says election is over


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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The election has not yet been called. Just because CNN called it for Trump on the 9th or 10th doesn't mean the process is complete. Stein and Clinton are working within the rules. Trump, by his own words refused to confirm that he would accept a rules based decision.


Maybe Trump fanboys can stop spreading misleading and false information.

My apologies- I should have said she conceded.

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Just now, Slip said:

My apologies- I should have said she conceded.


Yes. She conformed to accepted practice and now we have to wait for the rest of the process to play out - all the lawsuits, the recounts, the certifications etc. The Trump fanboys are showing their paranoia with their reaction to perfectly ordinary recounts.

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4 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:






In more reflective moments, one can look at the putative Trump supporter on TV and feel some empathy for the fears and concerns of elderly, working class men disenfranchised from employment, cultural relevance and in many cases, manners. But then we are reminded of the stereotype Trump fanboy with that high school jock mentality, ignorance of and contempt for other people are not 'cool' and general selfishness.


The whole 'butt-hurt' meme employed by a number of the hard core Alt Right encapsulates this juvenile. mindless, simplistic view of the world that Trump has seemingly exploited for his own glorification. I wonder how these 'jocks' will feel once the full extent of Trump's scam is revealed and they get nothing that they think they voted for.


Posters with this sophomoric mentality should really get their parents' permission before they post on TVF.

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And there are a lot of very left wing former active duty combat Marines:partytime2:. As I posted, I guided those supposedly bad ass rednecks that will make blood run in the streets for many years, yea, they were dangerous all right, to themselves and anybody around...lol. Couldn't hunt, couldn't shoot. This isn't about who is or isn't a bad ass, I never was, but the bad didn't mess with me, comprende' ese'?  It is about the bloativating, vomit mouth, sociopath, fascist.


Jill Stein is doing the right and legal thing, the fascist is just blowing more hot stinking wind. In time the fools that voted for him will truly regret it, his cabinet choices show the future and it isn't pretty. Jobs, never happen GI, you got conned. The rich get rich and the rest of us get poorer.


People have a right to be scared, then time to fight, time to rage against the coming of fascism to what is left of America.


Hey, lets call alt-right by it's real name, racist.


Change the way votes are taken and counted, the out of date machines are easy to hack and malfunction by themselves and there is no way to check because of "proprietary software", much of it based on Windows XP.

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12 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


More tough guys here it seems. Most of them all tip and no iceberg.


Blood on the streets? Half the fat old white men will shoot themselves in the foot trying to clean their Pappy's rifle and most of the other half will drop down dead from heart attacks getting out of their Lazyboy sofa chairs.


Look at any photos of combat soldiers. They are more like 18 than 58 or 68. The snowflakes you lot express contempt for would whip your collective asses.


All the hot air and bluster will not change anything that is done by legal process. There are rules about recounts. Those rules are being followed. Get over it.

You think combat soldiers would vote Clinton? Ha Ha.

The term 'blood on the streets' was figurative. It's the so called liberals that are creating havoc right now and the sore losers

The 'snowflakes' only know how to shout and scream and call anyone who argues with their misguided politic a bunch of epithets.

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A man should be a socialist by the time he reaches the age of 20 or he has no heart.

The same man should be a conservative by the age of 40 or he has no wit!


Virtue signalling is not the same thing as 'living by your politics' or liberals would all be living in Islamic countries as women . . . . or just the nearest European ghetto.

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15 hours ago, Linzz said:


Clinton now leads Trump with 2 million votes in the popular count, but a close look reveals that this is made up of just California where she had 3.7 million more votes than Trump. This is a key factor for California is typically a left-wing state with the highest level of taxation in the country. Many top celebrities have residents outside of California to beat taxes while espousing they would leave the USA if Trump won.



The more I think about this comment, the less um..perceptive it appears to be.  Does it mean that there are celebrities who don't live in California because of the higher taxes. Is there some rule that celebrities should live in California. I suspect that a disproportionate number do live in California. Is that because of the higher taxes?

Or does it mean that celebrities who have homes in California also have 2nd and even 3rd homes elsewhere? Could that have anything to do with the fact that celebrities tend to be very wealthy and very wealthy people often have multiple homes? Or is it your contention that very wealthy people tend to have but one home while dental technicians, plumbers, and schoolteachers populate the spectacular vacation residences that dot places like Aspen and Maui?

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On 11/27/2016 at 3:43 AM, ourmanflint said:

 And do you know why he claimed that? Because his private polling was telling him he was going to win, and every other single poll in the US establishment was telling him he was going to lose. So if he believed his own very accurate polls, something was up, either with the result or with the polls. As it turned out, it was the polls that were rigged.


The polls were not "rigged". The people who voiced support for Clinton did not necessarily turn out to vote. There are also some issues in the usual states where there is a history of vote tampering. It is also quite posisble that Trump supporters were motivated voters and that those who supported  Clinton assumed she would win and that there votes did not matter, so they did not go and vote. I believe that much of the responsibility for Trump's victory  rest with those who were too lazy and too disengaged to go and vote.

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:


The polls were not "rigged". The people who voiced support for Clinton did not necessarily turn out to vote. There are also some issues in the usual states where there is a history of vote tampering. It is also quite posisble that Trump supporters were motivated voters and that those who supported  Clinton assumed she would win and that there votes did not matter, so they did not go and vote. I believe that much of the responsibility for Trump's victory  rest with those who were too lazy and too disengaged to go and vote.

what are the usual states where there is a history of vote tampering. And what do you mean by history? 1 year ago, 5 years ago, 20 years ago, 40 years ago?

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1 hour ago, RawboneFunksta said:

A man should be a socialist by the time he reaches the age of 20 or he has no heart.

The same man should be a conservative by the age of 40 or he has no wit!


Virtue signalling is not the same thing as 'living by your politics' or liberals would all be living in Islamic countries as women . . . . or just the nearest European ghetto.


Did you just make that up? Or are you channeling Churchill? I think the reference should be to brains rather than wits, but no matter.


Virtue signalling, snowflakes, liberals are rioters not protesters - no point discussing with someone who can only talk in cliches. It is vastly amusing to see all the 'conservatives' putting their faith in Trump, a person with no demonstrable political core and certainly not a Republican.


I am a liberal. I am living for this week in Ramallah in Palestine and next week in Kabul Afghanistan. I can't or don't want to change my gender but this snowflake is not scared of muslims.


Looking forward to your next cliche-ridden epithet (hint: epithet is an adjective not a noun per your post 98). Ok off to work with those dangerous scary Palestinians.

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7 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

The more I think about this comment, the less um..perceptive it appears to be.  Does it mean that there are celebrities who don't live in California because of the higher taxes. Is there some rule that celebrities should live in California. I suspect that a disproportionate number do live in California. Is that because of the higher taxes?

Or does it mean that celebrities who have homes in California also have 2nd and even 3rd homes elsewhere? Could that have anything to do with the fact that celebrities tend to be very wealthy and very wealthy people often have multiple homes? Or is it your contention that very wealthy people tend to have but one home while dental technicians, plumbers, and schoolteachers populate the spectacular vacation residences that dot places like Aspen and Maui?


"The more I think about this comment, the less um..perceptive it appears to be."  AS YOU WISH

"Does it mean that there are celebrities who don't live in California because of the higher taxes." YES

 "Is there some rule that celebrities should live in California". NO

"I suspect that a disproportionate number do live in California".PROBABLY

"Is that because of the higher taxes?" NO

"Or does it mean that celebrities who have homes in California also have 2nd and even 3rd homes elsewhere?" PROBABLY

"Could that have anything to do with the fact that celebrities tend to be very wealthy and very wealthy people often have multiple homes?" YES

"Or is it your contention that very wealthy people tend to have but one home while dental technicians, plumbers, and schoolteachers populate the spectacular vacation residences that dot places like Aspen and Maui?" NO




Edited by Linzz
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The real rigging in the farce of an election was the voter suppression by the Republicans. And let's face, never in the history have two worst candidates been up for a presidential election, neither of which should have been running for dawg catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps here is some information that may be of use to those that are capable of accepting the truth. Apparently our right wingnuts aren't.





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3 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

The real rigging in the farce of an election was the voter suppression by the Republicans. And let's face, never in the history have two worst candidates been up for a presidential election, neither of which should have been running for dawg catcher in a one dog town. Perhaps here is some information that may be of use to those that are capable of accepting the truth. Apparently our right wingnuts aren't.






FYI - Your embedded URL links are not working. 

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On Thursday, December 01, 2016 at 9:12 PM, sgtsabai said:


From the last link:


"They also make the case that hostile foreign governments like Russia are quite capable of hacking into state election systems, inserting malware to a range of components to alter the reported vote counts and then disappearing with no trace."


Hilarious. Nearly fell off my chair laughing at that one.



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