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Trump drama rolls on: Disputes, falsehoods hit transition


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2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


"Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    


You're right ,  they are the cream of the vultures, here is the recipe to make billions :


- In 2008 Mnuchin convinces the billionaires George Soros and John Paulson to buy $ 1.55 billion for the Bank of California's bankrupt IndyMac, specializing in subprime mortgages.
Mr. Mnuchin succeeds in obtaining from the FDIC bank regulator that he assumes almost all the losses in case of default of payment of the customers.
- Renamed OneWest, the establishment quickly returned to profits at the price of all-out evictions. According to the site Foreclosureradar, the seizure rate of OneWest was 59% in 2009 against 54% in other banks. According to Think Big Work Small and IamFacingForeclosure, these expropriations were also intended to collect the guarantees provided by the federal state, which was always rejected by Mr Mnuchin. His partners and he will resell OneWest in 2014 for $ 3.4 billion, more than double their initial stake, to the CIT group of which he became a shareholder.

- A coalition of Californian associations (California Reinvestment Coalition) has just seized the authorities to denounce the "discriminatory" practices of former OneWest towards blacks and Hispanics. "

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, his father's business he didn't run into the ground? The Atlantic City Casino Business he didn't run into the ground? Trump Airlines he didn't run into the ground? Is that what you're asserting?

And exactly how do you know he's a multi-billionaire? Did he show you his tax returns? Or are you actually gullible enough to believe what he asserts? You should read this deposition from the time he sued Tim O'Brien for questioning Trump's net worth. 



You're wasting your time. Trump and his supporters are immune to facts. They prefer to make up their own........

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" Actually, many people believe God did help America by opening the eyes of enough voters to elect Trump as president."


God must have a soft spot for pussy-grabbing, acrimonious name-callers who go bankrupt five times while ripping off hundreds of contractors and making women feel like scum.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Yes, funny. In fact it will be hilarious when these rust-belt citizens who voted for a snake-oil salesman finally realise that they have been conned, when in four years (or, maybe sooner) when they are still unemployed, jobs haven't come back from abroad and all their benefits and health care has been taken away.


I'm already laughing.


'Someone who still fails to comprehend just why the dems lost, and is absolutely bent on making the exact same mistakes going forward.   So hang onto those clown shoes and keep laughing; that IS funny!


('Guess you haven't heard the Carrier news.  You should try & keep up.)



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An anti Trump media piece written by two New York women. :cheesy:

I didn't need to read it to know what was in it.

Suck it up snowflakes, he won, she lost.


I'd LOVE to see Ann Coulter invited back to that talk show when she said Trump would win and they all fell about laughing. Even better if it was the same audience.

There are a lot of liberal media shills out there that need to make public apologies for being soooooo wrong.

Thank the deity for U Tube so I can relive the enjoyment of seeing the snowflakes crying after hearing he won, over and over and over again. :post-4641-1156694572:

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So, his father's business he didn't run into the ground? The Atlantic City Casino Business he didn't run into the ground? Trump Airlines he didn't run into the ground? Is that what you're asserting?

And exactly how do you know he's a multi-billionaire? Did he show you his tax returns? Or are you actually gullible enough to believe what he asserts? You should read this deposition from the time he sued Tim O'Brien for questioning Trump's net worth. 


I don't ACTUALLY know any thing about Trump EXCEPT, he WON and she LOST. Good result.

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2 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:


'Someone who still fails to comprehend just why the dems lost, and is absolutely bent on making the exact same mistakes going forward.   So hang onto those clown shoes and keep laughing; that IS funny!




I fully understand why they didn't vote the Dems in.

Hilary was an awful choice. Untrustworthy, a liar and in the pockets of big business. Voting for HRC would have been a vote for no change.


Somehow the US electorate closed their eyes and held their noses to the Don also being a liar, a conman and a snake-oil salesman and hoped against hope that he is the answer to their problems. A mistake I never made. I prefer truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable. Trump will not help the working class. Watch him turn government into enriching himself and his mates (just like HRC).

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11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

" Actually, many people believe God did help America by opening the eyes of enough voters to elect Trump as president."


God must have a soft spot for pussy-grabbing, acrimonious name-callers who go bankrupt five times while ripping off hundreds of contractors and making women feel like scum.


Well close but no cigar.  I think God has "a soft spot" for America.  That would be my guess. :-)

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2 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I fully understand why they didn't vote the Dems in.

Hilary was an awful choice. Untrustworthy, a liar and in the pockets of big business. Voting for HRC would have been a vote for no change.


Somehow the US electorate closed their eyes and held their noses to the Don also being a liar, a conman and a snake-oil salesman and hoped against hope that he is the answer to their problems. A mistake I never made. I prefer truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable. Trump will not help the working class. Watch him turn government into enriching himself and his mates (just like HRC).

If Trump does make America profitable again and puts people back to work, none of them will care if he does make himself and his buddies rich as well.

Where HRC went wrong was profiting while the middle class was ruined.

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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Yup, a loyal Trump supporter. Proud of their ignorance and impervious to facts.

If you are trying to ridicule me, you would be well advised to know something about what you are claiming to be so. To say I am a "loyal" Trump supporter deserves :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:.

My case has always been anyone but HRC. Indeed, I have said I'd vote for a rock if it stopped her winning.

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36 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

" Actually, many people believe God did help America by opening the eyes of enough voters to elect Trump as president."


God must have a soft spot for pussy-grabbing, acrimonious name-callers who go bankrupt five times while ripping off hundreds of contractors and making women feel like scum.

I've no doubt that both sides had people that thought god was on their side....  A bit like wars when the religious of both sides declare that 'God is on our side'....

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27 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I fully understand why they didn't vote the Dems in.

Hilary was an awful choice. Untrustworthy, a liar and in the pockets of big business. Voting for HRC would have been a vote for no change.


Somehow the US electorate closed their eyes and held their noses to the Don also being a liar, a conman and a snake-oil salesman and hoped against hope that he is the answer to their problems. A mistake I never made. I prefer truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable. Trump will not help the working class. Watch him turn government into enriching himself and his mates (just like HRC).

There's a contradiction of views in your post.


You agree that Hilary was untrustworthy and a liar, but them go on to say that you voted for Hilary (or at least I assume that's the case) as you prefer "truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable".

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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

There's a contradiction of views in your post.


You agree that Hilary was untrustworthy and a liar, but them go on to say that you voted for Hilary (or at least I assume that's the case) as you prefer "truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable".


I'm not a US citizen. Both candidates were awful. If I was American, I would have either held my nose and voted for HRC, or, not voted at all.

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42 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I fully understand why they didn't vote the Dems in.

Hilary was an awful choice. Untrustworthy, a liar and in the pockets of big business. Voting for HRC would have been a vote for no change.


Somehow the US electorate closed their eyes and held their noses to the Don also being a liar, a conman and a snake-oil salesman and hoped against hope that he is the answer to their problems. A mistake I never made. I prefer truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable. Trump will not help the working class. Watch him turn government into enriching himself and his mates (just like HRC).


8 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

There's a contradiction of views in your post.


You agree that Hilary was untrustworthy and a liar, but them go on to say that you voted for Hilary (or at least I assume that's the case) as you prefer "truth, no matter if the truth is unpalatable".


4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I'm not a US citizen. Both candidates were awful. If I was American, I would have either held my nose and voted for HRC, or, not voted at all.

And that's the point - you support Hilary even though you agree that she was untrustworthy and a liar.  But then go on about Trump being a conman and a liar!


I agree insofar as the US electorate were given two very bad choices, and yet many are suprised that a number of voters decided in favour of someone who represented change!

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you are trying to ridicule me, you would be well advised to know something about what you are claiming to be so. To say I am a "loyal" Trump supporter deserves :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:.

My case has always been anyone but HRC. Indeed, I have said I'd vote for a rock if it stopped her winning.


I can understand your position, but, instead of admitting that both candidates were awful, you now sound like a fully paid up Trump supporter. No reluctance in evidence whatsoever for having to vote for an unqualified, boorish, sexist, lying man-child.

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On 12/1/2016 at 11:34 AM, ilostmypassword said:

If you consider posts pointing out he he's backtracking on many of his promises to be whiny etc. then you have a point. But if not, then all you've got is name calling. Come to think of it, do any your posts consist of anything but factually devoid comments?


I think you have to wait for Trump to move into the White House before accusing him about "backtracking on any of his promises."  All it is now is he said, she said. but feel free to continue your hysterical rants.


As far as Trump's promise to hire a special prosecutor to go after Hillary.  My guess is he will do this but after Obama leaves office so Obama can't pardon her.  Time will tell on that one.


One fact for sure, is if Hillary was ever hung for being honest, moral, and having integrity, she would die an innocent woman. 



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Just now, dick dasterdly said:



And that's the point - you support Hilary even though you agree that she was untrustworthy and a liar.  But then go on about Trump being a conman and a liar!


I agree insofar as the US electorate were given two very bad choices, and yet many are suprised that a number of voters decided in favour of someone who represented change!


Not change......a leap into the unknown.


If both candidates are proven liars and you want to vote, then there's no choice but to elect a liar.

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10 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I can understand your position, but, instead of admitting that both candidates were awful, you now sound like a fully paid up Trump supporter. No reluctance in evidence whatsoever for having to vote for an unqualified, boorish, sexist, lying man-child.

Actually, that is what I like about him. Given the choice of voting for a PC woose or a barbarian that would give Washington a good kicking, I'll take the barbarian anytime. That Trump seems to be aligning himself with the establishment is causing me concern. Bankers are the enemy, not friends.


There is some similarity between now and the end of the Roman Empire. The barbarians were invited in to save the Empire because the Romans had become so corrupt and soft they could no longer defend themselves.

Trump has been invited in because the US has ( IMO ) become so corrupt and soft ( PC ) that ..........................................

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6 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Not change......a leap into the unknown.


If both candidates are proven liars and you want to vote, then there's no choice but to elect a liar.

A leap into the unknown is far better than business as usual, when business as usual has failed, spectacularly, as it did under Obama.

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3 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Not change......a leap into the unknown.


If both candidates are proven liars and you want to vote, then there's no choice but to elect a liar.

So why support one liar over another?  Because you don't want change?


Do I think Trump will think more about those who have lost out enough to vote for him, than his own interests?  No.


On the other hand, there is a tiny chance that he is wealthy enough to be more concerned about his 'legacy' - and so will do something to help those who have lost out badly over the last couple of decades (?).


More importantly, hopefully this election will result in the Democrats realising that they need to take into consideration those that they've previously ignored.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

He owns businesses and property all over the world and is a multi-billionaire. He did not run anything "into the ground".

Ask the hundreds of shafted workers and contractors for Trump's businesses, in particular his running away from responsibilities from his 3 giant casinos which went belly-up in Atlantic City.  Ask 'em how they feel?

Also, ask the hundreds (or thousands) of jilted investors in Trump's failed ventures.  Yes, the folks who saw their investments tank to pennies on the dollar.   Ask the banks who loaned money to the shyster, yet who won't now loan him any money.  


BTW, he's not a multi-billionaire.  He may not even be worth 1 billion.  He said he would ("love to....") release his taxes, but we all know he never will.  He's the King of Shysters, even out-doing Madoff.  At least Madoff eventually got busted, but Trump conned his way into winning the majority of electoral votes.


One of his latest Trumpisms:  He recently spouted a string of glowing praises upon Pakistan's leaders.  Does he not know that Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden.  Also; kissing Pakistan's butt will anger India.  These are things which prove what a blundering dufus he is, in the halls of power.


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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

So why support one liar over another?  Because you don't want change?


Do I think Trump will think more about those who have lost out enough to vote for him, than his own interests?  No.


On the other hand, there is a tiny chance that he is wealthy enough to be more concerned about his 'legacy' - and so will do something to help those who have lost out badly over the last couple of decades (?).


More importantly, hopefully this election will result in the Democrats realising that they need to take into consideration those that they've previously ignored.

IMO the Dems lost because they became so elitist that they thought a very bad person would win just because she was a woman and it was her turn. They failed to realise that even Dem supporters know what a bad person is. They forgot about all the people that live in the middle of the country.

Obviously they didn't learn the lesson, having voted Pelosi back in. Good for the GOP as they will see her lose again in 18 and 20 ( if she is still there then ).

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24 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


I can understand your position, but, instead of admitting that both candidates were awful, you now sound like a fully paid up Trump supporter. No reluctance in evidence whatsoever for having to vote for an unqualified, boorish, sexist, lying man-child.

I have always said that Trump was unsuitable and lambasted the US for only being able to put up two such atrocious candidates.

If I praised Trump, it was because I hoped he would give Washington a good kicking. I know that she wouldn't.

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17 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have always said that Trump was unsuitable and lambasted the US for only being able to put up two such atrocious candidates.

If I praised Trump, it was because I hoped he would give Washington a good kicking. I know that she wouldn't.


OK, I must have missed those posts, though, it seems Washington and Trump are getting on better than anyone thought. Think you're going to be disappointed at the feeble to non-existent kicking......

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21 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Ask the hundreds of shafted workers and contractors for Trump's businesses, in particular his running away from responsibilities from his 3 giant casinos which went belly-up in Atlantic City.  Ask 'em how they feel?

Also, ask the hundreds (or thousands) of jilted investors in Trump's failed ventures.  Yes, the folks who saw their investments tank to pennies on the dollar.   Ask the banks who loaned money to the shyster, yet who won't now loan him any money.  


BTW, he's not a multi-billionaire.  He may not even be worth 1 billion.  He said he would ("love to....") release his taxes, but we all know he never will.  He's the King of Shysters, even out-doing Madoff.  At least Madoff eventually got busted, but Trump conned his way into winning the majority of electoral votes.


One of his latest Trumpisms:  He recently spouted a string of glowing praises upon Pakistan's leaders.  Does he not know that Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden.  Also; kissing Pakistan's butt will anger India.  These are things which prove what a blundering dufus he is, in the halls of power.


If you show love to him, he loves you back.

It works for people and nations.

Don't cross him though!

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14 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


OK, I must have missed those posts.

I said it often enough over the past several months before the election. I remember your username coming up a lot, so perhaps you just didn't take any notice of mine. That doesn't excuse you from saying that I'm a "loyal" Trump supporter. Only a supporter of anyone against her. If I came across as a "loyal" supporter, it was only because I was ecstatic that he wiped the floor with her. Good job well done.

However, now he's won, we should give him a chance to do the job before tearing him down.

If he renegs on the positions he was championing during the campaign, and allows the office to corrupt him I will be just as hard on him as any HRC lover. If he does return prosperity to the middle class I'll be a big supporter.

Having said that, I do like some of his policies, but as a socialist, I don't support reducing taxes on the rich. Can't have it all though.

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2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


I'm not a US citizen. Both candidates were awful. If I was American, I would have either held my nose and voted for HRC, or, not voted at all.


You are not an American citizen?  Well, why on earth would you care who was elected.  How do you feel about the Muslim refugees flooding western Europe?  

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Regarding the so-called "falsehood" about Illegal Voters:

There are Millions of Illegal Aliens in the USA (12 to 40 Million, depending on which source).  States now give them Drivers Licenses, a form of ID.  To register to vote, some states require ID be shown, others not, but even in those that do, these Illegal's Drivers Licenses will suffice.  The last step of "verification" is for the applicant to check a little box saying they are citizens - with no proof.  This is a felony act when done by a non-citizen.


Now, given the above, and given that

  • Tens of millions of Illegal Aliens could loose their ability to continue occupying American Citizens' former careers (construction, food packing, and many other previously middle-class careers) if Trump was elected
  • They have committed multiple felonies in order to steal the jobs they currently occupy (federal document-fraud, etc), so this level of crime is not new to them
  • There is little to no effort to identify Illegal Aliens on voter-registration rolls (because businesses like cheap-labor and Hillary's party calls it "discrimination" to try)

Would it not be foolish to assume that millions of Illegals in the USA Did Not vote in the election?  Any reasonable person, surveying the facts and clear motivations, knows they did exactly that en-masse, and only a fool would think otherwise.  Trump is not a fool. 

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