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‘Millionaire Pretty’ Who Hit 8 Cars High On Meth: Police


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Just now, Psimbo said:

Not sure why people here keep referring to her as 'Hi-so'- she is an Internet 'personality', nothing else.

Indeed, no family with established roots in high positions in business, the military or the civil service.

No considerable wealth.

No overseas education or world view.

Definitely not hi-so.


It seems to be the latest throw around but totally misunderstood term on Thaivisa.

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1 minute ago, Briggsy said:

Indeed, no family with established roots in high positions in business, the military or the civil service.

No considerable wealth.

No overseas education or world view.

Definitely not hi-so.


It seems to be the latest throw around but totally misunderstood term on Thaivisa.


many here glom onto terms they have no understanding of. 

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17 hours ago, pookiki said:

Unless things have changed drastically in the past few years, the only test for actual 'impairment' is for alcohol.  Tests for other drugs such as cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc., can only identify that there was the presence of metabolites of these drugs in a person's system. Obviously, she was high on something. Could have been something they didn't even test for like psilocybin or mescaline. However, there are no measurable standards for impairment for these drugs. Only past use.

If they found drugs in her system, narcotics ! She was on drugs.

The rest of your statement  means nothing.

And testing is better everyday. Just look at the Olympics.  

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Citing a hospital lab test result, police charged  Kritrada “Zomy” Tabtimphol with driving under the influence of narcotics, reckless driving, driving without a license and causing damages and injuries with her driving. Kritlada denied the first two charges and conceded the rest, a police officer said.

I guess she was not high enough up the HiSo ladder to get off completely. Does being a millionaire qualify you anymore?

Edited by elgordo38
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45 minutes ago, hanuman2543 said:

For the police it is not about being impaired. It is enough for criminal prosecution when they proof that drugs are or had been in your system.

Well, the problem is that the headline says that the driver was 'high on meth' which is not at all accurate because there are no standards for being 'high'.  The only thing that the drug test shows is that the drug was used at some point in the past.  And as I noted earlier, she could have been acting the way she was because of another drug that was not part of the test regimen.  She may have used meth but this may or may not be the drug that was responsible for her bizarre behavior.

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19 hours ago, pookiki said:

Absolutely right. It tests for use but there are no standards for 'impairment'.

Who gives a flying  xxxx about impairment, use is use and against the law and common sense - but common sense, well that's another story .

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21 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Who gives a flying  xxxx about impairment, use is use and against the law and common sense - but common sense, well that's another story .

Herein lies the problem.  The drug test only shows that she broke the law by using meth at some point in the past.  However, there positive result does not show that the drug use was responsible for the accident.  With alcohol, one can purposely delay the test to escape a finding of impairment or, if long enough, there was any alcohol present at all.  There are numerous over the counter drugs that could be abused and have caused the same outcome.  If drug use is the over-arching issue, then the police should administer urine tests along with breathalyzers at all checkpoints.  It will certainly reduce traffic!

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7 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

The stupid thing is that precidents have been set by the courts for traffic accidents by certian people, now they hve to try to justfiy other ruling's that don't follow this precident.

So not so long ago  young (hi-so) had  traffic accident and killed 9 people, she walks free with 40 hours comunity work.

Then there's the Merc hi-so that killed 2 Uni students currently in the courts.

So this pelican hi-so smashed 8 cars and some injury's but no one killed so, what 500 baht fine?

She needs to get the same lwer as the young lady that killed 9 people and walked...



Thailand doesn't have a common law system based on case precedents.


So nope, judges do not have to consider previous rulings and can in effect apply the law however they want. 



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There are lessons to be learned from this saga, valuable lessons.

1. This time it were 8 cars, next time there could be 8 kids...........dead.

2. Meth kills, creates crazed moron behavior and is life threatening!

3. Dara punishment should be created and first thing in these cases is testing, whether crazy or not, no rights to refuse whatsoever!

4. No other publicity then dreadful publicity, no entry allowed in or around temples and no lunchboxes allowed in court.

<deleted> DOPE!


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39 minutes ago, pookiki said:



Herein lies the problem.  The drug test only shows that she broke the law by using meth at some point in the past.  However, there positive result does not show that the drug use was responsible for the accident.  With alcohol, one can purposely delay the test to escape a finding of impairment or, if long enough, there was any alcohol present at all.  There are numerous over the counter drugs that could be abused and have caused the same outcome.  If drug use is the over-arching issue, then the police should administer urine tests along with breathalyzers at all checkpoints.  It will certainly reduce traffic!

This is Thailand - far too much logic being applied and means  bugger all.

She crashed a bunch of cars, if you looked at the video and the actions during and after it is a fair and reasonable assumption he was high as a kite, on what does it really matter - just charge her with what ever you like- as is normal in many cases. Just get her off the roads as it might be me or you she hits next time and we mightn 't be so lucky .

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20 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

It stands to reason. Big money, big tits and a small brain.

After all she's a baht millionaire. It doesn't take much to be a millionaire in Thailand. After all everyone in Zimbabwe is a millionaire.


You just described the perfect woman ... "Big money, big tits and small brain."

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

This is Thailand - far too much logic being applied and means  bugger all.

She crashed a bunch of cars, if you looked at the video and the actions during and after it is a fair and reasonable assumption he was high as a kite, on what does it really matter - just charge her with what ever you like- as is normal in many cases. Just get her off the roads as it might be me or you she hits next time and we mightn 't be so lucky .

Yes, this is Thailand but I thought this was a forum for expats.  What I object to is irresponsible journalism that is akin to lynch mob mentality.  And remember to wear the right color clothes. Just because the police say she was 'high on meth' doesn't make it so' and the media should responsibly report that.  Nonetheless, she broke the law and she was either high on drugs or having some sort of a psychotic episode. A menace to public safety?  Definitely.  I do two round trips a day to and from a local park to exercise on streets (sois) that are replete with speeding motorcycle drivers. Given the rampant use of amphetamines and methamphetamines all over the world, and more so in Thailand, there is a statistical probability that 10-15% of them are 'high'.  And, given those statistics, that is probably how I will end my days.

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On 11/29/2016 at 7:47 PM, ratcatcher said:

It stands to reason. Big money, big tits and a small brain.

After all she's a baht millionaire. It doesn't take much to be a millionaire in Thailand. After all everyone in Zimbabwe is a millionaire.

Actually you don't need to go all the way to Zimbabwe, Vietnam is the cheapest money in this area and you can be a millionaire every time you go to the ATM there.

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5 hours ago, hgma said:

There are lessons to be learned from this saga, valuable lessons.

1. This time it were 8 cars, next time there could be 8 kids...........dead.

2. Meth kills, creates crazed moron behavior and is life threatening!

3. Dara punishment should be created and first thing in these cases is testing, whether crazy or not, no rights to refuse whatsoever!

4. No other publicity then dreadful publicity, no entry allowed in or around temples and no lunchboxes allowed in court.

<deleted> DOPE!



Then she would have to do 200 hours community work!

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On 11/29/2016 at 8:53 PM, Brer Fox said:

No different to the hiso tart who killed 9 people and was sentenced to 3 months "work" in a hospital at her convenience.

Rules for the Bangkok rich and rules for the everywhere else poor.

to be hi-so its "tarte" with an e


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On ‎29‎/‎11‎/‎2559 at 7:51 PM, hanuman2543 said:

They can test her hair for drug use. How far back depends on the length of the hairs. That will even work when all metabolites left her body long ago. Standard drug test will show the use of meth approximately one week after the last use.

I was going to say that, but decided to wait...Thank you; you hit it.

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