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Are The Next Two Mondays Dry Days?

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HM (late) King's Birthday 5 Dec, sometimes dry, in the past, in certain areas of Thailand.

12 Dec is substitute (for 10 Dec) Constitution day.  This is usually 'wet' but one never knows!

As usual different bar owners have been told different things.



For the past few years 5 Dec has been business as usual for the bars and no alcohol ban. In light of the present circumstances, this year may well be different.

12 Dec has never been a 'dry' day.

38 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

For the past few years 5 Dec has been business as usual for the bars and no alcohol ban. In light of the present circumstances, this year may well be different.

12 Dec has never been a 'dry' day.

I do love positive constructive replies that answer the specific question(s) asked by an OP.

Pity this response is not in that category! It just regurgitates what I said with slightly different words.

Does anyone have a definitive answer (if such a thing exists in Thailand) regarding this subject. I accept that Constitution (substitute) day should be OK but the King’s Birthday is the one that is most likely to become ‘Dry’ at short notice.

Any bar owners out there that have  been given a definite open/close notice?


We own a bar in CM;  nonone's said anything to us about closing on these dates, and the police are usually very good in this regard, if little else

58 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

For the past few years 5 Dec has been business as usual for the bars and no alcohol ban. In light of the present circumstances, this year may well be different.

12 Dec has never been a 'dry' day.

I read Dec. 12 was cancelled, as there is no constitution. True ?

8 minutes ago, bark said:

I read Dec. 12 was cancelled, as there is no constitution. True ?

That would make sense normally but this is Thailand! 


It was Immigration at the Airport that told me they were going to be closed that day (12 Dec).



1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

For the past few years 5 Dec has been business as usual for the bars and no alcohol ban. In light of the present circumstances, this year may well be different.

12 Dec has never been a 'dry' day.


My feeling too.

On Dec 5 there will be nationwide prayers in all 32000 temples and many other locations.

Maybe at least moderate restriction for bars/entertainment venues?

Remember that still officially we are in the second phase of mourning (30 days to 100 days after).


Monday 12th is a substitution day, so no ban anyway.

And Saturday 10th (constitution day) has indeed never been a closure/ban day.


Monday 5 and 12: all government offices incl. immigration offices closed.





Maybe at least moderate restriction for bars/entertainment venues?


bob of basic bar in soi 1 told me he was closing out of respect for the king

on monday but i know nothing about / from other bar owners



club basic to gether bar number 1 bar 18 mar 13 2013-03-18 15.58.15.jpg

7 minutes ago, dave2 said:


Maybe at least moderate restriction for bars/entertainment venues?


bob of basic bar in soi 1 told me he was closing out of respect for the king

on monday but i know nothing about / from other bar owners



club basic to gether bar number 1 bar 18 mar 13 2013-03-18 15.58.15.jpg

thats a very old pik ,way befor bobs time .

This has to be a record

13 posts in and the "if you can't go without for 1 day" brigade haven't jumped in

What's wrong have the wheels fallen off their wagon?

I was able to finally kick the habit about 5 years ago. It was the longest day of my life

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

1 hour ago, scottiejohn said:

I do love positive constructive replies that answer the specific question(s) asked by an OP.

Pity this response is not in that category! It just regurgitates what I said with slightly different words.

Does anyone have a definitive answer (if such a thing exists in Thailand) regarding this subject. I accept that Constitution (substitute) day should be OK but the King’s Birthday is the one that is most likely to become ‘Dry’ at short notice.

Any bar owners out there that have  been given a definite open/close notice?


You will never get a definitive answer to this. Thailand doesn't work that way. The police will come round the day before telling bar owners not to sell (or they won't if sales are allowed). Even then, some areas enforce not-selling and some don't.


I know my preferred local will be closed on 5th.  I don't know if that is because it is mandatory or self regulation.


By then I'll have had a couple of birthday parties under my belt, so for once the timing for a dry spell will be just right in my case (usually if friends fly in it always feels like it is on national dry days which they seem to have a knack for).



All I have done is ask what I believe to be is a normal and legitimate question as to the situation as to hospitality/bar/alcohol availability hours on two days this month in CM.


Any chance of staying on that track and if you have anything positive (as is dry/wet answer) please respond. If not go spout your views/opinions elsewhere.

4 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

All I have done is ask what I believe to be is a normal and legitimate question as to the situation as to hospitality/bar/alcohol availability hours on two days this month in CM.


Any chance of staying on that track and if you have anything positive (as is dry/wet answer) please respond. If not go spout your views/opinions elsewhere.


I refer you to my post. You are asking a question that has no answer. If it concerns you so much maybe you should plan to stay at home on those days instead of getting upset that no-one can give you an answer one way or the other. I repeat - Thailand does not work that way. How long have you been here not to know that?

28 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I refer you to my post. You are asking a question that has no answer. If it concerns you so much maybe you should plan to stay at home on those days instead of getting upset that no-one can give you an answer one way or the other. I repeat - Thailand does not work that way. How long have you been here not to know that?

Look at the quote you have ‘quoted’. Why did you respond?


The question may well be unanswerable. If it is why did you answer?


I only want responses with people of knowledge with an answer which is usable and useful to people in CM in a like situation to my self. Not opinions or expressions.


Please save both of us (and any other readers) any more waste of time by responding.

1 minute ago, ujayujay said:

Do you not have a refrigerator ?:coffee1:


You didn't read any of the comments, did you?  Just leapt straight in, boots first...


Go and ask the Chief of police, that is the only way you will find out. Not on TV <deleted> !

And whatever he tells you may well change nearer the date !

6 minutes ago, MESmith said:


You didn't read any of the comments, did you?  Just leapt straight in, boots first...

No,I just answered a Question, but you know everything better anyway.......:coffee1:...Moron

2 hours ago, bark said:

What I love, is that people need to drink everyday. If you need 5 + beers everyday, you have a drinking problem.

And if you do; then you should not take any chance of not getting your buzz; and buy extra on Dec 4 and 11.


What I love is the bitter recovering  alky who hates everyone that can actually handle their liquor. Good advice about planning ahead and stocking up early to avoid disappointment. Spoken like a true pro!


As for your unsolicited condescension and unqualified diagnosis...keep it to yourself or better yet go vent on the AA forum. :burp: 


"Does anyone know (for sure!) if either, neither or both the next two Monday holidays (5&12 Dec) are 'Dry Days'?"

Maybe at licensed facilities, but I'll bet most, if not all, mum & pop shops will happily oblige.  

And, I'd go so far as to say that if you took your own beer or wine to a dry restaurant they'd most probably have no objections to you drinking it.

But hey, just my opinion.

3 hours ago, bark said:

I read Dec. 12 was cancelled, as there is no constitution. True ?


Constitution Day is the 10th...  The 12th is a govt holiday in lieu of.

Just stock up on the 4th to be safe for the 5th, for the obvious reason. 

The 10th no problem


It's nice to have the pubs open on high days and holy, but usually their are little 'off licence/bottle-o/liquor stores' tucked away in most neighbourhoods.

I am not sure if they still trade on the most important Thai holidays, but my Mea advises they do pay the BiB a tidy sum to sell at all other hours, when the 7/11s are obliged to shield your eyes from satan's broth.

I usually stock up ahead, and we have one or two close friends of the Mea, around for a few.

I was fortunate to know a little birdy who tweeted early notice of a sad event recently, and I raced to a Supermarket on the dot of 5pm, and bought two cases of fortification, in anticipation of weeks of shuttered premises. As it happened, stocking up for a long drought was unnecessary, one thing we can be thankful for.

Oh, I will try and find out if the 'sly grog' shops trade on the dry days, and report back, I'm not completely useless, yet.

1 hour ago, Thaiwrath said:

Go and ask the Chief of police, that is the only way you will find out. Not on TV <deleted> !

And whatever he tells you may well change nearer the date !

 Got his address handy?


Talk to a bar owner near where you plan to go. They have already been notified by the local police to close or not close.  Alcohol will always be available from Mom and Pop and other off the beaten path locales as well as hotels.

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