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Gun-rights backers vow to 'go on offense' during Trump years


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5 hours ago, gemini81 said:

1) The right to bear arms

2) Head to south Chicago for a refreshing perspective on why you might need one for self defense.


Unless he is going to live there why would he do that? Of course he could go to Rhode Island and see why he doesn't need to carry a gun but hey! that would weaken the argument somewhat.

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15 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It's been ignored by the Supremes as well  :thumbsup:


Yes, and I should state that I have been a gun owner holding a Concealed Deadly Weapon License. Thing is I had to go through usage training, background check and I did not carry while shopping or going for a cup of coffee. I support tighter controls over NRA objections for the public good.

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11 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


How the hell does "the right to bear arms against a tyrant, brought them some safety" translate in your mind to me saying it is OK to shoot a cop?  Funny.


Anyway, it came from the time when if a Black Panther was stopped in their car they would get out, load and cock their shotgun, not shoot anyone, just stand with a loaded weapon so as to avoid getting shot themselves, something you can probably appreciate, right?  The right to bear arms, remember?  It was also one time in history when the NRA were campaigning for gun control and even Reagan supported a bill that stated that open carrying is an act of violence, funny what difference the skin color of the person holding the gun makes.

Well I can tell you that any body getting out of their car and cocking a shotgun should be gunned down fast. Race is not the issue here, cops have shot many white people most of them rightfully so. Many blacks and whites have been shot by black cops too, rightfully so most of the time.  Yes there are some crazy cops out there, same as mailmen or any other profession. I despised Ronald Reagan but he was right about that. Martin Luther King was the best speaker I ever heard and its a travesty that that the Black panthers and others did exactly opposite what he asked them to do. The " I had a dream" speech seems to be the only speech many blacks listened to. His most meaningful speech I thought was the one begging black men to take responsibility for their children. That speech has been lost evidently. Most blacks I worked with [ most good guys]  would tell me that the only reason they got pulled over was because they were black.  The fact I got tickets too meant nothing to them.  Looters and Arsons used to get shot, white or black and still should. I think you were referring to that as the Tyrant they were facing were you not. If so then the reason the black panthers were bearing arms was to kill the cops if they continued to kill backs for looting and burning the near west side of Chicago.

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On 05/12/2016 at 2:22 PM, BlindMagician said:

That just shows how silly that constitutional right is. About time the USA experiment, a young nation that it is, is seen as a failure of common sense, and modernised so that people don't have the right to carry weapons on the streets.

It's amazing that human beings who aspire to be civilised cling in to a medieval level mentality.

If you were to design a new country, a new culture, from a blank sheet, would you in all honesty, after removing your emotion from the decision process, have this gun hooting element? Come on. Grow up USA.


Exactly.........its not 1700 anymore...no wild Indians running around no wild bears or wolves in Los Angeles or Washington, who do these gun bearers need protecting from?


Other nations have very good gun controls in place, idiots can still with some effort get there hands on a weapon, few are denied a rifle some even can own hand guns, whats the problem America? 

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17 hours ago, gemini81 said:

1) The right to bear arms

2) Head to south Chicago for a refreshing perspective on why you might need one for self defense.

The right to bear arms,does that include everyone?

The guy who just got out of jail for shooting some one?


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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

Well I can tell you that any body getting out of their car and cocking a shotgun should be gunned down fast. Race is not the issue here, cops have shot many white people most of them rightfully so. Many blacks and whites have been shot by black cops too, rightfully so most of the time.  Yes there are some crazy cops out there, same as mailmen or any other profession. I despised Ronald Reagan but he was right about that. Martin Luther King was the best speaker I ever heard and its a travesty that that the Black panthers and others did exactly opposite what he asked them to do. The " I had a dream" speech seems to be the only speech many blacks listened to. His most meaningful speech I thought was the one begging black men to take responsibility for their children. That speech has been lost evidently. Most blacks I worked with [ most good guys]  would tell me that the only reason they got pulled over was because they were black.  The fact I got tickets too meant nothing to them.  Looters and Arsons used to get shot, white or black and still should. I think you were referring to that as the Tyrant they were facing were you not. If so then the reason the black panthers were bearing arms was to kill the cops if they continued to kill backs for looting and burning the near west side of Chicago.


"Well I can tell you that any body getting out of their car and cocking a shotgun should be gunned down fast."

So you are saying they should have shot the police?  Only joking, it was not legal to carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle but it was perfectly legal to open carry a loaded weapon on the street, they were not acting outside of the law and so they should not have been gunned down like you murderous suggestion.


Race really was the issue in those states in those days, the KKK were in full force and the police were murdering black people just for diving past them.


Getting pulled over for being black and getting a ticket for a violation are entirely different things, obviously.


I was not referring to the riots when I spoke of facing the tyrant, I was referring to racist murderous cops in general, cops who the Black Panthers stood up to and won by exercising their right to bear arms, they tried to take that right away specifically to prevent blacks defending themselves, but they won and so all Americans can have a gun.  Funny but you don't hear the NRA thanking Malcolm X for preventing gun control.

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16 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


"Well I can tell you that any body getting out of their car and cocking a shotgun should be gunned down fast."

So you are saying they should have shot the police?  Only joking, it was not legal to carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle but it was perfectly legal to open carry a loaded weapon on the street, they were not acting outside of the law and so they should not have been gunned down like you murderous suggestion.


Race really was the issue in those states in those days, the KKK were in full force and the police were murdering black people just for diving past them.


Getting pulled over for being black and getting a ticket for a violation are entirely different things, obviously.


I was not referring to the riots when I spoke of facing the tyrant, I was referring to racist murderous cops in general, cops who the Black Panthers stood up to and won by exercising their right to bear arms, they tried to take that right away specifically to prevent blacks defending themselves, but they won and so all Americans can have a gun.  Funny but you don't hear the NRA thanking Malcolm X for preventing gun control.

I will give you the benefit of doubt here, but I don't remember anything about the KKK up north were I lived [Chicago], nor do I remember any blacks being gunned down in the streets by cops just for being there. I do remember the blacks rioting on NIU campus, burning many cars and stuff. NIU was/is a very liberal School and you would have been hard pressed to find someone on campus or in the town of Dekalb that didn't like blacks. That riot changed things a bit though. I also don't remember the black panthers standing down any cops.  The whole nation was down on racism and the cops were ordered to stand down the way I remember it.

                              I am very sad about the gun situation there in Chicago as black kids are killing black kids by the hundreds there, and I see no end to it as any intervention by the cops ends up bad.  They can't stop kids and ask them what their up to like they did me when I was a kid. That is profiling any way you look at it, and it was with me too. So I guess buy more guns and be prepared to use them is the only answer we have here. Close your stores in these neighborhoods as most have already.  It used to be all the bars on the windows did some good but now the kids just storm the place when its open and take what they want, as they know the cops can do nothing about it. Sad man Really sad. I think much of the problem is outsourcing all the jobs to foreign countries and bringing the Mexicans in [ and let there be no mistake the Right wing brought or encouraged them to come in to break the Unions and beat down wages]. The worthless drug war has done nothing but make things worse too.

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All the gun laws in Chicago have done nothing to disarm the gangs.  The question is, exactly what good have the strict gun laws accomplished? The most effective way to reduce the killing is to legalize and enforce the stop and search law. The bleeding heart liberals just cannot see the benefits of common sense.

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11 hours ago, AlexRRR said:


Exactly.........its not 1700 anymore...no wild Indians running around no wild bears or wolves in Los Angeles or Washington, who do these gun bearers need protecting from?


Other nations have very good gun controls in place, idiots can still with some effort get there hands on a weapon, few are denied a rifle some even can own hand guns, whats the problem America? 

I am not a gun owner, nor a strong advocate of guns, but I do have a home in a metropolitan area and a large screened in porch where my cats like to lounge in the sunshine.   They also like to be out there at night, but I can't let them because of the coyotes and the mountain lions that occasionally roam the area .   By occasionally, I mean it is reported at least twice a month.   


Several people in the neighborhood have had dogs killed and on at least one occasion, a coyote chased a pet dog into a house through an open door.   I don't know that I would like to see a coyote in my living room.


Most people don't shoot these animals, but warning shots will usually send them on their way.     

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:11 PM, gemini81 said:

1) The right to bear arms

2) Head to south Chicago for a refreshing perspective on why you might need one for self defense.

And that just clinches it doesn't it.

Well at least it confirms that the great U S of A is rotten.

Oh, the thinkers, the thinkers, no sheep here.

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:11 PM, gemini81 said:

1) The right to bear arms

2) Head to south Chicago for a refreshing perspective on why you might need one for self defense.

And that just clinches it doesn't it.

Well at least it confirms that the great U S of A is rotten.

Oh, the thinkers, the thinkers, no sheep here.


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4 minutes ago, gemini81 said:

Your highly prodigious reply is that of a troll post. If you disagree with the constitutional rights and carrying a firearm licensed for self defense, let's see a rebuttal that uses one's brain, with good points. One isolated pizza parlor link doesn't mean ban all the guns like a tyrant.


Ban all guns like a tyrant?  Is that the impression they gave you?  The fear is that one banning guns MAY be a tyrant, not that people who ban guns ARE tyrants.  WOW!

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1 hour ago, gemini81 said:

Your highly prodigious reply is that of a troll post. If you disagree with the constitutional rights and carrying a firearm licensed for self defense, let's see a rebuttal that uses one's brain, with good points. One isolated pizza parlor link doesn't mean ban all the guns like a tyrant.

Typical pro gun style of argument. You know it's impossible to list all evidence here in a short note forum, and dismiss the example as isolated. Go research the full stats, such as rate of gun related deaths, or school mass shootings.

You are guilty of your own criticism.

I have commented elsewhere in this thread...find that too.

Read up on the copious detailed anti gun side, to balance your emotion stubborn held view, trying to keep an open mind, and you'll see the logical arguments win over heavily.

Failing that, get an education that promotes real free thinking, rather than towingbthe line of a deeply ignorant and embedded cultural flaw that permeates through such blindly pro gun nut jobs.

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Hey, BM, ever shot a gun, been shot at, shot back? Nice fancy words, I can do them also and have that education you seem to think you have but in reality don't,  but I'm not trying to impress anybody with my edication thar bib...lol. Ah do you eat meat? I raised a family on meat I killed. I made a living killing. And not killing black, brown, poor people.


Perhaps you should spend a bit of time with that oh so great education of yours and research why the mental health facilities etc. have been in a nose dive since the reign of the Reagan cabal.

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On 12/5/2016 at 0:19 PM, Shawn0000 said:


Absolutely not, but the point being, the US may not be civilized enough yet to trust the police with guns without having armed and protected civilians.

..and the solution to that is to make it a blood bath by arming everyone...well played. So go and look at the stats, and see how many cases there are of proven innocent armed civilians having a shootout with the cops because they need to defend themselves...or are you living in fantasy land?

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5 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Hey, BM, ever shot a gun, been shot at, shot back? Nice fancy words, I can do them also and have that education you seem to think you have but in reality don't,  but I'm not trying to impress anybody with my edication thar bib...lol. Ah do you eat meat? I raised a family on meat I killed. I made a living killing. And not killing black, brown, poor people.


Perhaps you should spend a bit of time with that oh so great education of yours and research why the mental health facilities etc. have been in a nose dive since the reign of the Reagan cabal.

Ah, a killer surfaces. Be proud, be very proud. There seems to be a correlation between the mental health issue and the emergence of more gun related crimes...solution? Let's flood society with more guns, more crime.

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8 hours ago, BlindMagician said:

Ah, a killer surfaces. Be proud, be very proud. There seems to be a correlation between the mental health issue and the emergence of more gun related crimes...solution? Let's flood society with more guns, more crime.

I agree with you here, more guns = more gun crime, less guns = less gun crime.

Even in places where there are strict gun laws it is possible to get a gun but gun crime in those places is lower even though the baddies can acquire guns if they want to.

I don't get the protection argument either, carry a gun to protect oneself what from other people carrying guns, to me this seems ludicrous in my opinion your more likely to be shot if you are carrying a gun than if you are not carrying a gun, so your actually protected more by not having one.

We are living in dangerous times at the moment, war is big money as are weapons and I think herein lies the problem, the populous has been made to believe that these wars are the only course of action and we had better all be armed ready to fight in case we are invaded or terrorised by the people we are fighting the wars against. If we as the human race keep going down this path I don't have much hope for the future.

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21 minutes ago, zd1 said:

I agree with you here, more guns = more gun crime, less guns = less gun crime.

Even in places where there are strict gun laws it is possible to get a gun but gun crime in those places is lower even though the baddies can acquire guns if they want to.

I don't get the protection argument either, carry a gun to protect oneself what from other people carrying guns, to me this seems ludicrous in my opinion your more likely to be shot if you are carrying a gun than if you are not carrying a gun, so your actually protected more by not having one.

We are living in dangerous times at the moment, war is big money as are weapons and I think herein lies the problem, the populous has been made to believe that these wars are the only course of action and we had better all be armed ready to fight in case we are invaded or terrorised by the people we are fighting the wars against. If we as the human race keep going down this path I don't have much hope for the future.

It's a self fulfilling prophecy, as more guns begets more gun crime hence the false argument that guns are then needed to protect ourselves against...erm..guns.

It's a Baldrick plan.

These pro gun (meaning right to bare arms in Starbucks, the shopping mall, the swimming pool..) lot simply cannot see the big picture. They obsess in the rights of an individual. Their right to inflame, to accuse falsely, to defend themselves against minor annoyances that escalate, their rights, their rights, at the expense of the community rights to live safely.

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On 06/12/2016 at 5:50 PM, Credo said:

I am not a gun owner, nor a strong advocate of guns, but I do have a home in a metropolitan area and a large screened in porch where my cats like to lounge in the sunshine.   They also like to be out there at night, but I can't let them because of the coyotes and the mountain lions that occasionally roam the area .   By occasionally, I mean it is reported at least twice a month.   


Several people in the neighborhood have had dogs killed and on at least one occasion, a coyote chased a pet dog into a house through an open door.   I don't know that I would like to see a coyote in my living room.


Most people don't shoot these animals, but warning shots will usually send them on their way.     


No problem with a 12 bore shot gun! I guess you wouldn't have a semi automatic for that?

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12 gauge 3 inch mag works great on coyotes and feral dogs at close range. Mine was Remington Mod. 700, lots of ducks, doves, squirrels etc. fell to it. SKS, 7.62 (actually a .303)X39, my war souvenir and saddle gun off season, works quite well as did my Gov't Mod. 1911A1 .45. I lived in cattle and sheep country, coyotes were killed, period. I would reach out and touch one with that .300 Win. Mag. Mountain Lions which are much, much more prevalent than the tree huggers know, were open game. We did have a season, one of my law enforcement rangers had a nice one on his wall, but ranchers, etc. popped them when they saw them. Pure killers, a deer a week, and very, very sneaky.


BTW BM, I think it is absolute stupidity to open carry a semi-auto etc. in a shopping mall etc.. The height of stupid macho rednecks.  Ah, Starbucks, that's for city folks, the yuppie type isn't it. Never been in one, no desire. I took a sip of what passes for coffee in one of those, ugh. Oh, may I have a latte' please, give me a break. Seaport Dark Roast, maybe with Chicory for me, black.


As I've said, people like BM will never convince me to give up my guns, ah the move to Thailand did, but...... . And, I don't give a damn about those kinds of personal views, if you can't/won/t are afraid then stay in your sheltered little yuppie world and leave mine alone. I'm not trying to force guns on you, don't try to force your ideas of confiscation on me, and those are your ideas, whether you state them or not. Oh, and don't eat meat, fish, or fowl, somebody killed them. Wait, I took a bite of lettuce, oh my I hear it screaming in pain, duh.

Edited by sgtsabai
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