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Hi to all members,


I am curious as to whether this is a genuine mistake or possibly a scam, as it is not the first time that it has happened to me over the years, I use a number of 7-11 stores where I stay in Krabi & have noticed that prices can sometimes be marked up incorrectly not only in 7-11 but other stores etc, I recently bought a number of items from my local 7-11 & was charged 25 baht for a bar of soap priced up as 17 Baht, I never said anything at the time as it was busy & didn't want the hassle, I get it in the neck from my partner to not mention it, so we both went to the same store & purchased the same item & was charged the correct price of 17 Baht, so I'm wondering how I can be charged another 8 baht as it is all scanned through there computer?

Thanks In advance......


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7/11 can have some weird and wonderful promotions, 2 for one etc. But if you only buy one you get a credit on your receipt. I can never tell, but the receipt has a credit value of a few baht next time you shop. all the promotions involve scanning other barcodes next to the register. price difference is probably the product was on special one day, not the next etc, 2 for one but only if you buy toothpaste as well.

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Good luck trying to get the shelf price in Thailand....Prices are uped and droped via a central location so when scanned the new price appears this happens in AU as i know, again in AU if brought to the attention of staff you will get the shelf price if not changed thats unlikely to happen in a country with weak consumer laws but sure you can ask just dont crack it when they point to the screen and say thats what you have to pay...

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And getting the price to align with the product seems to be an aspiration rather than a requirement, probably more so in BigC than 7-eleven. 17 is probably the average for a bar of soap, how many people in reality actually stand at the till and check the receipt against a number of items that have been scanned in.

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15 hours ago, Shot said:

The price can bounce up and down weekly in corporate stores and it is nearly impossible for the store staff to keep up with the pricing changes/labels.

In 7-eleven's, the price goes up and down hourly. That's why at any given time (but especially when they are busy), they have only one cash register open and while one of the staff plays with their phone, the other one is forever busy typing stuff from printouts into the computer.

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7-11 tellers go by bar codes only......If a shelf is marked up wrong that is not the tellers fault...The whole thing is computerised as far as the teller is concerned. If one has a problem then the manager has to be called to override a mistake...

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18 hours ago, transam said:

7-11 tellers go by bar codes only......If a shelf is marked up wrong that is not the tellers fault...The whole thing is computerised as far as the teller is concerned. If one has a problem then the manager has to be called to override a mistake...


Yep. Not their fault.


Was in ASDA (UK) during the summer and saw that a brand of bourbon had been reduced to 14 quid so picked up a bottle. After checkout my sister noticed that 22 quid had been charged so I went to customer service and pointed out the mistake. Lady sent someone off to check at the shelf and when they came back refunded me the 8 quid and gave me a 5 quid voucher too. Great service,

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19 hours ago, rott said:

And getting the price to align with the product seems to be an aspiration rather than a requirement, probably more so in BigC than 7-eleven. 17 is probably the average for a bar of soap, how many people in reality actually stand at the till and check the receipt against a number of items that have been scanned in.

global  house  have  door  staff that go thru  the motions of checking your receipt  on the way out.

I always  laugh when I buy a bag of  mixed plumbing connections maybe 50 pieces and they "pretend "  to count them on exit, or  better still buy one item and the guy is right next to the till with you paying for it, he  still opens the bag and  looks at it......going thru the motions

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12 minutes ago, notmyself said:


Yep. Not their fault.


Was in ASDA (UK) during the summer and saw that a brand of bourbon had been reduced to 14 quid so picked up a bottle. After checkout my sister noticed that 22 quid had been charged so I went to customer service and pointed out the mistake. Lady sent someone off to check at the shelf and when they came back refunded me the 8 quid and gave me a 5 quid voucher too. Great service,

This is  something Thais really "dont get"

They would get far more custom  maybe if they did

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5 hours ago, notmyself said:


Yep. Not their fault.


Was in ASDA (UK) during the summer and saw that a brand of bourbon had been reduced to 14 quid so picked up a bottle. After checkout my sister noticed that 22 quid had been charged so I went to customer service and pointed out the mistake. Lady sent someone off to check at the shelf and when they came back refunded me the 8 quid and gave me a 5 quid voucher too. Great service,


In Thailand it will take you 20 minutes and you can forget about the 5 quid voucher, not even a cheap solly sir.


Also Topsy likes to make prices very complicated and show the wrong price on many products. I bet that if i go to Topsy right now at the vegy department many products are wrong priced or in the wrong basket/label.


Also you have to check the expiry date for EVERY item you purchase, especially if it's in the sale. The bakeries all like to sell 1-2-3-4 days old bread as "being baked fresh every day" and when you show them they refuse to understand your problem.

Latest trick is to only show the expiry date so you won't know how old the bread is but for 100 baht a small bread i want to know if it's fresh or not.

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