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No experience needed: Trump taps Carson for HUD secretary


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No experience needed: Trump taps Carson for HUD secretary



NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump chose retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson on Monday to be secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, raising fresh concerns about the lack of experience some of Trump's Cabinet picks have with agencies they're now being chosen to lead.


Carson, who opposed Trump in the Republican primaries, has no background in government or running a large bureaucracy.


In addition, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Trump's choice to be ambassador to the United Nations, has no foreign policy experience. Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs partner and Hollywood executive, is Trump's man to lead the Treasury Department but has never worked in government. And retired Gen. James Mattis, a widely praised battlefield commander, spent decades in the Marines but now is tapped to run the nation's largest government agency, the Defense Department, with 740,000 civilian employees in addition to 1.3 million service personnel.


Democrats swiftly criticized Carson's qualifications for his job. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called him a "disconcerting and disturbingly unqualified choice." And New York Sen. Charles Schumer said he had "serious concerns about Dr. Carson's lack of expertise and experience in dealing with housing issues. Someone who is as anti-government as him is a strange fit for housing secretary, to say the least."


Carson would oversee a budget of nearly $50 billion that provides rental assistance for more than 5 million households. Demand for that assistance is high in part because housing costs are rising faster than incomes. HUD also promotes home ownership with the Federal Housing Administration underwriting about 1 in 6 mortgages issued in the U.S. The agency is charged with enforcing federal fair housing laws, too.


In a statement, Trump said he was "thrilled to nominate" Carson, describing his "brilliant mind" and his passion "about strengthening communities and families within those communities."


Carson, who grew up poor, quickly endorsed Trump after ending his own presidential bid despite Trump noting what he called Carson's "pathological temper." Carson has been coy about joining the new administration, saying shortly after Trump's election victory that he wasn't certain he'd fit into a Cabinet-style role in a job like Health and Human Services secretary.


"Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country," Trump said, "and is part of ensuring that this is a presidency representing all Americans."


Heading a Cabinet agency is a huge bureaucratic job, with responsibility for overseeing massive budgets and thousands of employees. Choosing a leader without management experience could present challenges, warned Ben Chang, who worked under three different administrations.


"People can learn the policies and the talking points, but the transition will be dictated by their own managerial style," said Chang, who remembered incoming Secretary of State Colin Powell walking the halls to meet with career officers and not just his executive staff.


Trump's selections also highlight a frequent divide between the two major political parties in their strategies in filling out a Cabinet: In early 2009, Republicans criticized incoming President Barack Obama for not making enough selections with private sector experience.

On Monday, Trump received a fresh stream of visitors to the New York skyscraper that bears his name. His most surprising guest was Democratic former Vice President Al Gore. Transition officials said early Monday that Gore would meet with Trump's daughter, Ivanka, about climate change, which is Gore's signature issue.


But Gore said he also met with Trump directly and the two had a "very productive conversation."


"It was a sincere search for areas of common ground," said Gore, who did not detail what the men discussed. The president-elect has called man-made climate change a hoax and has pledged to undo a number of regulations designed to protect the environment.


Outside the building, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein vowed to forge ahead with her push for a recount in three states — Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — that helped Trump win.


"Let every vote count," Stein said. "That's what makes America great."


Her news conference was repeatedly interrupted by shouts of protest. Several Trump supporters and Clinton supporters shouted at each other.


Separately, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said he's asking the government for $35 million to cover costs related to protecting Trump, who has indicated he will largely work out of Trump Tower before his inauguration. He will continue his "thank you" tour with a stop Tuesday in North Carolina.


As for completing his Cabinet, he has expanded his pool of candidates for secretary of State beyond the four finalists his aides identified last week.


Over the weekend, two people close to the transition told The Associated Press that Trump is moving away from two of the four: former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.


That would leave former CIA Director Petraeus, who pleaded guilty to leaking classified information, and Tennessee Republican Sen. Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Among other possibilities, one official says, is Jon Huntsman, a former Republican Utah governor who also served as the ambassador to China and speaks Mandarin.


The people close to the transition spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the private process publicly.


AP Writer Julie Pace reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-06
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To anyone that has every worked in fairly senior levels of Corporate America, this is really familiar


CEO's appoint VP's lead business divisions, who may or may have experience, have personal tension with other VP's as a way to driver performance.


I have no idea whether or not that works at a Government level, but it's tactic I'm totally familiar with

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

In a statement, Trump said he was "thrilled to nominate" Carson, describing his "brilliant mind" and his passion "about strengthening communities and families within those communities."

That I believe. He will be the only secretary of the department of HUD to have actually lived in government housing. Certainly a step in the right direction. I wish him well.

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trump being trump.

Now we're stuck with him.


Progressive groups such as People for the American Way, a group that fights right-wing extremism and defends constitutional values, spoke out against Trump's appointment of Carson. "Ben Carson’s nomination adds to Trump’s never-ending list of nominees who are dangerously unfit for their assigned positions. Carson is manifestly unqualified to serve as the next Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. 


Edited by metisdead
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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Good luck to Ben Carson. He is brilliant and a very good man. 

Sure thing, dude, if you're looking for a brain surgeon, he's your man.


This pick is just idiotic.


If it was a democratic president that had picked someone so unqualified, would trumpists be singing the praises. No way! 


Welcome to trumpland and his toxic, divisive KAKISTOCRACY. He's not even trying to be president for ALL Americans. 



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Carson, who opposed Trump in the Republican primaries, has no background in government or running a large bureaucracy.


In Donald's own words, "What do you have to lose by trying something new?!" I think he is bringing that mentality from his campaign to filling his cabinet. At this point, I just watch the circus unfold. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Good luck to Ben Carson. He is brilliant and a very good man. 


Have you ever heard him speak ?


Even he stated after Trump's victory that he was not qualified to run a government department, but to the victor go the spoils 



(CNN)Ben Carson declined an offer from President-elect Donald Trump to join his cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services, a close Carson adviser told CNN on Tuesday.

Carson confidant Armstrong Williams said the former neurosurgeon and top Trump surrogate will continue to advise Trump from outside the White House but declined Trump's offer to join his administration as a cabinet-level official.
"He's never run an agency and it's a lot to ask. He's a neophyte and that's not his strength," Williams said, despite the fact that Carson vied for the Republican nomination to be the next president of the United States.

source: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/15/politics/ben-carson-declines-cabinet-position-donald-trump/

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22 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

Here,  I'll raise you : 

Ben Carson’s most controversial beliefs and statements



YES... Carson is a very educated idiot. Does not accept evolution as fact...believes in Satan the Devil(!)...thinks Egyptian pyramids are grain silos. These are the types of MORONS Trump will proceed with...especially on the Supreme Court. Non-objective religionists who put their subjective superstitious beliefs before the Constitution which they are sworn to uphold. Scary shit that will further the dumbing down of America and regressive policies that will inhibit progress and squash personal liberties immensely. :post-4641-1156693976:

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26 minutes ago, DM07 said:

The dude is NEUROSURGEON and does not believe in EVOLUTION!

What a brilliant man!


He is a born again Christian, but he does believe in micro evolution and is far from an "idiot".



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5 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

No experience is needed for any of Trump's positions.


Trump will train them to be corrupt, inept and incompetent.  ?


I don't think Trump will have to train Carson.


Trump is a real Estate developer. HUD has a big budget. Carson as HUD chief is a fish out of water, inept, but compliant. 


I think Trump has chosen brilliantly.


Trump will make the dough and Carson will be left holding the bag.



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