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Bangkok taxi driver goes online in five minute "Uber" rant


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Bangkok taxi driver goes online in five minute "Uber" rant



Picture: Thairath


BANGKOK: -- A taxi driver has gone online with a five minute mega-rant moaning about Uber taking his customers and his livelihood.


He appeals to the police and the land department - everyone he can think of - to run Uber out of town for making his life a misery.


Posted on Facebook the driver is in his cab at the time saying as he starts the five minute video diatribe that he has been driving around for an hour without seeing any hope of a customer, reports Thairath.


"It's terrible, "he says, "I'm in a bad way. Come on land department, come on police, can't you stop Uber?"


He moans that his costs are four times that of a Uber driver. Their presence on the roads means at least 20-30% less for him.


He can't feed the family.


He questions whether Uber - or even Grab- are legal at all. They don't have to follow the same laws as him, he claims. 


He whinges about checks on his vehicle, his meter, the tax he has to pay, his insurance....it all comes out until he says: "I'm fed up".


"I don't want to go on, but this is terrible", he adds.


Finally after the rant comes to a close he faces the camera with a half smile and says: "I'm not drunk - I'm just saying".


The video was posted on a Facebook page titled "Thewada maa dern din" (Angel walks on the earth).


Source: Thairath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-09
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18 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

There are a lot of people who would say that the few have spoiled it for the many. Do Uber drivers equip themselves with machetes or steel pipes, or god forbid, guns? 

or refuse when mildly damp.....................they never learn do they.

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Tough titties, friend. I'm sure you've never refused a fare because the route didn't suit you, or run-up the meter, or mouth off at a customer, or or or... Thais absolutely despise competition and 'some' taxi drivers can be absolute numpties. I say again, tough titties. Run with the times - become an Uber driver yourself - or perhaps take up barber college. :wink:

Edited by daveAustin
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The quality and service offered by the majority of taxi drivers is absolute rubbish. 

People want to travel safely, in a clean air-conditioned vehicle that does not refuse to take them where they want to go and does not rip-off people.

The authorities should ban all the old, smelly taxis from the road, and make sure that the taxis are new, clean and fresh.

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54 minutes ago, CelticBhoy said:

 "I'm not drunk - I'm just saying".


A sober 5-minute rant!  Glad he's never driven me anywhere. My ears would have melted  . . . :smile:

the bangkok taxi drivers have no one else to blame but themselves, refusing to pick up passengers, refusing to turn on the meter, being nasty when you sk them to go somewhere when it is traffic time, THEY did this on themselves and I have no sympathy for them! the one thing that the thai people do is shop with their feet!

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Agree with him or not - this is why competition is good. If there's no competition, companies get arrogant, lazy and feckless. And who has to suffer their monopoly? The customer.


For the most part, taxis I have used have been okay. When I say okay, I mean they got me to my destination. I would like to be in a clean taxi, with a nice temperature, radio on quietly or not at all and driven by a driver who knows where he's going and drives safely. If Uber and Grab, etc, can offer this, why on earth wouldn't you use them?


"If you don't like it, go somewhere else" This can now also be applied to the customer. Som nam na. 



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I don't get it, how, in Thailand can a Uber driver compete with the regular taxis? The taxi services are dirt cheap and available anywhere almost instantly on the streets of Bkk. Admittedly there are chinks like the thing about not getting a cab because it is time to go back to the depot, or the taxi waiting cue at Don Muang (why I always just walk across the street and grab a taxi there), or how it is impossible to get a taxi when it rains..... I would think with the BKK traffic it would take about two to three times longer to just wait for the Uber than to actually take a taxi and get to your destination already?

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i am just of to new zealand for the coming nz summer. i might do a bit of uber driving while i am there as some of my friends are doing it already. they say it is a great way to earn a few extra dollars. it has been a hit in nz, many happy drivers and many happy customers. still a tiny minority will always be against change and progress. can please everyone but in this case the vast majority are happy with uber.

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1 hour ago, meme1967 said:

The quality and service offered by the majority of taxi drivers is absolute rubbish. 

People want to travel safely, in a clean air-conditioned vehicle that does not refuse to take them where they want to go and does not rip-off people.

The authorities should ban all the old, smelly taxis from the road, and make sure that the taxis are new, clean and fresh.

So far I was fortunate, was refused a few times, but mostly kind taxi drivers. 

The overall state of the cars could be better, cleaner and newer, but then the fares will/should go up as well.

We (farangs) choose to live in an Asean country, but do not want to accept the conditions. 

Comparing with your own standards, as if these were better, is having your cake and eat it all.

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3 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:

No sympathy from me. I hope they all go out of business and a new proper taxi service starts up with properly trained drivers that have to pass a criminal record check and an exam.

Why are you actually here? Want everything cheap cheap cheap, but with high quality?

Wake up farangs (I'm one myself, awake)

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Taxi drivers would obviously prefer it if Uber and Grab went away so they can remain the only show in town and continue to arrogantly pick and choose their customers and destinations, drive with the crackly radio at full blast, no air con etc. 


I'd say 10% of them are good, 10% are OK, 80% are dicks. No sympathy from me. 

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It's called competition by a safe secure service .... nothing stops him from applying and joining Uber as a driver... I guess the way he drives coukd disqualify him .... customers can and do report bad and unsafe driver behavior to Uber.... something I imagine is unheard of in Thailand....

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it really doesn't bother me if a taxi is old or a bit shabby...it gets me to my desired destination, and that is the main reason why i use a taxi...


i don't like negotiating for fares, but that usually happens before i get in, so it's not out of my control


when i lived in bkk and used a taxi nearly every day, i occassionally would find myself in a dodgy situation with drivers...usually when i travelled with my gf at the time during the late evening hours (she finished work at 9pm, so often were out and about at 11 pm)...drivers would always hit on her, assuming that because she was with a farang, she must be a prostitute...one even proposed to rob me...a few were just odd, perhaps high...most drivers are simple and good at their jobs, but these few are so extreme in their behavior that they stick in my memory and completely bias my expectations...now, i dread getting a taxi at night, and expect the worst...

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1 hour ago, akirasan said:

Australian taxi drivers whinged in the media endlessly when Uber was introduced there too.


Great to see the service starting up in Thailand.

I have used grab taxi twice in Bangkok so easy to use ,the drivers arrive on time great service I will continue to use them , I have lived in phuket for 17 yrs in Bangkok I have had to get out of so many cabs because of the usual meter not working,500bt OK ?!!no stop and you start over ,I'm happy to tip an honest canoe but learnt a long time ago of how they try to rip flangs off ,thumbs up Uber -grab taxi

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27 minutes ago, MikeTexas said:

Every time I have to use a cab I get screwed. I've had them quote one price and then try to raise it at the end of the ride  and several other things. I have absolutely no sympathy for any taxi driver. 

Is this  Bangkok taxis or from BKK or DMK airports? City taxis usually use the meter for short trips around town.

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If he is in Bangkok all he needs do is go to Soi 4 Sukhumvit, turn off the meter like the rest of his mates and charge what ever he can get away with. There is a motza to be made. If the going is a bit slow there during the day he could move to the bus stop between Soi 3 and Soi 5 (where the hookers stand on the footpath) turn on his blinkers and wait for the highest bidder.

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