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Aggressive partners in Thailand


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During the initial part of a relationship with the Thai gf , she was quite physically aggressive , slaps around the face,  throwing things at me, coming at me with knives , things got worse and worse , hitting me over the head with home appliances , had to go to hospital a few times to get stitched up .

  In the end I just walked up to her and gave her a hefty right hander , straight into her face and I told her that if she ever hits me again that she would have a few more of those coming her way .

  She never hit me again or threw things at me again after that.

Some people have a child like mentality and boundaries need to be set .

I dislike violence and aggression against anyone .

A few weeks later she said to me "Thanks , I now realise that its not nice someone hitting you and I'll never hit anyone again " "No ones ever done that to me before, now I realise how horrible it is" .

  I know, not a pleasant topic, but it seems to be common in Thailand for females to be aggressive

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Ive got to admit i agree 100%.

These will think she can do anything to you because your a farang you wont hit back. 


but yeah, If you have this "boxing" gf, the only thing that will teach them  is a good smack in the chops.

talking certainly does no good

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Happened to me a number of years ago. 


I'd been on the receiving end of minor violence from the GF at the time, slaps, punches...  I never retaliated thinking it was wrong to hit a female.

Minor issues became the cause of more arguments as time passed on... one evening we were engaged in argument and for whatever reasons she snapped and picked up a knife... I walked out on the balcony and close the doors behind me, however, she turned on my belongings and started damaging my stuff (threw my surround sound speakers to the floor etc - doing nothing was going to be costly). 

I re-entered my apartment from the balcony and she walked towards me with knife, she received a good old fashioned movie slap across the face before I wrestled the knife out of her hands.

I handled her out of the door, closed it, locked it, packed her bag and put that in the hallways (she was still there). 

I told her I was calling security if she didn't leave there and then. 


A few days later I picked up one of her calls to tell her security have been informed not to let her back to my apartment. 


I'm not proud of the situation, I'm not proud that I allowed the violence to escalate over time, but sometimes we only see these issues building with hindsight... I'm not proud I slapped her across the face, but, when she made the choice to hit me and come at me with a knife she also made the choice to create a violent situation.


Many would say 'she had it coming' and I'd agree. 






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18 hours ago, mcfish said:

No different to anywhere else in the world except anywhere else you would be in jail.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


   If the law would have been applied in the circumstance , I would not be in jail, because she would have been in jail already BEFORE I did what I had to do

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18 hours ago, mcfish said:

No different to anywhere else in the world except anywhere else you would be in jail.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

i could name more than two dozen countries where you wouldn't be in jail.

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On 12/12/2016 at 9:00 AM, richard_smith237 said:

Happened to me a number of years ago. 


I'd been on the receiving end of minor violence from the GF at the time, slaps, punches...  I never retaliated thinking it was wrong to hit a female.

Minor issues became the cause of more arguments as time passed on... one evening we were engaged in argument and for whatever reasons she snapped and picked up a knife... I walked out on the balcony and close the doors behind me, however, she turned on my belongings and started damaging my stuff (threw my surround sound speakers to the floor etc - doing nothing was going to be costly). 

I re-entered my apartment from the balcony and she walked towards me with knife, she received a good old fashioned movie slap across the face before I wrestled the knife out of her hands.

I handled her out of the door, closed it, locked it, packed her bag and put that in the hallways (she was still there). 

I told her I was calling security if she didn't leave there and then. 


A few days later I picked up one of her calls to tell her security have been informed not to let her back to my apartment. 


I'm not proud of the situation, I'm not proud that I allowed the violence to escalate over time, but sometimes we only see these issues building with hindsight... I'm not proud I slapped her across the face, but, when she made the choice to hit me and come at me with a knife she also made the choice to create a violent situation.


Many would say 'she had it coming' and I'd agree. 







You should be proud that you got away with it............................:smile:


During that part (in bold above), if it was me, I might have reversed the order of events:


"I re-entered my apartment from the balcony and she walked towards me with knife, she received a good old fashioned movie slap across the face before I wrestled the knife out of her hands."

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49 minutes ago, arithai12 said:

I am amazed that the OP put up with this.


37 minutes ago, Emster23 said:

I wish this were a troll post.... if early on she starts in on violence, why oh why does a person stay?


16 minutes ago, cracker1 said:

"During the initial part of a relationship with the Thai gf , she was quite physically aggressive , slaps around the face,  throwing things at me, coming at me with knives"

Why would anyone continue staying with a person like this ?


It could have something to do with the nutters are always the best sex.

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Ive had a TGF do the verbal tantrum on a number of occasions she was eventually moved on, if she had of hit or threatened me with anything she would have been out the door in a flash, no way should anyone have to put up with that behaviour......

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I had never hit a woman before coming to Thailand even though a few deserved a hit. A past gf went into one of her unfounded jealousy rages and started smashing things in the unit. An open handed slap and she was back to the normal sweet girl. Some seem to respond to being hit.

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25 minutes ago, Lamkyong said:

ok i am waiting  will that be a bakers two dozen  ??

Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Bahrain, Emirates, Yemen, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgizstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Bangla Desh, Morocco, Mauretania, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal, Gambia, Kongo Kinshasa, Kongo Brazzaville, Kenya, Sudan, Somalia...


enough, or shall i name a dozen additional ones?

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If you hurt me, I hurt you more.


Simple as that, applies to both males and females and has worked very well for me over the years.


It's all in the the head, and one has to make a credible case that any violence coming from them will be followed by something worse back their way. If applied correctly, no violence ever has to be used.

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happened to me with an aussie girl. she became more demanding till one day she slapped me. i packed up my pickup with her screaming at me so loudly the neighbors called the cops. they passed me coming the other way down the street and tried to get my ex to press assault charges against me, at least that is what she said. was my last ever attempt at a relationship with a western woman. better to stay single, not just in thailand.

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Happen to me in France with mother of my daughter but never with Thaï girl ( even if the actual and second one was quite jealous at the beginning of relationship and still now)

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On 12/12/2016 at 7:05 PM, sanemax said:


   If the law would have been applied in the circumstance , I would not be in jail, because she would have been in jail already BEFORE I did what I had to do

You can leave,you know,and take the kids with you if you have any.

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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

I wish this were a troll post.... if early on she starts in on violence, why oh why does a person stay?


It was quite exciting at the time , it either seemed to be fully loved up or drink fueled mini riots which by the time we'd sobered up, we'd forgotten what the argument was all about in the first place .

    We were best of friends for most of the time, I couldnt understand it, we'd go out for a drink and one of us would lose the plot and we'd spend the evening arguing and fighting, I just put it down to excessive alcohol .

    So , I stopped drinking all together .

We went out to our usual bar, my friends bar  whom he owned with his psychopathic Thai gf , she quite often gave me a free bottle of beer .

   She offered me a beer, which I refused .

It was already opened , so I thought that I'd just have the one beer .

That evening it was myself who started the arguments and fighting .

Then it all fell into place .

The bar owner had been popping pills into our drinks .

She had a vested interest in my gf and myself not being together 

We stopped going to that bar and all the arguing and fighting stopped

Just an example of how callous the that bar owner was .

Her by fell backwards of a barstool and cracked his head on the pavement which knocked him out and left him with a big hole in his head , someone called an ambulance . She gave them 500 Baht and told them to go away .

    She asked me to carry him upstairs to bed , I refused as he needed to go to hospital to get checked out , I told her that he could well get a blot clot and die .

   She looked at me and snarled "Its best if he does, then I can keep the bar"


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Am I getting this right?....The way to show somebody how horrible violence is.......is to whack them in the face with a mighty blow...interesting theory.

   Some people might just walk away or seek help for the person they supposedly "love" through councilling.

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