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Rape of Aussie tourist: tuk-tuk driver not involved but case will be solved this week, say police


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Rape of Aussie tourist: tuk-tuk driver not involved but case will be solved this week, say police



Picture: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- Police in Bangkok have said they are confident that a tuk-tuk driver was not involved in the rape of the Australian tourist at the weekend.


Taling Chan cops said that there were "many inconsistences" in the story of the tourist who admitted that she was very drunk after a drinking session in Khao San Road, reports Sanook.


Police are not sure how she got to waste ground in the Boromratchachonanee area. 


But they have ruled out a tuk-tuk driver being involved after six such vehicles were seen on CCTV at the time of the rape but none lingered near the scene.


Police are also not revealing the identity of a man who was not the driver of a vehicle who is also believed to have been helping them with their enquiries. 


But they think the victim may have possibly got to the scene of the crime on a motorcycle.


The victim admitted she was intoxicated and could not remember all of what had happened to her. She insisted she was raped, however.


Police said that sperm taken from the victim had been tested and they would be able to say today the nationality of the man who it belonged to.


They also said they hoped to wrap up the case in the next few days.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-14
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20 minutes ago, webfact said:

Police said that sperm taken from the victim had been tested and they would be able to say today the nationality of the man who it belonged to.


Can this actually be done? 




Nice little gem they are leaving for themselves regardless. So aggravating that it always seems to be more important to prove that it was not a Thai, rather than focus on what happened regardless of nationality. 

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Can you tell what nationality a man is by his sperm? race, okay. But actual nationality? I guess Thai sperm really is uniquely special. Maybe it can be pinpointed down to being Thai sperm or rest of the world sperm. 


Anyway, for anyone laying any blame on the victim for being raped, isn't it good to be a man? Imagine, as a man, if you got really drunk and were raped by another man. Do you think it would be at all comforting or an excuse to judge you because you were drunk? Rape is illegal. There is no justification for it. You should always be careful - but saying she got drunk so it's partly her fault is the same as saying women shouldn't dress however they wish. The person who commits a crime like rape is always 100% to blame. 



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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Can you tell what nationality a man is by his sperm? race, okay. But actual nationality? I guess Thai sperm really is uniquely special. Maybe it can be pinpointed down to being Thai sperm or rest of the world sperm. 


Anyway, for anyone laying any blame on the victim for being raped, isn't it good to be a man? Imagine, as a man, if you got really drunk and were raped by another man. Do you think it would be at all comforting or an excuse to judge you because you were drunk? Rape is illegal. There is no justification for it. You should always be careful - but saying she got drunk so it's partly her fault is the same as saying women shouldn't dress however they wish. The person who commits a crime like rape is always 100% to blame. 




Rape is a hideous crime and perps deserve to be punished in accordance with the law.


But going out, in a foreign country, and getting so pissed you don't know what your doing and can't really remember clearly is pretty stupid. Leave yourself open to robbery, violence, sexual assault, and all sorts of exploitation. 


No she's not to be blames for being raped - she's a victim if what she does remember is correct. But she is still stupid for putting herself in such a position. 


Many countries now have laws that treat consensual sex with a female as rape if she's too drunk to really consent or deny. Shows how big a problem irresponsible use of alcohol is.

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5 hours ago, Strange said:


Can this actually be done? 




Nice little gem they are leaving for themselves regardless. So aggravating that it always seems to be more important to prove that it was not a Thai, rather than focus on what happened regardless of nationality. 

I don't think so. Maybe Asian or other general type but not down to nationality.

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7 hours ago, LivinLOS said:


even higher if they used the same testing services as the Koh Tao 2.. 

well,...apparently the police are doing a fine job this time...Guess, some people will always find fault !!!

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In a country where rape is not thought of as a serious crime,and women are just chattels,to be used as seen fit.Where a policeman can say that "she was nearly raped and thats not a serious crime" where a Thai guy can go to his friendly cozzer and bung him a 1000 baht and wink at the victim on his way out.What chance has a serious accusation got of being investigated. Women in this country,are,and always have been second class citizens.The cops just cant be bothered to do anything serious about it.Why should they? "its only another C###,and a felang at that,anyway,whose gonna pay us"

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9 hours ago, Strange said:


Can this actually be done? 




Nice little gem they are leaving for themselves regardless. So aggravating that it always seems to be more important to prove that it was not a Thai, rather than focus on what happened regardless of nationality. 

Not so you are dead wrong.


There is a recent tragic case of a South African girl getting raped in Bangkok where 1 Thai has been charged with rape and the other one is on the run. It is vitally important that the real facts be established considering that innocent men could go to prison if these cases are not thoroughly investigated and only taken on word alone. It has been mentioned on the Thai news that there are inconsistencies in this woman`s statement of events that took place on the night and I believe that to be true and not a cover up to protect Thais. We will see.

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When one reads most of the pieces of the same kind, one could easily conclude that the Thai police nearly always knows who did not commit the offence or crime, but seemingly about never knows who the ones are who did it...

Although, according to some 'police source', the Thai police would be well informed, actually very well, about who did what, when and where, ...but that 'truth has a price', a quite high one so it mostly seems, well, you know what I mean...

I'd rather go for the second, all the rest just being typical Thai shadow puppetry, nothing is what it seems to be here...

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11 hours ago, The manic said:

Quite high if this drunk was out socialising with western men. 

It is offending to read you could, possibly, consider it, even the slightest little bit of, an excuse for raping a girl/woman that the victim could, eventually, have been inebriated! Any link between you and some Indian gang rapists?

Why is it that there are still 'men' walking around on the planet with 'the opinion' that their female counterparts can be used and abused of as if it would be the main reason for them to be born?

I'm a man, with quite some 'interest' for ladies, thank you, but such a 'male chauvinistic pig' attitude should belong to a long forgotten past, ...but look, no, it is still among us! And let me guess, we consider ourselves as the better part of society, the educated ones, ...what better to expect then from uneducated, lowlifes? Disgusting post!  

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5 minutes ago, bangrak said:

He must be Burmese, no doubt Thais don't do that! ...Sad grin, KT not forgotten.

Yes, but thank goodness those guilty little sods got the sentence they deserved. Turns out in that case it wasn't a Thai. In this rape case, it is a Thai that has already been convicted of rape in another case. It's small consolation, but at least this thai guy didn't bash her head in like those burmese  did to hannah. This lady is 21 she has a good chance to recover and go on with life. What a pity hannah will not have that opportunity. 

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This case has all ready hit the international headlines. So this is going to end badly for somebody.


I can`t really make out what is happening in the OP photo because it`s been made too fuzzy. Looks like 2 people closely entwined, the girl with her long hair and another person appearing to be bald or has short fair hair that could be both male or female and both only wearing the bottom part of their underwear. The girl could be in close embrace or fighting someone off. Does anyone have any idea what is going on in that photo?

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15 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

And the under/over odds on the results being 'not Thai" are... 


Don't be ridiculous , why do we always have thai bashing in every news thread here?  


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14 hours ago, LivinLOS said:



And the under/over odds on the results being 'not Thai" are... 


         People   Cambodia  ,  are odds  on favs  

           followed by  people Laos . 555

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19 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Rape is a hideous crime and perps deserve to be punished in accordance with the law.


But going out, in a foreign country, and getting so pissed you don't know what your doing and can't really remember clearly is pretty stupid. Leave yourself open to robbery, violence, sexual assault, and all sorts of exploitation. 


No she's not to be blames for being raped - she's a victim if what she does remember is correct. But she is still stupid for putting herself in such a position. 


Many countries now have laws that treat consensual sex with a female as rape if she's too drunk to really consent or deny. Shows how big a problem irresponsible use of alcohol is.

It begs the question was she fed drinks with the express purpose of getting her drunk so.....?

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Has anyone seem the 1988 Jodie Foster movie, The Accused? It`s about a young woman who has a night out in a bar. She is dressed in a skimpy tee-shirt and short, short hot pants, she was merry from drinking alcohol and begins flirting with a bunch of guys, but takes the situation too far and ends up getting gang raped on a pool table.


I remember going to see this film with friends, both men and women and although the rape scene was pretty horrific not one of us felt sorry for her, not even the girls among our group. But because this was Hollywood and justice had to be seen to be done and like the girl in the OP many had no sympathy for her, so she had to fight to bring her attackers to justice and of course she wins resulting in the guys all receiving life sentences. 


The facts in these cases are; public opinions are split between those who believe these women are absolute victims and those who believe that although rapists are the vilest people on Earth, these women can still play a part in instigating these sexual assaults or what can often lead to full blown rape against them. Right or wrong these are the facts in these matters.



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On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 3:11 AM, webfact said:

Police said that sperm taken from the victim had been tested and they would be able to say today the nationality of the man who it belonged to.


Far more than that they can get the DNA of the person and then avoid the inevitable stitch up that will occur.

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