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School won't report student attack due to "loss of face", claims sister of young victim covered in blood


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5 minutes ago, AlphMichaels said:

I do love these stories now.  The reality of exposure via social media is going to change a few things as people wake up and realize they can no longer as easily cover up or hide their "true face".  

Until the junta ban all social media

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2 hours ago, Lingba said:

This should be posted all onver the internet worldwide to show the world how stupid the system is


The parents should report this to the police, if they have not already done so.

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not surprised at all. with the thai's it is ALL face! these people have never really joined the rest of the world in taking responsibility for their actions! always someone else's fault, and the camera's what a joke. some of the teachers are not as educated at the students and that says a lot!

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The trouble here is about the polar opposite that we have in the West. Here the schools are afraid of garbage like "Losing Face" - "Kreng Jai" whereas the schools in the West will be running to plod and getting kids arrested, cuffed and sent to some institution.


Don't get me wrong, I do not condone violence or bullying of any sort, or robbery for that matter.


But is it really necessary to adopt this pathetic "Snowflake" approach to this kind of behaviour, at the first signs of trouble the schools now start running to the cops / authorities!


There are always going to fights, bullying, thieving in schools (and everywhere in real life). Whatever happened to the schools sorting the problems out internally rather than getting some young kids punished by the state and the police?


What happened to getting all parties involved in with the headmaster, giving them the opportunity to return the items stolen, give the little bastards a good caning on the arse and make it plain that next time it is the Cops!


This nanny state business is making pathetic pansies of kids who instead of realising what real life is like end up hiding behind the skirts of the government.


Fair enough, it if it continues, then by all means take it further.


These days however everyone seems too willing to just get the government involved in what was just kids being kids. (Different matter if people are using knives and guns etc. that goes without saying)


I think a lot of growing up and decent values have been destroyed by these liberal do- gooders that try to "protect" everyone from reality.

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6 hours ago, DaveE13 said:

When her parents asked why the CCTV wasn't working a Teacher said " don't know go and ask the camera"    what a mature answer from a teacher to say. Idiot 

I would have turned someones lights out at this point... Having kids at school myself, I would have just as much disdain for the school and teacher, as I would have for the perpetrator....

I shudder to think how much value the teachers put into their students... I know they dont give a flying rats a## about their education, seems they dont give the same for the kids wellbeing...


Wow... this story has really wound me up, like no other....


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Time the schools action was investigated. Publicity will shame the school hopefully. Its a pity the boy does not have a BIG brother. I was the eldest sibling in my family and I am proud to say none of my siblings ever got roughed up in or out of school.

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1 hour ago, Maestro said:


The parents should report this to the police, if they have not already done so.


well in any other normal country that works just fine but as I'm sure you know ...in Thailand, that effort is a waste of time as nothing will be done...The school will apologize and everyone will smile and forgive

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2 hours ago, eggers said:

If the incident occurred as reported, hopefully the parents will follow up by contacting Police & Education dept for actions against those involved. 



Unfortunately this will probably not happen.  The school I used to teach caught a pedophile a while back, or more correctly the parents complained after reports from their children.  Something like a dozen parents confronted the school and demanded he be sacked.  Two of the parents wanted the police brought in.  The school, along with the rest of the parents, talked these two out of reporting the guy.  Seems these parents preferred to keep fooling their friends and neighbours into believing their kids went to a very good hi-so school and the school agreed in order to not lose face.  No one seemed to care that this guy would most probably re-offend at the next school he worked because they didnt report him???

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6 hours ago, digibum said:


If the teacher would have said that to me - and I was Thai, you know, because for sure as a farang I would go to jail - I would beat that teacher within an inch of their life.  


Then I would tell them, "Now, I'm going to ask the CCTV camera if it saw any of that.  Funny, na?"  



Of course you would! #GobShite

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24 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:


Unfortunately this will probably not happen.  The school I used to teach caught a pedophile a while back, or more correctly the parents complained after reports from their children.  Something like a dozen parents confronted the school and demanded he be sacked.  Two of the parents wanted the police brought in.  The school, along with the rest of the parents, talked these two out of reporting the guy.  Seems these parents preferred to keep fooling their friends and neighbours into believing their kids went to a very good hi-so school and the school agreed in order to not lose face.  No one seemed to care that this guy would most probably re-offend at the next school he worked because they didnt report him???

No parent with the balls to sort this <deleted> out after hours?

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Give school a VERY public million baht fine to think about their actions and sack/punish all teachers involved. Yeah, right! Small fine, some money to family, hear no more of it. Nothing will change until someone high up with a pair of stones starts shaking a big shitty stick, or face (:sick::sick:) takes a back seat. Yeah, right! 

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2 hours ago, Maestro said:


The parents should report this to the police, if they have not already done so.

The problem is if the parents report it their child will be judged harshly by the teacher. Almost a no win situation. I agree the school is run by imbicels.


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Asked about CCTV the school said that they had it but it wasn't working. According to the Facebook poster when the parents asked why it wasn't working a teacher said: "I don't know, go and ask the camera".

Typical stupid answer. Stonewalling. Blows ones mind. 

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I went to a Catholic school in the UK and we had been rehearsing for weeks for an annual school play in which I was to play the lead part of Saint Dominic Savio, when a bully who had been attacking me for months crept up behind me in the school playground.  Just as he thumped me in the back, I swung round and caught him with  a pretty good punch, which left him with a bloody nose.


My teacher told the class the next day that the school play had been cancelled because Saint Dominic Savio could not be played by someone who goes around beating up other boys. I was not allowed any say in the matter and the teacher never mentioned that the guy with the bloody nose was at least 6 inches (15 cms) taller than I was.  At least she tried to punish the "guilty" party for the violence, even though, in my opinion, she got the wrong guy.   That's my story and I am sticking to it.



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