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Walking Street land owners again scuttle demolition plan

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2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

It's a human zoo where you can roam and see every species known to man.You dont have to partake,its selfie heaven

Bulldoze the whole thing, selfies ... it used to be a proper pit of sin, now it's a tourist "selfie heaven". Pfft, gone with it and take out all the buildings with more than 2 floors from the entire beach road while at it. 

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21 hours ago, impulse said:

One of those paths throws Thailand's daughters into prostitution and servitude to the depravity of sex tourists.  The other one may be less lucrative for the Elite who control it all. 


Ha! Not saying I agree with the trade, but this is just factually incorrect. It implies that the western sex trade is the cause of "Thailand's daughters" going into "servitude to the depravity of sex tourists."


Yeah, have you seen what goes on down there? Not a lot of servitude. The girls go there to make money and they are doing it under their own steam, by their own rules, and raking in the dough. Even the "daughter's" who are in servitude...of the Thais and farang who hire them...to clean rooms, cook, and deal with tourist moans and groans for a few thousand baht a month that hardly feeds them, let alone their family back home...you'll see them trying to make a few baht on the side as well exploiting a system that provides a relatively free choice to those who would rather make a few bucks on the side vs. shacking up with some guy and becoming his personal pet.

If you're looking for the real roots of prostitution in Thailand and the destination of the vast majority of these daughter's who go into the trade...look to local prostitution and brothels. Local customers account for the vast majority of what goes on with these daughters you're on about. And these brothels are still relatively cheery places compared with the ones that source from Myanmar and literally trap minors into sexual slavery. 

Stop being such a drama queen with this stuff about sex tourism in Thailand. It's a drop...and a relatively clean drop...compared to the floods going on around it.

Just make it legal and safe.

10 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Your making a mountain out of a molehill or is it making a bigger mountain out of a smaller mountain. What was the question again. Please speak into my good ear. Hey what did you say. 

If its a mole hill than why are you posting here? Many here don't think its a mole hill, can they have their say. I for one think it would kill the tourism here. I love walking street just as it is.  I don't think many want to live near it, I surely don't, but what an amazing place to visit, for many reasons.

1 minute ago, Grubster said:

If its a mole hill than why are you posting here? Many here don't think its a mole hill, can they have their say. I for one think it would kill the tourism here. I love walking street just as it is.  I don't think many want to live near it, I surely don't, but what an amazing place to visit, for many reasons.

Go to doctor get your humor shot and re-read laugh and all will be revealed to you. My doctor informed me as we age we lose our sense of humor so I practice it daily to stay topped up. You may be down a quart. 

6 minutes ago, Minnehaha said:


there is a lot of crap beach in Thailand that is polluted and terribly unappealing in my opinion

I agree, I am not a lay on the beach sort but I will sit there under the umbrella tents for hours spending my money on venders and watching the world go by. I won't be on any beach for long with no sun protection.  I wish they would concentrate more on daily beach grooming here and garbage cans.

5 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Go to doctor get your humor shot and re-read laugh and all will be revealed to you. My doctor informed me as we age we lose our sense of humor so I practice it daily to stay topped up. You may be down a quart. 

Do you really think your post was humorous? You need to find a higher quality humor oil.


Walking Street is unique. Not another place like it in the world. They should put a preservation order on it. Military junta, being on a par with the Taliban as far as having fun is concerned, will probably demolish it.


3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Do you really think your post was humorous? You need to find a higher quality humor oil.

Your statement is no laughing matter but I like you so I gave you a like and a laugh. 


to have a park needs to have seats, there is not enough seats provided now, to have a nice beach one needs nice water to swim in, which pattaya will never have...not all tourists are depraved sex tourists, why should someone be classed as depraved because he likes looking at girls and thinks about shagging them, and then maybe he does, thats life with the male species...:stoner:


I really like the beer garden, if that goes then I can't think of a single reason to go there.. Sugar baby a go go and windmill being exceptions but a different atmosphere obviously

Also the sewerage pipe spills right at the beginning of walking st. The stench was shocking last night. Hardly the setting for a family day in the park

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Definition of vice

  1. 1 a :  moral depravity or corruption :  wickedness b :  a moral fault or failing


And who pray tell will decide this issue ?  Some of the Holier than Thou posters here ?  Get a grip. And as for prostitutes being enslaved - I think someone needs to give their head a shake. Don't like it there - don't go. Simple.


For me, PTY is and always will be a sh*thole. I wasn't there more than 5-6 times. BUT this is why the people go to PTY. If they tear down everything, PTY looses its specific "charme"

1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Walking street as it is now set up is finished.  The government in power does not like the in your face sex that exists and is determined to end most of it.  There way of doing this is to start enforcing laws already on the books that have not be enforced.  The squatters will be handled and either leave voluntarily or be bulldozed out. They are just delaying the inevitable but the military government will not be put off much longer. What happened at Bali Hai and Koh Chang should give the squatters a forewarning of what is coming.






what DID happen on Koh Chang ?


The military moved into Koh Chang and took over its governance removing all the present officials and its minions and started closing down illegal business and getting rid of squatters. All of a sudden millions of Baht that were not in the government coffers started to be collected.

Pattaya is a different situation but the new Pattaya Administration is army controlled and they want to change the atmosphere in Pattaya to a more family oriented place for middle class Thais and Asian tourists. Asian tourists do not need or want in your face sexual oriented services. The going business in Pattaya will be Malls; Thai restaurants and some of the more Thai oriented shops.

Walking street is a symbol of a decadent past that is no longer relevant.

50 minutes ago, Mike555 said:

Stop being such a drama queen with this stuff about sex tourism in Thailand. It's a drop...and a relatively clean drop...compared to the floods going on around it.

Just make it legal and safe.


How can you make it legal if prostitution is the draw?  Which is beside the point.


It doesn't matter how you feel about it or how I feel about it.  I'm a foreigner living and working here.  They get my money no matter what.  I'm not their target demographic.  If they're trying to draw in more family tourism, they have to cater to drama queens who don't want their church going neighbors to see the kids' vacation videos showing them frolicking among the kiosks hawking marital aids and hard core porn, and dodging the "hansum man" hookers.


My contention is that cleaning things up -not getting rid of walking street- will be good for Thai tourism in the long haul.  That is, cleaning up not only the illegal activities that keep families away, but also the sub standard construction that has open sewers running across so many Thai beaches.

3 hours ago, farcanell said:


10% is a big number.... a huge number


That statistic is probably on the high side, or so the people who came up with it thought. They admit they were probably including people who are not sex tourists in the number and it is probably only about 5-6%.

But then you know what they say about statistics ;)


9 minutes ago, Seismic said:

That statistic is probably on the high side, or so the people who came up with it thought. They admit they were probably including people who are not sex tourists in the number and it is probably only about 5-6%.

But then you know what they say about statistics 


The flipside of those numbers:  So why should Thailand even worry about losing the sex tourism trade if it's that insignificant?  


Or better yet, how difficult would it be to replace those tourist $$$ with an increase in family tourist $$$?


" Walking Street grew into Pattaya’s best-known and most-lucrative tourist attraction. "


It is official, then.  TAT why are you not shooting a video right now..... with statistics, of course.

2 hours ago, pegman said:

The excitement! Don't give us your phony arguments about sea views and hotels. This country has 1,000's of Km's of beach shoreline where those things can be accommodated. But you are all twisted about 1km of Walking St. Why would that be?  

Gosh so u need walking street for your excitement?sounds miserable?

Hope u can still enjoy ur life when they upgrade the area and demolish the buildings without title deeds.

2 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Gosh so u need walking street for your excitement?sounds miserable?

Hope u can still enjoy ur life when they upgrade the area and demolish the buildings without title deeds.

i haven't been in Walking Street for nearly 10 years and i couldn't care less whether buildings are demolished or not. but what i'm convinced of is that besides some token demolitions there won't be any "upgrade" or "international" hotels and fancy boutiques established. not now and not later. period!

11 minutes ago, Naam said:

i haven't been in Walking Street for nearly 10 years and i couldn't care less whether buildings are demolished or not. but what i'm convinced of is that besides some token demolitions there won't be any "upgrade" or "international" hotels and fancy boutiques established. not now and not later. period!

And even if there were nice places to visit, you couldn't get there due to the traffic and lack of places to park! LOL

6 hours ago, whatproblem said:

If it's public land isn't that the same as stealing land from the king because thailands is a kingdom

you don't say! :coffee1:


Well...eventually the entertainment aspect of walking street could be moved to a more specific place to accommodate that segment of the public that wants to go there for that particular aspect of Pattaya.

The new location / district would evolve they same or similar way as always, with all the noodle shops and trinket vendors and clothing vendors and all those that can make some coin catering to the people coming and going and or living in that newly designated area along with the restaurants and hotels and short time rooms...lol.... etc, etc .....and the whole 9 yards eventually developing into a possibly better affair than walking street.

It may seem inconvenient to many ...but look at the way Pattaya and near by surrounding areas have developed and considered more or less separate in some respects from the famous walking street area.

Many tourist and or locals never even go near that end of Pattaya as they do not need to go there as there are a thousand other places providing the same or similar entertainment and or services and other forms of entertainment plus accommodation and restaurants and near everything else imaginable.

Meantime they could plan the redevelopment in phases from phase 1 to phase 5 or possibly more phases as some people will sell and relocate while others will hang on to the bitter end.

However, I am certain a big part of the reluctance to cooperate at all is based on the amount of financial compensation the land owner(s) and title/ deed holders would be paid ( IF ) they did reluctantly decide to sell and move on.

You can easily imagine the amount of corruption going on and all the malfeasance perpetrated by the public officials involved along with the inevitable skullduggery .....and more than a few deaths that are going to occur ...for sure ...for sure......I bet you..... I bet you...lol

I believe, if the local authorities come up with an attractive relocation plan and a multi phase development plan and a generous financial compensation plan then more than a few would relocate.

If they come at the present occupants in an authoritarian way while accusing them of illegally encroaching on private property or government property and telling them they have to leave or be evicted, pronto, for someone else's grandiose plan, then what do you expect...after 20 to 50 years, for some, being located in walking street area and located where the money flow occurs.


On 12/16/2016 at 2:43 PM, guzzi850m2 said:

Well be careful now, if the army's patience runs out the bulldozers might show out of the blue and level the whole waterside, which I sort of hope they do.



People owning walking street at millionaires in USD. Prayut or anybody else cannot do anything against them, they can spend millions in lawyers to postpone the case for 20 years more.




walking street, a place where men who have been brainwashed by porn and advertisements take advantage of poor thai woman, give them money they really need to survive, for sex, I used to be like these men, I'm awake now.


walking street, its a sad place deep down, lots of broken people work there, I've seen many sad faces in go go bars from the girls, and I've seen how well they can cover up there true feelings, all you have to do is ask a personal question about their friends or family and you see the cracks...


get rid of it, make Pattaya a better place



27 minutes ago, Bonobojt said:

walking street, a place where men who have been brainwashed by porn and advertisements take advantage of poor thai woman, give them money they really need to survive, for sex, I used to be like these men, I'm awake now.


walking street, its a sad place deep down, lots of broken people work there, I've seen many sad faces in go go bars from the girls, and I've seen how well they can cover up there true feelings, all you have to do is ask a personal question about their friends or family and you see the cracks...


get rid of it, make Pattaya a better place




Please there are no victims on walking street....

Anyone man or woman is free to stay or leave any time they

want 24/7  365 days a year.....

There must be 1,000s of citys in Thailand that are walking street free...  

2 hours ago, Naam said:

i haven't been in Walking Street for nearly 10 years and i couldn't care less whether buildings are demolished or not. but what i'm convinced of is that besides some token demolitions there won't be any "upgrade" or "international" hotels and fancy boutiques established. not now and not later. period!

Well Naam u can be convinced in ur self but in the new plans its shows a landscaped public seaside park and a marina etc so sounds like an upgrade to me in comparison with what is there now.However in not mentions in which century they will start..?

22 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Well Naam u can be convinced in ur self but in the new plans its shows a landscaped public seaside park and a marina etc so sounds like an upgrade to me in comparison with what is there now.However in not mentions in which century they will start..?

Whenever anybody mentions the marina in this plan I can't help but think of the marina that is/was just past Bali Hai......

I just don't see a marina in the location planned making any sense at all and I cannot see there is enough land/beach for a "landscaped public seaside park"  - especially as the beach will probably very quickly get eroded away.......:smile:


Probably bad for Pattaya, but there are more places demolished. So you cant make difference of persons and locations and just stick to law then. I saw Surin beach in Phuket, all shops and restaurants demolished and leaving lots of mess. 

Also a hill where formerly was some kind of resort. All houses were gone, but still leaving mess and even roads which led to and in the former resort. The electric poles with cables were still leading up to that hill, to ... nothing.

Still didnt hear anyhting  more about the new tallest building in BK, which was said it was illegal, so have to be broken down due to Thai law. That will cost !!

3 hours ago, gemguy said:

I believe, if the local authorities come up with an attractive relocation plan and a multi phase development plan and a generous financial compensation plan then more than a few would relocate.

"...and a generous financial compensation plan"  :cheesy:

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