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Trump picks hardline pro-settlement lawyer as ambassador to Israel


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Trump picks hardline pro-settlement lawyer as ambassador to Israel




Donald Trump has named hardline pro-settlement lawyer David Friedman as his pick for ambassador to Israel.


A bankruptcy attorney with no diplomatic experience, his nomination signals a sharp departure from decades of American policy with the country.



He served as a campaign advisor to the president-elect on the Middle East, and has set out hardline positions on Israeli-Palestinian relations.

“A Trump administration will never pressure Israel into a two-state solution or any other solution that is against the wishes of the Israeli people,” he told a pro-Trump rally in Jerusalem in October.


Most notably, he said he would move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a potentially explosive move. Most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv, as most countries don’t accept Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and do not recognise Israel’s annexation of Arab East Jerusalem after the 1967 six day war. Palestinians regard the city, which has sites sacred to the Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths, as a future capital of a separate state.



Representatives for Donald Trump said it was too soon to say when the president-elect would make good on his campaign pledge to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Aide Jason Miller said Trump ‘remains firmly committed’ to the move.


A senior Palestinian official warned that moving the embassy would destroy prospects of peace with Israel.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-17


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" A bankruptcy attorney with no diplomatic experience..."

  Trump ever use him in his multiple bankruptcies? Trump goes out of his way to choose people without experience or training in naming to positions. Would hate to have anyone with more than himself, perhaps

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39 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Maybe there's a method in his madness and the world will be different under

his leadership.... unlike the weakling Obama....

The world will be very different! But it's not going to be for the better.


The choice is simply ludicrous.

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1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

" A bankruptcy attorney with no diplomatic experience..."

  Trump ever use him in his multiple bankruptcies? Trump goes out of his way to choose people without experience or training in naming to positions. Would hate to have anyone with more than himself, perhaps


 I think it's refreshing not to have a government robot in this position. I am all for plain speak and not the crap that they spout as a mouthpiece for he government.

 ALL diplomats had no experience at one time so what's different here. Let him learn the ropes, you never know, he might be quite good given his background.

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2 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 I think it's refreshing not to have a government robot in this position. I am all for plain speak and not the crap that they spout as a mouthpiece for he government.

 ALL diplomats had no experience at one time so what's different here. Let him learn the ropes, you never know, he might be quite good given his background.

My bold. "Let him learn the ropes" - Are you serious? Is the desire to support Trump come what may so strong that you actually endorse letting Trumps bankruptcy lawyer 'Learn the ropes' in an Ambassadorial role in the Middle Easts hottest location. Did being Bankruptcy Lawyer for Trump and K Mart somehow imbue this man with the knowledge of defence and diplomatic issues required, or is his skill set more in line with letting unethical business people know how to screw the little guy over and over again.


"He MIGHT be quite good" - and what are the consequences if he is not? Do you think Mr Friedman will be working for the USA or rather to line the pockets of him and his number 1 client?  The world is going absolutely mad.

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:

Trump is pandering to Putin and Israel, should make for some good fireworks.

Agreed, and what the Trumpeteer's don't seem to realise is that those fireworks will result in the deaths of MANY people, while they all sit back and watch it on the news from their sofa, whilst slurping another 2 Ltr coke, saying 'how terrible'.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

My bold. "Let him learn the ropes" - Are you serious? Is the desire to support Trump come what may so strong that you actually endorse letting Trumps bankruptcy lawyer 'Learn the ropes' in an Ambassadorial role in the Middle Easts hottest location. Did being Bankruptcy Lawyer for Trump and K Mart somehow imbue this man with the knowledge of defence and diplomatic issues required, or is his skill set more in line with letting unethical business people know how to screw the little guy over and over again.


"He MIGHT be quite good" - and what are the consequences if he is not? Do you think Mr Friedman will be working for the USA or rather to line the pockets of him and his number 1 client?  The world is going absolutely mad.


 Until you get rid of the lobbyists in your government the US will never be Democratic. Let Trump do it his way - after all, he is the President elect, help from the Russkies or not!! I like to see the old guard turfed out and the new breed put in.

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1 minute ago, lucky11 said:


 Until you get rid of the lobbyists in your government the US will never be Democratic. Let Trump do it his way - after all, he is the President elect, help from the Russkies or not!! I like to see the old guard turfed out and the new breed put in.

Trump has JUST filled his cabinet with lobbyists!!! They are ALL the old breed.



he is the President elect, help from the Russkies or not!!

Are you losing your senses?

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump has JUST filled his cabinet with lobbyists!!! They are ALL the old breed.


Are you losing your senses?


 If he is not the president elect - then who is? I could have sworn that he won the election.


 If he has filled his cabinet with lobbyists it just shows that the Democracy in the US is still absent. What a cheek they have when they harp on about Thailand saying they need democracy when they need to address their own situation first!!

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Yet another incredibly horrible choice.


In this case --


A crony pick which might be OK for ambassador to Luxembourg (no offense) but not to a hot spot like Israel


A pick with BUPKIS experience


A pick with an explicit history of strong support for the most right wing elements of Israel politics. More right wing than Netanyahu. 


A pick that has insulted liberal American Jews (the majority of American Jews) in truly deplorable ways. 


A pick that will justifiably enrage Palestinians, diminish what little hope they have already, and likely encourage more violence.


A pick that puts even more nails in the coffin on any hope of a two state solution (enthusiastic support for right wing west bank movement)


On the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem thing, I think the U.S. should consult with Israel and figure out if that's really what Israel wants. I'm not convinced. The fact that trump has already gone softer on this promise is a good indication that it's probably not really that serious, more of a symbolic threat. Though, if nothing else, the U.S. really should change it's policies on what to put on passports of U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem. 


Also to add, just because I find this pick horrific, and the prospect of trump becoming president horrific, does NOT mean that I think Obama's record on Israel was perfect. There was good and bad.

Edited by Jingthing
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Another depressing way to look at this pick is to see this as a PUNISHMENT to American Jews. American Jews (along with African Americans and LGBTQ Americans) are among the most consistently ANTI-trump demographics. trump has a long standing pattern of loving his cronies (only) and getting REVENGE on others.  Liberal American Jews (the vast majority) certainly don't fit with his vision of a populist "made great again" America.  Yes, he won, we lost, and now he's on a rampage. 


God help us. 

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44 minutes ago, lucky11 said:

 Until you get rid of the lobbyists in your government the US will never be Democratic. Let Trump do it his way -


You're confused. NRA and AIPAC are two of the biggest lobbies in DC and they both have trump in their pockets. 

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It is not good, naming a non diplomat who apparently is pro illegal settlements.


The 4th Geneva Convention has clearly deemed them so. The fact that Israel does not recognise the 4th convention is not surprising. But naming a bankruptcy lawyer who evidently does not recognise international conventions as well as ambassador in pre elect mode is just madness.


This appointment now serves what  positive purpose? I imagine the Israelis are delighted.   Fair enough to be pro Trump domestically, but his erraticism internationally cannot wound back so easily, like a non wall. 




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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:



A pick that has insulted liberal American Jews (the majority of American Jews) in truly deplorable ways. 


A pick that will justifiably enrage Palestinians, diminish what little hope they have already, and likely encourage more violence.



Whether or not this nomination will insult or delight  the majority American Jews is irrelevant. The views of American Jews should have no special weight in the appointment of any ambassador.  Judaism is a religion.  Israel is a country.

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If I were paranoid, I might be tempted to think that Trump is intentionally basing his cabinet (etc) picks on who would most undermine the agency/position they are assigned to. Energy headed by former candidate who wanted to shut it down. EPA headed by someone with close ties to the oil industry and who is a climate change skeptic. A secretary of state who has received plaudits from the Russian government. HUD headed by a doctor whose only qualification is that he grew up in the projects. Etc etc. And now we have a pro-settlement lawyer as Ambassador to Israel. Sometimes it seems like Trump is just trying to stir it up rather than make it great again.   


Government as reality TV... "let's see how much drama we can get out of this"

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3 minutes ago, Docno said:

If I were paranoid, I might be tempted to think that Trump is intentionally basing his cabinet (etc) picks on who would most undermine the agency/position they are assigned to.



Not paranoid. Most of his picks are EXACTLY that. 

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Like I was saying ... this pick has massive importance and impact to BOTH U.S. Israel/Palestinian policy and also to the Jewish people of the USA.


Keep in mind, there are only two nations in the world with a significant number of Jews now. Israel (mostly Jews) and the USA (where Jewish people are a small minority).





Jewish Storm Builds Over David Friedman’s Appointment as Israel Ambassador
One lawmaker to already speak out against Friedman is Democrat Jerrold Nadler from New York. “Mr. Friedman’s views and comments about a two-state solution are not only a total break from decades of American and Israeli policy, but are fundamentally out-of-step with the views of the majority of American Jews,” Nadler said in a statement. He noted that both J Street and AIPAC support a two-state solution.



Get just how RIGHT WING EXTREMIST this trump pick is. He's to the RIGHT of both Netanyahu and AIPAC. 

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32 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Like I was saying ... this pick has massive importance and impact to BOTH U.S. Israel/Palestinian policy and also to the Jewish people of the USA.


Keep in mind, there are only two nations in the world with a significant number of Jews now. Israel (mostly Jews) and the USA (where Jewish people are a small minority).






Get just how RIGHT WING EXTREMIST this trump pick is. He's to the RIGHT of both Netanyahu and AIPAC. 

Does this make him a right wing wing nut?? Just asking. 

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

Maybe there's a method in his madness and the world will be different under

his leadership.... unlike the weakling Obama....


No question it will be very different as has been said above. The really scary thing is that Trump has no idea what the consequences are likely to be.  It's brown trousers time!

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6 hours ago, lucky11 said:


 I think it's refreshing not to have a government robot in this position. I am all for plain speak and not the crap that they spout as a mouthpiece for he government.

 ALL diplomats had no experience at one time so what's different here. Let him learn the ropes, you never know, he might be quite good given his background.


Ambassadors and diplomats represent their countries, hence being somewhat of a mouthpiece is included in the job description. In that sense the new appointment is no different, as he will reflect Trump's views. Well....to extent that Trump got concrete views on relevant issues.


Most diplomats actually go though a lengthy process of advancement in foreign service posts, thereby gradually acquiring experience. Most countries have programs training novice foreign service candidates. It is, I think, quite customary though, that certain key posts are filled with people whom a president/prime minister sees as loyal and trustworthy, even if they lack diplomatic experience. Friedman does not have the latter (experience) but does enjoy Trump's trust.


Let him learn the ropes, you never know, he might be quite good given his background.


Was always curious as to who actually watches The Apprentice.


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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yet another incredibly horrible choice.


In this case --


A crony pick which might be OK for ambassador to Luxembourg (no offense) but not to a hot spot like Israel


A pick with BUPKIS experience


A pick with an explicit history of strong support for the most right wing elements of Israel politics. More right wing than Netanyahu. 


A pick that has insulted liberal American Jews (the majority of American Jews) in truly deplorable ways. 


A pick that will justifiably enrage Palestinians, diminish what little hope they have already, and likely encourage more violence.


A pick that puts even more nails in the coffin on any hope of a two state solution (enthusiastic support for right wing west bank movement)


On the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem thing, I think the U.S. should consult with Israel and figure out if that's really what Israel wants. I'm not convinced. The fact that trump has already gone softer on this promise is a good indication that it's probably not really that serious, more of a symbolic threat. Though, if nothing else, the U.S. really should change it's policies on what to put on passports of U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem. 


Also to add, just because I find this pick horrific, and the prospect of trump becoming president horrific, does NOT mean that I think Obama's record on Israel was perfect. There was good and bad.


On the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem thing, I think the U.S. should consult with Israel and figure out if that's really what Israel wants. I'm not convinced. The fact that trump has already gone softer on this promise is a good indication that it's probably not really that serious, more of a symbolic threat. Though, if nothing else, the U.S. really should change it's policies on what to put on passports of U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem. 


A bit of doubtful proposition there - Netanyahu is currently serving as both Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. And both Netanyahu's agree it's a great idea. Less sure the residents of Jerusalem or embassy staff will be thrilled, though. I earlier thought this is a total fantasy, but turns out that there were inquires made already with regard to available and possible real estate. As far as I know, these were not carried out by embassy personnel. The US operates a consulate in Jerusalem, and holds the title deed for the next plot, on which there's a rundown hotel (now used as an old people home), with lease expiry still a few years away. So conceivably, it could be announced but not actually carried out anytime soon.

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7 hours ago, Rob13 said:

Trump is pandering to Putin and Israel, should make for some good fireworks.


If you wish to use "Putin", then the equivalent would be "Netanyahu", not Israel. People often conflate between leaders and their respective countries as a whole. Does Trump's views reflects those of all Americans? The new ambassador is clearly affiliated with a views characteristics of right wing Israeli politics. Hardly a national consensus there.


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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Agreed, and what the Trumpeteer's don't seem to realise is that those fireworks will result in the deaths of MANY people, while they all sit back and watch it on the news from their sofa, whilst slurping another 2 Ltr coke, saying 'how terrible'.


Hyperbole and speculation presented as fact. Was there a war declared? Are the sky about to fall?

Last eight years, there were a whole lot more than many (or even MANY) people dying. The POTUS was Obama.



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17 minutes ago, Morch said:


If you wish to use "Putin", then the equivalent would be "Netanyahu", not Israel. People often conflate between leaders and their respective countries as a whole. Does Trump's views reflects those of all Americans? The new ambassador is clearly affiliated with a views characteristics of right wing Israeli politics. Hardly a national consensus there.



Not equivalent;  Putin's a dictator. Netanyahu 's an elected official representing Israel, same way trump will represent the US.



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