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Netizens ask: Are police above the law?


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5 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

Would agree to a certain extent, however coffee or hot pies with the filling spilling onto your knackers can be fatal, perhaps why the blanket ban:smile:

Not only amusing and nostalgic but you're a poet(without knowing it).


The sad thing about many foreigners here is that they really do love the lack of law enforcement like when they can use Window 10 for 200 baht or Microsoft Word, download torrents from piratebay etc but get all 'holier than thou' when a thai policeman does something. 


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3 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Not only amusing and nostalgic but you're a poet(without knowing it).


The sad thing about many foreigners here is that they really do love the lack of law enforcement like when they can use Window 10 for 200 baht or Microsoft Word, download torrents from piratebay etc but get all 'holier than thou' when a thai policeman does something. 


I used get pirated software but found that getting an original version is much better. I don't have any problems now (oh i know about updates and cracks but you never know what the people who cracked the software embedded). Anyway I am certainly not holey and have broken the law. I actually break the law on my big motorcycle by driving on the right lane (motorcycles have to stay right) but decided my life is worth more than the fines that I get. I don't bitch about it either when I get a fine. 

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1 minute ago, robblok said:



I used get pirated software but found that getting an original version is much better. I don't have any problems now (oh i know about updates and cracks but you never know what the people who cracked the software embedded). Anyway I am certainly not holey and have broken the law. I actually break the law on my big motorcycle by driving on the right lane (motorcycles have to stay right) but decided my life is worth more than the fines that I get. I don't bitch about it either when I get a fine. 

Thank you, I'm not alone!

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10 hours ago, Johnniey said:

Why are you so cryptic?

What is scary?

I didn't know he was playing with his phone. I thought he was speaking on it, perhaps getting important orders relevant to his job. This has nothing to do with Thais. I believe all countries' police should have phones to use whenever they want.





I did not know that the RTP were that short of funds that they cant afford hands free kits, or perhaps they have never heard of them

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36 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Bloody netizens.


What's next, "Thai policeman seen in a gogo bar, barfining a prostitute", which is illegal by the way.


Something nobody here will have done, of course.

You really don't get it...do you?!

It doesn't matter 5h1t, who does something, that is against the law...it is against the law!

You, me, a policeman, Santa Claus...

Just because "everybody" does it, doesn't make it right!

Is having a phone in your hand, making a call while driving against the law?

Yes, it is!

Did that policeman break the law?

Yes, he did!


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Unlike you most locals don't care they are under military law, they voted the new constitution in with a yes. They really don't care that much about it all. There wont be a revolution or an armed rising of the people it just wont happen. 

What were their choices with regards to the new constitution ?  A no vote continued a military government and a yes vote at least offered possible universal suffrage.  Not much of a choice.   They may end up with a Hong Kong type of democracy in the end if the military wishes to decide who may run for office.  Not much of a choice.


"An armed uprising" muscles ? We were talking about a little public shaming by posting a few embarrassing pics on line, not violence.  It is sad you feel that violence is a result of citizens exercising their right to free speech.


Edited by yellowboat
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People need to realize that no change will come unless you got a real force with dedication walking besides you. Good luck with that here, people's attitude is one thing, getting threatened by the goverment over every single sad excuse of opposition to their agenda and scaring people will make far too many compliant with the situation and just keyboard warrior their issues, if even that. Look at the west and how they keep castrating themselves, if they haven't gone to the streets yet en masse, armed or not, revolution or not, then it's beyond of a non issue here.


Police are above the law? Of course they are here, not getting held accountable with consequences essentially gives you a free pass to do anything. Losing your face vs having integrity is a no brainer here, not to mention calling someone out without having looked in the mirror first, I'd place bets the driver of that car (or the one that took the picture for that matter) ran red lights hundreds of times already as the norm seems to dictate. Breaking the laws and not getting held accountable is a matter of course here.


Then again, I'd rather have them on the phone than stand at the intersection messing up traffic with their 0-clue-what-to-do brainz.

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2 hours ago, Familyaffairs said:

What about the BIBS driving up against traffic, speeding, wearing no helmet, riding with their family with 4 on a bike with only 2  wearing helmets, helping 7 year olds leaving school onto the road driving motorbikes  ? Using BIB cars for private  business use, drunk driving, getting salaries from booze manafacturers, allowing casinos and soapy massage parlours to operate, allowing many dozens Nepalis working in major shopping malls in Phuket, forcing people to take breathalyzer tests without changing the mouthpiece, putting people's health at risk., need more...??

Saw this awhile back........


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9 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

What were their choices with regards to the new constitution ?  A no vote continued a military government and a yes vote at least offered possible universal suffrage.  Not much of a choice.   They may end up with a Hong Kong type of democracy in the end if the military wishes to decide who may run for office.  Not much of a choice.


"An armed uprising" muscles ? We were talking about a little public shaming by posting a few embarrassing pics on line, not violence.  It is sad you feel that violence is a result of citizens exercising their right to free speech.


Its just that some people here have talked about armed uprisings and so on, i thought you were implying that if not.. no problem. Free speech.. sure why not but if other governments like that.. why is the defamation law there still.. (maybe because whoever is in power loves to use it against their opponents) 


As for the new constitution they could have rejected it an masse.. they did not shows enough id say. You might not agree but that is just your opinion. 


Anyway if your just talking freedom of speech.. all for it. 

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24 minutes ago, DM07 said:

You really don't get it...do you?!

It doesn't matter 5h1t, who does something, that is against the law...it is against the law!

You, me, a policeman, Santa Claus...

Just because "everybody" does it, doesn't make it right!

Is having a phone in your hand, making a call while driving against the law?

Yes, it is!

Did that policeman break the law?

Yes, he did!


Clam down or you'll have a heart attack and no need to shout.

Some crimes, everybody commits and thereby are deemed not serious. 

What I don't like is the hypocrisy coming from so many people, probably including yourself, criticizing a Thai citizen for breaking a law(if it is), when you do it all the time yourself. 




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I would think that the simple answer to this,is....It is against the law to use mobile phones in a vehicle whilst moving.The vehicle must be stopped and the phone call made or reiceived.As for plod,they can always get round it by saying they were receiving vital orders or making emergency calls to prevent a crime being carried out.And the use of a phone is vital to their job.Ok.That being said,are the authorities too cheap and risk criticism by simply installing a 'hands free' kit.This would alleviate all the comments against the police being above the law,and instill more trust in the police by recognising that they are subject to the same laws as us and liable to the same fines.With  HF kit,there,really would be no excuse.

But i will add it before somebody else does.TIT!

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45 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Clam down or you'll have a heart attack and no need to shout.

Some crimes, everybody commits and thereby are deemed not serious. 

What I don't like is the hypocrisy coming from so many people, probably including yourself, criticizing a Thai citizen for breaking a law(if it is), when you do it all the time yourself. 




Like many other people I am sure, I don't use my phone whilst driving, because it is an idiotic thing to do. So it is not a fact that 'everybody' does it.

The police do not legally have free reign to ignore laws, and I am glad that modern society is such that it is possible to publicly expose them when they do.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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It would appear from the varied responses that most TV responders on this article have missed the true villain of the piece. APPLE


Every time those in reds from Cupertino force a system upgrade they have messed with the iTunes and as a result have made it even more bewildering to operate even whilst sitting behind a desk with your laptop. Transpose that challenge into trying to get your phone to play the music you want to listen to (carefully hidden behind a bewildering array of irrelevant headings) as opposed to that which it thinks you want to listen to (first option) whilst carrying out your very important duty of safely transporting a collection of drug dealers, rapists and muderers between their new "homes" whilst at the same time dealing with the brainless morons that seem to inhabit the roads in this lovely country and you then are starting to get a basic understanding of PC Somchai's dilemma. 


Poor chap!

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A question about this topic, can a lone policeman demand money from you by himself? Suppose you are riding on a part of the road on your motorbike where you should not be, and are stopped by a lone policeman, can you just ignore him and ride on? I honestly do not know the answer to this.

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2 hours ago, robblok said:



I used get pirated software but found that getting an original version is much better. I don't have any problems now (oh i know about updates and cracks but you never know what the people who cracked the software embedded). Anyway I am certainly not holey and have broken the law. I actually break the law on my big motorcycle by driving on the right lane (motorcycles have to stay right) but decided my life is worth more than the fines that I get. I don't bitch about it either when I get a fine. 

Have you ever been stopped and fined by a lone policeman, and if so, did you pay?

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Unlike you most locals don't care they are under military law, they voted the new constitution in with a yes. They really don't care that much about it all. There wont be a revolution or an armed rising of the people it just wont happen. 


Do you refer to that "new constitution" that received a "yes" vote from millions who had never seen it and which in any case has been amended several times since the vote ?

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19 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

A question about this topic, can a lone policeman demand money from you by himself? Suppose you are riding on a part of the road on your motorbike where you should not be, and are stopped by a lone policeman, can you just ignore him and ride on? I honestly do not know the answer to this.

You could but might get shot in the back.

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27 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Like many other people I am sure, I don't use my phone whilst driving, because it is an idiotic thing to do. So it is not a fact that 'everybody' does it.

A matter of opinion. I can do a simple thing like drive with one hand(automatic gears).


I know quite a few guys who drive after a beer,  something I find idiotic and never do  but they assure me it's fine.


I even know guys who take there kids on the back of a pick up during Songkran which I think is idiotic but they think it's fine.


Driving a motorcycle is 100 times more dangerous than driving a car on the phone but you see it's a matter of opinion.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Unlike you most locals don't care they are under military law, they voted the new constitution in with a yes. They really don't care that much about it all. There wont be a revolution or an armed rising of the people it just wont happen. 

Sadly your right. We live in a world of squawkers not talkers. There is constant downward pressure to increase docility here well everywhere subtle and in nano fits and jerks. Will governments assimilate us or will we fight? Stay tuned. 

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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

Clam down or you'll have a heart attack and no need to shout.

Some crimes, everybody commits and thereby are deemed not serious. 

What I don't like is the hypocrisy coming from so many people, probably including yourself, criticizing a Thai citizen for breaking a law(if it is), when you do it all the time yourself. 




I am totally "clam"!

"Some crimes, everybody commits and thereby are deemed not serious." ...say what?

A crime is a crime.

Law is not a democracy!

"Oh it is wrong to do A, but we have a statistic here, that 200.000 people did A, so...eff it!"

I think, your next sentence gives a way your true motive though: are we criticizing some poor and fragile Thai- soul and you don't like that, because YOU defend everything Thai, no matter how wrong or stupid?

Well...sad day for you!

If a Thai- cop finds me doing something illegal, he will do sod all but arrest me, even if there are hundreds of other (Thai) people are doing it!

A policeman -BY DEFINITION- is there to hold up the law...not break it!

So if he got caught, breaking the law, he deserves all the flak he gets.

Thai or not!


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1 minute ago, DM07 said:

I am totally "clam"!

"Some crimes, everybody commits and thereby are deemed not serious." ...say what?

A crime is a crime.

Law is not a democracy!

"Oh it is wrong to do A, but we have a statistic here, that 200.000 people did A, so...eff it!"

I think, your next sentence gives a way your true motive though: are we criticizing some poor and fragile Thai- soul and you don't like that, because YOU defend everything Thai, no matter how wrong or stupid?

Well...sad day for you!

If a Thai- cop finds me doing something illegal, he will do sod all but arrest me, even if there are hundreds of other (Thai) people are doing it!

A policeman -BY DEFINITION- is there to hold up the law...not break it!

So if he got caught, breaking the law, he deserves all the flak he gets.

Thai or not!


Clam up. And enough of your personal flaming. You know nothing about me or my motives, or lack of.

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Whatever the reasons the ROYAL Thai police do and often act as if the law does not apply to them from taking their children to school on a motorbike while they are not wearing helmets to shopping while on duty and double p[arking/speeding in fact everything that they happily fine most motorists for. Plus they have been known to use their authority to run clandestine activities as well as bars and even knocking houses.

So it is of no surprise that at last the locals in this country are only just realising that now the Military have made the job of a Police officer more transparent that people can really see just how bloody corrupt the Police are. Changes are due but I think not in the foreseeable future sadly


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1 hour ago, Johnniey said:

Clam up. And enough of your personal flaming. You know nothing about me or my motives, or lack of.

Yet you feel free to comment on the motives of others you know nothing about. 


Or is it your assumptions are superior to those of us lesser mortals? 

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2 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

You don't subscribe to the concept of victimless crimes then? You've never paid for sexual company in Thailand? You'd be in a tiny, tiny minority I would think

A) no , I haven't!

B ) if I had, and I'd get busted for it, I could not really complain, could I?

C) It doesn't matter how I personally FEEL about a law! A bunch of them are quiet stupid! Nonetheless: if I break them, I'll be in trouble!

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