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Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests


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Hopefully the NEW Supreme Court will stop trying to make laws and simply follow the constitution. The constitution was written by far more intelligent people than the justices or the politicians. Thank God for the electoral college.

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2 minutes ago, kbelyeu said:


He knows enough to win an election with the deck stacked against him.. why not concede your loss and crawl back into your hole.



There is no logic to your assertion that winning the election means he is fit to actually BE president. But, I have accepted that the clown had WON long ago. Pay attention. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Even one of Trump's fiercest Republican rivals, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, said it was time to get behind the president-elect.

Guess he finally realizes which side of the bread his butter was on. I think all 14 or so hacks that were on the presidential debate stage who heaped scorn on Trump have now fallen into line. I have watched this sh*t for 5 decades and it never gets better only less palatable and disgusting. I cannot believe that for all those years I held out some hope for a better world. Stupid me. 

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I might agree with you, but that is not likely to happen. Under the circumstances, a balanced court with the conservatives having a slight advantage is about the best I can hope for. Hillary would have destroyed the balance with lefties.

Hillary would have sold positions to the highest bidder.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

There is no logic to your assertion that winning the election means he is fit to actually BE president. But, I have accepted that the clown had WON long ago. Pay attention. 

Long Ago as in like, yesterday? 


Viva La Résistance and Dear Leader Herr Keith Olberman.  :post-4641-1156694083:


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1 hour ago, ebonykap said:

At last, the circus has ended. Surely no-one could call this process a democratic election?

Truly farcical.

With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be democracy's finest hour. (Apollo 13)

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5 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Must be crushing for the left 55555, I'm loving it. 


Out with PC fat left propaganda, we now have freedom of speech and freedom of thought without the liberal loonies name calling. Well I suppose they can still call us names but who cares lol


Now get to work President Elect Trump, undo most of what Barry did, get the Supreme Court fixed so the next generation can live in a great Nation.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to cite examples where your "freedom of speech" rights were violated?

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1 minute ago, WaywardWind said:

Perhaps you would be so kind as to cite examples where your "freedom of speech" rights were violated?


Freedom of speech rights are violated via the  abuse of the so called "Hate speech" laws


In other news did you guys notice that Hillary Clinton had more faithless electors than Donald Trump?





As the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported, Muhammad Abdurrahman, one of the state’s 10 electors selected to cast a vote for Clinton, voted instead for Sanders. He was then replaced by an alternate who voted for Clinton.



Maine elector David Bright also declared that he would vote for Sanders in lieu of Clinton


I cast my vote for Bernie Sanders not out of spite, or malice, or anger, or as an act of civil disobedience. I mean no disrespect to our nominee. I cast my vote to represent thousands of Democratic Maine voters ― many less than a third my age ― who came into Maine politics for the first time this year because of Bernie Sanders.


But despite his proclamation, Bright’s vote for Sanders was ruled to be improper, and he voted for Clinton after all



Washington state also saw four so-called “faithless electors” go rogue as only eight of the state’s 12 electors voted for Clinton. Three electors reportedly voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and one for Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American activist,


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I might agree with you, but that is not likely to happen. Under the circumstances, a balanced court with the conservatives having a slight advantage is about the best I can hope for. Hillary would have destroyed the balance with lefties.


How could she when they need to be approved by a majority of the Senate?

Recess appointments are very temporary.


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Unbelievable the number of cry baby's out there just suck it up, Hillary lost (thank goodness) & Donald won, that is the bottom line now get behind your new president and grow up.

You are welcome to get behind this con man and do whatever it is you do when you get behind some fat derrière. I don't want to know and I certainly am not going to join you cuz I don't drink that Kool Aid. And how dare you ask others to grow up when you follow a man-child like Trump. And don't call it sour grapes either because I loathed this character long, long before he entered the political arena. The man is a world class loser and if he didn't have connections to influential people in New Jersey he would be broke and in bankruptcy. And now those connections have access to the Executive branch of government. I just don't see how this can possibly end well for anyone.
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3 hours ago, Prbkk said:

No doubt Melania will start the WH decorating to get rid of those stuffy old antiques ....and make it look like an upmarket brothel similar to the Trump Tower hideousness.


We bow to your superior knowledge of brothels.


Do you have proof the fist lady elect chose all the decor at Trump Towers? And perhaps some critical reviews of that decor?


Antiques - didn't the Clinton's try and thieve sum and have to return them after Bill's term of office?



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4 hours ago, deathmule said:


Freedom of speech rights are violated via the  abuse of the so called "Hate speech" laws


In other news did you guys notice that Hillary Clinton had more faithless electors than Donald Trump?







Specific examples where hate speech laws were abused or misapplied?

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9 hours ago, Silurian said:

Good...now that all that messy electoral stuff out of the way congress can concentrate on impeaching Comrade Donald for a variety of reasons such as colluding with a foreign government or any of the multiple conflicts of interest due to his world wide business dealings or heck even his DC Hotel conflict of interest. Spin the wheel...pick a reason.


Get him fattened up for the impeachment slaughter and subsequent humiliation. Then after he is ceremonially booted from office he can slink his way into obscurity taking with him any semblance of value to the "Trump" name. Let the game begin!!!



Everything was thrown at him, including the kitchen sink, all failed like the Democratic wonder woman, HRC.  They then tried to have the electoral college change their votes, absolute idiots, as many states, are required by law, to vote for the person their state voted overwhelmingly for.  So what is this impeachment, the last throw of the dice?  You wish.  Why can't you just get over it? 


Collusion for what?  Conflict of Interest, does not apply to the president in such aspects, treason, or some other serious matters, such as lying like BC did, may cause that to happen but all your wishing will be for nothing, the same as what you are on about, nothing.  Yeah, let the games begin and watch how 4 years will turn into 8.  If I'm still around and your are too, you will probably be drinking that JHolmesJr's Christmas whine, which it appears you've given a good serve to recently.:wai:

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