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Trump cruises to Electoral College victory despite protests


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1 hour ago, Aggressive said:


Same thing can easily be said about the left, and their anti-right rants. 


Then add in some real low-blow personal level insults coming from the extreme left.


Prove it.


And where was the low blow in my post?


The Right is gone. It has been replaced with the Alt Right. And the Alt Right attempting to define the Left is an exercise in sophistry.


Where is the Right that we learned of in poly-sci? Where are the stalwart proponents of community rights and values? Replaced by bigots and racists. Over-run by the selfish, failed old men who blame their lack of success on dark colored people or immigrants or muslims or anyone else but themselves.


I am a liberal. Liberalism was the foundation of the US. The vein of Liberalism flows through all of the founding documents, all of the institutions and the very core of the American culture. Read your Kant. Discover how he and other thinkers were developing a system to replace the idea of the Divine Right of Kings to suit a liberal, self governing Republic like the US. Read your Locke whose believe in the innate sense of reason and tolerance in people was the basis for resolving conflicts in civil society and who inspired the words "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" in the Declaration of Independence.


I could go on. There are dozens of Liberal thinkers over several hundred years who have formed a political theory that is the foundation of the way most of us in Western democracies live.


What does the Alt Right offer? Nasty, selfish bigotry. Thuggery. Small-minded corporatism. Guns. Repression and oppression of minorities. Invasion of people's bedrooms. Control of women's reproductive rights. Nihilism through the destruction of liberal institutions.


Liberalism is concerned with liberty and equality. It is the natural condition for humans to live in dignity.


The Right are always on the wrong side of history.


Care to debate or just stick to your generalized stereotype ad hominem against anyone and anything that doesn't follow the Right Wing PC.

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20 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

I doubt we will have many further exchanges. I do not think you are equipped to voice anything more than just generalized, stereotyped political rant that operates around the 4th Grade level. Just like practically all th others on TVF on that side.


You are very upset. Pretty insulting too. 


Dunno how you are going to gain headway for your side being like this.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Prove it.


Did you read what you just posted? 


1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Care to debate or just stick to your generalized stereotype ad hominem against anyone and anything that doesn't follow the Right Wing PC.


Actually no I don't. You are incredibly hostile and any attempt would be futile. 

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7 minutes ago, Aggressive said:


You are very upset. Pretty insulting too. 


Dunno how you are going to gain headway for your side being like this.


Not upset in the slightest. I have no duty to carry my 'side'.


Why are the Alt Right so reliant on emotional responses? All that stuff about liberal theory and you color it with your 'feelings'.

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It is nice to know that the child POTUS-elect is behaving in his normal petty way by ranting on Twitter about Vanity Fair. Must be taking time off from all those anti-China Tweets.


Trump just can't let go of feud with Vanity Fair



But wait, it backfired and now Vanity Fair actually had a spike in subscriptions. May he can spew his vitriol against more magazines and have them increase their subscription base. Now there is a way to kick start the economy.


Trump’s Tweet Attacking Vanity Fair Backfired In A Big Way



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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Not upset in the slightest. I have no duty to carry my 'side'.


Why are the Alt Right so reliant on emotional responses? All that stuff about liberal theory and you color it with your 'feelings'.


Because to post at length your political spin requires a a certain drive thats unusual - you are emotionally charged about it all. Hostile. Someone posts something & you reply with a wall of text to an a feeble attempt to berate people so you feel like you "win"


"Liberal Theory" eh? Thats..... Im sure you think you might be on to something there... I think I will just stick to history. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Expanding on why trump is a threat to democracy, and, yes, fascist.


When Donald Trump kills a hundred politicians that oppose him (similar to how Hitler assumed unopposed power) over the course of a couple of days I will start to worry. So until Chuck Shumer and Bernie Sanders are murdered by Trump henchmen in the middle of the night enjoy your life, smell the flowers, and stop worrying about fascism for the next four (or eight)  years. The left are generally the parties that worship fascists and idolize leaders such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, not so much of a worry from conservatives.

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Also I personally would take anything written by Mr. Krugman with enough salt to raise your blood pressure. The guy has been wrong about nearly everything for the last several decades, no reason to assume he has suddenly become the blind squirrel finding the acorn with this column.


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:


How Republics End


Many people are reacting to the rise of Trumpism and nativist movements in Europe by reading history — specifically, the history of the 1930s. And they are right to do so. It takes willful blindness not to see the parallels between the rise of fascism and our current political nightmare.




There's that word again, from yet another New York Times opinion-drama. 


You mean the 1930s, when a moral, and hardworking nation awakened unprepared for the harsh reality of mankind's most horrific conflagration?  The 'greatest generation' who fought and died with honor, unified in purpose to protect the freedom of all men, asking nothing in return except their freedom and right to work? Those guys?  


It was their sons and daughters who just elected Mr. Donald Trump. 


Instead of reading NY Times dribble, please read a great orator from WWII who explains that fascism was then and still is just a poorly defined hate word, which hateful people throw at everyone else including other peoples dogs!  Historical hate speech...




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2 hours ago, Aggressive said:

The more I read from the liberal posters, the more I realize we REALLY dodged a bullet with HRC. 


Exactly and all this ridiculous nonsense comparing Trump to famous fascists just makes that more obvious. The crybabies need to accept that their candidate was unacceptable and consequently they lost.

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23 hours ago, Thechook said:

So are people going to grow up, stop whining and crying and accept that their preferred candidate lost the election?

The key words there are "grow up".   No evidence of that being anywhere on the wingnut agenda.  Nope.  Chapter Next is the impeachment thing.   This'll be good.


It's like eating peas, or taking baths.  Children just make up their minds they hate stuff and must have their own way, and for them, that's the end of it.  And you know what happens when you make a child do something he doesn't wanna' do.  Tantrums, hissy fits, throwing stuff out of the baby buggy, yelling & screaming...   Most children eventually grow up.  Some don't.   Dems put on a never-ending kiddy show, preach self-control and responsibility being geriatric & ogre-ish, and generally do everything under the sun to prevent the onset of maturity.  Weak parents who do know better nevertheless have a hard time handling that kind of pandering.


I actually think Schumer, almost alone there on the wingnut ward, actually might get it though.  Notice how he's purging all the whiz kid party staffers?  Making war on the middle class might just NOT have been the path to victory after all, eh Chuck?.  Duh.   (One down, about sixty million to go...)






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5 hours ago, NeverSure said:

Trump is a political genius. Before you diss that let me remind that against all odds and using his own tactics he won the Primaries against 16 other candidates and then won the general election and held the Electoral College. By every metric that counts he beat "the inevitable" HRC by a landslide.


He did it while spending about 1/2 as much money as HRC did which makes sense when you pit a businessman against a politician who never actually earned any of her own money.


Knowing how unpopular and how mistrusted the MSM is, and knowing they would be in the tank for HRC, he came out blasting the MSM which itself was a very popular tactic with the people. Conventional wisdom has been that one needs the MSM to win but it didn't work for HRC and they couldn't touch Trump. At his rallies he'd point at them and actually get people to boo them. Then he went around them with tools such as Twitter. He has 17 million followers on Twitter - far more than watch any TV program and he can get his "news" out in a flash, 24/7.


Just keep on making fun of his Twitter tactics. He won the POTUS with them.


Again, the same people who told me Trump couldn't win (while I kept insisting that he would win) are now having the nerve to tell me how he'll do as POTUS. Amazing.



Contrary to what some might conclude, I'm actually not a huge Trump fan.  Hillary was just an infinitely worse choice (and as long as Trump can at least keep breathing, he can't help but put his predecessor's miserable "legacy" to shame - Hillary could never have succeeded at that, as low as that bar actually is).  But your post is on the money.  Trump used his candidacy in 2012 to figure out the game, and then put what he learned to effective use this time (I thought it was pretty obvious that 2012 was never anything more than a seminar course for him and his inner circle).  You're right about his masterful performance in the primaries, right about his efficient campaign spending, right about his handling of the MSM (and laser-accurate on his ability to turn MSM bias into an important campaign asset), and you've made a precision landing on the continuing loser mindset. 

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1 minute ago, hawker9000 said:

Contrary to what some might conclude, I'm actually not a huge Trump fan. 



Me either, but give him a lot of credit for an amazing win and hoping for more from him during his reign. I tend to stick up for him on here because the other side refuse to give him a chance at all and are going to criticize every single thing that he does - wrong or right.

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Me either, but give him a lot of credit for an amazing win and hoping for more from him during his reign. I tend to stick up for him on here because the other side refuse to give him a chance at all and are going to criticize every single thing that he does - wrong or right.

Trump is the Alpha Male with loads of animal cunning and, for his innate collection of skill sets to 'close the deal'.

Trump will continue to confabulate his detractors which is the reason he cruised to the electoral college victory against all odds.

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On 12/20/2016 at 3:36 PM, Silurian said:

Good...now that all that messy electoral stuff out of the way congress can concentrate on impeaching Comrade Donald for a variety of reasons such as colluding with a foreign government or any of the multiple conflicts of interest due to his world wide business dealings or heck even his DC Hotel conflict of interest. Spin the wheel...pick a reason.


Get him fattened up for the impeachment slaughter and subsequent humiliation. Then after he is ceremonially booted from office he can slink his way into obscurity taking with him any semblance of value to the "Trump" name. Let the game begin!!!



The congress is majority GOP, Trump has the pillars of American society in his government, he has the backing of millions of Americans that would be very angry if he were booted. Would any bookie back Trump being kicked out?

Not to forget, Trump will be nominating the next SCOTUS judge.


Now that the electors have made him president, expect the lefties to  become even more shrill and desperate, as they cling to any passing straw in hopes of removing him.

I expect the "Russian" thing to become more even prominent now, as that looks like the only viable option currently available.

IMO Obama will be having sleepless nights thinking of a way, any way to prevent Trump wiping his "legacy" from history.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The congress is majority GOP, Trump has the pillars of American society in his government, he has the backing of millions of Americans that would be very angry if he were booted. Would any bookie back Trump being kicked out?

Not to forget, Trump will be nominating the next SCOTUS judge.


Now that the electors have made him president, expect the lefties to  become even more shrill and desperate, as they cling to any passing straw in hopes of removing him.

I expect the "Russian" thing to become more even prominent now, as that looks like the only viable option currently available.

IMO Obama will be having sleepless nights thinking of a way, any way to prevent Trump wiping his "legacy" from history.

Ah yes.  The Trump Impeachment Follies coming in the New Year.  Reserve your seats now!


Produced By:   DNC

Directed By:  The House Democratic Caucas

Starring:                                  Nancy "Let's pass it and see what's in it!" Pelosi

Music by:                                The Sour Grapes Quartet

Theme Sung by:                    The Wingnut Singers

Choreography by:                 Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, James Carville  and the rest of the MSM

With a special cameo appearance by Hillary Clinton singing that pop tune favorite, "I Saw Willie Kissing Santa Claus"


In Moldy Memory Of:  The Spectacularly Failed Administration of Barack H. Obama, 2009-2017


Dig their webpage, sportsfans.   The horizontal version of the  sieg-heil salute.   (but be careful, it grabbed my PC and held it hostage for abt a minute - I don't even want to think about what mischief THAT was all about...)



Edited by hawker9000
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10 hours ago, Aggressive said:


Did you read what you just posted? 



Actually no I don't. You are incredibly hostile and any attempt would be futile. 


Many rabid democrats fancy themselves as wordsmiths and think that using big "adult" words will intimidate the deplorables. Trump got a lot of votes because he used words that us deplorables could understand. I would certainly enjoy having a few beers with a man who I can understand rather than a self professed intellectual who talks in circles. You are who you are and any attempt to communicate with you is indeed futile. I have absolutely no use for know it all faux intellectuals. 

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19 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I agree he is legally going to be the president. I've never said differently. That's not the same thing as supporting him. That is not required. 


Absolutely correct. All this nonsense about "let's get behind the president"....complete crock. It's the responsibility of everyone who doesn't fawn over him to question his claims and argue the contrary view. A cornerstone of the democratic system ( but one suspects a cornerstone about which Trump himself is not too keen).

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1 hour ago, Gary A said:


Many rabid democrats fancy themselves as wordsmiths and think that using big "adult" words will intimidate the deplorables. Trump got a lot of votes because he used words that us deplorables could understand. I would certainly enjoy having a few beers with a man who I can understand rather than a self professed intellectual who talks in circles. You are who you are and any attempt to communicate with you is indeed futile. I have absolutely no use for know it all faux intellectuals. 


Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.

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15 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.

What are you talking about?


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26 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.

Would you mind translating that into English?

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37 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.


Ignorance is to not understand that the elections in America is not about the popular vote but for the majority of the popular votes. I don't know if you understand this but the majority of Dems/Libs doesn't seem to understand this or don't want. Well that's ignorance

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52 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Celebrate ignorance. Wallow in mis-information. Stay protected in your bubble. Welcome to Trump-land.


Blaming the listener for a failure to communicate is the 'creed of the disempowered'. Which is entirely my point about the cliche-ridden rants of the Alt Right.


Sooooo basically you don't like something? 


Not too much misinformation going on other than Trump celebrating an Electoral College Victory. House, senate, supreme court as well probably toasting to the majority win. 


I understand its crushing for you guys. 


Sorry, not sorry. 

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6 minutes ago, Aggressive said:


Sooooo basically you don't like something? 


Not too much misinformation going on other than Trump celebrating an Electoral College Victory. House, senate, supreme court as well probably toasting to the majority win. 


I understand its crushing for you guys. 


Sorry, not sorry. 


Well done. Something goes high above your head so just make up something completely irrelevant.


Keep on celebrating ignorance.


Your style and tone are familiar.

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24 minutes ago, deathmule said:


Ignorance is to not understand that the elections in America is not about the popular vote but for the majority of the popular votes. I don't know if you understand this but the majority of Dems/Libs doesn't seem to understand this or don't want. Well that's ignorance


You got all that out of my few sentences. When I never mention the popular vote or the majority of the popular votes, which I assume is a clumsy way of saying Electoral College votes.


It's like all these Alt Right nuts who favor us with their interpretation of what donald 'means' or 'is doing' when they have absolutely no idea. You lot think that just because donald won the Electoral College that anything you claim about him is automatically proven true.


You may want to check your double negatives. You have made a statement directly opposite to what I imagine you intended.

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