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A girl has gone online to warn people about habitual use of the pain killer Tramadol

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15 hours ago, TSF said:

Here's my Tram story. About 15 years ago I was given some by a dentist in Sri Racha after some extractions. Wonderful stuff. I curled up into a comfy little ball on my bed scratching myself like a junkie. Slept like a baby. A couple days later the Tram the dentist had given me was gone, and a couple days later I happened to be in a Chonburi pharmacy and spotted Tram on the shelf...I'll have some of that please. 


Fast forward a couple years I was taking 400 mg a day (8 X 50 milligram caps) a day. Yes I slimmed right down, had a lovely figure, great sleeps every night, love making was enhanced too as I had a warm fuzzy cuddly feeling after 400 mgs. Everything was wonderful.


But I knew I was addicted and tried to stop. Ha ha...welcome to hell. Paranoia, muscle spasms, insomnia, not funny at all. Another bad thing was my tolerance to pain killers had gone up, so when I needed more dental treatment I needed extra strong shots. Some nights I came home pissed and fell asleep and missed my evening dose of Tram. You'd think being drunk I'd sleep right through...no way. I'd wake at 2 or 3 am with leg spasms and had to get up and take Tram then sit around feeling horrible for about 2 more hours until the tram kicked in and I could get to sleep.


Anyway, I ended up doing a detox in Australia and was off Tram. Then I returned to Thailand and got back into Tram, foolishly thinking I could "control" it. A couple years later I did a 2nd detox in Australia and that was about 6 years ago and I'm clean and off the rotten stuff for 6 years now.


But make no mistake. Tram is a synthetic opiate and junk is junk. 





mate, know the feeling, after 20 years on it and taking 400mg a day in the end I decided to ween  myself off it as I could see what it was doing to me. Doctor started giving me scripts for 100 mg and 50 mg caps, I started dropping to 150 in the morning and stayed on 200 at night, after a few months  I was handling it ok then dropped to 150 of a night as well, this took a bit longer. I slowly worked down until I was just taking 50 of a night, took around 12 months but I found I was unable to drop the night time pill without suffering. Enter a good mate that told me I needed "cookies" to keep the edge off and help me sleep so after getting the required trimmings I made some, took a while to work out the right amount to eat to get me through the night but it worked and a few months later I was able to go to bed without anything and sleep through. Giving up smoking cold turkey was easy, this was really something else, over here the doctors have prescribed them to me again for the pain but I have only taken them a couple of times over the years I have been here and only when the pain reduced me near to tears, there is no way I would ever put myself back through it all by taking them regularly, yes they helped me no end in many ways  over the years and now I am unable to do many of the things I used to but I fell a lot better for it. Doctors here have me on medication that helps with nerve  problems, doesnt remove the pain so much but does stop a lot of the side issues my damaged spine causes, have been told that if kratom is legalized a cup of tea made from it in the morning will help greatly and it is not addictive as long as you stick to just 1 cup a day, will need more research before I go down that path though

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21 hours ago, colinneil said:

I have been taking tramadol now for over 3 years with no problems.

Taking prescribed medicine is ok if you do not take more than prescribed.

Maybe he has been taking  alcohol, something which is a definite no-no when on tramadol.

I did a search on Tramadol in Thailand and was surprised to see your name in a thread on this forum recently saying the following, " I take Tramadol daily, when i run out of my prescription ones my wife buys them at a local pharmacy. "

Also, you say that you take this drug along with another painkiller. No decent doctor would prescribe Tramadol with other drugs. 

You are showing the signs of addiction, taking more than your prescription.  I understand and wish you well in admitting it and seeking help as a few years ago, I took this drugs as prescribed by a Thai doctor and after a year started getting confused and depressed. Depression is a major side-effect of this drug. 


3 minutes ago, Ai Dteea said:

I did a search on Tramadol in Thailand and was surprised to see your name in a thread on this forum recently saying the following, " I take Tramadol daily, when i run out of my prescription ones my wife buys them at a local pharmacy. "

Also, you say that you take this drug along with another painkiller. No decent doctor would prescribe Tramadol with other drugs. 

You are showing the signs of addiction, taking more than your prescription.  I understand and wish you well in admitting it and seeking help as a few years ago, I took this drugs as prescribed by a Thai doctor and after a year started getting confused and depressed. Depression is a major side-effect of this drug. 



 Why are you posting nonsense !! saying i am taking more than prescribed????

I am taking tramadol and gabapentin exactly as prescribed by qualified doctors.

When i said my wife bought them that was when my prescription was ran out, i only see the doctor every 6 months, and the maximum he will prescribe at any time is 100 tablets.

So use your brain and work it out before you post nonsense.

6 minutes ago, colinneil said:

 Why are you posting nonsense !! saying i am taking more than prescribed????

I am taking tramadol and gabapentin exactly as prescribed by qualified doctors.


I apologize if it was another poster who said that.


You did also say about gabapentin - "1000 baht for 100 is very cheap.When i run out of them , my wife pays 400 baht for 10 in local pharmacy."


When I was using(addicted) to tramadol, memory loss was a big problem, as stated by another poster in this thread. 

3 hours ago, Johpa said:


Itching is a classic symptom of opiates/opioid use. And unless your a chemist the differences are not meaningful. Docs gave me some opioids years ago for a kidney stone. Right away I had slight itching in some joints and around the chin. On the next dose later that day I heard a voice in my head that I had not heard in decades trying to entice me to take a few more pills and go for a sleigh ride again as in the past. Fortunately I do not have an addictive gene set and easily ignored the voice who I call Lady O. And that is the hidden danger is that some, probably a genetic factor involved, get easily addicted and others do not.


I think there may be an addictive gene! However, anyone can become dependent on prescription drugs like benzodiazepines(valium, xanax), painkiller(tramadol etc)very easily more so that drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines.

16 minutes ago, Ai Dteea said:

I did a search on Tramadol in Thailand and was surprised to see your name in a thread on this forum recently saying the following, " I take Tramadol daily, when i run out of my prescription ones my wife buys them at a local pharmacy. "

Also, you say that you take this drug along with another painkiller. No decent doctor would prescribe Tramadol with other drugs. 

You are showing the signs of addiction, taking more than your prescription.  I understand and wish you well in admitting it and seeking help as a few years ago, I took this drugs as prescribed by a Thai doctor and after a year started getting confused and depressed. Depression is a major side-effect of this drug. 


my doctor and the hospital also had me taking endone(another opiate) as well as my tramal when pain levels became intolerable, the pain can get that severe I can barely walk/move, sugest you actually check your facts and not make up your own, I imagine there are quite a few of us that have a lot of experience with tramal and know a lot more about what it does to people

3 minutes ago, seajae said:

my doctor and the hospital also had me taking endone(another opiate) as well as my tramal when pain levels became intolerable, the pain can get that severe I can barely walk/move, sugest you actually check your facts and not make up your own, I imagine there are quite a few of us that have a lot of experience with tramal and know a lot more about what it does to people


22 hours ago, chiman said:

News that some meds can be addictive if they are abused?  Not News... I took Tramadol a few times in the last few years for a bad disk in my neck, didn't mix it, just took it before bed so I could sleep without too much pain.  Never had any issues...

Did you need a prescription? or were you educated enough to diagnose your own problems and be responsible? just wondering how easy the drug is to obtain...

2 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Did you need a prescription? or were you educated enough to diagnose your own problems and be responsible? just wondering how easy the drug is to obtain...

It's very easy and is quite harmless if not taken every day. 

33 minutes ago, Ai Dteea said:

hate to break it to you but unless you have personally experience with it you know nothing, these are only suggested texts as different drugs effect different people in different ways. They tried several combinations with me till they found one that worked with no side effects, I was also on an anti depressant(zoloft) that these texts claimed killed people in combination with tramal, it only ever did as it was prescribed to for me, stopped the mood swings due to pain levels,  again they tried several different ones before they found the right combination that had none of the side effects on me, personal experience  trumps a google search & written text

Pharmacies here will not sell it to Thais. They abuse it. Who'd've thunk.

I can understand that completely. I have all the love in the world for thais but when it comes to stuff like this they are like children. And never in a million years would they research a drug before taking it.

The comments about this medicine are simply confusing. My doctor specifically told me that he chose Tramadol because it was NON-addictive and did not stop working after a long period of use. It has NO euphoric effects and does not enhance sleep. It simply makes pain endurable. Some of the comments about this drug,  completely clash with the statements of my physician. Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.

......Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but Tramadol is an opioid and therefore can be addictive.
25 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

The comments about this medicine are simply confusing. My doctor specifically told me that he chose Tramadol because it was NON-addictive and did not stop working after a long period of use. It has NO euphoric effects and does not enhance sleep. It simply makes pain endurable. Some of the comments about this drug,  completely clash with the statements of my physician. Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.

Sorry to say, but I believe all the info MORE than your doctor who is Thai I think!

19 hours ago, marcher said:

I have been taking Tramadol morning and evening, wine with the latter, and often wake up with an itchy head and neck. maybe why


I've only taken 50mgs occasionally for peripheral neuritis resulting from nerve injury and loved that rush across my scalp. Reminded me of my old coke days. No such thing as 'addiction', simply a bad habit and when you realise it's a habit and do it again it's a 'choice'. You have free will, exercise it.

24 minutes ago, dageurreotype said:

No such thing as 'addiction'

Lol, that's nearly as funny as the guy who said, "Abuse and misuse cause dependency. As with all drugs."


Get outa here!



1 hour ago, Chip Allen said:

The comments about this medicine are simply confusing. My doctor specifically told me that he chose Tramadol because it was NON-addictive and did not stop working after a long period of use. It has NO euphoric effects and does not enhance sleep. It simply makes pain endurable. Some of the comments about this drug,  completely clash with the statements of my physician. Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.

You doctor is wrong.


Simple test, stop taking it for a couple of days. Actually just one day will bring on the start of the horrible withdrawals.

2 hours ago, colinneil said:

 Why are you posting nonsense !! saying i am taking more than prescribed????

I am taking tramadol and gabapentin exactly as prescribed by qualified doctors.

When i said my wife bought them that was when my prescription was ran out, i only see the doctor every 6 months, and the maximum he will prescribe at any time is 100 tablets.

So use your brain and work it out before you post nonsense.

I see you've added things to your post since I replied.


Why do you think your doctor only gives out 100 pills for 6 months?


Do you seriously, in all honesty, think this drug is non-habit forming, addictive or causes dependency?


If you are getting relatives to buy these drugs over the counter, that is not as prescribed.


I take offence to be told to use my brain by someone on a mixture of drugs.


Don't take it for 2 days then report back. I bet you can't say thee were no withdrawals.


A river in Egypt comes to mind.


1 hour ago, antoniuni said:

Sorry to say, but I believe all the info MORE than your doctor who is Thai I think!

My doctor was American. I only moved here two years ago. The hysteria surrounding this medication is insane.

15 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Did you read my post?

Duh, obviously.


I take it you never read it.  You can't be educated if you think you know it all. I'm try to help you here and consequently help others that might believe your idiotic statements and get hooked on this drug.


Do you still say that NO drugs cause dependence? 

14 minutes ago, Ai Dteea said:

Duh, obviously.


I take it you never read it.  You can't be educated if you think you know it all. I'm try to help you here and consequently help others that might believe your idiotic statements and get hooked on this drug.


Do you still say that NO drugs cause dependence? 

I've had enough of your Chicken Likken-sky is falling on our heads-BS.


I'Ve read up on tramadol and  stand by what I said.


The drug does not cause dependency, misuse and abuse does.


Now go away and bother someone else.



21 hours ago, Ai Dteea said:

It doesn't cause dependency.


Abuse and misuse cause dependency. 


As with all drugs. 

This is what you said and you are totally wrong.

You haven't read that link I sent you.


Man up and admit your mistakes.


Show me one article that says Tramadol doesn't cause dependence and stop being so rude.



3 minutes ago, Ai Dteea said:

This is what you said and you are totally wrong.

You haven't read that link I sent you.


Man up and admit your mistakes.


Show me one article that says Tramadol doesn't cause dependence and stop being so rude.



Read previous post.

27 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I've had enough of your Chicken Likken-sky is falling on our heads-BS.


I'Ve read up on tramadol and  stand by what I said.


The drug does not cause dependency, misuse and abuse does.


Now go away and bother someone else.



lol you start telling me not to tell you to do something, when I didn't. Now you are telling me to go away. Hypocrite!


Please share what you read. I don't believe you read anything about this drug. 

2 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

The comments about this medicine are simply confusing. My doctor specifically told me that he chose Tramadol because it was NON-addictive and did not stop working after a long period of use. It has NO euphoric effects and does not enhance sleep. It simply makes pain endurable. Some of the comments about this drug,  completely clash with the statements of my physician. Someone has incorrect information, and I hesitate to believe it is my doctor.


That was the logic when it first came out. Non-addictive. Thats what a lot of the literature said. Its proven now that it causes some very weird physical dependency. However its not nearly as bad as legit opiates. Wasn't even classed the same, and that made it even more appealing for docs to prescribe. 


This is the truth. Doctors know a hell of a lot more than a layman, but they don't know everything about every pill unfortunately. 

33 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I've had enough of your Chicken Likken-sky is falling on our heads-BS.


I'Ve read up on tramadol and  stand by what I said.


The drug does not cause dependency, misuse and abuse does.


Now go away and bother someone else.


Tramadol does cause uncomfortable physical dependency. Even if prescribed, used as directed, daily, over a longish period of time. 


No attack - It just does. To say that only misuse and abuse causes dependency, now, thats an incredibly dangerous statement. 


Its not nearly as bad as legitimate opiates, but to tell 'patients' not to worry because if you take it like I say you will not get physically dependent - thats not a good idea. Its an extremely careless statement that could disrupt the life of a patient. Walking around thinking they are doing the right thing, then the doctor takes them off abruptly without a care in the world thinking its non-addictive, and the patient is the one that suffers - not knowing why the hell they are so screwed up/depressed/etc... 


Im not a doctor - I'm choosing to use the doctor/patient scenario as most likely. Ive been through Tramadol dependency and it sucks donkey testicles, though not as bad as some portray it to be. 

With all that said - alcohol, the legal drug is vastly worse on all fronts. Not saying people should treat Tramadol like the 'devils medicine' or whatever, just know whats up. Thats all. 

7 hours ago, Pinot said:


600 mg probably isn't an effective dose. I think 900 mg would be a minimum dose and 1800 if that doesn't work. People do take up to 3600 mg depending upon the severity of the pain. 


By the way Gabapentin is available for far less outside Thailand. Vitacost for instance will ship to Thailand for about 20% of the cost in LOS. 


See the link in my previous post for more information. 


Typo: was supposed to read 600mg x 2 daily. I was on 1800 but managed to dial it back a little.

im not sure It's cost in Thailand but back home it's approx $60aud a prescription 

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