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Canada blocks sale of defence equipment to Thailand


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Is nice to say silly things about Canada.  All can say is clean your own house first.  Not too sure what the restrictions are for, but I think Canada can walk with pride on many things they have done.  Can put all the countries on the dart board and I think everyone will get a few hits.  Canada may not be a leader like the U.S., China or Russia, God bless their morals, but I appreciate they are becoming lousy followers.


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2 hours ago, DP25 said:


Canada doesn't give a hoot about human rights either.  They have a $15 BILLION dollar contract with Saudi Arabia to provide them with 1000 armoured fighting vehicles that Saudi Arabia will be using not only to repress domestic dissent, but to wage war in Yemen.   Canada only cares about money and politics,  just like the US.  Thailand's government is on the globalist sh*&list, so they get turned down despite rights abuses not being even in the same league as Saudi Arabia

It amazes me how Saudi Arabia gets a pass on all human rights violations, not to mention the fact that most radical islamic groups are funded through them.  If Iran treated their people like Saudi's do, we would invade them in a heartbeat. I really don't have a clue why this is but it sure smells bad. Saudi is the third biggest spender against GDP on military hardware.  US, China, Saudi, Russia.  That is scary. The US is by far the biggest buyer and seller of Arms. I sure will be disappointed if Trump gives the Sheik of Saudi a kiss on the cheek as most other US presidents have. Makes me want to upchuck.   Just think how much these military powers could do for the people with all that wasted resource on military.

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2 hours ago, hdkane said:

The USA is so politically correct, it doesn't even have a national language...god forbid that anyone is offended by Americans speaking English...

There may well be a higher percentage of English speakers in the US than in England.  English has been the National language of the US from day one. What would that have to do with the political correctness of a country or the topic at hand anyway?

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2 hours ago, ldiablo72 said:

Apparently it's not the right of any shopkeeper if the people in question are gays wanting to get married.

No and you probably can't turn people away because of race, religion, ethnicity, or gender either.  Would you condone rights to refuse all of those?  I for one have never had a problem with gays, I can't say that about some other groups.  I would never deny anybody service just because I don't like them, unless I know they are doing harm to me or mine.

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10 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Finally someone with maple syrup in their genes has the guts. Good job, Trudeau!:smile:


Yes, and from a country whose treatment of the Native North Americans, respect for their land ownership, culture and laws, has been and is exemplary. 



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22 minutes ago, Grubster said:

There may well be a higher percentage of English speakers in the US than in England.  English has been the National language of the US from day one. What would that have to do with the political correctness of a country or the topic at hand anyway?


Little off topic but I don't think the Native Americans from who the English (and French) speaking invaders stole everything spoke English?

And they were there long before day 1 in your context.


Human Rights - apparently only apply to those Western democracies say they do. Do as we say, not as we do.

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2 minutes ago, Goingmad said:

Highest rate of Drug use and Suicide. Does this also count ?



If someone stole all your land, massacred and raped countless of your population, destroyed your culture and civilization and fed you drugs whilst restricting "your" rights do you think you might have a problem?


Who do you think provided the drugs and drove them to suicide? Do you think they had these problems before being invaded?

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


If someone stole all your land, massacred and raped countless of your population, destroyed your culture and civilization and fed you drugs whilst restricting "your" rights do you think you might have a problem?


Who do you think provided the drugs and drove them to suicide? Do you think they had these problems before being invaded?

200 years ago. They need to get over it and move on. After all they don't pay tax.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Little off topic but I don't think the Native Americans from who the English (and French) speaking invaders stole everything spoke English?

And they were there long before day 1 in your context.


Human Rights - apparently only apply to those Western democracies say they do. Do as we say, not as we do.

Very true thats why I said day one of the USA.  Do you think the English were the first people in the land you now call England? Every land in the world has been taken away from others at many different points in history.  Get over it. 

     I agree that we [ western countries ] have no right telling other countries how to live, as long as they keep it inside there borders.

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5 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

So they bought 500 12gauge shotguns for the border police. But I do wounder when they will put a ban on sale of defense equipment to US where the police kill more civilians a year than the Thai army has killed the last 10 years!

Here we go, the US hating lefty duty nutter.


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12 hours ago, DP25 said:


Canada doesn't give a hoot about human rights either.  They have a $15 BILLION dollar contract with Saudi Arabia to provide them with 1000 armoured fighting vehicles that Saudi Arabia will be using not only to repress domestic dissent, but to wage war in Yemen.   Canada only cares about money and politics,  just like the US.  Thailand's government is on the globalist sh*&list, so they get turned down despite rights abuses not being even in the same league as Saudi Arabia

But if Thailand was sitting on oil...

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12 hours ago, DP25 said:


Canada doesn't give a hoot about human rights either.  They have a $15 BILLION dollar contract with Saudi Arabia to provide them with 1000 armoured fighting vehicles that Saudi Arabia will be using not only to repress domestic dissent, but to wage war in Yemen.   Canada only cares about money and politics,  just like the US.  Thailand's government is on the globalist sh*&list, so they get turned down despite rights abuses not being even in the same league as Saudi Arabia


Yes! If Thaskin was in charge the sale would probably go through, because he is a part of the globalist establishment.

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Yes, and from a country whose treatment of the Native North Americans, respect for their land ownership, culture and laws, has been and is exemplary. 

And did the British, French, Spanish, Americans and dozens of other countries....all plundered, controlled then occupied ancient native lands. Why pick on Canada?
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Canada  thought  the  order  was  from Taiwan,  not  Thailand,  and  did  not  want

to  anger  China.  Please  do  not  forget  that  the guy  in Canada  is  from  Quebec

province,  and  likely  does  not  have a  great  knowledge  of  the  Asian  countries.

Please  place  the  order  again  and  state  SIAM,  Thailand,,  and  maybe  the

Canadian  government  will get  the  order  right,  unless  they  had  just  sold

their  stock  to Korea  already.


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