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Men removed from JetBlue flight with Ivanka Trump aboard


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20 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


JIngthing's ignore list would fill Sanam Luang. Enough extras for a Hollywood epic.

Shame really because debate is always a good,  but he's far to radical for my taste - a true social gadfly.


The Trump kids are in a new world now and they require protection from the left loonies, silly them just trying to be normal and flying commercially.

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It doesn't matter who the innocent couple was. The moron with the big mouth was holding a baby. At least that was smart of him. He could have easily incited violence. Many or most people have no use for rude morons especially when they are picking on someone who has done nothing to bring it on. If not for the baby he could have been forcibly placed in his seat and told to shut up. That's the kind of problem the airline wanted to avoid. Being polite costs nothing and could prevent the impolite morons from getting hurt. Apparently the deplorables kept their cool.

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

You're right, they shouldn't be harassed.

There is some controversy now about whether they were really harassed. The gay couple now seems to be denying it was actually harassment.

So it's a matter of where to draw the line. Like I said before, political discussion that is offensive to some on the airplane doesn't seem to cross a line. 

Also to add Chelsea Clinton was never involved in anything substantive when her father was president.

Both Jared and Ivanka have already been deeply involved in very important national and international matters concerning the upcoming trump regime.

So they are much more than children (and husband) of a president elect. They are active political figures in their own rights. 




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Trump and his family are 'guilty' of not being a member of the liberal left, that's all the justification that's required by some people.


Had it been known in advance that Trump and her family they were travelling on this flight I'm sure there would have been dozens of placard waving melting snowflakes demonstrating at the check in desk.

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13 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Somebody bragging about something does not mean it is true. Look at Trump as a fitting and on topic example.




  1. he said his husband is chasing them down to harass them with a hashtag #banalityofevil
  2. news came that Ivanka Trump got harassed
  3. it is indeed the husband of the guy who tweeted that his husband is chasing them down to harass them
  4. you come with the conclusion that it is not true


Okay, enough said

Edited by deathmule
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42 minutes ago, ukrules said:

Trump and his family are 'guilty' of not being a member of the liberal left, that's all the justification that's required by some people.


Had it been known in advance that Trump and her family they were travelling on this flight I'm sure there would have been dozens of placard waving melting snowflakes demonstrating at the check in desk.

Snowflakes. Funny slur word. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Nobody is contesting that tweet happened. If obnoxious tweeting was grounds for being banned from public places, trump would have to hide in a bunker. 


He was not banned from any public place.


They changed his flight because he was disturbing the passengers


And you did contest it by saying that there is still a controversy about whether they got harassed.


The evidence is leading to a conclusion that they indeed got harassed ( Ivanka and her child).

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  1. he said his husband is chasing them down to harass them with a hashtag #banalityofevil
  2. news came that Ivanka Trump got harassed
  3. it is indeed the husband of the guy who tweeted that his husband is chasing them down to harass them
  4. you come with the conclusion that it is not true
Okay, enough said

I never said or implied that. Could be true, could be not true.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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2 minutes ago, deathmule said:


He was not banned from any public place.


They changed his flight because he was disturbing the passengers

You're correct and I've never contested the airline's right to do that. But neither of us were there, so whether what was really said was really that bad and really deserving of ejection is something we'll probably really never know. 


Like I said before if I was on a plane and some loud mouthed obnoxious trumpists were gloating about trump, I might find it disturbing. But I would accept that as a free speech issue and certainly not complain to the flight attendants about it. 

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22 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

At last something to laugh about.  A real hoot of a story.  With all the really worrying stuff going on at the moment this is truly light relief!


Presumably you would find it just as funny if some vindictive older folk were stalking and harrassing Chelsea Clinton and her kids on a plane, or one of the Obama daughters? No, of course you wouldn't, and anyone doing that to the above mentioned icons of the left would be tazed, cuffed and charged on a raft of hate crimes.

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6 minutes ago, jaidam said:


Presumably you would find it just as funny if some vindictive older folk were stalking and harrassing Chelsea Clinton and her kids on a plane, or one of the Obama daughters? No, of course you wouldn't, and anyone doing that to the above mentioned icons of the left would be tazed, cuffed and charged on a raft of hate crimes.


What is it with going on about "hate crime"?

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3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


The election of donald has destroyed the established rules of polite society. It was his stated intention to bring down the Establishment. Well, it is brought down.His douche brood can no longer expect politeness.


Dispiriting how quickly some embrace the edicts of the Donald, even his detractors.

If politeness is not to be expected, why feign outrage at other posters when they follow this creed?

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You're right, they shouldn't be harassed.

There is some controversy now about whether they were really harassed. The gay couple now seems to be denying it was actually harassment.

So it's a matter of where to draw the line. Like I said before, political discussion that is offensive to some on the airplane doesn't seem to cross a line. 

Also to add Chelsea Clinton was never involved in anything substantive when her father was president.

Both Jared and Ivanka have already been deeply involved in very important national and international matters concerning the upcoming trump regime.

So they are much more than children (and husband) of a president elect. They are active political figures in their own rights. 


If they, unwanted, chose to make statements which disturb other travelers they are likely to be told to stop or ejected. Do that in the UK and the police will board to help you off the flight.

How many people do things and then try and talk it down when they find themselves being accountable? Seems the gay couple don't like people saying things to/about them but were happy dishing it out. Of course none of us were there. Ms. Trump has maintained a dignified silence. The cabin crew and captain would have decided what action to take and I don't think they would have done it on a whim.


Chelsea Clinton was young during her Dad's impeachment when he lied on oath. She seemingly would have played more of a role in an administration should her mam have won. She was canvassing with them and holds a position at their foundation which has been linked to "interesting" sources of funds. Wouldn't have surprised if they had a little role for her, perhaps her hubby too?


The question of whether their behavior was harassment or not is not one for the perpetrators to decide. 

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

As trumpists would say, speech isn't action. The tweet was obnoxious, but I was talking about exactly what happened on the plane, and there are now conflicting reports about that. That's all I'm saying. I don't contest that airlines have the right to eject passengers for all kinds of reasons. They may not always be wise decisions, and as I wasn't there I can't really say whether this case was really warranted or not, but they do indeed have that right. 


So one guy tweets his husband was chasing them down in the terminal to harass them. Then the aircrew evict them for harassing a passenger. The guy takes down his tweet and he and his husband now deny it was harassment. And you instantly side with the people now denying earlier what they seemed to be bragging about.


No bias there then. Do you think they should be compensated for the inconvenience of having to change flights?



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So one guy tweets his husband was chasing them down in the terminal to harass them. Then the aircrew evict them for harassing a passenger. The guy takes down his tweet and he and his husband now deny it was harassment. And you instantly side with the people now denying earlier what they seemed to be bragging about.
No bias there then. Do you think they should be compensated for the inconvenience of having to change flights?

'Conflicting reports' is not the same as 'siding with'.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:


Presumably you would find it just as funny if some vindictive older folk were stalking and harrassing Chelsea Clinton and her kids on a plane, or one of the Obama daughters? No, of course you wouldn't, and anyone doing that to the above mentioned icons of the left would be tazed, cuffed and charged on a raft of hate crimes.


What?  The whole incident is funny  Being chased after by an old queen ranting away!  Harassment?  get real man!

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18 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Totally juvenile behaviour. Incidentally I was very impressed by Arnold Schwartzenegger,s adult and sensible comment "I didn,t vote for Trump, but he won and I will support him as best I can". Now that is what democracy is supposed to be about !

Yeah, sure. Do you remember how republicans reacted to Obama's win? If not, let me remind you. Their leaders openly said we are working to MAKE HIM FAIL. 

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24 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


What?  The whole incident is funny  Being chased after by an old queen ranting away!  Harassment?  get real man!

Old queen, huh?

Here comes the hate!

(BTW, I think he's 42. That's old?)





Pro-Trump Trolls Target Dan Goldstein After ‘Infamous’ JetBlue Face-Off With Ivanka

Just hours after a Brooklyn lawyer confronted Ivanka Trump on a JetBlue flight, online supporters rallied around the future first daughter — and vowed to make the man accused of harassing her “infamous.”




The trumpist online haters, as one could easily predict, were heavy on the Jew hating and the Gay hating. 


I think they're an adorable married couple. Both are definitely catches you'd be happy to take him to meet your Mother:



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