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Philippines versus Thailand.....

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14 hours ago, amjamj said:



Yes more friendly because they speak English and always expect something from foreigners. Just like girls there who could give their parents to have a chance to leave the country. I do not call this friendly but desperate !






Utter pish

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16 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


no not just because they speak English they just ARE more friendly and much more polite - Thais rarely say 'thank you' (in Thai or English) and to hear a 'Thank You Sir' has never happened to me in Thailand in 15 years but I hear it daily in PI


Krup (male) Ka (female), loose translation Sir, madam/thank you.

20 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


no not just because they speak English they just ARE more friendly and much more polite - Thais rarely say 'thank you' (in Thai or English) and to hear a 'Thank You Sir' has never happened to me in Thailand in 15 years but I hear it daily in PI

Different custom here does not necessarily mean impolite.  Thank you is often said without words but you can see it if you are looking.  Years ago I spoke with a couple of Thai friends about what I thought was impolite behavior from a lady friend and I learned that their wives did and said the same things and that their husbands did not consider them to be impolite.  


Don't know where you encounter Thais here but I hear "thank you sir" spoken in Thai multiple times daily in my out and abouts.



On 28/12/2016 at 5:45 PM, lungnorm said:


These prices are totally incorrect and the last parts are non existent. Once you obtain your Permanant Residents visa there is only an annual reporting fee of only $8 and a 5 yearly fee for a new ID card of $50. Nothing else to pay. No such thing as a 1 month extension its 2 months this can be done until you have been there 36 months then you need to leave the country for a visa run. So its more convenient to get P.R. which costs no more than 2yrs of 2 monthly extensions.

Technically the 1st extension is for 29 days to take you up to 59, then you can extend in 2 or (in larger towns) 6 month blocks up to a Max 36months


Re PI vs Th, I love the Philippines, have a Filippina gf (7 years) & we own a very nice house in Kapalong (2 hrs. North of Davao City) but when I leave Singapore next year, plan A is Thailand (That's if I can convince her to leave PI, she's happy enough in Singapore but doesn't want to live anywhere but here or Philippines).




Those filipina maids (domestic helpers) in Hong Kong love to go to Catholic church on their Sunday holiday, fill the closed off streets downtown after Mass, sit around with fellow filapinas eating and singing till late in the day.  They seem much more westernized than Thais and there are few Thai maids in HK. 

On 1/3/2017 at 8:40 AM, Peterw42 said:


Krup (male) Ka (female), loose translation Sir, madam/thank you.


indeed rarely hear it when opening a door for someone (for example) or buying an item in 7/11 but take your pedantics to the Thai language forum krub


Thais are not polite by nature - they are deferential and that is a difference and about the feudal culture  

On 1/3/2017 at 9:05 AM, Dante99 said:

Different custom here does not necessarily mean impolite.  Thank you is often said without words but you can see it if you are looking.  Years ago I spoke with a couple of Thai friends about what I thought was impolite behavior from a lady friend and I learned that their wives did and said the same things and that their husbands did not consider them to be impolite.  


Don't know where you encounter Thais here but I hear "thank you sir" spoken in Thai multiple times daily in my out and abouts.




what is impolite between married couples is totally different. example friends don't say krub/Ka after sentences if they know each other but it would be considered very impolite if not doing so with those we don't know. I open doors, let people out when driving and many other things without even getting an acknowledgement 


this thread is not about Thai manners (when you find them) it's about differences between PI and Thailand and PI are more friendly and polite and everyone I know who has been to both extensively agrees and  I can only imagine some 'rose pink glasses'  farangs could not see this as fact


Philipines is far better for surfing, but lousy travel infrastructure if you want to avoid the indignity of a 7 hour bus ride to travel 300 kikometers.


Did i mention the surfing? La union 2.5 to 3 meter waves over xmas this year. 14 straight days of excellent if not a little bit messy waves. Southern swell in zambales starts april when north swell dies in la union and baler. Then of course there is siargao and cloud 9, which alas is being more commonly refereed to as crowd 9.


Waves year round is a good thing.

2 hours ago, JB300 said:

Technically the 1st extension is for 29 days to take you up to 59, then you can extend in 2 or (in larger towns) 6 month blocks up to a Max 36months


Re PI vs Th, I love the Philippines, have a Filippina gf (7 years) & we own a very nice house in Kapalong (2 hrs. North of Davao City) but when I leave Singapore next year, plan A is Thailand (That's if I can convince her to leave PI, she's happy enough in Singapore but doesn't want to live anywhere but here or Philippines).



That's very Pedantic of you. 

That's very Pedantic of you. 

Nothing to do with pedantry, there was a price for a 1 month extension which somebody (you) said doesn't exist I pointed out that the first extension is 1 month (ok technically 29 days so 1 month if it's a February in a leap year ) so what's the problem?

4 hours ago, JB300 said:

Nothing to do with pedantry, there was a price for a 1 month extension which somebody (you) said doesn't exist I pointed out that the first extension is 1 month (ok technically 29 days so 1 month if it's a February in a leap year ) so what's the problem?

My apologies. You are correct but nobody in their right mind would pay 3,000 odd pesos when  2 month extension costs only 4000 odd pesos. The prices do vary up and down depending on how many extensions you got previously and I do believe it possible to get a 6 months extension. I also arrived here without an outbound air ticket which is never supposed to happen.

My apologies. You are correct but nobody in their right mind would pay 3,000 odd pesos when  2 month extension costs only 4000 odd pesos. The prices do vary up and down depending on how many extensions you got previously and I do believe it possible to get a 6 months extension. I also arrived here without an outbound air ticket which is never supposed to happen.

No problem, I could have worded it better :)

I honestly thought you had to do the 1 month to get to 59 days before you could start the 2/6 month cycles but the rules do change (though not as often as Thailand), heard the other day that you're only allowed 2 x 6 month extensions in any 36 month unbroken period.

You are right about the PR/SRRV though, since they seem to have dropped the $350 or so annual fee, it's a much more compelling offer.

10 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


this thread is not about Thai manners (when you find them) it's about differences between PI and Thailand and PI are more friendly and polite and everyone I know who has been to both extensively agrees and  I can only imagine some 'rose pink glasses'  farangs could not see this as fact


"Fact?"  That's such a ridiculous statement.  I've spent time in both the PI and Thailand and have known a gazillion Thais and Filipinos and can say confidently that one is not automatically friendlier than the other.  Your "opinion" of who's friendlier is purely subjective.  I can say that "Thai women are prettier than Filipino women and can only imagine that some with 'rose pink glasses' farangs could not see this as FACT" and sound just as ridiculous.   

21 minutes ago, sharktooth said:

As ridiculous as using the word "gazillion" in a sentence?


That's all you got?  It's an actual word....


North Americaninformal
noun: gazillion; plural noun: gazillions; noun: kazillion; plural noun: kazillions
  1. a very large number or quantity (used jocularly or for emphasis).
    "I'd like to sell gazillions of books"
On 1/1/2017 at 10:05 PM, amjamj said:



Greatly open minded ! How can somebody not like Thai food is beyond any standard brain understanding...




You are obviously not aware they actually put sugar in the Thai food to make it more palatable to westerners. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Just finishing up my 4th day in Angeles.  I have lived in Thailand for the past year and like it a lot.  My opinion is that many of the negatives reported about this place are very exaggerated.  I have not found this place any more dangerous then any place in Thailand. There are 100's of guys my age walking around this town just going about their business.  There are a few kids on the street begging so what. Not any worse then the sun glass dudes in Pats who grab your arm.  It actually seems safer in a way because everyone speaks English.  

It seems like a smaller version of Pats here.  I rented a motorbike today and drove around for 4 hours no issues got into the outskirts very interesting. The infrastructure seems fine especially the road from Manila to here is modern.  People seem friendlier, it is less expensive here.  Anyway, the big ones for me:  Plenty of bars with decent drink prices less then Thailand.   Plenty of western restaurants.  Also,  I think the girls are prettier here and are very giving. I was always told the girls are bigger here what a laugh.  Many smaller ladies then Thailand I have met 4 and all under 40 kg all 20 - 25.

Their is no beach and daytime is a little slow, but overall I like it a lot and plan on returning soon. 





The problem comes if you get on the radar of police for any reason (such as having excess cash that they might find useful) - be careful.  Not sure how current government may effect this; but even if better would still keep alert and make sure not to get involved in anything suspect and make sure anyone in a hotel is really of proven age.

3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Just finishing up my 4th day in Angeles.  I have lived in Thailand for the past year and like it a lot.  My opinion is that many of the negatives reported about this place are very exaggerated.  I have not found this place any more dangerous then any place in Thailand. There are 100's of guys my age walking around this town just going about their business.  There are a few kids on the street begging so what. Not any worse then the sun glass dudes in Pats who grab your arm.  It actually seems safer in a way because everyone speaks English.  

It seems like a smaller version of Pats here.  I rented a motorbike today and drove around for 4 hours no issues got into the outskirts very interesting. The infrastructure seems fine especially the road from Manila to here is modern.  People seem friendlier, it is less expensive here.  Anyway, the big ones for me:  Plenty of bars with decent drink prices less then Thailand.   Plenty of western restaurants.  Also,  I think the girls are prettier here and are very giving. I was always told the girls are bigger here what a laugh.  Many smaller ladies then Thailand I have met 4 and all under 40 kg all 20 - 25.

Their is no beach and daytime is a little slow, but overall I like it a lot and plan on returning soon. 




Angeles its a nasty polluted hell hole besides hookers and whiskey there is nothing.not even a gym or a decent swim pool, park or beach..nothing only traffic hookers and pollution.Enjoy ur stay?

1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

The problem comes if you get on the radar of police for any reason (such as having excess cash that they might find useful) - be careful.  Not sure how current government may effect this; but even if better would still keep alert and make sure not to get involved in anything suspect and make sure anyone in a hotel is really of proven age.


Cos all of the above is not applicable here?

8 minutes ago, sharktooth said:


Cos all of the above is not applicable here?

Not nearly to the extent that it is in Angeles.  


I think the best answer would be to go check it out yourself. I heard Davao is nice place even with the bombing. I will go check it out and see.

5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Just finishing up my 4th day in Angeles.  I have lived in Thailand for the past year and like it a lot.  My opinion is that many of the negatives reported about this place are very exaggerated.  I have not found this place any more dangerous then any place in Thailand. There are 100's of guys my age walking around this town just going about their business.  There are a few kids on the street begging so what. Not any worse then the sun glass dudes in Pats who grab your arm.  It actually seems safer in a way because everyone speaks English.  

It seems like a smaller version of Pats here.  I rented a motorbike today and drove around for 4 hours no issues got into the outskirts very interesting. The infrastructure seems fine especially the road from Manila to here is modern.  People seem friendlier, it is less expensive here.  Anyway, the big ones for me:  Plenty of bars with decent drink prices less then Thailand.   Plenty of western restaurants.  Also,  I think the girls are prettier here and are very giving. I was always told the girls are bigger here what a laugh.  Many smaller ladies then Thailand I have met 4 and all under 40 kg all 20 - 25.

Their is no beach and daytime is a little slow, but overall I like it a lot and plan on returning soon. 




Take a short walk past the walking street about a block & take a good look at the drugged out hookers & ladyboys laying in the doorways, alleys, lots, & streets.....Actually - if you can get a cabbie that isn't afraid to drive you there it'll be safer.....It's a cesspool.....

True - if you hang around ABC & the strip all will seem rosy.....

But, if you spend a few years over there it will educate you as to what a 2.5 world sh*thole is.....

It's not a nice or safe place by & large....The settled expat population is also below what you'd see settled around LOS (but the same as you'd see in Patts, Nana & the like - scruffy bunch).....

Spent years in both (a very privileged life in the PI) - unless I have to attend a wedding/funeral in the PI I'll never go back....

There are some great people there - the one's that have visited me here have, to a person, expressed how much better it is here.....One said Thailand is what the PI could be in 20 years - but no one there has the ethic or initiative to change.....In the 20+ years I've been involved with both I'd have to (grudgingly) agree, because I do like many of the people I've known there....But - it is a good 20-30+ years behind Thailand in every bad way.....With no real hope of a sudden change (for the better)....

On 12/23/2016 at 5:44 PM, captnhoy said:

This is an interesting topic for me as I consider spending some time in PI. One topic has just been touched on and I'm curious about personal safety there compared to Thailand. After 10 years I have concluded that Thailand is a bit of The Wild West. More people are packing than I ever imagined and to some degree a farang can be hurt or killed by a Thai with impunity I think. It is even worse in the PI? Muggings? Angry Pinoys? What?


The only people you see packing guns in Pattaya are the coppers.

On 12/24/2016 at 3:35 PM, Tony125 said:


Publisher slain in Philippines after criticizing officials over drugs




Philippine critics alarmed by Duterte's martial law talk






Every Flip I've met in Davao and those working in the London hospitals think he's the greatest thing to happen to the PI in their lifetimes and they worship him. They say he has a 92% approval rating. That's more than can be said for any Western leader.


But to be fair none of those I met were involved in the illegal drug trade. If your son was a drug dealer who had been killed by a hit squad you'd probably hate his guts.

On 12/28/2016 at 10:00 AM, lungnorm said:

I did not answer my own question. I just omitted to say that I never had any trouble getting a laugh from pinay's when I tell a joke. I suggest your the one who is stoned otherwise I would not have to spell things out for you. Doh


Thais also laugh at your jokes even if they don't understand what you've just said. I've noticed that many times when I've been buying Thai girls drinks.


Getting stoned is stupid in either country and asking for trouble.

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