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UN Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements


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UN Security Council demands end to Israeli settlements




After the United States abstained from voting, the UN Security Council on Friday passed a resolution urging Israel to stop building settlements on occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.


The resolution said the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” It was adopted with 14 votes in favor, to a round of applause.


The US abstention was seen as a parting shot by President Barack Obama, who has had frosty relations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and grown frustrated by failed efforts to broker peace during his tenure.


In a statement, Netanyahu blasted the resolution as “absurd” and said Israel looked forward to working with U.S. president-elect Donald Trump to counter its potential impact.


“The Obama administration not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN, it colluded with it behind the scenes,” the statement read.


The resolution is the first adopted by the Council on the issue in nearly eight years. A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called it “a big blow to Israeli policy.”


The text was put forward at the 15-member council by New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal a day after Egypt withdrew it under pressure from Israel and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who had called on the United States to veto the measure.


“This resolution reflects the facts on the ground and is consistent with US policy across Republican and Democratic administrations,” US Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power explained after the vote.


Israel disputes that settlements in the West Bank are illegal and says their final status should be determined in talks on Palestinian statehood.


“One cannot simultaneously champion expanding Israeli settlements and champion a viable two-state solution that would end the conflict,” Power argued.


She added that continuous settlement building “seriously undermines” Israel’s security.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-24


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This was a blatant in your face Netanyahu, parting shot from Obama and his soon

to be unemployed staff,

the thing is that nor Obama or the UN are relevant no more, no one pays heed

to what they ' resolute ' as many of their resolutions in past years has

gone with the wind,

With Trump in soon, there will be new wind blowing in the faces of all those

how only want to see Israel reduced to sniveling and venerable bunch of Jews

waiting for mercy, well, No more, Israel will do what it takes to protect itself,

because no one else will.....

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Too little too late.

If USA had simply abstained from using its veto years ago to shield Israel from world opinion, perhaps Israel would have felt the pressure sooner to do what is morally right and end its illegal occupation and colonization.

Edited by dexterm
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17 minutes ago, ezzra said:


This was a blatant in your face Netanyahu, parting shot from Obama and his soon

to be unemployed staff,

the thing is that nor Obama or the UN are relevant no more, no one pays heed

to what they ' resolute ' as many of their resolutions in past years has

gone with the wind,

With Trump in soon, there will be new wind blowing in the faces of all those

how only want to see Israel reduced to sniveling and venerable bunch of Jews

waiting for mercy, well, No more, Israel will do what it takes to protect itself,

because no one else will.....


Who are those who want to see Israel reduced to sniveling and etc etc?


Everybody let's you do your thing in Israel. Has anybody audited the Dimona nuclear research center? No.


Has any government talk about the Palestine genocide? https://ccrjustice.org/genocide-palestinian-people-international-law-and-human-rights-perspective#


Has anybody talk about Israel being extremely non diverse? 75% homogenic http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Society_&_Culture/newpop.html



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43 minutes ago, ezzra said:


This was a blatant in your face Netanyahu, parting shot from Obama and his soon

to be unemployed staff,

the thing is that nor Obama or the UN are relevant no more, no one pays heed

to what they ' resolute ' as many of their resolutions in past years has

gone with the wind,

With Trump in soon, there will be new wind blowing in the faces of all those

how only want to see Israel reduced to sniveling and venerable bunch of Jews

waiting for mercy, well, No more, Israel will do what it takes to protect itself,

because no one else will.....


Yep. Obama will be gone soon - forever- and Trump has already made it clear that he will back Israel and fight Islamic terrorism in a serious way. Good riddance.

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:


The resolution said the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.” It was adopted with 14 votes in favor, to a round of applause.


The world has spoken:  The settlements are illegal.

The world has spoken:  The occupiers have flagrantly violated international law.


Everyone knew this to be true before this landmark vote, but now it is official.  


Yes, the Obama administration should have taken this step back in 2011, but this is truly a case of "better late than never".   




:thumbsup:  :clap2:  :thumbsup:  :clap2:

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21 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. Obama will be gone soon - forever- and Trump has already made it clear that he will back Israel and fight Islamic terrorism in a serious way. Good riddance.

The topic concerns a UN resolution about the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements. No mention of the fight against terrorism in the OP, despite your attempt to deflect by muddying the waters.


from the OP....
“One cannot simultaneously champion expanding Israeli settlements and champion a viable two-state solution that would end the conflict,” Power argued.


On the contrary, it is people like Trump who will ultimately bring an end to the Zionist dream of a predominantly Jewish state of Israel, when he encourages a one state solution, in which 4.5 million Palestinian co-residents' civil rights will need to be addressed, together with the already 2 million Israeli Palestinian population, who already hold citizenship.

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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Five Ways Trump Could Avenge the Anti-Israel UN Vote



First 100 days, big things are going to happen! :smile:


I like them all on that list, but start with this one:


1. Signing a congressional declaration that the UN Security Council resolution is not United States policy. Congress could quickly pass, and President Trump would sign, a declaration that the previous administration had no mandate to allow the UN Security Council resolution to pass. The declaration could affirm prior U.S. policy that some areas in the West Bank will always be under Israeli control — or it could even leave the status of the West Bank open to potential Israeli annexation.

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36 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Senator Ted Cruz weighs in:


Today's @UN vote is the culmination of the Obama admin's systemic agenda to weaken #Israel & strengthen its enemies. http://bit.ly/2hl6CdR





How can it be betrayal when it reflects current US foreign policy which supports a two state solution, that the USA has supported for the last 23 years since Oslo..Clinton, Bush included?

Just another attempt to call black white.


“This resolution reflects the facts on the ground and is consistent with US policy across Republican and Democratic administrations,” US Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power explained after the vote.

Edited by dexterm
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Jews in America backed Obama. So, they shouldn't complain. Personally, I stopped caring.  The really good thing about this is that it is causing an extreme backlash against the UN by all the neocons and foreign interventionists within the Deep State bureaucracy.  With any luck, this might be used by Trump to simply cut all funding for the UN and then go about using the US veto to sabotage every single thing the UN wants.  No more UNESCO, IMF, ILO, WHO, or any of the other myriad UN agencies.  Down and out they go.  And just veto everything that comes through the security council. Everything. 

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3 minutes ago, zydeco said:

Jews in America backed Obama. So, they shouldn't complain. Personally, I stopped caring.  The really good thing about this is that it is causing an extreme backlash against the UN by all the neocons and foreign interventionists within the Deep State bureaucracy.  With any luck, this might be used by Trump to simply cut all funding for the UN and then go about using the US veto to sabotage every single thing the UN wants.  No more UNESCO, IMF, ILO, WHO, or any of the other myriad UN agencies.  Down and out they go.  And just veto everything that comes through the security council. Everything. 

anti-semite much?

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Why are we all wasting our times here to put forward our opinions?

we all know very well that no UN resolutions will change anything

on the landscape, and believe it or not, it's not even up to Israel to give

the Palestinians a country, there're far stronger agendas at play here,

most of it is clandestine and hidden, even if Israel will tomorrow withdraw

back to it's pre 1967 borders, nothing will change, as the Palestinians want

a lot more than just land, they want revenge and blood and at any cost,

so guys, no one is going anywhere, US resolution or not.....

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trolling? First you state a falsehood thatJews in America backed Obama.  Then you made an assumption that American Jews would be especially upset by the lack of a US veto.  


78 percent of Jewish votes to Obama in 2008. 69 percent in 2012. If that isn't backing Obama, what is? http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/jewvote.html

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3 minutes ago, zydeco said:


78 percent of Jewish votes to Obama in 2008. 69 percent in 2012. If that isn't backing Obama, what is? http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/jewvote.html

That's different from saying Jews backed Obama.  And your assumption that American Jews are unquestioning backers of Israeli settlement in the West Bank is another. Stereotyping much?

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Today's @UN vote is the culmination of the Obama admin's systemic agenda to weaken #Israel & strengthen its enemies. http://bit.ly/2hl6CdR





The Obama admin's systemic agenda to weaken Israel?


Is that some sort of sick joke?


3 months ago, the Obama administration gave Israel that largest military aid package in history.



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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

That's different from saying Jews backed Obama.  And your assumption that American Jews are unquestioning backers of Israeli settlement in the West Bank is another. Stereotyping much?


You'll not find this year's birds in last year's nests.

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

That's different from saying Jews backed Obama.  And your assumption that American Jews are unquestioning backers of Israeli settlement in the West Bank is another. Stereotyping much?


If 4 out of 5 Jews backed Obama in 2008 and more than 2 out of 3 Jews back Obama in 2012 how is it different?

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yep. Obama will be gone soon - forever- and Trump has already made it clear that he will back Israel and fight Islamic terrorism in a serious way. Good riddance.


There is an old proverb that says "Be careful of what you wish for".



be careful what you wish for.jpg

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

BEcause he said Jews backed American. He didn't say the majority, he just said Jews. And what's more, he assumed that American Jews backed Israeli settlement policies.





Both the AJC and the Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA) said they were "deeply disappointed" by the move which allowed the passing of a resolution which they slammed as being anti-Israel and biased.


Maybe he assumed it but according to the Jerusalem Post, the American Jewish Committee amd the Jewish Federation of North America are disappointed with how the US handled the UN Security council resolution.



The Anti-Defamation League too said it was "outraged" by the US decision not use its veto power, citing similar concerns that the "biased and unconstructive” resolution would further complicate peace efforts.


Anti Defamation League looks pissed too


All these organizations are American based by the way


Of course when he said Jews he didn't mean 100% of the Jews but you could interpret it like that if you wish.

Edited by deathmule
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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

BEcause he said Jews backed American. He didn't say the majority, he just said Jews. And what's more, he assumed that American Jews backed Israeli settlement policies.


Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I said Jews backed Obama, not "American." And, yes, Jews, like blacks and hispanics backed Obama. That is the way the term is used in virtually every news analysis of presidential voting patterns in the US. Funny, you're not a racist, however, if you say hispanics and blacks backed Obama.  But you're an anti-Semite if you say Jews backed Obama. Oh, and what I "assumed," after looking in earlier at liberal Jewish publications from Israel and the US, was that Jews opposed this UN resolution, which is not the same thing as backing or opposing settlements.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


This was a blatant in your face Netanyahu, parting shot from Obama and his soon

to be unemployed staff,

the thing is that nor Obama or the UN are relevant no more, no one pays heed

to what they ' resolute ' as many of their resolutions in past years has

gone with the wind,

With Trump in soon, there will be new wind blowing in the faces of all those

how only want to see Israel reduced to sniveling and venerable bunch of Jews

waiting for mercy, well, No more, Israel will do what it takes to protect itself,

because no one else will.....

I and i believe many others have no problem with Israel defending itself, the problems begin when Israel behaves like an early version of the third Reich encouraging theft of innocent peoples property and blaming one part of the population of Israel for all the ills of the country, the government needs to look in the mirror 

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