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Baht Bus, How Much Do You Pay?


Baht Bus, How Much??  

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This is my first time posting a poll, so please give me a break if the formats wrong.

So you live here and take advantage of the main public transport, a baht bus. Maybe you speak a little Thai, you understand just how far your baht will go in this country so you are "thrifty". You hop on a Baht Bus, you've only gone a short way and you know darn well thet the fare should be 5 baht or less.

Do you avoid confrontation and just over pay?

Cheap Charlys, my brothers, please chime in!!

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To start out the discussion. I went from the threpprasit market to thrappaya rd. today on a baht bus, I was going to Jomtien. When we got to Thrappaya he was turning right, to Pattaya. I hopped off and paid 10 baht.

I immediately got on another and took it left about 1 kilo to the first right turn "Havana market/ Statue??" and got off, I paid 10 baht again for a 1 minute ride.

To put the price in prespective, I was going to meet my girl for lunch. The restraunt that we go to offers a Chang beer and spaghetti for 99 baht!!

Did I over pay for the baht bus?

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To start out the discussion. I went from the threpprasit market to thrappaya rd. today on a baht bus, I was going to Jomtien. When we got to Thrappaya he was turning right, to Pattaya. I hopped off and paid 10 baht.

I immediately got on another and took it left about 1 kilo to the first right turn "Havana market/ Statue??" and got off, I paid 10 baht again for a 1 minute ride.

To put the price in prespective, I was going to meet my girl for lunch. The restraunt that we go to offers a Chang beer and spaghetti for 99 baht!!

Did I over pay for the baht bus?


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I hardly ever use baht buses as I usually get around on a scooter but I was under the impression that any ride, no matter how long or short on a regular baht bus route was 10 baht....is this wrong?

I took one from the bus station on Pattaya Nua to just past Walking Street for 10 baht. I've also ridden a few hundred metres for the same price...I don't ask the price, I just pay 10 baht.

Edited by tropo
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If you are a farang and you pay 5 baht to the baht bus driver it is a little like playing Russian Roulette.

You will get away with it for a while and then BANG you will encounter a really nasty, evil, mental, psychopath of a baht bus driver who will get out of his cab, on a particularly bad day, and verbally assault you and/or threaten you with a pointed stick or worse.

I choose to pay 10 baht now, whatever the length of trip and I don't think about it, or dwell upon it.

If you want to pay 5 baht, good for you. However I guarantee that one day, you will have a problem.

Bad Baht Buses: 77 and 389 are two I recall. (And one is a woman driver!). I really must make a proper list of good and bad, including the night/day shift of course.

Edited by libya 115
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If you are a farang and you pay 5 baht to the baht bus driver it is a little like playing Russian Roulette.

You will get away with it for a while and then BANG you will encounter a really nasty, evil, mental, psychopath of a baht bus driver who will get out of his cab, on a particularly bad day, and verbally assault you and/or threaten you with a pointed stick or worse.

I choose to pay 10 baht now, whatever the length of trip and I don't think about it, or dwell on it.

If you want to pay 5 baht, good for you. However I guarantee that one day, you will have a problem.

Bad Baht Buses: 77 and 389 are two I recall. (And one is a woman driver!). I really must make a proper list of good and bad, including the night/day shift of course.

This is exactlty what I was trying to avoid, but I would be dishonest if I said it didn't bother me.

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To start out the discussion. I went from the threpprasit market to thrappaya rd. today on a baht bus, I was going to Jomtien. When we got to Thrappaya he was turning right, to Pattaya. I hopped off and paid 10 baht.

I immediately got on another and took it left about 1 kilo to the first right turn "Havana market/ Statue??" and got off, I paid 10 baht again for a 1 minute ride.

To put the price in prespective, I was going to meet my girl for lunch. The restraunt that we go to offers a Chang beer and spaghetti for 99 baht!!

Did I over pay for the baht bus?

Pay the guy 10 bt a minute which works out at 600 bt an hour and you are only one passenger :D

So assuming on a good day and your average smilling mafia studies student -TT driver coins in on (ave again)only say 6 happy go lucky Tooorists who slip him the same (average) going rate then he should take roughly 3,500 bt/hr and again assume an average day of 8 hours .... 28 k./day...Yea....and then of course with his bit of bubble at the weekend the poor little sod will be lucky to bring in no less than ..196K...(week)...admit he has to pay for petrol and rust maintenence stuff.... :o

Taken over year (allowing a visit to see the kids in their English private schools..) should then should give themmmmm.......just under 10 million Bt a year...... :D ...Hes "aving a LAFF

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To start out the discussion. I went from the threpprasit market to thrappaya rd. today on a baht bus, I was going to Jomtien. When we got to Thrappaya he was turning right, to Pattaya. I hopped off and paid 10 baht.

I immediately got on another and took it left about 1 kilo to the first right turn "Havana market/ Statue??" and got off, I paid 10 baht again for a 1 minute ride.

To put the price in prespective, I was going to meet my girl for lunch. The restraunt that we go to offers a Chang beer and spaghetti for 99 baht!!

Did I over pay for the baht bus?

Please do tell where you got that great offer Chang Beer +spaghetti for 99 baht?

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Both.... paid both 5 and 10bht depends if I have the proper change. Having proper change is the key btw. :o

Watching these baht buses (usually riding behind them actually) I'd have to say that they do spend a lot of time empty and burning up fuel in order to serve tourists. At the end of the day these vehicles do provide a very convenient, very frequent service and it's hard to imagine that anyone would consider 10 baht for a ride too much.

However, obviously I'm wrong as the price is considered too high by some.

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It is 5 Baht for Thais, 10 baht for Falangs

One three visits to Pattaya in the last year I have witnessed that Thai's also pay 10B, I assume that there are some Thai's who pay only 5B but these would probably be the poor and needy, and not forgetting the "cheap charily" farangs...

If you can not afford a few ten bahts here and there you probably do not have required funds to legally stay in Thailand, no wonder the immigration people are running round checking visa's all the time.


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A short ride is FIVE baht! Trust me, for a very short ride, the driver will think you are an idiot to pay TEN baht, Thai or farang.

Yes, Thais pay 10 baht for longer trips, like from South Pattaya to Jomtien, etc.

For a short trip, if you would like to make a donation to the baht bus driver, you are most welcome ...

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Along Second Road from South Pattaya to Big C is 5 baht for farangs, provided the baht bus doesn't turn any corners.

For example, if you catch the bus before it reaches Second Road (between Beach Road and Second Road) you pay 10 baht.

Anywhere along Beach Road towards Walking Street, is 5 baht.

From Big C to Walking Street is 10 baht.

...and as Brit said, have the exact money, pay with a smile and walk away.

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I'm a little confused here, baht buses are ten baht Thai or farrang in Udon. I don't use one much anymore so I can't comment about short rides haven't taken one. I thought I was being overcharged at one point riding alone then my wife explained wehn she rode alone she paid ten baht as well, for the same trip.

At one time they were five baht here, but after the last gas crunch went to ten. Gas went down but the ride cost didn't.

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At one time they were five baht here, but after the last gas crunch went to ten. Gas went down but the ride cost didn't.

Taxi divers all over Asia use the increase in fuel prices to justify large increases in fares. I'm sure the baht buses fuel bill didn't double. They even whine about it in Malaysia where they have the cheapest fuel in South East Asia (apart from Brunei).

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I'm a little confused here, baht buses are ten baht Thai or farrang in Udon. I don't use one much anymore so I can't comment about short rides haven't taken one. I thought I was being overcharged at one point riding alone then my wife explained wehn she rode alone she paid ten baht as well, for the same trip.

At one time they were five baht here, but after the last gas crunch went to ten. Gas went down but the ride cost didn't.

You are right, in most parts of Thailand you pay the same as a Thai, it's normal. But in Pattaya you pay 10 baht and the Thai local will pay 5 baht, it's part and parcel of living in Pattaya and you can't change it, but it doesn't bother me either. With a belly full after a night out, walking street to Tops for 10 baht is good value for me and no agro either.

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The difference, 5 Baht, equates to 0.07GBP (7 pence) which is sod all. I've known guys nearly get an intimate introduction to a length of 3/4" rebar over the 5 Baht. If the 5 Baht means that much to you you are in the wrong country so combine sex and travel (<deleted> off!) and go back to farangland and see what you get there for the same money. All this talk of "principal" is just so much superheated flatulence designed to cover up the fact that such people are nothing more than kinneo maak maak. :o

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A short ride is FIVE baht! Trust me, for a very short ride, the driver will think you are an idiot to pay TEN baht, Thai or farang.

Yes, Thais pay 10 baht for longer trips, like from South Pattaya to Jomtien, etc.

For a short trip, if you would like to make a donation to the baht bus driver, you are most welcome ...

I never pay 5 baht because if the journey is that short I will walk, get healthy and stop from ruining my day by agonising over whether I should have paid 5 or 10 baht.

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I pay the 10 baht whether it's a short or long ride. For all the short trips I've done, I've also taken numerous long ones (i.e. along #2 Road from Pattaya Tai to Big C).

Depending on where you are going and the time of day, it's often quicker to walk the short distances. Other times it's more convenient to take a bus.

If paying 10 baht for a ride is a major concern, then perhaps you should buy a moto and try driving yourself around. Then decide if you'd rather pay the 10 baht for a bus ride, or risk the traffic driving on your own.

I bought a moto and rarely use the baht buses anymore. I bought it for the convenience of being able to get to where I want to go, when I want to go, without having to flag down a bus and "charter" it for a special trip.

I still use the baht buses when I go shopping or have been out drinking. Just think, 20 baht (10 each way) is just a fifth the price of a single whiskey/coke (depending where you are drinking). Barely worth complaining about.

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Minimum price for a taxi in Bkk - 35Baht.

OK Baht buses aren't airconditiooned taxis, but there aren't any in Pattatya - more's the pity. But they're the next best thing - frequent and convenient.

Get a life - pay the ten baht and worry about something more important. :o

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I pay 10 baht within Pattaya or Jomtien and 20 baht between Jomtien and Pattaya. The only exception is if I get on a baht bus that is waiting at the intersection of Pattaya Tai and Second road. I then pay 10 baht to Jomtien. I'd rather walk down a ways towards Jomtien, flag one down and pay the 20 baht that to sit in a packed baht bus.

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Minimum price for a taxi in Bkk - 35Baht.

OK Baht buses aren't airconditiooned taxis, but there aren't any in Pattatya - more's the pity. But they're the next best thing - frequent and convenient.

Get a life - pay the ten baht and worry about something more important. :o

Well said transport029.gif transport029.gif transport029.gif

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Both.... paid both 5 and 10bht depends if I have the proper change. Having proper change is the key btw. :o

having proper change isn't really a problem, I show him the 20 or hundred note - get the change first then hand over the money, never had an issue yet

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I have always paid 10 baht no matter what the distance.

I was surprised the other night when a driver insisted on 20 baht for me and my Thai GF from the junction at top of Thrappaya to Big C on 2nd Road. It had never happened before but he was getting quite Sh*tty. Even the GF said to hand over 20 each as he was getting pretty agressive.

It annoys me that he got away with it but what can I do? Ok it was a long way and it was around 8pm so it was Pattaya rush hour. Mai pen rai.......


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