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UK in 2030: older, more unequal and blighted by Brexit, report predicts


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UK in 2030: older, more unequal and blighted by Brexit, report predicts

Patrick Collinson

The Guardian


IPPR says leaving EU will require painful trade-offs, adding to challenges of ageing population and automation of jobs


LONDON: -- Britain faces a decade of disruption after Brexit with low growth, stagnating incomes for the poor and the public finances at breaking point, according to a bleak analysis by a leading thinktank.


The report, Britain in the 2020s, by the Institute of Public Policy Research, says Brexit will “profoundly reshape the UK … painful trade-offs are almost certain. Growth is expected to be lower, investment rates worse, and the public finances weaker as a result of Brexit.”


The analysis, which draws on data from the OECD, the ONS and numerous economists and researchers, forecasts a 30% increase in the number of over-65s in the population by 2030, and a doubling of the number of over-85s. It predicts that the proportion of the population that is non-white will climb to more than one in five within 12 years.


Full story: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/29/uk-in-2030-older-more-unequal-and-blighted-by-brexit-report-predicts


-- The Guardian 2016-12-29

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None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?




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4 minutes ago, Enoon said:


None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?




What utter BS. There's a job at the Guardian waiting for you my lad. You can be one of those who search high and low looking for a migrant kid to take pictures of.

If there's no Brexit, those immigration stats the article quotes will be much much worse. Still, that's something that you lefties are hoping for isn't it?


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19 minutes ago, Enoon said:


None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?




What a load of lying drivel .Chases out of the country , by who ?A posse ? You are either a complete ignoramous , a troll or just like telling lies on here as a lot do . Every single person know people already living in uk with resident visas will not be forced to leave .If you had a business in uk and a wife and child born in uk  there is not a chance you would be force to leave
Theresa may has already assured the 800,000 poles living in uk ( now the largest immigrant population) that they will be safe to stay after brexit.
 Be interesting for you to answer this and tell us why you posted that drivel so we can see  if you are ignorant,troll or liar

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4 hours ago, sungod said:

All the Brexit predictions of apocalypse have been wrong so far, (economists could not even predict the recent world crash)  so just chuck this one in the bin too,


Thank God, I was worried that 18% fall in the value of Sterling was real!

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9 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


Thank God, I was worried that 18% fall in the value of Sterling was real!


Also that left winger that currently occupies the post of Chancellor announced that Brexit had blown a 50 billion pound hole in the public finances, must be propaganda. Only recently Farage another left winger announced almost gleefully to some like minded friends that if we thought 2016 was bad then 2017 was going to be a whole lot worse.

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1 hour ago, Enoon said:


None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?





that would actually make the prediction come true! It's not as if getting rid of migrant workers will improve the job prospects of UK nationals. If it weren't for migrants the UK economy would be a lot worse than it is. 


Besides the politicians will do what they want regardless of how the vote went. The more they shout wolf (figuratively speaking) the more people believe it will not happen. 


In Short the politicians are useless and have succeeded in ruining the UK for nothing, or article 50 would surely have been enacted by now!


on another level. your post is racist drivel. 


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8 hours ago, sungod said:

All the Brexit predictions of apocalypse have been wrong so far, (economists could not even predict the recent world crash)  so just chuck this one in the bin too,


Brexit hasn't started yet so nobody knows what the fallout or reality will be.  Predictions are based on probabilities but are not fact until they happen.  The gung-ho brigade are just as gullible as the sceptics.  Time will tell.


In 2030 Britain will be a very different place with the speed that the world is changing and the uncertainty that obviously lies ahead.  How much Brexit will affect us will become clearer in two or three years time when it is activated.  Until then it is all hot air but worry not because us Brits are good at that!

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The biggest thing that handles an economy is belief. If confidence then the money cycle works, if not then money tightening by  all bringing down  the economy.


All these storytellers need to be up to the mark or else they should be shot down by the  government, but I  do mean in western ways.

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18 minutes ago, maoro2013 said:

The biggest thing that handles an economy is belief. If confidence then the money cycle works, if not then money tightening by  all bringing down  the economy.


All these storytellers need to be up to the mark or else they should be shot down by the  government, but I  do mean in western ways.


Dangerous to say "western" way with so many American posters here.  They were brought up on "westerns" as was I.

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The Grauniad, as it is better known, was a 'Remain' campaign supporter and is another that won't accept the result of a democratic vote.

Doom and gloom is all they have predicted and continue to predict even in the face of economic results that show the opposite.

A 10% drop in the pound is all that has happened, and despite that causing a small rise in inflation it has boosted exports and the UK is fit and well.

Just more sour grapes "remoaning". Anyone that read the article by the ex-chief of the Bank of England last week, Sir Mervyn King, will see it is more codswallop.


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2 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

The Grauniad, as it is better known, was a 'Remain' campaign supporter and is another that won't accept the result of a democratic vote.

Doom and gloom is all they have predicted and continue to predict even in the face of economic results that show the opposite.

A 10% drop in the pound is all that has happened, and despite that causing a small rise in inflation it has boosted exports and the UK is fit and well.

Just more sour grapes "remoaning". Anyone that read the article by the ex-chief of the Bank of England last week, Sir Mervyn King, will see it is more codswallop.



I don't mind if you lie to yourself but please don't lie to the rest of us, yer in denial man!


It dropped 18% and that "small" rise in inflation is just now trickling through, fasten your seatbelt.

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Well the pound did drop by 18% and that helps make British exports cheap to buy and attracted many more foreign buyers to the shops.  Inflation will start to kick in in the new year as we have to buy in components and products from overseas.  The results of that will start to appear over the next few months. These things can be seen and therefore they are fact.  how they are interpreted depends on which camp you are in.

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32 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


I don't mind if you lie to yourself but please don't lie to the rest of us, yer in denial man!


It dropped 18% and that "small" rise in inflation is just now trickling through, fasten your seatbelt.

It is you who is deluded my friend. The EU and the Euro Zone is on it's last legs. The "remoaners" are the ones in denial.

The sooner the UK is out of this fanatical pursuit of a federal Europe dominated by conglomerate business and unelected bureaucrats the better.  The pound is about 12% down to the Baht at the moment, but it was 10% last week. It is the constant doom and gloom spread by the Europhiles that unsettle the money markets. The economy is doing very well, or didn't you notice?

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14 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

It is you who is deluded my friend. The EU and the Euro Zone is on it's last legs. The "remoaners" are the ones in denial.

The sooner the UK is out of this fanatical pursuit of a federal Europe dominated by conglomerate business and unelected bureaucrats the better.  The pound is about 12% down to the Baht at the moment, but it was 10% last week. It is the constant doom and gloom spread by the Europhiles that unsettle the money markets. The economy is doing very well, or didn't you notice?



Exactly George.  It's about 90% rumour, fear and hysteria, and only10% fundamentals, that drive money and share markets.

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18 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

The sore losers just can't accept the legitimate vote of the people, no different from the Democrats in the US.


I think you will find that the re-moaners do accept the vote of the people but that doesn't stop them from being very worried about the consequences. It would help to settle the nerves if the government could actually come up with a plan rather than just keep flip flopping and bickering amongst themselves!

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11 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

"A bleak analysis by a 'leading' (left wing) think tank."


'Think tank' and left wing don't sit easily together.


The sore losers just can't accept the legitimate vote of the people, no different from the Democrats in the US.

Yes, and funny how the "left" forget they changed horses. Neil Kinnock, who was a Eurosceptic as was Corbyn, has made £10m from his time in Brussels along with his wife who never won an election in her life.

We talk about corruption in Thailand, but it is just a drop in the ocean compared to the trough the Eurocrats have their noses in.

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14 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


I think you will find that the re-moaners do accept the vote of the people but that doesn't stop them from being very worried about the consequences. It would help to settle the nerves if the government could actually come up with a plan rather than just keep flip flopping and bickering amongst themselves!

The problem is, they want to give away all powers of negotiation by having it agreed in the House.

If you are buying a car do you go into the showroom and say I have £50k to spend, what can you sell me?

The French will make as difficult as they possibly can, by tradition. No point showing your hand in a poker game is there?

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There is no poker game.  There is no plan and there never was one.  That is the problem.  You have a Prime Minister who blurts out Brexit means Brexit when she doesn't know what that means.  Davis is admitting that we will probably have to still pay into the EU and Fox is saying that we may have to accept the free movement of people if we get a trade deal.  Tell me how that relates to your game of poker?


Is it any wonder that the MP's want a voice when the clowns don't know which way to jump next?  It is not about reversing Brexit but just getting the most out of it. Nobody trusts Davis, Fox and the team to negotiate a good deal, that's a given

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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

There is no poker game.  There is no plan and there never was one.  That is the problem.  You have a Prime Minister who blurts out Brexit means Brexit when she doesn't know what that means.  Davis is admitting that we will probably have to still pay into the EU and Fox is saying that we may have to accept the free movement of people if we get a trade deal.  Tell me how that relates to your game of poker?


Is it any wonder that the MP's want a voice when the clowns don't know which way to jump next?  It is not about reversing Brexit but just getting the most out of it. Nobody trusts Davis, Fox and the team to negotiate a good deal, that's a given

And Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott, Farron, Miliband etc are really going to push for a good deal. Give me strength! Who trusts them for Buddha's sake? All they want is to stay in the rotten mess and get a turn at the trough, the same as the rest of them. Oh how disappointed Blair was, but Mandleson and Kinnock have taken champagne socialism onto a new level.

It is the Governments job, the 2015 election was won on the referendum ticket. The people elected all those involved to govern. Wake up!


Have you got an argument that makes any sense?

If you have it needs to be better than that load of labour party rubbish.


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I see that a bottle of Leo has gone up 1 Baht. That must be because of Brexit also. Have you notice anything that is negative is caused by Brexit even things that were predicted before the referendum. Anything positive is short term and will be gone due to Brexit.


The whole farcical nonsense is becoming childish and showing just how destitute some papers and organisations are. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence just ignores it.

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12 hours ago, Enoon said:


None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?




I believe they will be permitted to stay and continue to get their child educated without any expense other than the taxes they pay. Likely the UK will be wealthier if it does not have to support the country they needed to run away from to look for opportunity.


Perhaps the Romanian street beggars in front of the shop will have to go!

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13 hours ago, Enoon said:


None of that matters.


All that matters is that the Polish delicatessen on the high street gets closed down,  and that the young couple who run it,  together with their six month old baby,  get chased out of the country.


And Britain must surely then become "Great" again?




I am really surprised you say that. It is not up to the UK to decide on whether people from the EU already living and working in the UK can stay, it has to be dependent on if the UK citizens who live in the other EU countries get a reciprocal agreement in the negotiations. Do you want to see tens of thousands of pensioners having to come back to find somewhere to live in the UK if the EU says they cannot stay?

Look beyond the small picture. Everyone wants to stay where they are, but it is up to how difficult the EU makes things.

That is the point. A full deck of cards is needed, and don't show your hand until the game is won (or drawn).

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:


I think you will find that the re-moaners do accept the vote of the people but that doesn't stop them from being very worried about the consequences. It would help to settle the nerves if the government could actually come up with a plan rather than just keep flip flopping and bickering amongst themselves!



But demanding a second vote doesn't sound like accepting to me!!!


Of course, even thinking about a second vote would set a stupid and dangerous precedent for democracy.  The left's position, in any country, is if things don't go their way, create mayhem, riot, etc.  


The very worry you mention is what is causing the uncertainty in markets.  I've been investing for 40 years, and it's never been any different, 90% rumour, fear and hysteria, and only 10% fundamentals that drive the markets of the world.

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