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Minivan with completely bald tires stopped - but driver is allowed to carry on


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Police then advised him to drive as fast as possible to escape the on the road jumping ghosts who then bite in the rubber and make the tires blow.


Insanity pure. It's like letting a mass murder out of prison with a heavy gun.


Or a pedophile into a Thai school, wearing camouflage like a teacher?


The van then hit the next oncoming truck when his front left tire burst. 


 If a cop let's such a van drive he shouldn't be a cop. The problem is that the van driver is allowed to drive 24 hours with these tires, the warning can't be issued again within 24 hours.


  He's a serial killer without even knowing it.  


   Again, the education and the loss of face was at fault. I'm sure the owner of the van knew a cop and this cop knew another cop and then some coppers decided that their friend will be allowed to kill, aeeh drive 










Edited by lostinisaan
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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

Breaks are useless if there isn't anything to grip the road.  Can just hear his excuse now after he kills his passengers, "Not my fault, tyres were bald and blew out"

apart from the risk of a blowout, if he happens to come across a rain shower his vehicles tyres will lose contact with the road (aquaplane) which is effectively like driving on ice and he will have no control whatsoever, the police officer that thought it was ok to let this vehicle continue and worse still - to  pick up passengers - should be fired immediately, it really is quite shocking especially in the wake of the recent tragedy in Chonburi  

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7 hours ago, Thechook said:

This is a joke right?  Please tell me it's a joke, not even the Thai police could be such fools.  They vehicle should have immediately been slapped with a defect notice, put straight of the road and the driver fined for using a vehicle that doesn't comply with the standards of registration.  The defect notice can't be removed until everything is fixed and a roadworthy certificate obtained.


This picture should be sent immediately to the PM and the King.

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Coach drivers in the UK take 15 minutes pre-check walkaround on the vehicle before driving away. So, was the driver knowingly driving a defective vehicle or just plain didn't care that he was endangering his life and passengers who were in hi care. Diisgusting apathy !

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2 hours ago, DekDaeng said:

Get some foreign advisors from countries with very low accident / death rates.


Yes, it is time to lose some face, Thailand. 


Lose some face, save LOTS of lives.

The mechanisms are already in place - the laws are mostly in place, the problem in Thailand always comes down to one thing...........money


Hey you have 4 baldy tyres I cannot let you continue (money) but tyres cost lots of (money) but I have 3 passenger runs to do today (money) 


money money money money.................money number one

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2 hours ago, Lupatria said:

You may start by trying to explain the meaning of the words "to serve and protect" to a RTP officer.

They already know and that is serve as many brown envelopes to themselves and protect their bone idleness status


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3 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

The only way they can stop this stupidity is to impose an immediate fine on any transport company that is involved in an accident of 10M baht/incident, in addition to paying all expenses for victims of the accident and paying compensation to all dead victims families. Bullshit walks and money talks, that's the only way to stop this.

and insurance rates go through the roof bringing out complaints about that. No mate, you are living here by choice...if you want "western" liability type of insurance on the highways and vehicles simply move back where you came from. 

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8 minutes ago, smedly said:

BANGKOK, 4 January 2017 (NNT) - Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has thanked the authorities who have helped to provide road safety and ensure public safety during the New Year celebrations.  :post-4641-1156694572:

Time to move on, there is always next year. All is safe now, the New Year holidays are over, back to normal safe streets.

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It is a waste of time to expect any reaction by the police or the government as they have no incentive - have you noticed how quickly Thais react when some financial inducement is given then a quick response

Best to stay at home, drive your own vehicle or move to another country

I stay at home unless essential trips necessary

I told local police about cars being parked on a corner forcing cars wanting to exit to enter the middle lane of a road with busy traffic

They agreed that it was dangerous and did nothing


Don't go out

Drive yourself - this is fraught with danger from road rage both by you and other drivers to you

Leave the country



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9 hours ago, webfact said:


They said he should change the tires because they were dangerous but let him go with a warning after he said he would change them tomorrow.


The officers then suggested that when he did pick up his passengers he should drive slowly so that if he did experience a blowout it would not be dangerous to the passengers.

Just a classic example of the poor poor police work being performed here and then to allow it into the news media (which I am happy with) incredible. Were these guys all dressed up in red suits as they seem to be performing like Santa. This type of media expose only shows the people that they can break the law and endanger the lives of others with only a warning. Then to take this van driver's word that the tires would be changed the next day is ridiculous. Its a step backward not forward. 

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5 hours ago, r136dg said:

I often wondered what kind of business was conducted in the weigh stations here.

Lets leave that for another time this is to crazy for now. Still trying to digest this but getting stomach pains. As this is to serious laughing is not an option. 

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


The problem you have I believe is that you haven't adapted or trained your mind to accept the way things are here, we cannot expect Thailand to be like home, apples and oranges, just enjoy the ride, and when you cannot take it anymore, look for a ride more suitable, like the carousel, me personally, I like the roller coaster, keeps me on edge, but I don't expect any better of the Thai's.


Well ur wrong there, I came to live here nearly 10 yrs ago living in Pattaya where I did  manage to adapt well an accept all the crazy, corrupt & scams that go on here. But the last 2 or 3 yrs it seems it's just getting worse. Thai males who cannot control their tempers, crazy Minivan & Bus drivers, Corrupt officials, Scams everywhere u go, There's just no end to it.And for the past yr I've been living up north near Burmese border. But I still see a lot of wrongdoings admittedly not as much. But still hear it everywhere on the news.


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"  he said he would change them tomorrow."



I don't know about Thailand but promising to do something tomorrow in India has a very loose meaning indeed.

It can mean anything-next week, next month, next year:giggle:



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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think there is too much criticism here of the Thai police, they are doing their best, I never get disappointed because I know what the capabilities of gold fish are.

Just love the comparison - well done. 

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16 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:


Well ur wrong there, I came to live here nearly 10 yrs ago living in Pattaya where I did  manage to adapt well an accept all the crazy, corrupt & scams that go on here. But the last 2 or 3 yrs it seems it's just getting worse. Thai males who cannot control their tempers, crazy Minivan & Bus drivers, Corrupt officials, Scams everywhere u go, There's just no end to it.And for the past yr I've been living up north near Burmese border. But I still see a lot of wrongdoings admittedly not as much. But still hear it everywhere on the news.



Your getting old, stay on the big dipper, but don't look down, it helps

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