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Minivan with completely bald tires stopped - but driver is allowed to carry on


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2 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Didn't the junta seize power promising to cut out corruption. You mean it's still going on?

You can delete "still" and it still reads correctly.

Edited by Artisi
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20 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Only unless a mobile call was made to the owner of the business. 

Not necessary, the owner could have connections to the police which means his buses and drivers could be safe, just like the street vendors and go go bars etc.

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2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Not necessary, the owner could have connections to the police which means his buses and drivers could be safe, just like the street vendors and go go bars etc.

You make a good point. Blanket coverage no deduction except for ..............

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In case people missed this story (because it's in the Chiang Mai section) take a look at the video and you will see there is a greater chance of a camel passing through the eye of a needle than being able to change the deplorable driving habits of bus drivers in this country:sad:




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10 hours ago, webfact said:

The officers then suggested that when he did pick up his passengers he should drive slowly so that if he did experience a blowout it would not be dangerous to the passengers.

And these idiots are responsible for enforcing the law. What B500 can do. 

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10 hours ago, Thechook said:

This is a joke right?  Please tell me it's a joke, not even the Thai police could be such fools.  They vehicle should have immediately been slapped with a defect notice, put straight of the road and the driver fined for using a vehicle that doesn't comply with the standards of registration.  The defect notice can't be removed until everything is fixed and a roadworthy certificate obtained.

Thai logic ..local van comes from Thailand .Humble man got a job to do . There might not even been a promise of a purple persuader .

Maybe the police recognised one of the Bhudas round his neck.

Good guy...

He knows about the tyres so nothing will happen. Good Guy..

Thai Logic

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3 hours ago, cyberholz said:

Tires are too darn expensive in Thailand, another of those monopolies? Overseas I get them for less than half the price.

Regardless, if someone can't afford tires and maintenance on the vehicle, then they can't afford to drive.  The same can be said for insurance.  If they can't afford it, then they shouldn't be on the road.  

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The 0fficers suggested if he was not able to change his tires, that after he picked up a van load of passengers, he should do slow in case of a blowout. Was this from a George Carlin routine? Are these jokers serious?


Why will things more than likely not improve here? The answer is complete and total apathy on the part of the government, and the police. Nobody cares. Sure, they jabber alot after some horrific accidents. But, will they do anything? Do they ever do anything? No.

They are not serious about this problem, at all. More jawboning, from the master himself. If he was serious about protecting his people, he would have done it from day one. The RTP are not interested in traffic safety, and the government has no interest in public safety. And the carnage continues, and Thailand continues it's place as number two in the world (after war torn Libya) for road deaths per capita. At least they are number two in something! There are a hundred things that could be done to protect the people, and prevent more accidents. Start with law enforcement, and the enforcing of laws that are already on the books. Serious fines for speeding, impounding of vehicles, with serious fines for drunk driving, long prison terms for manslaughter, caused by drivers who carelessly mow people down, regardless of how influential or connected, or wealthy they are. Incease the penalties severely for fleeing the scene of an accident. I do not think there is currently any penalty for that. And how about a really novel idea? Have the highway police actually patrol the highway, instead of playing cards in the office. The only time I ever see them is after an accident. There is a concept known as a deterrent, which is virtually unknown in this country.


You make obnoxious behavior, dangerous behavior, and careless driving on the highways punishable, and people will think twice about doing it. Every single time I am on the highways I see people doing things they would never even consider doing in California, as the consequences are simply too high. Here they know they can get away with almost anything. They know Little P. and the highway police are not serious people. 


This clown, who is driving a public transport vehicle should have had his license pulled immediately. And the van should have been impounded. Until they get serious with real penalties, the carnage will continue. And the responsibility for it will rest squarely on the shoulders of the government and the police, for not doing the job they are supposed to be doing. Man up. Do you job. Protect the people. Stop jabbering, and start acting! Lives are at stake here. Wake up!

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9 hours ago, lvr181 said:

OMG.  When will the RTP learn (or be forced by this county's leaders) to do their job properly?

-- Quit simple, never....even a general with a section44 in his pocket can't make them do their job properly.



9 hours ago, lvr181 said:

This posting shows the total incompetence and idiocy of the RTP and their lack of common sense in carrying out their duties - one of which is to reduce the road toll. They should be ashamed of themselves.

--Not ashamed sir, they all found new mia nois while sitting in the tents playing with their laptops.


I wonder how one of those police at the checkpoint would feel if that van driver had ended up killing or maiming a member of the policeman's own family?

-- Mai pen lai, can make new baby..hab 4 mia nois.


9 hours ago, lvr181 said:


Open plea to PM and the Minister of Police - enforce your regulations or dismiss (not to an inactive post) those who do not or will not! You are killing your own people :post-4641-1156693976:


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Thailand is not satisfied with the "Silver" medal in the international league of worst road records......


It is going for "Gold"....


Recently I saw a bus in Pattaya with bald front tyres.....which beggared belief







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